The Journey Magazine March2014

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the phone from California. There was a NAET practitioner that called me to respond to my questions on her way to the airport because I had emailed her. A Chinese physicist set aside time just to explain the benef its of using what he had discovered for James. I was thankful and relieved to learn that children can RECOVER from what is known as autism, but even more, there was a new love and appreciation for people who used their gifts to help others during a time of need. It blessed my heart the day that four people that I had spoken to through previous months contacted me when they read an article about a diet that had successfully healed an autistic little boy. It’s quite the learning curve not to be impatient when it looks as if your son is falling apart. I wanted a magic bullet, a def inite strategy for pulling James out of his current state of malfunction. We found a DA N! (Defeat Autism Now!) doctor a couple of hours away and had many tests run. We used therapies and healing diets that advanced his health signif icantly, but promptly found that prescriptions and over-the-counters weren’t going to cut it for him. I called him the multiple-toxicity-reactor; he responded severely to almost any medication we tried. It was crucial in my eyes to f ind some other way to meet his needs. I’d been introduced to essential oils a few years before. I thought it was exciting the time that I used them to avoid the f lu when all the rest of my household became ill. I loved how nice they smelled when cleaning with them, or when I placed a few drops on my AC air f ilters. They were a novelty, something to play with. We still stuck with doctor visits and antibiotics for any “real” sickness. When we began hitting a brick wall using drugs with James, the Lord reminded me of my oils. I redirected my research and found mamas who had used essential oils to recover their children from the autism diagnosis. I was inspired! Dusting off my Essential Oils Desk Reference from a few years back, I eagerly looked into different conditions, studied through numerous websites, and asked endless questions to see where to begin. When my eyes were twitching, my mind was racing, and I couldn’t sleep in the early days of James’ regression, Frankincense leveled my stress response. The first time I gave him the digestive enzymes that included Peppermint oil, my little guy with such gastrointestinal problems cleaned out my dishwasher for me. He felt that much better! As we came down with colds, stomach bugs, bites, burns, bruises, scrapes, pain, you name it— all were treated successfully with our set of oils. As I added to my collection of grounding oils more specifically geared toward brain trauma, I saw a change in James’ demeanor. He was more laid back and easier to laugh and smile. My very favorite story is the point when I began using Vetiver and an oil blend called Valor with James. When I rubbed them on his feet after he drifted off to sleep at night, I noticed that he woke up unusually pleasant. Before this time he wrote consistently backwards, but I observed the first day post-oil application that James was writing forward. During a two week span, I

forgot to apply the oils three times. On each of the days following, he wrote backward again. I think this was God’s way of showing me we were on the right track and that He had provided something very special. Over a two-year span of ups and downs, James’ face filled out and his color returned to rosy. We could go to the park where I was thrilled to see him interact with the kids rather than hide from them. We could not only travel to the library, but also go inside and enjoy it! In times past when he’d walk through the heavy doors and see the large open area filled with people, James would have such fear that it necessitated turning around and walking right back out. Steadily his speech improved, spontaneous conversation appeared, and a wonderful, beautiful personality emerged. “Who yielded His life an atonement for sin, and opened the life gate that all may go in.” The son that I’ve gained is a healthier son. I no longer look dejectedly at old pictures; I rejoice in where we are, and thank my loving God for what we’ve come through! I’ve learned through this journey that it wasn’t just James that had health concerns, but the rest of our family as well. Without a change in our path there wouldn’t be just one child on the brink of disaster, but instead a whole home. It’s not a perfect comparison by any means, but James was our substitute; there’s no doubt in my mind that God used his illness and regression to reveal problems and give us an example of a path to health. On this side of the trial, I have come to better appreciate the example and provision of Jesus Christ. I am so blessed to have the privilege to love and honor Him for His self less, sacrificial payment for our sins. James paved the road for us to heal physically, but Christ made a way for us to change our destination—to heal spiritually for all eternity. Joyfully, I can report that things have leveled and James is progressing well. We are using our oils and pouring the best nutrition possible into James; we try to make each day count. The harmful chemicals that were once in our home have been removed, and we have had no need for antibiotics or overthe-counter medications. Close attention to clean, whole food and the use of essential oils have been a major addition for the empowerment and health of my family. I love to help others implement what I’ve learned through this experience. What a blessing it is to help others change their habits to move toward a life of wellness! When I speak with someone that God has placed in my path and am able to pay back even a little of what those kind strangers did for me, I rejoice in the scripture, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) I have all conf idence that God will guide our steps through the rest of this healing journey, and you can be certain that I will praise Him for it! “Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear His voice! Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice! O come to the Father, through Jesus the Son, and give Him the glory, great things He has done.” • 69

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