The One and The Many

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Volume 1

THE ONE & THE MANY Featured Article Monthly Column Insights with John Won Monthly Adventures Patricia Taylo Uncommon Wisdom from Youth Inspiration Gallery Artist, Author & Independent Researcher, Richard Merric Global Coherence Initiative Musician, Matthew Koce Poems by Jeffrey Armstrong & Karen Elkin

• Lynne McTaggar • Barbara Marx Hubbar • Ivan Rado • Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Ra • Eliza Mada Dalia • Linda M. Potte • Walter Russel •Interviews with • Josef Tyl • Dr. Miceal Ledwith

















Volume 1, August, 2011

SCIENCE TO SAGE En te rp ri s es Dedicated to a Greater Humanity and to Illumining Consciousness

On-line • Magazine • Directory of Experts A-Z • Store • Resource Data Base • Live & On-Line Events • InsideOUT Book Linking Science and the Sage



The book fuses the wisdom of the ages and cutting-edge science. The mission is to make visible our connection to all of life and our universe. Each month is dedicated to exploring another chapter in the book with experts more deeply.

Volume 1 - Theme The One & The Many FEATURED AUTHORS

Karen Elkins

• Lynne McTaggart • Ivan Rados

Design, layout and produced by Karen Elkins

• Walter Russell • Sri and Kira

Science to Sage Magazine and its other

• Eliza Mada Dalian

enterprises are dedicated to a golden age of

• Linda M. Potter

wisdom. The goal is to weave a beautifully


tapestry between the scientists, sage,

• Dr. Miceal Ledwith

alchemist, artist, inventors and the uncommon

• Josef Tyls • Nassim Haramein

wisdom of our youth.


Engage where the mystical, the magical and

• Insights by John Wong

the miracle of life are explored.

• Monthly Adventure with Patricia Taylor • Uncommon Wisdom of Our Youth

Science to Sage has a global network of

Austin Herrmann


ARTIST GALLERY • Artist, author and independent researcher, Richard Merrick • Musician, Matthew Kocel

Let's discover together.

• Poetry Jeffrey Armstrong & Karen Elkins • BANYEN BOOKS & SCIENCE TO SAGE SUGGESTED READING BY STAFF • YOUtube links

"The cover is part of a series of 3D illustrations by author, artist

• Book Recommendations

and independent researcher Richard Merrick symbolizing the

• Extra Ideas

Pythagorean philosophy known as musica universalis.


page 14 and 15 for complete series.


Featured Authors

Lynne McTaggart Lynne McTaggart, author of the international bestsellers The Field and The Intention Experiment, is one of the pre-eminent spokespersons on consciousness and the new science. This article, adapted from her forthcoming book The Bond: Connecting Through the Space Between Us, is the culmination of her groundbreaking work, offering a completely new scientific story, plus a detailed blueprint of how to live in harmony with it. For more information and ordering, go to:

Ivan Rados is the author of the books "Health It’s All About Consciousness", "Transform Your Life Through Sacred Geometry", "Create Yourself––Secrets of Self Discovery and Healing with Sacred Geometry" and "The Transparent Man–– The Last Anti-manifesto", Ivan now uses his art exclusively in his work as an energy healer and spiritual guide.

Ivan Rados

Ivan travels extensively, sharing his wisdom around the world, facilitating classes, seminars, and retreats. He has made his home in Vancouver, Canada, since 2001.

Sri & Kira Best-selling authors, Spiritual Teachers and Top Rated Radio show hosts, Sri & Kira will share the 8 Revelations of the Mayan Elders and the deeper connections of the Tibetan, Mayan and Egyptian lineages as part of their 2013: Unifying Voices tour. Join them in Vancouver September 21 and Guatemala for New Year 2012. They will also be teaching the 8-fold Quantum Revelation technique as part of Quantum Clairvoyance in Vancouver September 22-23. The Unification Molecule™ is the profound basis of Sri & Kira’s newest book to be released in early 2012. Learn more at


Dr. Micael Ledwith, L.Ph., L.D., D.D., LL.D (h.c) is an International Speaker, Author, Theologian, and Scientist. His research interests had always been in the fundamental areas of religious belief, seeking answers to the “Four Great Questions” as he liked to call them: “Who am I? Where do I come from? What should I do? and where am I going?” Dr. Ledwith insights are on the leading-edge of science and spirituality, indicating a very different understanding of God and our place and purpose in creation.

Eliza Mada Dalian Eliza Mada Dalian is a modern day mystic, visionary, spiritual guide, internationally acclaimed master healer, and seven time award-winning author of In Search of the Miraculous: Healing into Consciousness. Mada travels internationally offering private sessions, self-healing seminars, workshops and retreats to adults, children, and organizations. She also co-hosts a weekly show on Healing into Consciousness Radio.,

Interviewed Josef Tyls & Dr. Miceal Ledwith and also personal article.

Linda M. Potter Linda M. Potter is a popular speaker and the author of the newly released book, If Only God Would Give Me a Sign! available at your local book store, through or at You can contact her at,


Regular contributors

Dr. Miceal Ledwith

Monthly Column

Uncommon Wisdom from our Youth Science to Sage has provided a section for youth, providing a platform to express their uncommon wisdom and views. Featured is Austin Herrmann, 15 and Alexander Hall, 16.

Monthly Adventure - Patricia Taylor Patricia Taylor is Vancouver’s local underground adventurer and creator of the popular and internationally acknowledged Monthly Adventure website. Committed to exploring provocative subjects by having one adventure, once a month, Patricia has opened her eyes to over 40 unforgettable journeys. For Patricia, each quirky encounter tests the limits of her comfort zone while she unplugs from the mainstream and steps into different worlds. With only a quarter of her exploits written to date, her mission is to inspire others to break free from the conventional. Patricia is living proof that sometimes life is an unexpected adventure just waiting to happen.

Perspective - John Wong John Wong is an integrator of science, ancient wisdom, and spirituality, together with his own personal insights (SAWSI). After 33 years of engineering as an owner, principal, and partner, he finally gave up his career to study the intersections of these three main disciplines in order to bridge the new and the old, the West and the East, and outer and the inner realities. The purpose is to study and to understand the human civilization and its conditions and progress and how we can promote peace and empowerment to overcome the challenges in the 21st century. “We are living in the most critical juncture of human history to date. We are in the midst of a massive galactic alignment and evolutionary shift in consciousness. There is time acceleration, information overload, old paradigm crumbling, societal instability, chaos, and confusion. It is the perfect storm before the calm. Like a test, we need to transcend it or perish. My desire is to use my gift of wisdom and insight to help facilitate this paradigm shift happening in our midst. This is done by spreading the good information about our innate powerful intelligence to overcome adversity, to not live in fear, and to pull people out of despair and give them hope. In essence, my calling is to help build a critical mass of conscious living people and to help bridge the chasm of human conflict. Another Golden Age is waiting. We just need to embrace it”. - Perspective by John Wong Content and Editorial Support: Kina Merdinian, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Global Discoveries Network Foundation (GDNFO), Sharing "Good Info" Through Connection, Communication, Collaboration and Compassion


From Canada to Colorado, California to Costa Rica, audiences are raving about the feelings they experience while listening to the otherworldly sounds of American throat singer Matthew Kocel. People consistently say they experience deep meditative states, even profound visions while listening. His music does not consist of songs, per se, it is more like a collection of meditations or sonic prayers for healing.

Poet, Author & Teacher Jeffrey Armstrong Artist, Author and Researcher, Richard Merrick Richard Merrick has dedicated his life to blending science, technology and art into innovative digital media experiences and exciting new forms of communication. Merrick’s work spans diverse areas of digital media, including search engines, graphics operating systems, multimedia applications, interactive games, voice-response Web agents and dynamically personalized Internet communications. Because of this, he has been invited to speak around the world on the future of digital media and cited as an expert in leading publications. Outside of technology, he is a jazz pianist and composer, an artist in oils, writer and independent researcher.


Inspiration Gallery

Imagine a voice emanating exquisite harmonic overtones, bursting forth like a fractal universe over the pulsing drones of Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, harmonium and conch shell.

Musician, Matthew Koxel

Lynne McTaggart is pre-eminent spokespersons on consciousness and the new science.

Author of the international bestsellers The Field and The Intention Experiment, and introducing her new book The Bond: Connecting Through the Space Between Us.

