4 minute read

Bilingual Poetry by Yvonne Sotomayor

Punk Rock Bi-Lingual



By Yvonne Sotomayor

Love-locked and clenched Beyond my heart’s desire Ensnared in the rapture Unwinding trail True are the colors In despair’s eye Entranced and loving I am held within you Each a separate corner Retreating and waiting Recoiling and flying across Bursting at the seams What now seems forever Is but a moment in time Darkness wanders the sky Thinking thoughts unsaid Where are we going? A vision in green I see you now Gentle kind and sweet The roman of my dreams Piercing cuts through me Bleeding heartache and love Arms and legs abound Twisting juncture at the core Meeting always Dusty trails behind Smiles and tongues at the ready Give and take the rocking beat A lullaby of two opposed But always won Amor bloqueado y apretado Mas alla del deseo de mi Corazon Atrapado en el gozo Camino desenrollando Colores verdaderos En el ojo del desespero Cautivada y amorosa Estoy dentro de ti Cada uno en su esquina Retrocediendo y esperando Reculandonos y disparando p’al otro lado Reventando la costuras Lo que ahora parece siempre Es solo un momento temporal La oscuridsd vaga por el cielo Pensando pensamientos no mencionados A donde vamos? Una aparicion en verde Te veo ahora Tierno, benevolo, y amable El romano de mis suenos Cortes penetrantes me traspasan Angustia sangrante y amor Piernas y brazos abundan Coyuntura revuelta en el nucleo Encontrandonos siempre Sendero polvoroso detras Sonrisas y lenguas listas Toman y dan el ritmo rockero El arrulo de los dos opuestos Pero siempre unidos


By Yvonne Sotomayor

On Love

By Yvonne Sotomayor

Love is willful And compassionate and raw Love is confusing and meddling Irritating and treacherous It makes you cry when you have it and cry when you don’t It hurts it expects it rips apart the pieces of your brain because there is no sense It makes you insane with joy and fear And pushes you to do things you’ve never dreamed of doing or saying-good and bad But….. When you have it When you truly have Love It is boundless, tameless energy It doesn’t consume you It propels you to a better life A fuller sense of you A tenderness you have never seen Patience and care for every fiber that is you An understanding calm that soothes you to your core It brings you comfort when you don’t even realize you need it It is company when you’re lonely And space when you’re beside yourself Love is a warm blanket spread across you, A story told at 3am, a humidifier filled up for you, A joke text sent in the middle of the day, a look, a touch Love is all

Sobre el Amor

By Yvonne Sotomayor

El amor es voluntario Y compasivo y crudo El amor es confuso y entrometido Irritante y traicionero Te hace llorar cuando lo tienes y llorar cuando no lo tienes Duele, espera, desgarra los pedazos de tu cerebro porque no tiene sentido. Te vuelve loco de alegría y miedo Y te empuja a hacer cosas que nunca soñaste hacer o decir, buenas y malas. Pero….. cuando lo tengas Cuando verdaderamente tienes amor Es energía ilimitada e indómita. no te consume Te impulsa a una vida mejor Un sentido más completo de ti Una ternura que nunca has visto Paciencia y cuidado por cada fibra que seas tu Una calma comprensiva que te alivia hasta la médula. Te brinda consuelo cuando ni siquiera te das cuenta de que lo necesitas Es compañía cuando estás solo. Y el espacio cuando estás fuera de ti El amor es un cálido manto extendido sobre ti, Una historia contada a las 3 am, un humidificador lleno para ti, Un texto de broma enviado en medio del día, una mirada, un toque. El amor es todo

Hi, I’m Dave… I am a photographer, musician, and a former recording studio owner & engineer here in Australia. I enjoy cycling and running to maintain some level of fitness and peace of mind. I have been shooting photos and playing some sort of musical instrument since I was about eight years old. My main instrument has been bass guitar for most of my life, and I love it! I always dreamed of being on a world tour with a band, rocking with thousands of fans every night and documenting the whole journey in photos. Despite my efforts, my rock star dream is still pending. Meanwhile I am here to meet your imaging needs. If it’s fine prints to hang in your home or office space, or photos of your staff & business space for your website, I am here to help. Do you own a rental property or AirBnB? Do your current photos show it well? Musicians! Need promo or live gig photos? If I can’t be on the stage playing bass, I want to be near it capturing images of you. What can I shoot for you today? https://www.facebook.com/DaveBaunPhotography https://davebaunphotography.com.au