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Tech3 Forum 2022 Explores Possibilities in a Multi-polar World

SCS Tech3 Forum 2022 Offers Insights on How to Navigate a Multi-polar World

The annual signature SCS event that took place on 26 August 2022 saw over 700 participants from both tech and non-tech sectors gathering for an insightful exchange of knowledge and sharing by thought leaders. The theme “What’s Happening in the Multipolarised World?” was both timely and imperative in light of the ongoing crisis created by pandemic risks, the widening disparities between countries and the deepening global divisions that are driving the world apart.


At the opening speech of the event, Guest-of-Honour, Communications and Information Minister Mrs Josephine Teo cautioned that worsening US-China relations could drive a wedge between tech players, and that the threat of decoupled technology ecosystems may mean companies and countries have to choose between or operate on separate systems. She went on to highlight Singapore’s strategy for protecting the Republic’s digital future – build a robust 5G digital infrastructure to enhance digital connectivity and economic competitiveness.

Subsequently, during his address, Keynote Speaker, Professor Kishore Mahbubani, Distinguished Fellow for Asia Research Institute of NUS, called on tech industry players to speak up against the geopolitical contest as Southeast Asia will be most affected if tensions between the US and China continue to worsen. The veteran Singaporean diplomat together with a panel of well-known leaders also had a lively discourse about challenges that businesses and professionals faced in the current economic climate, and how one can leap forward with new opportunities despite challenges in this multi-polarised world.

The morning panel discussion was followed by four parallel tracks in the afternoon. Led by industry practitioners across various sectors, topics ranging from the future of payments to the impact of metaverse on manufacturing and supply chain, and digital transformation in human resources and legal sectors were extensively explored.

Professor Kishore Mahbubani delivering his plenary keynote address.

A rousing panel discussion in the morning. From left: Moderator Howie Lau (NCS) and panellists Kevin O’Leary (J.P. Morgan), Tan Lee Chew (ST Engineering), Professor Kishore Mahbubani (NUS Asia Research Institute), and Jacqueline Poh (Economic Development Board).

Four parallel tracks in the afternoon. Clockwise from top left: Accounting & Banking Track, Human Resources Track, Legal Track, and Manufacturing & Logistics Track.