Understand the Field Made Conscious Intentions Bond in the Space That Connects Us All

Transcending the Self By Lynne McTaggart

When astronaut Edgar Mitchell was returning from his ight to the moon, he had an epiphany that would change his life. Staring out the window of the Kittyhawk, he experienced a feeling of connectedness, as if all the planets and all the people of all time were attached by some invisible web. It was an overwhelmingly visceral feeling, as if he was physically extending out to the furthest reaches of the cosmos. In a single instant, he had discovered and felt The Field. of the planet to quiver, the nal shift in polar axis will and more miserable.




All of us at one point or another in our lives have experienced this moment: a sense of unity with all things and with the life force — during a dream or some altered state of consciousness, or at a moment in childhood, or even while intensely in love. It could be a moment of

precognition, when we intuitively sense something or see into the future. It could be a dream about our purpose in life or perhaps during a profound moment of meditation or selfhypnosis. Arguably the world’s authority on cosmic consciousness and the altered states of consciousness is American parapsychologist and author Dr Charles Tart, who has been investigating normal and altered states of consciousness for more than 40 years. Tart uses the term ‘cosmic consciousness’, coined by physician Robert Maurice Bucke in 1961, and also his de nition: “The prime characteristic of cosmic consciousness is, as the name implies, a consciousness of the cosmos, that is, of the life and order of the universe.”


According psychologist William James, all cosmicconsciousness experiences tend to have some similarities: the experience is usually spontaneous — you don’t turn in on like a tap; it tends to be transient — usually lasting about half an hour and rarely for more than two hours; the people involved invariably feel a sense of unity with all things as a ‘seamless whole’. They also have a

sense of knowingness, says Tart, quoting James: “a direct insight into the nature of reality that is self validating”, resulting in a sense of authority and certainty about them in the future. Finally, there is a sense of the ineffable nature of the experience, says Tart. It is utterly different from any other state of consciousness they’ve experienced, and can’t be described in words, or even by simile or metaphor.

“The prime characteristic of cosmic consciousness is, as the name implies, a consciousness of the cosmos, that is, of the life and order of the universe.”

Sense of Interconnection However individual the moment, there are several aspects that distinguish it as cosmic awareness. In that moment, you move away from the tight boundaries of the ‘self’ of your own ego and embrace a more oceanic feeling of unity with the entire universe, with a sense of interconnectedness with all things. There is also an inner knowing that things will never be the same again.

It is invariably a profoundly transforming experience, usually lasting the rest of your life, having opened a window into a reality you never knew existed. It also may be the experience that forces you to make an abrupt change in your life, as it did with Edgar Mitchell, who left NASA after returning to earth to found the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

The Institute of Noetic Sciences was founded in 1973 by Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell. Its mission is to support individual and collective transformation through consciousness research, educational outreach, and engaging a global learning community in the realization of our human potential. “Noetic” comes from the Greek word nous, which means “intuitive mind” or “inner knowing.” IONS conducts, sponsors, and collaborates on leading-edge research into the potentials and powers of consciousness, exploring phenomena that do not necessarily t conventional scienti c models while maintaining a commitment to scienti c rigor.





Similar Episodes

At the end of his life, the American psychologist Abraham Maslow (1908–1970) turned his attention to these types of peak experiences. Although all of us are capable of having a transcendent moment, it was Maslow’s view that certain people were more predisposed to experience them than others. Maslow came to believe this after studying the biographies and writings of historical gures who’d had such an experience – Albert Einstein, Aldous Huxley, William James, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Eleanor Roosevelt and Albert Schweitzer¬- for similarities of character. Maslow characterized all these notables as ‘self-actualized’, and noted that, as a whole, they • were problem-centered, viewing life’s di culties clinically as a problem to be solved, not a personal issue inspiring anger or defeat • believed that the means — the journey of life — was often more important than the end result • enjoyed and were comfortable with solitude, but had deeper personal relations with a few close friends and family • liked to be independent of physical and social needs • were non-conformists without the need to be either well-adjusted or t in a social situation • had a gentle sense of humor, able to joke at their own expense, or at the world • accepted both themselves and others as they were rather than changing them to what they should be; preferred to be themselves, too • were motivated to improve their own worst qualities • were often quite conformist on the surface • felt a sense of humility and respect toward others • had a social conscience and compassion • had a strong sense of ethics and spirituality, but rarely a conventional religion • retained a sense of wonder

What all of these notables shared, in short, was a tendency to remain free of small and self-interested concerns and to recognize in every way that they were part of a greater whole. That ties in with the work of neuroscientists about such experiences. Eugene d’Aquili, of the University of Pennsylvania, and Andrew Newberg, a fellow of the university hospital’s nuclear medicine program, carried out a two-year study of Tibetan monks. They found that feelings of calm, unity and transcendence, such as during peak moments, show up as more activity in the brain’s frontal lobes (behind the forehead) with less activity in the parietal lobes (at the back of the top of the head). This part of the brain is responsible for the sense of ‘I’ and ‘other’. During this mystical experience, the ‘I’ part of the brain gets dampened down. What this suggests is the fundamental purpose of a transcendent moment: to turn us into a bigger ‘self’ so that we move beyond the small sense of ‘I’ to the limitless sense of ‘us’. Tart quotes Bucke’s own mystical experience as feeling “that the universe is so built and ordered that without any peradventure, all things work together for the good of each and all, that the foundation principle of the world is what we call love and that the happiness of every one is in the long run absolutely certain”. There is often a sense of ‘God’, but more as the ‘Absolute’ than the anthropomorphic god of organized religion. This feeling is our birthright – our natural state of being. Notice that his overwhelming sense of oneness included a ‘liberty and justice for all’ sensation. His own transcendence required a similar situation for everyone. We can recover wholeness in our lives and recapture our sense of the transcendent on a daily basis, but it requires a very different set of rules than the ones we currently live by. We have to ask ourselves some fundamental questions. We must look at our lives from an entirely different perspective, a larger vantage point, so that we nally see the interconnection. Once we change the very way we see, we may begin to experience the connections that tie us all together.







Our evolutionary transition began in 1945 when the United States dropped the rst atom bombs on Japan. This was

It is to follow the guidelines of 14 billion years of transformation from sub atomic particles to us.

the signal that humans in self-centered consciousness with

Here is what we learn by examining the principles of

this degree of power would not long be viable. Of course,

evolution. When nature hits limits and crises that cannot be

power to destroy and create has grown rapidly since them.

resolved by doing more of the same, she innovates and

We have powers we used to attribute to our gods, but we

transforms. The key method of transformation is to foster

are not always “good” gods. We do not have many years to

synergy and cooperation.

change our behavior if we wish to avoid a catastrophic collapse of our life support systems, our social systems,

As evolution biologist Elisabet Sahtouris tells us, when

and indeed, life itself on Earth.

young species are over populating, polluting, and competing, they either learn enlightened self-interest, negotiation, cooperation,

Social Evolution is a vast eld designed to guide ourselves

and synergy or they become extinct. The same seems to

through this “crisis of the birth of a new humanity” such

apply to us. The only difference is that we are conscious of

that we can cocreate a future equal to our spiritual, social

our situation, that we can destroy or evolve ourselves. This

and scienti c potential.

is a great step forward in evolution.

We have a very short time frame. Linear, separate

In order to get through this set of interrelated problems

initiatives no matter how powerful will not su ce. Nor can

quickly enough, we need to cultivate SOCIAL SYNERGY, the

we solve our problems in the same state of consciousness

coming together of separate groups, initiatives, and ideas

in which we created them, as Einstein told us.

to form a new whole system different from and greater than

What can we do that can make THE Difference?

the sum of our parts. Courtesy of Barbara Marx Hubbard




11 fi

SOCIAL EVOLUTION We are in “Late Transition” on Planet Earth.



"The Pythagorean philosophy of Musica Universalis holds that everything is a manifestation of harmonic vibrations and patterns present at all scales of nature. But, knowledge of resonance and its role in creating all physical structure is a much older knowledge. Descending from a preEgyptian, pre-Sumerian civilization founded on Vedic cosmology, recent discoveries in the construction of sacred temple spaces are revealing a deep understanding of acoustics, geometry and harmonic physics largely deduced from studying the human body. In the body, patterns of resonance take the form of a spiral head, wave-like spine and a variety of blended cardioid shapes in the body. This month's cover symbolizes the spiral around the ear canal as an extension of our Sun's heliosphere, focusing light into human perception and conscious self-awareness. Each piece in the Musica Universalis series makes similar correspondences between the physical processes of the solar system and the physiology of the human body. Richard Merrick,


Pythagorean Philosophy


Musica Universalis



The Global Coherence Initiative is a science-based, co-creative project to unite people in heart-focused care and intention, to facilitate the shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace.


