1 minute read


Within days of the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti in January 2010, CEJS Director Phillip Thompson shipped three drinking water treatment systems to Port au Prince for emergency relief. Through these efforts, lasting partnerships serendipitously formed with Haiti Tec, Engineers for a Sustainable World, Plumbers Without Borders, the Andrea Bocelli Foundation and several Rotary Clubs in the Seattle area. The mission of this partnership is to help provide access to safe drinking water for medical clinics and schools throughout Haiti.


Since 2013, CEJS has supported eight safe water projects with its partners in Haiti, including a groundwater well for an orphanage that was founded by Positive Action for Haiti soon after the earthquake. In addition to providing safe drinking water for approximately 20 children and caretakers, the well has been used to water a large garden that has been a critical source of food and additional income during these last several tumultuous years.

Engineers for a Sustainable World Club