3 minute read

From the President

A message from the President

The Investor’s Report provides an opportunity to publicly recognize those who have so generously supported Saint Mary’s in this past year.

I am reminded of this biblical verse, “But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand” (1 Chronicles 29:14). This quote brings to mind the concept that “great things are possible,” the Lasallian theme and the focus of the 2020 conference for Lasallian Chief Administrators. That theme steadied us through the challenging pandemic. It was a constant reminder of hope, which continues to center our strategic plan, “Building a Future Full of Hope 2025.”

When we consider all things good and great, we can’t help but recognize all the efforts that went into weathering the pandemic — while still providing an uninterrupted quality academic experience. Faculty on all our campuses are to be applauded for their efforts to excel in online education, as most took or are taking additional training to enhance student learning. Our students are to be commended for their pledge to keep one another safe, thereby allowing us to continue learning in person in Winona last year. We laud the resilience and fortitude of our Saint Mary’s community and our philanthropic partners during this challenging economic time.

Despite the pandemic, we furthered our goals in the second year of our strategic plan. These included: n Continuing to recruit and train students through our business accelerators — non-degree, career enhancement offerings for students looking to change their careers or advance in their positions. We’ve also introduced digital badging, which highlights new credentials so our students and alumni are more easily recognized and identified by potential employers for their specific skill sets. n Launching our new B.S. in Nursing in Winona this fall. This is the newest addition to our successful, growing, and industry-focused educational healthcare programming. We are grateful to our generous philanthropic partners Jack and Mary Ann (Wera) Remick, for establishing our first chair of nursing. In this position, Sister Agnes Mary Graves, RSM, DNP, hopes to shift the direction of healthcare by educating a new generation of nurses who will care for the whole patient, intellectually, psychologically, physically, mentally, and spiritually. n This nursing program — along with a unique academic blend of science and business — will be housed in our newest renovated facility, Aquinas Hall, formerly known as the Adducci Science Center’s Hoffman and Brother Charles Halls. This fall, we dedicated this facility and recognized the many people who have contributed to its completion, along with all who have made significant investments in our students. It’s a beautiful state-of-the-art facility, and we hope you all will make a trip to our Winona Campus to see this welcome addition. n Our Character Education and Virtue Formation initiative continues to build momentum. The mission of Saint Mary’s has always included fostering character and virtue in our students. Our current plan focuses these efforts and expands the integration of character and virtue throughout the academic curriculum and campus activities. Saint Mary’s aspires to become known nationally as a leader in character education and virtue formation. We will do so by establishing new partnerships to serve our communities better as we work to develop our students to better serve and lead in their chosen fields.

In thanksgiving for all things great and good, we honor and recognize you. Your generosity allows us to do more for our students, who leave here to do more for their communities and our world. You can be assured your investments in our students, and our academic enterprise, will have lasting positive effects far wider than you or we could ever imagine.

We pray that God may bless you abundantly so that in all things and at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. (2 Corinthians 9:8).

Know of our prayers for you in gratitude and praise to our Lord for this year and for your continued partnership and good work.

Father James P. Burns, IVD, Ph.D. President

“People are hungry, especially the young. They are hungry for God, and you are here to satisfy that hunger. Be faithful to the great gift that God has made you to be teachers, educators, light. His light, in the world among young people. The future of the world depends on what you do.”

– Saint Teresa of Calcutta

This statue is located on the Winona Campus.