The Global Coherence Initiative helps individuals and groups work together, synchronistically and strategically to increase the impact of their efforts to create positive global change.

The Global Coherence Initiative includes an important scienti c measurement component. Advanced sensing technology, now being developed at the Institute of HeartMath, will allow us to observe changes in the earth’s magnetic eld and test the hypothesis that the earth’s eld is affected by mass human emotion, positive or negative. The Global Coherence Monitoring System (GCMS) consist of an ongoing

Increase personal coherence for the bene t of ourselves and the planet

increased instillation of sensors strategically located around the world.

Help shift the planetary consciousness baseline from self-centeredness to wholeness care

emotions and behaviors, and planetary changes.

This system will enable a new level of scienti c inquiry into the relationship between the earth’s magnetic

eld, collective human

The GCMS will allow us to test the hypotheses that:

Increase connection and social harmony

Strong collective human emotions are re ected in the earth’s eld.

Empower our ability to navigate through global changes with less stress and more ease

Groups of people in heart coherence can affect the earth’s eld.

Changes in the earth’s eld predict earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and similar planetary scale events, in order to give people advance warning.

Empower environmental responsibility and stewardship of the planet

You can start now by becoming a member and learning how to increase your heart coherence and tracking your progress. While the monitoring system continues to be developed and the GCI community and activities continue to grow, the world needs your participation.

You can play an important part in building this community.












15 --


Earth Monitorin


onsciousness has been evolving on this planet for

a powerful energy wave will be freed to help humanity

millions of years. The energy vibrations that were

enter into a higher vibration of existence. Like an

sustainable on a physical plane have now become

earthquake that causes the surface of the planet to

obsolete. Existence has waited for billions of years for

quiver, the nal shift in polar axis will cause massive

us to nally evolve to a point where we can create a

destruction on physical, mental, and emotional planes

new life on this planet that will be based on each

for everyone around the globe. The weather of the

person’s innate ability to live with love, honesty and

North and the South will reverse, and the imbalance of

courage. Instead of living with our old ego-centered

power and wealth will no longer be able to sustain

fearful and competitive programming, the global shift


in 2012 will bring us many opportunities to create a better life on this planet. Mother Nature knows that it’s

2012 will expose our unconscious darkness on a

now time to destroy the old outdated structures, and

massive scale. Those who are after their own sel sh

she will help us create a new and a better foundation

interests will become more and more visible and more

so everyone can live in joy and abundance. As the

and more miserable.

polar axis of the earth shifts to its new position in 2012,





But those who have been working hard to purify themselves and nd their true being will nd true happiness and joy, which is within their own heart and consciousness.

Disconnecting from the Pas

Living with New Consciousness

A signi cant number of humans are already beginning to recognize that no one can ever be separate from the Universe. Many are becoming aware that their innate state of religiosity is independent of the organized religious beliefs and conditionings. We have created multiple concepts of God out of our fear of the unknown and we have learned to control life instead of celebrate its abundant blessings. Our man-made concepts about the many different Gods have created much pain and suffering for the whole of humanity and have brought us to a point of self-

The Universe evolves and expands as we transform our individual unconscious energy into consciousness. In order to transform our collective energy, each person needs to take full responsibility for his or her own transformation into consciousness and start functioning from higher energy centers (chakras). 2012 will awaken us out of our collective sleep and give us an opportunity to surrender our attachments to our fears, conditionings and old belief systems.







2012 an Opportunity for a Better Life

destruction. Our survival is now dependent on surrendering our different ideas of God and our uni cation as cosmic beings belonging to one earth and one universe. Those who gather the courage to surrender their egomind will heal into consciousness and be the torchbearers for this new cycle of human evolution. The new beginning will give birth to a new man and a new woman who will follow their own intelligence and inner knowing, and will be true to their own heart.


Ask yourself Who am I? and Why am I Here? Examine your attitude towards life and death and search for your eternal being.

2) Surrender your personal will to the Will of Existence and whatever life brings you moment to moment. 3) Make a list of your fears and allow yourself to act in spite of them. Don’t be afraid to be different. 4) Understand and break through your social and religious conditionings. Search within to nd your own answers instead of relying on other people’s opinions of what is right for you. 5) Look for the lessons you need to learn in every situation in spite of the ups and downs of life. 6) Be honest with yourself and others and take full responsibility for your thoughts and emotions. 7) Live each day as if it’s your last, and trust that existence always takes care of you.

Destruction of the old structures will help us purify our

2012 will allow those who have the best intentions at

rst three chakras, and propel us collectively into the

heart to set the new standards of social living. Their

fourth chakra where we will begin to function through

light will shine brightly, paving the way for many others

our heart. In the higher chakras, fear of survival,

to transit between the old and the new. No harm will

competitiveness, and the sense of separation will be

come to those who are conscious, as their

transformed into love, compassion, and awareness of

consciousness alone will protect them.

our being. The best thing we can do to prepare ourselves for As we move towards Universal Consciousness, we will

2012 is to purify our energy and consciousness, so

remember our true nature and recognize that our

we can move into the vibration of joy and

being never dies. With awareness of our eternal and

celebration. Through joy and celebration of life we’ll

indestructible presence, our fears will disappear and

be able to surf the massive wave of global and

no one will be able to control and manipulate us. We

cosmic change as we move into the New Era of

will be happy to take risks and live in the present

Universal Consciousness.

instead of dwelling on the past or escaping into the future, and we will stop suffering.

Mada is the founder of the Dalian Method™ for Health and Consciousness – a revolutionary healing system that quickly and miraculously erases old imprints from the body's cellular memory and permanently eradicates the causes of pain and physical ailments by transforming unconscious energy into consciousness. Through her work she takes the concepts of spiritual teachers and cutting-edge scientists to a practical experience of awakening and liberation. She also co-hosts a weekly show on Healing into Consciousness Radio.,




Seven Things you can do to Prepare for 2012


Because You are unlimited, neither the lords of heaven nor even You Yourself can ever reach the end of Your glories. The countless universes, each enveloped in its shell, are compelled by the wheel of time to wander within You, like particles of dust blowing about in the sky. The srutis, following their method of eliminating everything separate from the Supreme, become successful by revealing You as their final conclusion. - Bhagavata Puran


Content from the book InsideOUT


want to be a great person. I

want my individuality to shine out like a brilliant sun. I feel the glory of creation in me. I am inspired to do great things and seek great heights. I want to be new, original, unique, a tower of strength, an oracle of wisdom, and a owing fountain of knowledge. I feel the inspiration of genius within me. How can I develop it? How can I satisfy my own expectations of myself? How I can be a great individual, a powerful individual? In such words an ardent, thoroughly alive youth, burning with the inner res of laudable ambition appealed to an older one, who knew the way, to direct him to the road of life which leads to the mountain top.

"You have asked a universal question," came the answer. "Your desire is an instinctive urge for creative expression which is with every normally ambitious human. It is the age-old search for the power that lies within the individual Self.

"That ceaseless search for the individual Self is the supreme quest of man, the supreme urge of all time. It underlies all religion, all achievement, and all human relations. It is the motivating force which keeps man going, urges him forward, ever forcing him to climb the mountain of life.

"The great majority of people who seek that power make the mistake of seeking for it in but one direction, and there are two. He who has nally succeeded in nding that priceless inner-principle does so only by learning how to lose it.

A fundamental law of Nature demands that one learn how to lose his life in order to nd it, or learn to unbind and set free in order to possess, or learn to give in order to be enabled to take. If you make the mistake of seeking greatness in the one direction of your ego instead of balancing that search by seeking in the opposite direction toward the universal ego, you will fail to nd it. You cannot multiply yourself by yourself. You must dSelves through service and experiences. You will then take them back multiplied a thousandfold. In other words, if you want to be a rare person, you must learn how to entirely lose the very idea of greatness in humility. You cannot become great by accumulating greatness. You can nd it only by learning how to transform humility into greatness.

