The Great Commission Magazine of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary: Spring 2014

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Bruce Ashford is the Provost at Southeastern. He is also an Associate Professor of Theology and Culture as well as a Fellow for the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture.


’ll never forget the first time I met Danny Akin. When

in achieving that vision. Through his preaching, teach-

I was introduced to him, he was standing in the foyer

ing and personal influence, he has helped move South-

of a hotel one year during a meeting of the Evangelical

eastern Seminary and the churches of the Southern

Theological Society. At that time, he was Dean of the

Baptist Convention toward a Great Commission Resur-

Faculty at Southern Seminary and I was a newly-hired

gence. Over the course of a decade, I have seen him

faculty member at Southeastern. It had been rumored

press forward with this deeply biblical vision even

that he was a leading candidate to be the next president

when he met resistance or otherwise encountered dif-

of Southeastern, so I was pleasantly surprised at how


friendly and accessible he was. I found myself grateful

Third, Dr. Akin is genuinely friendly. He easily en-

that he took the time to talk with me and even share a

gages in conversation with a broad variety of people—

few laughs.

regardless of age, race or socio-economic class—and

The positive impression, which I took away from my

those types of conversations reveal how down-to-earth

first encounter with Dr. Akin, has only increased with

he is. Some of my best memories of him involve ordi-

time, as I have now known him as my president for a

nary things, such as shooting hoops together, talking

full decade. Of the many positive aspects of his life and

about college football or having conversations about

leadership, I now wish to mention five. First, he has led

family life and ministry.

our seminary by instilling in us a grand and powerful

Fourth, his greatness as a leader involves a paradox-

vision: Southeastern Seminary is a Great Commission

ical blend of professional resolve and personal humil-

Seminary. Every professor, every staff member and ev-

ity. During cabinet meetings, he gives cabinet members

ery student knows that Southeastern Seminary exists

the freedom to debate a point or to give honest feedback

to serve the church and fulfill the Great Commission.

of any type and even to do so repeatedly. He consis-

Second, he has demonstrated an unwavering resolve


tently comes across as being more concerned with solv-

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