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Doing Right by All Our Customers

ALL our corporate and in-field team members nationwide at Smart City Networks extend our support for those impacted by the current 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) health emergency.

Trades shows and conventions are instrumental in building brands, forging partnerships and providing education. Meetings, conventions, exhibitions and business events serve essential roles to support global, economic and social growth. This crisis effects our industry on both a business and personal level. We understand the efforts and investments that show managements and exhibitors have in events, and the setbacks an event cancellation can have on their business.

As a nationwide company providing service to shows hosting masses of exhibitors and attendees the Coronavirus health emergency is at the fore front of our business decisions. Smart City’s second Business Principal is “Do Right by All Our Customers,” meaning we strive to act in the best interest of the facilities we partner with, the shows we provide technology to, and the exhibitors we serve. During this challenging time, our teams are working to help customers navigate these circumstances.

We all agree that the safety of our teams, customers, and communities is the first priority. Smart City has crisis plans in place which our teams are reviewing and implementing, not to mention improving upon, during this challenging time. Our industry has shown that we are supportive and resilient in difficult times. Our best response to this outbreak is to collaborate with the realization that our goals are the same.

“Our teams understand the hard decisions everyone is facing right now. We’re following our industry’s best practices and offer timely risk management solutions.” President, Mark Haley, “We are eager to resume services to shows.”

Whereas, facilities have had to temporarily suspend events, we look forward to getting back to business. Our teams are committed to delivering our high standard of customer service. We continue to monitor the rapidly evolving situation and the challenges it poses to events. Smart City plans to move forward with scheduled events. We will provide updates to keep you informed.