Instead of contemplating the greatness of your individuality, contemplate your littleness in the universe. It is the meek who inherit the earth. Greatness springs from meekness. Every e ect in Nature springs from its opposite e ect and never from itself. This principle is universal. It applies to all things, both spiritual and physical. Neatness is not the accentuation of self, but of all Selves owing through one.

Do not, therefore, seek self-expression through your Self alone, for you will nd but little to express. But if you lose your Self in the whole universe, you have the whole universe owing through you to seek expression.














The Fallacy of Individuality


Walter Russell’s Article Courtesy of the University of Science and Philosophy Books and more articles on-line


BY IVAN RADOS We are all together in this journey called One Life. We all have individual Consciousness and every individual Consciousness is the One in nite Consciousness. Lets us all learn from each other in our One Journey called One Life, aligning One-Self with the Whole and start living a balanced, conscious and in nite One Life.

As salt dissolves in water, we taste the water, but also the salt. Just so, the great Being which is without end or limit, and which consists only of Awareness, comes forth from such elements, and vanishes into them once more. The Upanishads





The in nity is the Whole Existence expressing It-Self

through the individual Consciousness in nitely. The in nite Consciousness is experiencing the Existence in in nite life through the in nite directions right now and here. The moment right NOW contains in nite possibilities all accessible with fullness of Consciousness. We are all Existence, individually experiencing the in nite possibilities in One Life and sharing it with our Consciousness. One Life has many expressions of in nite Existence and every expression is the right One. Every Consciousness is right, because it is coming from one source of All That Is, the Oneness. We are all responsible for our individual Existence and consequently for the Whole. We are all together to hold Our Selves responsible for our own Consciousness, and the content it holds, and the energy it transmits. We are all together as the Oneness to be creative and meditative. To radiate a sphere of in uence. To affect not only those we call immediate family, but also rippling out to in uence our reality and all beings in it, and all other realities in Existence.

the many begin to dissolve into Oneness. At the centre, all the pieces and parts – everything and no-thing – become One. The world contains many. Your being is both everything and no-thing. Your being is the One. The One is the All, And All are the One. From our limited perception, we see the world and our being as two different states. The mind thinks in an either/or fashion, it creates division. The mind cannot exist without duality. It needs to separate Oneness. The whole point of meditation is to understand the process of how our mind functions. When you are aware of the mechanism of your mind, you will realize what Oneness is, what health is, what truth is. Without the mind, there is no barrier between your Being and the Oneness. Oneness cannot be existential, because it doesn’t contain non-existence. Oneness cannot be bliss, because it doesn’t contain misery. Oneness cannot be consciousness, because it doesn’t contain unconsciousness. Oneness is not any of these; but it is all of these – and even more. To de ne Oneness is useless. We would have to use opposites and Oneness transcends opposites. Behind all duality is the Oneness of BEING, the in nite Whole. To attain Oneness, duality has to be dropped. “I can exist only in my separation, but I am no longer separated. Be IN the world, but not OF the world. Therefore, if I am no longer separated, I am not, only Oneness IS”. We are called human being. Human stands for nature and being stands for Consciousness. Like a lotus plant, trusting its own Existence and opening its seed in total darkness of the mood, rising up, growing and trusting its nature, and nally expressing It-Self as a lotus ower. Lotus ower is experiencing life in full life-force as the Whole Existence.




























You are an inseparable part of the Oneness and the Oneness always unquestionably shares. The sharing is the quality of your Being. The more you share One Self, the more this grows within you as Oneness. Be afraid of sharing; be in the energy of possessiveness and the in nite energy of Oneness will start shrinking, and cutting the connection. The Whole loves you in nitely, and if you decide to be separated, the in nity has to listen and relate with respect. The Existence is Oneness, it moves in nitely and gives unconditionally to everyone, to everything equally. The Law of One is sharing in nitely through the Uni ed Energy Field. The Law of One is the Uni ed Energy Field in constant ow of all visible and invisible energies from all levels of this reality and all other realities, all dimensions and all densities in this moment of NOW. The Uni ed Energy Field is the expression of ‘the In nite Energy of Oneness’, in all directions, sharing to all and expanding through the Whole. This is the eld of all possibilities. The One Energy is available to you any moment by virtue of your existence. Oneness contains all the pieces and all the parts. On the periphery of the Existence are the many. Within the centre,



We are all together in this journey called One Life. We all have individual Consciousness and every individual Consciousness is the One in nite Consciousness. We all share the same One Life and the same Existence. We are all experiencing the Oneness with-in our Consciousness. Lets us all learn from each other in our One Journey called One Life, aligning One-Self with the Whole and start living a balanced, conscious and in nite One Life.

Let go. Do nothing. Be aware. Don’t resist. Everything will change. It always does.

Ivan Rados is an internationally recognized author and artist whose artwork is displayed in many European museums and private collections around the world. Ivan was a highly rated member of an international art community at Dean Clough, Halifax, UK from 1992 to 2001. For Ivan, Sacred Geometry Yantras, signed limited Edition Fine Art Prints -

About Ivan Ivan evolved spiritually at a young age and shared his healing gift with family and friends, he was aware he needed to heal a signi cant aspect of his being––his emotional wounds––before he could share his wisdom with the wider world. His journey to wholeness is a story of courage and determination. Using art to search his soul, he underwent a profound spiritual transmutation, fundamentally altering his perception of himself. Now a true master of both himself and his life, Ivan asserts that he heals no one. He simply aids individuals in healing themselves through the power of In nite Consciousness. Ivan’s journey reads like a book of miracles, which he modestly labels "ordinarinesses,” though those who heal from countless ailments experience anything but ordinariness with this man and often continue seeing him for ongoing spiritual guidance and expansion of their consciousness. Ivan is not associated with any particular healing methodology or spiritual movement. His deep roots in the One-Self, the source of everything, provide him with the insight to be of service in the evolution of consciousness. To learn more about Ivan Rados visit his website and to purchase his books please visit










We are called human being. Human stands for nature and being stands for Consciousness. Like a lotus plant, trusting its own Existence and opening its seed in total darkness of the mood, rising up, growing and trusting its nature, and nally expressing It-Self as a lotus ower. Lotus ower is experiencing life in full life-force as the Whole Existence. We all have the possibility to move from our animal kingdom to our full ful llment - the Being. The Being is the Whole Existence.

We are chemistry in motion. Essential Nature can be seen even by the novice, yet the novice does not recognize it. Seeing only a part, it is like he sees only one half of the universe.

We make bonds like atoms make bonds. We cluster

The Surangama Sutra

Bonds are what keep us together, yet when we lose

into groupings like particles that arrange at certain frequencies. We come absorbed or evolved into a ‘chemical’ (bonded) system, i.e. family, country

that connection and we are not in the same state, the bond is lost. This new state could be just a simple mood shift that is temporary or permanent. Life is pure chemistry and either there is heat or no heat, attraction or not.

Content from the book InsideOUT



NASSIM HARAMEIN A Theory of Everything We are blessed with so many teachers and luminaries that have contributed to this rst issue of Science to Sage and others who have offered to be a part of this ongoing message of our interconnectivity and hope for humanity. One such inspiring force who will be featured in more detail in an upcoming issue, is Nassim Haramein, Director of Research and Founder of The Resonance Project Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity. Mr. Haramein has the unique ability to capture the attention of audiences from all walks of life in his often 6 + hour worldwide lectures that are absolutely riveting. After repeated standing ovations, the participants leave forever transformed and wanting more.

How is this possible… and he talking about physics? : ) Haramein has the ability to deliver Universal Truth in layperson’s terms, through a tight and captivating integration of science and ancient knowledge. His credible delivery weaves in so many seemingly disparate topics which in fact are actually providing their corroborative piece of the puzzle to the fundamental nature of our reality and our in uence on our existence. He blends the sciences including physics and his new solution to Einstein’s eld equations, with common threads in religious belief systems, sacred geometry, the texts, monuments, and symbols of ancient civilizations including

pyramids found worldwide…The list seems endless. He even integrates more “on the edge topics” including crop circles and ETs. By the time you have gotten off the paradigm altering ride of your life, you feel as though you have just gotten a collective and corroborative “Theory of Everything” that you have ever wondered about! And now there is a common framework that brings you to that “Ah Hah” moment of both intellectual insight and an unexpected heart opening for you see that we are all connected as one, and we truly have an extraordinary in uence on this organized and structured world around us.






