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This & That

SCA Adds Six-Plex to Campus

Summit Christian Academy will be adding a classroom six-plex to the SCA Campus. The building will be installed and ready for operation after Thanksgiving Break. “It is through the incredible leadership and work of Secondary Principal and Director of Operations Mr. Hesman, Academic Dean Dr. Gill, and Director of Finance Mrs. Constant, that we are blessed to be able to install this building that will house some 7-12th grade classes,” shared SCA Head of School Mr. Chris Hahn. “It will be located behind the SCA modular buildings and will include restrooms, six classes and a hallway that opens internally with two entrances/ exits.” SCA is utilizing funds obtained from Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS), a grant for a lease-to-purchase opportunity. “Dr. Gill was instrumental in helping us secure the EANS funding for SCA and is to be commended for her work on this project,” shared Mr. Hahn. “We are paying for site plans and architecture work on the facility, however the EANS Grant will provide all other funds to help purchase this much needed space.”

Design plans for the additional classroom six plex that SCA will be adding to the campus this fall.

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to SERVE others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” I Peter 4:10

This & That

SCA Alumna in Action

Alyssa Kim, 2017 SCA graduate from South Korea, visited the SCA campus last week to catch up with Mrs. Tharp and talk with some favorite teachers, Mrs. Terry and Mrs. Ferguson! Alyssa is in her senior year at Tulane University in New Orleans and was evacuated because of Hurricane Ida. She returned to Missouri to stay with her host parents and former teacher Andrea Gillespie while the campus is in repair. Alyssa is majoring in neuroscience and psychology. She works as the lab manager for the Psycho-Oncology Research Program under Tulane’s Psychology Department and has published her first authored paper in collaboration with Seoul National University medical school. She is the president of the Tulane chapter of Global Brigades, which is a nonprofit health and sustainable development organization to reduce inequalities in Central America and West Africa and has participated in several trips to under-resourced countries. She is planning to pursue medical school after graduation in May 2022!

Students Share a Morning with Mom

SCA recently hosted their annual “Morning with Mom” event. Mothers and mother figures were invited to share a pastry and some extra time with their students before the school day began.

SCA Mom Jessica Chabot enjoys some added time with her daughters before the school day at SCA’s Morning with Mom.

Students and Families Gather at the Park

Early Education and Kindergarten students and families gathered for the traditional “Meet me at the Park.” They enjoyed fellowship, fun, and family time together as they gathered at the park.