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June Stewardship Update

Through the end of June, 802 households have pledged $3,529,121 to God through the Cathedral of St. Philip for 2023. Combined with matching gifts for new and increased pledges, $3,679, 121 has been raised toward our Wildly Important Goal of $4,050,000 in pledges from 850 households. Wow! Thanks to the commitment of our incredible parishioners who have already made a pledge. And we still need a few more! Please join me and more than 800 others in making a pledge this year at cathedralATL.org/pledge.

Need more information? Contact David Rocchio at 404-663-2838 or drocchio@cathedralATL.org. Again, many thanks!

Peachtree ROAD RACE

“Blessings to you and you and you!” Dean Sam Candler and Cathedral clergy blessed the throngs of racers as they passed by the Cathedral at the Peachtree Road Race!

Race And Healing

Jonathan Daniels And The Martyrs Of Alabama Pilgrimage

Jonathan Myrick Daniels was a 26-year-old Episcopal seminarian killed when he stepped in front of a gun aimed at a young Black girl, Ruby Sales, in Hayneville, Alabama on August 14, 1965. Daniels is remembered with special prayers and scripture readings in the Episcopal Church each year on the anniversary of his death. In addition, the town of Hayneville offers a day of pilgrimage so that people can come to pray, reflect, and share fellowship at various sites important in the life of this saint.

This year, the Cathedral will offer a day trip to the Jonathan M. Daniels Pilgrimage on Saturday, August 12. Participants will meet in the parking lot at 7:30 a.m. and carpool to Hayneville (an approximately 2.5 hour drive). The day’s events will include a procession to places such as the convenience store where Daniels was killed, as well as the celebration of the Holy Eucharist in the courthouse where his assailant was acquitted. Pilgrims will return to the Cathedral by 7 p.m.

For more information or to sign up to attend, please contact the Rev. Canon Julia Mitchener, julia.mitchener@cathedralATL.org.