Science to Sage highly recommends Nassim Haramein’s work and encourages you to learn more about his research. We plan to feature him in more depth in a future issue. Visit the web site at www.theresonanceproje for more information, including Mr. Haramein’s scientific papers and collaborations, DVDs, events and more! Nassim Haramein has spent his life researching the fundamental geometr y of hyperspace, studying a variety of elds from theoretical physics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology and chemistry to anthropology and ancient civilizations. Combining this knowledge with a keen observation of the behavior of nature, he discovered a speci c geometric array that he found to be fundamental to creation, and the foundation for his Uni ed Field Theory emerged. Although Haramein may not explicitly say or focus as much on the “spiritual” side during the delivery of his material, as what he speaks of is clearly profoundly stimulating the intellectual mind and curiosity, I fo u n d a r e m a r k a b l e a n d

unexpected outcome and resonance in my heart I found that I was in the presence of a familiar knowing… of universal truth. I felt that I was forever transformed and found myself to be more compassionate and understanding of others. I felt a new sense of responsibility to be more conscious of my thoughts and deeds and to value honesty and integrity so highly. I recognized that we truly affect o u r re a l i t y a n d t h at o u r expectations and intentions are powerful energies that enter the universal feedback system. For me, Haramein demonstrated this as an indisputable truth through the corroboration of so many diverse and validated schools of thought and the compelling evidence that he has studied and distilled so beautifully for the layperson.

Content and Editorial Support: Kina Merdinian, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Global Discoveries Network Foundation (GDNFO), http:// Sharing "Good Info" Through Connection, Communication, Collaboration and Compassion








You could call him Vancouver’s resident genius. However, Josef Tyls III M.Sc. Ph.D. prefers to call himself an alchemist. What exactly is an alchemist? Traditionally, alchemy is an ancient practice that is focused on the creation of the mythical philosopher’s stone – the one that can not only turn base metals into silver and gold, but can also bestow eternal youth and immortality on anyone lucky enough to have it in his possession. In addition to its sciencebased theories, alchemy also turns to mythology and religion for several of its concepts and practices, making it, for many, the perfect marriage of science and spirituality. For a world tired of a materialistic, Descartian-Newtonian universe, Alchemy offers a cosmos steeped in “magic.” Enter Josef Tyls An industrial engineer born in the Czech Republic, Tyls became a Canadian citizen in 1972. Tyls has been involved with systems technology design for nearly 30 years and has successfully brought to market many of those technologies. His eld of expertise covers all aspects of industrial engineering, electronics design and development, biology and biooxidative medicine, electro-medicine, water processing and high de nition audio systems used for healing But his professional resume only scratches the surface of what makes this ordinary man quite extraordinary. Tyls’ deep understanding of the fundamental structure of matter and its interrelationship with human consciousness is the basis of many of his unique technologies. “The creation of Life is magically unfolding as it is intended to be, and all we need to do is be aware and see the magic which then illuminates our imagination and brings us the understanding from wisdom – which is deeper than knowledge,” says Tyls.






Ty l s ’ c o s m o l o g y h a s b e e n impacted by nine near death experiences that began in childhood and continued to play out in his adult life. He jokes that he is like Felix the cat, with nine lives. He says he’s often wondered if there was a hole in the matrix that kept somehow pulling him in! His near death experiences gifted him with a profound understanding of the dynamics of the quantum eld, as well as our place in the universe. During one of his near death experiences, Tyls says, he could feel everything as a wave rushing to the shore. That experience left him with a deep knowing that we are like ripples in a pond. “We affect all those in our wake; we have chosen to be here; we have chosen our role. We are here to have this experience called life.” It’s Tyls’ unique background, and expertise as a modern day alchemist that prompted Science to Sage to seek out a partnership with this amazing alchemist. Not only will Tyls contribute to the magazine, but he will conduct classes and webinars on a regular basis. Karen Elkins, founder of Science to Sage says, “He is truly a unique and charismatic individual with passion to teach and share his wisdom. He is down to earth, enthusiastic and fun loving.



How they can be seen and appreciated in their interrelatedness and how we may explore the new StS: What is your personal Philosophy eld of un-dogmatic sciences free of indoctrinated JT: I feel we have an intrinsic inquisitive nature, beliefs and superstitions. This and by our design we will allow for the rst time, a are meant to explore new Renaissance in scienti c our experiential discoveries with limitless universe, so we may consciousness opening up to come to know that vast unexplored territories. which we call THE CREATION, and our StS: You have not only a unique roles as part of strong technical the creation and its b a c kg ro u n d , b u t a l s o evolution. expertise in a variety of elds. Would you share StS: What are you some of that with us and most passionate how it has impacted your about? And why personal growth? JT: As an industrial engineer, I hold a number of patented technologies; and my elds of expertise are Living Systems analysis – speci cally surrounding the areas of natural biology, health, water, pure air, healing, sound, energy production and recovery, mechanical and structural engineering, and materials and metals processing

JT: My passion is life, its amazing and wondrous symphonies, dances and forms, which are all the result of emotions, vibrations, sounds, and equations interacting with the matrix called uidic space, which we refer to as the universe, nature or the Divine/ Source/GOD StS: What do you think is your greatest gift to those on a spiritual path

In my studies of trans-personal psychology, I have JT: The gift which I love to share with people who are experienced profound shifts in my awareness of asking to understand HOW and WHY, is the truth of mental dynamics and emotional predispositions, which the beautiful interconnectedness that exists and have allowed me to gain a deeper understanding presents itself IF one has the eyes to see it and the














30 fi



Science to Sage: What would you say is of how limiting belief systems and fear interfere with your mission and vision as a Science to Sage our natural destiny partner In my studies of classical alchemy, I came to Josef Tyls: I enjoy sharing the understanding of how all understand how emotional clarity and mental scienti c elds of energy and light, physics and openness has a profound consequence on the chemistry, quantum mechanics and string theory, share fundamental structure of nature and the elements a common thread with sound, music, art and living. around us.

StS: What readers may not know is that you were the founder of Vancouver’s Sonic Temple, a sacred space for workshops, meditation, various gatherings and music performances. How did that come about JT: After a debilitating car accident, I became immersed in the sensation of vibration, sound and music. It was a type of sound/vibration healing; the only medicine that was able to heal my body. This experience was so powerful, I was driven to recreate this sensation. The result was the Sonic Temple. StS: You will be doing a lot of teaching through Science to Sage. How would you characterize yourself as a teacher JT: I love and enjoy sharing information from the many areas I have explored and researched. I am able to convey very coherent and logical views of both the seen and hidden dynamics of life in a beautifully synergistic view of systems that operate and produce the physical reality we experience all around us. StS: In working with people, what do you they most often come to you for


JT: Insight, exploration, and revelation are the fundamental elements of why anyone wishes to seek guidance. I can assist in the process of enquiry and discovery as to the nature of life and our existence, as well as investigate and asses systems to help alleviate challenging issues surrounding technical processes.

YOUtube Interviews

Josef Tyls is a true ALCHEMIST and his quest is for the truth in i t s m o s t p u re s t s e n s e a philosopher - the basis of the word philo, meaning 'Lover', as in Philo/Sopher, 'Sophia', meaning wisdom or completely "Lover of wisdom". Josef is also an inventor and engineer. The gift which I love to share with people who are asking to understand HOW and WHY, is the truth of the beautiful interconnectedness that exists and presents itself IF one has the eyes to see it and the willingness to let go of dogma’s.

You can learn more about Josef Tyls, by going to the Science to Sage YOU-Tube video of a recent interview with Karen Elkins







They are circular shaped visual phenomenon showing up in hundreds of thousands of photos in a myriad of different settings, under all kinds of conditions. These mystifying “orbs” have attracted attention in both the scienti c and spiritual communities all over the world

ORBS IS THE VIEL LIFTING? Some orb enthusiasts theorize that these spherical lights have been with us for centuries, possibly the source of our belief in angels, fairies, or other paranormal intelligence. They could be the inspiration for the halos shown around the heads of spiritual teachers in classic paintings. With the introduction of digital photography, these bright balls of energy are no longer con ned to religious art and sacred mythology







Although orbs have previously appeared up in photos taken with traditional

lm cameras, it has

“You don’t need to be a guru, a mystic, an avatar,

only been since point and shoot digital cameras

or specially favored by God to see an orb,” he says.

moved into the mainstream that photographers have

“All you need is a cheap digital camera and an open

been able to consistently record them. Many believe


that, since digital cameras are more sensitive to the infrared section of the electromagnetic spectrum,

It may also help to have a basic understanding of how we process what we see.

they are able to “see” slightly beyond what is visible to the naked eye

Ledwith explains that “the brain comes into play in human seeing and we don’t see all that’s out there.

