The Great Commission Magazine of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary: Spring 2013

Page 35


fidelity or evangelistic passion. Here, I am not ar-

eration with them — not replace them — in teach-

guing that preaching and Bible study are unim-

ing theology to the next generation. The home, too,

portant; indeed, good doctrinal training and

ought to be a center for evangelism. Our children

evangelistic equipping do not happen apart from

and teens are, in fact, often most connected with

preaching and teaching of the Word. I am simply

others who need to hear the gospel. Unchurched

arguing that church members do not typically

folks may be willing to visit us in our homes when

hear teaching and then automatically connect the

they would not yet join us at church. Train fami-

dots to form a biblical theology and evangelistic

lies to stand on the Word and to build evangelism

passion. Teaching good theology and raising up

into their DNA.

evangelistic church members must happen intentionally.

Be willing to start with the few. Just as Jesus did, focus on the few rather than the many. For

Include basic theology and evangelism training

example, invite a few men to join you in studying

in a required membership class. In some ways, the

theology one morning each week. Give them the

best time to teach the basics is when a person first

Bible and a basic theology textbook, and challenge

follows Christ or first joins the church — when he

them to study the week’s lesson. Equip these same

or she is most focused on a Christian commitment.

men to share their faith by telling their conversion

Capitalize on that enthusiasm by teaching early

stories. Teach them how to bridge daily conversa-

the inerrancy and authority of the Bible. Show

tions into the gospel. Take somebody with you

why the exclusivity of Christ is non-negotiable.

when you make an evangelistic visit. No congrega-

Talk about the necessity of the death of Christ.

tion will grow biblically and evangelistically until

Lead new believers to see their neighbors and co-

a few members grow first.

workers as a mission field. Show them how to tell their story of God’s grace. Lay the theological and evangelistic foundation early, and lay it well. Raise the bar for small group leaders who teach the Word. These leaders have a great opportunity — perhaps one of the best in the church — to influence lives through teaching small group members.

Be willing to start with the few. Just as Jesus did, focus on the few rather than the many.

Few other leaders have such a ready hearing. For that reason, we must hold group leaders accountable to holy living, sound doctrine, good teaching

Pray our seminaries will produce church lead-

and evangelistic fervor. We should not be sur-

ers with a biblical foundation and evangelistic

prised when members view doctrine as boring if

enthusiasm. Our role is to walk alongside church-

lackluster, dispassionate teachers have taught it.

es given the task of producing global Christians.

Nor should we be shocked by evangelistic apathy

We have the privilege of playing a role in training

if small group leaders themselves lost their own

the next generation of pastors and missionaries.

evangelistic fire long ago.

If we do our task well — passionately, clearly, per-

Begin in the home. Teach parents biblical doc-

sonally teaching biblical truth and modeling

trine, and then help them to teach their own chil-

evangelistic obedience — our churches will be

dren accordingly. Because Deuteronomy 6:7 and

stronger. We will accomplish this goal only when

Ephesians 6:4 demand nothing less from believ-

we go forth on our knees, undergirded by the

ing parents, our churches should work in coop-

prayers of the churches with whom we partner.



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