1969 Petrean

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TH O M AS FA BY A N SK I 49 C ottage Street, Bayonne, N .J. D ram atics 3,4; D ance Com m ittee 2,3,4; Community A c­ tion 3; R adio Club 1,2; Film Forum 3,4; Cam era Club 4; Ski Club 2,3,4 M IC H A E L F A C C O N E 22 F ox Place, Jersey City, N .J. Intram ural Council 2; F ootball T eam 1; Baseball Team 2,3,4; B ow lin g T eam 2,3,4, Captain 4 ST E V E N R. FA V A 4308 C ottage Avenue, N orth Bergen, N .J. H onor Pin 3; Excellence M edal 3; R eligion M edal 3; Class Officer 4; Student Council 4; League Leaders 1; Com ­ munity A ction 3,4; H igher Achievement 3,4 JA M E S F A Y 42 Bow ers Street, Jersey City, N .J. C lass Officer 1; Community A ction 1,2; Football Team 1,2 K E N N E T H M . F E D U N IE W IC Z 9 M adison Street, N orth A rlington, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence M edal 3; Petroc 2,3,4; Dance Committee 4; Rally Committee 3; Germ an Club 2,3; Chess Club 1; A rt and Poster Club 4 ; N ation al H onor Society 3 P A T J. FER R O 173 N elson Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H igher Achievement 2,3; A rt and Poster Club 4 ; C ul­ tural Committee 4 JO S E P H F IA N O 121 East H arrie Avenue, Palisades Park, N .J. Second H onors M edal 2; ;Football Team 1,2 W IL L IA M F O R A N 97 W est 33rd Street, Bayonne, N .J. H onor Pin 1; H igher Achievement 2 JU L IU S C. F O R H EC Z 55 N evins Street, Rutherford, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; C lass Officer 1,3,4; D ance Committee 4; Intram ural Council 3, Chairman 4 ; Football Team 1,2; Basketball Team 1,3,4; Track Team 1; N ational H onor So­ ciety 3 A L E X A N D E R G . F O R SY T H E 139 Lembeck Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Sodality 3; Petroc 1,2,3,4; D ance Committee 3; Com ­ munity Action 2,3,4; H igher Achievement 1,2; Intramural Council 3,4; Football Team 1; Swimm ing Team 2,3; Ski Club 4, Vice-President; Cultural Committee 4; Film Forum 3.4 N IC H O L A S S. FU SCO 322 4th Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1; Rally Committee 4; A rt and Poster Club 3.4 T H O M A S D . G A LLO 2305 Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, N .J. Sodality 1,2,3; Dance Committee 4 ; Community Action 2,3; H igher Achievement 3 JO SE P H G A LLO M B A R D O 54 H udson Place, Weehawken, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Second H onors M edal 3; Petrean 4; Rally Committee 4; A rt and Poster Club 4; Intramural Council 4; Basketball Team 1,2,3,4

JO S E G E N E R 31 H igh Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence M edal 1; Second Honors M edal 3; Religion M edal 1; Class Officer 1; Sodality 2; Petrean 4 ; Dance Committee 3, Steering Committee 4; Prom Committee 4; Community Action 4; Science Club 3; Cultural Committee 4 RO BERT G EN TH O N 59 Luddington Avenue, Clifton, N .J. Sodality 3; Community Action 2; Intramural Council 4 R IC H A R D P. G IA N N O T T O 409 Ridgew ood Avenue, Glen R idge, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Second H onors M edal 3; Dram atics 2, 4; D ebating 1; H igher Achievement 1,2,3; Saddle and B ridle Club 4; Science Club 2,3; Glee Club 3; Bookstore 2,3; Ski Club 2,3,4; N ational H onor Society 3 D A N IE L G IESE R 13 Charles Street, Jersey City, N .J. Sodality 2; D ebating 1,2 JA M E S E. G L E A SO N 161 Humphrey Avenue, Bayonne, N .J. H onor Pin 2; Class Officer 2,3; Dance Committee 4; Science Club 2; Film Forum 2,3 G L E N N G. G R E T E N 208 N ew Y ork Avenue, Union City, N .J. H onor Pin 3; Dram atics 4; H igher Achievement 2; Sci­ ence Club 2,3; Library Club 1,2,3,4; Book Store 2,3; Ski Club 2,3,4 T H O M A S G R IL LO 27 Broadway, Bayonne, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Class Officer 2,3,4; Student Council 4; Dance Committee 4; Community Action 2,4; Track Team 2,3; Film Forum 3,4 JA M E S J. GR IM ES 278 Fourth Street, Jersey City, N .J. Petrean 2; H igher Achievement 1,2; Community Action 1; Library Club 1,2,3,4; Chess 1,2; Camera Club 2; Book­ store 3,4 W M . T IM O T H Y G R Z E LA K 25 Van Reypen Street, Jersey City, N .J. Sodality 2; League Leaders 2; Inscape 2,3,4; Dance Com­ mittee 4; H igher Achievement 3,4; Saddle and Bridle Club 2; Film Forum 2,3,4; A rt and Poster Club 1,4; Ski Club 4 R O N A L D E. G U R TA TO W SK I 1157 Summit Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence M edal 3; Sodality 3; Higher Achievement 4 jA M E S A. H A M ILL 839 Montgomery Street, Jersey City, N .J. H onor Pin 1,3; Class Officer 1,3,4; Sodality 2; Dance Committee 3,4; Higher Achievement 2; Intramural Council 2; Basketball Team 1; Ski Club 4 JO H N F. H A M ILL 280 Harrison Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2; Sodality 3; League Leaders 3; Petrean 4; Dramatics 3,4; Band 1 K E V IN W. H A N LY 105 Highland Avenue, Jersey City, N .J. Honor Pin 1,2,3; Excellence Medal 1; Religion Medal 1; Class Officer 4; Sodality 2,3; Film Forum 3,4; German Club 2; Swimming Team 1,2,3,4; National Honor Society 3 291

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