However, even with the aid of our new cameras, it appears that it may take something of a leap of

We only take in 10 percent of the information coming in through the lens of the eye.

faith to make contact. Photographing orbs may

The other 90 percent is rejected by the brain

require a shift from an “I’ll believe it when I see it”

which focuses only on stuff we want to help us with

attitude towards the unknown, to an “I’ll see it when

everyday living such as food, bringing the children to

I believe” it perspective. That, along with a good

school, paying the mortgage, etc. Orbs obviously

camera and a working ash is all that’s necessary to

don’t t into that category so we don’t see them.

become an orb photographer, says Miceal Ledwith,

The difference between looking at something and

co-author with Klaus Heinemann, of

The Orb

seeing it involves an act of consciousness by the

Project. With over 300,000 orb photos in his

brain. You can convey to your brain that you are

collection, Ledwith speaks from experience

interested in seeing orbs.







Both men are experienced researchers with extensive backgrounds in both science and spirituality. Heinemann is a physicist and former NASA researcher. Ledwith, a theologian and former president of Maynooth College in Ireland, served on the International Theological Commission at the Vatican for 17 years. Neither Heinemann nor Ledwith accepted what they were seeing in their photos without considerable skepticism, and both took painstaking efforts to validate their results Although many critics have dismissed orbs as dust particles, water droplets, or even tiny insects that have wandered into the camera’s eld, the evidence indicates otherwise. “I devoted a lot of time and research to make sure I was on solid ground and I wasn’t dealing with easily explainable phenomena,” says Heinemann. However, that doesn’t mean “fake” orb photos don’t exist. Although he concedes that it certainly is possible for natural phenomenon to produce occasional orb-like effects, he is quick to point out that the overwhelming number of orb photos that now exist make this explanation highly implausible For the skeptics, Heinemann offers a series of indicators that can authenticate orb photos. For example, he says, if a photograph shows an orb that is positioned behind another object, it essentially rules out the possibility of water or dust on the lens of the camera. He also classi es as authentic photographs that show orbs that change size and move from one location to another in successive shots. Equally hard to dismiss are photos of extremely bright orbs that are easily visible without digital enhancement, or orb photos taken in the same location at the same time by different cameras. The multitudes of photos that depict orbs in strategic locations such as at the elbow of a healer or the mouth also defy “logical” explanation

Some skeptics also suggest that orb photos are the result of image manipulation. However, Ledwith explains, because the camera’s EXIF (exchangeable image le format) log tracks all changes made to the original picture, it is extremely dif cult to successfully fake an orb photo These strategies apparently work. Both Ledwith and Heinemann have captured thousands of orbs of every size and color in their massive array of photos. However, these researchers are not shooting orb photos for the sole purpose of adding more and more spectacular images to their impressive collections. They believe the orbs are much more than a curiosity; that they have both a meaning and a purpose Inspired by their orb experiences which, between the two of them, comprise over 12 years of concentrated study, Ledwith and Heinemann have come to their own separate conclusions about the true nature of the orbs they photograph. Heinemann believes the orbs are the perfect bridge between the scienti c and the spiritual, allowing us to see that we are “just a part in a huge continuum of consciousness and conscious beings.” He says the orbs are Spirit beings, or more correctly, Spirit emanations. “They are emanations from a Spirit being,” he explains, rather than the entirety of that being. “I liken it,” he says, “to a person using a ashlight. Standing in the dark, you as the observer only see the ashlight — you don’t see the person. That person could be moving that ashlight around and even shining it in your camera.You could say that person is directing the ashlight and it is emanating from that person, but there is so much more to them than just what you see.” Are digital cameras the vehicles for providing us with at least the initial answers to these intriguing questions? It all remains to be seen, of course – both literally and guratively.














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LEDWITH CONCLUDES ...that, “Orbs are, basically, at least in the rst

Ledwith explains the implications of his

form in which we become aware of them, what you

conclusion through comparing human beings to

and I would be without the physical body.”

icebergs — 1/8 of which are above the surface while the rest is hidden below. “The part of us which is

He further suggests that, “we are living in a frequency-based universe” That means, he says, that

beneath the surface exits in all of the various dimensions.”

“these are beings just outside of our present dimension of frequency. They belong to a realm where

Does this mean that orb encounters are paving

you and I have been many times before we come back

the way to a greater understanding of the nature of

into a physical incarnation.”

the universe?

Dr. Ledwith’s personal collection of orbs is well over 100,000 images.He is the co-author of “The Orb Project”. His DVD “Orbs: Clues to a More Exciting Universes” draws some thought provoking conclusions about the nature of the universe and our place in it. Dr. Miceal Ledwith uncommon blend of wisdom be it from the conventional religion text to ancient wisdom traditions. He is featured in the movie “What the Bleep Do we Know?” and “Down the Rabbit Hole”.

Article courtesy of BellaSpark Magazine and interviewer Linda M Potter



The angels that hover above The orb that resides within Call you home inside To touch that sacred space At the intersection of your design Where life longings rest Where deep seated desires Have their calling... Where the soul never sleeps Where the heart never dies... Where God within resides At the heart of your design. Poems by Karen Elkins



Are the portals to other dimensions?


Orbs in a Torsion Vortex

As above, so below.As within, so without.- Hermes Miceal v=objaZDFmosgs

Ledwith on Orbs with Stunning Images


Your Signature is Distinct From the cells in your body, or the orb with its unique geometry, all of these are as distinct as your nger print. v=LoJx_q2r7SI&feature=share

Dr. Bruce Lipton explaining how cells tune into memory in the ...

These dancing particles orbit within a sphere of

“Your cells have your brand!...

in uence be it the cells within your body, orbs in a

...what is the self, what make you you? ...

celestial body or the spheres within the galaxies. Everything is in proportion, purposeful and relative,

...where is your identify found?

from the smallest atom and cell to our expanding universe—the micro to the macro. Nothing is an your membrane...

island unto itself and some ‘matter’ likes to play big.

You have never died...” By Bruce Lipton

Content from the book InsideOUT Orb image




What is my ethereal body It’s my light bod That illuminates m It’s my divine spar The eternal m The orb that lives within me

A fantasy unmet So when I’m in your spher It’s your inner chi that bathes m Like a wave that washes over m Awakening me to an old memory An ember still burnin A story to be tol Or yet, just another choice along the road

It’s my vibratio I leave in the wak My sphere of influenc My circumferenc My radius

It’s my light reflectio A holographic projectio My imprint to view

The imprint in my spher It’s like my thumbprin It’s distinct and clear

Who am I from this perspective When I cross the lin I see another dimension

Some call it my Mer-Ka-Ba Bod To me it’s my fir My chi that descends with m Down the ladde Bringing me back into matte Where gravity takes a holds of m Grounds me to this realit This world of duality.

