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Live on Purpose |

Get to Where You Want

by Rosie Molinary

to Be

A mid-year review will help map your way




Lake Norman Currents | July 2013

realized it while I was driving a few weeks ago. I just wasn’t happy. I wasn’t depressed; it was just that my life had blown up and was bigger and unrulier than I really like, which meant that I was too frenetic and scattered to be my best self. And being my best self is my greatest route to core happiness. My light needed rekindling, so I asked myself the first essential question. What do I need right now more than anything else? When my answer was space, I opened my calendar and wrote UNSCHEDULED across the first day that had no meetings on it. Then, I kept going, blocking off at least one unscheduled morning a week in the months ahead. Unscheduled didn’t mean that I would be free of to-dos those mornings, just that I would have nowhere else to be but at my desk those days. While that felt freeing, it was only a first step. I knew I needed to more deliberately consider what was going on in my life and discern whether or not I needed more adjustments or if the situation was just a matter of a one-time confluence of events. Days later, I conducted a Mid-Year Review to gauge where things were going right and where they needed fine-tuning. Want to conduct your own Mid-Year Review? Take some time in the next few days to sit down with paper, pen, and a smoothing drink and reflect on these 20 questions.

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