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The Ultimate Birthday


3. FAMILY Because I wouldn’t have anybody to share stuff with, open stockings, eat cookies. But I would also miss people to hang out with and talk about GOD with. Christmas would be a bore. And I would have no one to love. 2.




GOD/JESUS Without GOD I would not be alive and If GOD did not send down JESUS, we would not have Christmas. Without GOD we would have no one to praise for all the stuff we got. And without GOD we would get together less cause we have nothing to talk about and we have no reason to get together.

MY FAMILY’S TRADITION: we always watch the movies ELF and THE GRINCH. We always set out cookies for Santa and carrots for his reindeer. We set up lights and a Christmas tree. We also put up Christmas decorations. We also make snow forts. And our two best traditions are going to my grandparents (my mom’s parents) house to open presents, than a few days after that we go on an airplane to Alberta where my other grandparents live and where my cousins live and we do all those traditions there.

The Ultimate Birthday by Kaeden, age 11

There is one birthday that I think is awesome. It is Jesus’ birthday, which is Christmas. That is the day we decorate Christmas trees and give each other presents. We give each other presents like the magi gave to Jesus when he was born. They gave him myrrh, frankincense, and gold. Angels came down from the sky to tell some nearby shepherds that Jesus was born. There was quite a bit going on that night, but the best part was when the little baby Jesus, in a manger, was born. He was so small, you could hardly believe he was the Messiah. But sure enough, the king was born.

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