I’m an or Orbiting in a celestial bod In a much grander sphere

Yet, in this densit It’s hard to se What has been hidde At the heart of me This orb within m My inner spark My inner visio Which often sends me premonitions I call it my inner voic My inner wisdo My guidance syste If when I choose to listen












































































It feels like deja vu It’s what makes me sympathetic to yo A soul connec


Life Between Live v=LanURyWHKyA

At the moment of deat It’s the orb in m That ascends with me Recalling the dance of my last trance

It’s the imprint of m My crysta My geometr My transmitter and receive My soul’s record of me


YOUtube Interview with Dr. Michael Newton

A light creatio A crystalized formation From this view I can se The angels that hovered over m The guardians that whispered to m The ghosts that sent chills through me

Brian Wiess on Past Lives - http:// v=mPXER6EB4_w&feature=related

Yet, until my mind is stil No more mind, no more matter I will recycle back into matter Like waters rising into the mis Like a rain drop falling dow I will be swept up by the tid Going with the current of my desire Only to be frozen back in tim Reincarnating my karmic desig One more time Karen Elkin Content from the book InsideOUT


You deny the world and then wonde Why it is a mess, this blunde

Hobbled by your fear of living You counter wonder with misgiving

Has reduced all life to loveless duty Since you have declared illusion-beaut

While love, that should have drawn you out Lies crushed beneath the wheels of doubt

And though you yet conform to norms Decry the use of names and form

Road-kill from your mighty mind Envious of perfection that was clearly designe

And use your minute power to den The miracle of life that should make you cry

But you still argue, complain, object That all of this is not quite perfect According to you, something is wrong In the peacock's wing, the nightingale's song

But instead you become a desert dry Ignoring the oasis, not wondering why Or how such wonder ever arose You have never touched a rose Never wept to smell her fragrance Never truly learned to dance

Apparently you would improve them all By erasing them or making them small Scrap the whole lot, destroy the mistake So surely the "Better world" you make




























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Flower by Oliver P. Quillia, Creative Commons Attribute 3.O

Nothing Is Really

Will be an improvement on all that we saw, A perfect new world of manufactured law. We're waiting to hear the critic's reply, A better Sun in a modi ed sky, New species with faces more charming than these, Go ahead maestro, show us please, The better place you'd like us to go, The improved reality you "Somehow" know. What's that you say: "The One or the Void", Excuse me, I don't mean to be annoyed But you're willing to trade the wonder we've seen, To sell your cow for a single bean, That will never grow or produce a ower, Oneness reduces love to power, To silence the melody, the music we sing And in return, settle for nothing!

So, I say you are the king of the nerds, Dweebic and dull, anti-social and droll, You hide your ineptness with empty goals. So, go if you wish to this oneness charade, Hate all the beauty, ignore the parade, Go ahead, go to emptiness, leave beauty for me, You're already blind, you clearly can't see, So enter the void, shut-up, go away, Leave us the beauty, the words that I sayAre a "personal" challenge to give it all up, Sell your house, break your teapot, smash your cup, Annihilate your ego, blot beauty's sight, Go live all alone in the void or the light, Be quiet, don't talk, we all get your point, There's nothing to say and no higher joint, So leave us now, go, to your "oneness" retreat, While we move eternally toward Beauty's seat,

The beauty of life in a sari smiling But all you see is a witch beguiling,

Toward love in eternity, dancing with grace, The Lord and His Lady in their Transcendent Place

A miraculous life resting on breath But all you can see is pain and death, So you would prefer the void of space, Homogenized milk to the feast and a face,

And leave this "illusory" Earth to we Who believe in our selves for eternity Who believe that each ower is truth on the vine, You can keep the One, we'll take the Divine.

Obscure for eternity, not to be heard,



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F u n d a m e n t a l M a ke U p o f t h e U n i v e r s e


Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)

BY JOHN WONG It all boils down to consciousness of the individual and the collective. Many years ago, I had an independent insight that the most fundamental make up of the universe is energycarried information, not atoms, electrons, nor quarks. One of my educator friends took that and taught it to his night class. Since then, I have seen more and more evidence of that over time. The other insight I had was that the Internet is a precursor to non-local (entangled) communications of the mind via the quantum eld. This is already happening as we speak. This means that information of the past, present, and future are all accessible to those who know how to. It is not unlike the Akashic Records or quantum eld of information in ancient and modern texts respectively. This is the reason why many ancient sages, modern scientists, and wisdom keepers can have such an array of information that can overwhelm the average person. In a yin-yang universe, information can be used for good and for bad purposes. It all boils down to consciousness of the individual and the collective. That is basic human nature we have witnessed throughout our human history. Our present evolution is birthing a new human species: homo noeticus of light beings that will transform human civilization like never before. A

cosmic information-driven critical mass is happening notwithstanding our human failings. The old paradigm is crumbling, giving way to a truly interconnected/interdependent world. Social media is forming the noosphere for global activism. The top-down mainstream media like Murdoch’s will not survive the onslaught of the bottom-up

grassroots movements happening all over the world. The fundamental make up of the universe is changing society in an accelerating pace. A couple of years ago, Dr. David Suzuki made a striking insight about the Information Age. He said that there is SO much data out there that any skill person can make up information/disinformation at will and can back it up with data. A good example is the debate on recent climate change, both pros and cons. It also means that the average person cannot decipher the overwhelming complex news from so many sources. There are thousands, maybe

millions of such news sources. Many are contradictory. This mean that the general public can only lter the news on a general basis and any depth would need a specialist in a particular eld, such as quantum physics and consciousness, etc. We can no longer be all things to all people. This is the limited vision we see in the past and even today. However, with the new paradigm, this will change. All humans are in fact endowed with a priori intelligence which can be used to discern information using information resonance. The frequencies of vibrations will either match or don’t match the a priori intelligence. In this way, dissonance is ltered out. Personal control of information ow will be within reach and mass mind control will be a thing of the past. I have used this successfully for many years. I also rely on intersections of various perspectives and emerging patterns of happenings as there is order even in chaos. It is the one and many. Together with the fundamental make up of the universe, we are co-creating an evolving universe and a realty that we wish to see. John Won

page Author: The Opte Project - Small partial map of the internet Commons Attribution 2.5 Thought Technology-system-GNU/Commons Attributio by-sa 3.0









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energy • Activate your body’s own natural healing • Experience & handle faster vibrational frequencies • Step into multidimensional consciousness

Cheryl McKee, Vancouver , B.C.

The depths of your being holds everything about you.

Feel your energy body come into alignment and begin to function at optimum levels. __________________________________________

All things exist simultaneously as a fractal, a holographic memory chip. You are an incredible force of light – a vibrational energy. The nature of all energy is to flow, expand and evolve.

Sessions are done in-person or remotely. Both are equally effective. Healing circles can also be arranged. 604-910-3440 or Gift Certificates are available


Dale can assist you on your own amazing journey towards wholeness and the true eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite you.



Is man a part of nature – or beyond nature?”


Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unpoted (CC BY-SA 3.0)

BY PATRICIA TAYLOR As the ancestors are called forward to

the con dent resolve to endure the

With new eyes, I stare up into the

join me in the darkened womb, their


trees and see the sun peaking through

purifying heat scorches my skin and I

After the fourth round, the chief

the branches, setting down. I am in no

am left trembling with a vision that the

concludes the ceremony, and I walk

hurry to leave the forest – I feel a

person I used to be might not survive

away honoring “all our relations”…not

connectedness to the land that I

this transformation

only the human ones but also the

haven’t felt in years

Screams pierce the darkness, striking at

spirits of animals, plants, rocks, and

As I return back to my kindred spirits,

me from every direction,

even natural forces

the warmth of the re feels delicious

with terror. The deep resonate

I slip out of the darkened womb and

on my naked skin as the temperatures

pounding of the drum summons

trespass into the unlit forest alone

begin to rapidly cool. A pipe is passed

lling me

ethereal symphonies and I begin to sense the spirit world getting closer

The dampened earth

nds its way

with one another. As it becomes my

and closer with each invocation in the

between my toes with each step I take.

turn, I accidentally suck in the smoke

ceremonial sauna

Branches caress my skin, leaving

and hack out a lung. I am allergic to

Between heartbeats I am afraid I won’t last the four rounds and I begin to wonder how many bodies I have to climb over in order to get to the door before I pass out. Would anyone even notice I’ve disappeared from consciousness With each drop of water that sizzles on the stones, the chief calls in the sacred spirits for the ceremony. And as more are brought forward, beads of

It wasn’t until this experience, the sweat lodge ceremony, that I felt an interconnectedness to the forces of nature once again.

smoke I leave the cool moist forest after honoring ‘all my relations’ and travel back into the heart of the city. I smell funny and I even look funny.

