The Great Commission Magazine of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary: Fall 2013

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by Bruce Ashford

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS)

each classroom experience, as well as the overall cur-

operates with the clear mission to “glorify the Lord Je-

riculum, would foster a desire to see the ethne worship

sus Christ by equipping students to serve the church and

together and think together about the things of God.

fulfill the Great Commission.” In keeping with this

Our faculty members are now discussing what it means

stated purpose, SEBTS has historically engaged in an

to teach for a diverse student body, taking into account

ongoing, institution-wide effort to foster a missional

some of the questions and concerns that arise within

disposition among its students so that they will minister

various non-white communities.

to people from every national, racial, ethnic and cultural background.

We are further investing financial and personnel resources into the continued development of co-curricular

The primary justification we have for making this a

programs which exist to foster intercultural and cross-

strategic goal is the biblical injunction to make disciples

cultural engagement. The Center for Great Commission

of all the “ethne” (Matthew 28:18-20) and the biblical

Studies represents one such program; the Center for

eschatological vision of all “tribes, tongues, peoples and

Faith and Culture represents another.

nations” one day worshiping the Lord together (Revela-

Our prayer is that SEBTS will be a microcosm of the

tion 5). Our conviction is that racial unity-in-diversity

kingdom diversity which we will experience one day on

is not just a social or political issue; more essentially it

the new heavens and earth, when Christ will be seen in

is a theological issue. God’s desire is to win for himself

his full splendor as King of the Nations. On that day, it

worshipers from among the ethne and further to draw

will be made clear that our Lord is not a tribal deity of

the ethne together in gospel unity.

some sort, but in fact the supreme Lord of the entire

As an institution, SEBTS strives to keep this biblical

universe, and the Savior of hot-hearted worshipers from

injunction and its attendant eschatological vision at the

among every tribe, tongue, people, and nation. May

center of our efforts to be a Great Commission Seminary.

SEBTS increasingly provide the world with a glimpse of

Thus, as a reflection of our mission, it is expected that

that future day.



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