2 minute read

INK - One Last Time

Text och bild: Janina Korhonen

My years at Hanken and SHS has given me more than I could ever imagine. I have gained valuable experience from leading a team, having official meetings, writing articles, solving crises, organizing events, collaborating with other people and representing SHS at events. One other valuable thing is all the people I have met. Because of NESU-SHS I have gained friends from not only Hanken, but all the way from Reykjavik to Kuopio and from Oulu to Tallinn. At the same time, I have also got many connections to different sectors of working life, that have already shown to be advantageous when applying for jobs.


During my time as a student, I have been active in INK, the student council, the masters committee and NESU. As you can read and see from many of my articles, my heart beats extra for especially NESU and now I will explain why. One reason is because when I started as an insecure freshman in 2014 coming from another city, NESU immediately took me by a storm and I got a feeling of belonging to something, that I have never felt in anything else. The more I got involved, the more it paid off and I am truly grateful that SHS is a part of NESU and we have an own club for people who want to meet other people from the cities where NESU is active. The student council was also one of the best decisions I made during my time in SHS because that’s the best place if you want to make an impact in the student union. If there is something I would do again I would have applied earlier to the student council and I warmly recommend anyone who is even a slightly bit interested in making a change or if you just want to know more about our student union and what’s going on, then try the student council. INK can be said to have been my therapy, since I have been able to express so many things through the texts I have produced during the years. During my time as a student I have not only grown in years, but more as a person. My thoughts and values have changed, and I have realized what is truly important and that is not to be everyone’s cup of tea but to be yourself and not feel the pressure of being the “typical Hankeit”. The own path is always worth the walk, even if it means walking alone.

If I need to state something positive about leaving the student life is that I get much more free time (hopefully) and I am not anymore the person to contact if Casa is not cleaned properly after a NESU-SHS sitz, when people from other schools want to know about SHS or come to our events, but I can give over the honor and retire. A lot has happened since 2014 and everything was not better in the past. Now it is with a great pleasure I thank everyone for the best years of my life and start mentally preparing for graduation later this year, if everything goes as planned.

-Korhonen over and out-