I am

covered in mud and my sweat-laden hair is plastered to my scalp…but I don’t care who sees me. I nd my way to the Granville Island Tea Shop to have a nice warm cup of tea before I head home for the night I am taken aback by the handsome

heartbeat beginning to pump to the

stranger who walks by my vehicle,

rhythm of the drum. The darkness and

stopping dead in his tracks, asking me

strange smell emanating from me.

lungs. This probably means screaming

magni cent

Regardless, this man, at least a decade

in terror is out of the question

An awareness lls me, I am not of my

younger than me, gets rewarded with a

A voice cuts through the darkness

mortal coil, my body. If I was to die,

BIG smile. What was it that made him

reminding me that I am not alone and I

my soul would disappear in a soft


start to feel as though I’m among

sweet sigh, crossing over into a new

kindred ones, their presence giving me

realm of possibility


there or the tree that stands so tall, so


fear taking a deep breath will burn my


possible that he hasn’t yet noticed the


my nose, so my breathing is shallow – I


from under a rock? It is entirely

I am no different than that stone over


woman, but a denizen of the earth


I am warned not to breathe through


notices that I look like I’ve crawled out


am no longer a mere esh and blood


my trembling body


rather quizzically and wonder if he


Strangely, I feel newborn, as though I


moments of heightened awareness to


to join him for a drink. I look up at him


whispers of nothingness as I walk by.


heat within the protective womb bring







sweat trickle down my body, my


along and we share our experiences


As the ancestors are called forward to

a moment in time, I felt completely

join me in the darkened womb, their

connected with the land – that I was more

purifying heat s

than my body

Without regret, I leave him and his kind

I remember a question once posed in

offer behind in order to go home to the

university, “Is man a part of nature – or

promising warmth of a bathtub and bed.

beyond nature?” Well, since I moved to

And as I disappear from consciousness, my

Vancouver, I have felt somewhat beyond

fur-children snuggle up close to the forest

n a t u re w h i l e l i v i n g a m o n g s t t h e

creature who peacefully dreams about the

mechanical technological industrialized


setting. Very few local parks and forests actually muf e the vibrational harmonics of the city. It wasn’t until this experience, the sweat lodge ceremony, that I felt an

I am grateful for the invitation to partake in this remarkable sweat lodge ceremony

inter-connectedness to the forces of nature once again

led by local Native Elder Sandra LaFramboise (Dancing to Eagle Spirit). For

I felt completely connected with the land – I was more than my body.






All My Relations


Matthew Kocel Visionary Music for Healing

Artwork © 2010 Mykal Aubry All Rights Reserved. Use by permission only.


Group Meditation


Individual Healing Sessions

Events coming this fall in California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Colorado… 48

Vancouver and Beyond THE BEAT

Vancouver Radio with Spirit

Photo by Karl Herrmann

What is Happening About Town

Science to Sage Events

Banyen Events

Here are a few things worth a mention

Dalia Lam Speakers Series

At Unity of Vancouve 5840 Oak St., Vancouver Free & Easy Parkin Tickets at Banyen Books Gangaji, Sept 9 th

Linda M. Potter, Sept 16 th

Sri & Kira, Sept 23-25th





G o

o n


S o u n d

J o u r n e y

Matthew Kocel is a throat singer, sound healer, visionary

" felt like I was flying..."

musician, and healing arts practitioner. His life’s passion has been

Leslie Dyck, Vancouver BC, Canada

to translate the celestial songs of the uni ed eld through sacred "...shapes and colors were forming in


the room..."

Matthew’s unique musical mastery fuses two, three, or more

Marilee Linhares, Denver Colorado

notes at the same time, creating a profound and moving vibrational experience. Accompanied by his harmonium, conch

"I felt the sound moving around and

shell, crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, Matthew offers ecstatic

through my body..."

states and healing for those who are open. Take your body, mind and soul on a sound journey - liven and awaken your every molecule and senses. Experience the wisdom of ancient traditions and the new science

Darla Reynolds, Miami, Florida "Your music has been such a blessing to me... I thank God that our paths have crossed." Leilani Miller, Seattle Washington

of sound. Bypass the mind and directly in uence the very core of your being.

" my life I have known that this

Matthew also is a holistic body worker who reaches deep while fusing his extrodinay sound vibration to rejuvenate at the cellular

holy place exists, but I have never really experienced it until now..." Ellen Barnett, Denver Colorado


Throat Singing Mantra





Sitting quietly, I enter into the stillness


I feel my body rooted in, connected to, becoming the Earth The entirety of the Uni-verse swirls around me I sense my companions on this journey as orbs of light arrayed across the luminous web that permeates everything then.. The Sound arises Vibrating from the depth of my being it courses through my body My belly is the bellows, my chest and head the resonance chamber.. All of the bones of my cranium, even my teeth tingle with electro magnetic vibration as the Sound splits into multiple frequencies -- from piercing whistle-like highs to sub audible harmonics all at once, ooding the space around me with awareness.. An awareness that comes through me - not from me An awareness that ALL is connected...

Throat Singing S o u n d

H e a l e r

ALL is Love.. ALL is ON The ONE is in AL

















Image in Public Domain, by NASA



Illicit drugs and high school students


American nations (Columbia with its

trade that kills thousands of

out more often than most would

FARC problem, for example). These are

people every year; many of

consider acceptable; over the past

countries with serious violence issues

them innocent of any crime. And

twenty years the number of youths who

caused by the demand for drugs to be

the only reason these people are being

partake in the use of ‘mind altering

exported to North American customers;

murdered is because there is an

substances’ such as marijuana, alcohol,

thousands are killed every year due to

extensive demand for a product so

and even more serious drugs like

disputes over drug related matters.

inherently valuable and outside the belt

cocaine and crystal meth have increased

These countries are notorious for their

of government regulation, fed by

substantially. Of course, for anyone who

underground organizations as well,

everyone’s favorite casual drug users.

hasn’t been living under a rock, this isn’t

which range from operations in human

The more money that

a surprise. The life of a teenager is

traf cking to arms smuggling. But, there

pockets of the drug dealers and cartels,

generally wrought with drama both at

is only so much pro t in either of those

the more money is spent on illegal

school and at home, and many teens

enterprises, and the real money maker

weapons, prostitution, human traf cking,

think that drugs or alcohol are a good

for criminals is the drug trade. The

and murder. So, if you’re a casual drug

way to escape from that. Mind altering

process required for the creation of a

user and all you have to say is ‘It doesn’t

substances aren’t the hardest thing to

nished drug is often complex, requiring

nd (considering studies show that 6-7%

the growing of a certain type of plant,

of the adult population actively uses

then its engineering to create it into a

illicit drugs), and they are often sold

consumable product, and then its

through intermediaries at high schools.

exportation to various other countries

Peer pressure also tends to play an

through complex smuggling operations.

important role in a youth’s introduction

When it reaches its destination, then it

to illicit drugs.

needs to be supplied to a distributor,

And no, I’m not some

who then sells it to a customer. It’s

forty year old conservative

similar to any other business, although

trying to lecture you about

But, enough with the statistics. This article is just as much about unintended consequences as it is about drug use. This isn’t about the morality of the drug war (although my personal stance is for legalization), in the end, this article is about the unintended consequences of drug use; not for the user, but for those involved in the production and sale of

it’s far more deadly and far more illegal.

ows into the

affect me’, die in a re

And then again, legitimate businesses

family values and how

usually don’t smuggle their goods. Try

mini-skirts and rap music

imagining Hasbro smuggling in cases of

are destroying western

Risk on cargo ships and them selling them on the street for money. It’d be weird

culture. I’m a high school Liberta ria n with a n interest in economics and

the product. Let’s start with the

With this understanding now under

cultivation of the drug. The majority of

your belt, you have to ask yourself about

psychology. Trust me; I’ve

illicit drugs imported to the United

the consequences of using drugs. Not

done quite a bit of

States and Canada come from either

only the health concerns, but

research into both topics

Mexico or a string of various South

the concerns of taking part in a








15 years old 53




Nowadays, that’s something that comes

SIR KEN ROBINSON EDUCATING THE HEART AND MIND The Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education is pleased to announce an exciting Speakers Series event with Sir Ken Robinson. The best-selling author will be giving a special evening presentation in Vancouver on Thursday, August 25, just in time for the new school year.





Through the Lens of Karl Herrmann


Vancouver, BC is an international city. Science to Sage Magazine is brought to you from this amazing setting. In the spirit of community our contributors are from around the world and are globally minded

Science to Sage’s Home Base is in Beautiful British Columbia,Vancouver Artist – Karl Herrman

The Vancouver Board of Trade reviewed “Paci c SpiritVancouver” saying, “Every business person in Vancouver should have copies of this book for guests and visitors.” They backed up that statement by using the book as a gifting item to prominent speakers they bring to the city, such as former President Bill Clinton.

Karl Herrmann is an internationally recognized cinematographer and photographer living in Vancouver. He’s worked on such Hollywood blockbusters as “E.T.”, “The Right Stuff” and “I, Robot”, among many others. His still photographs are represented in museums and galleries and collected internationally. In his recently published coffee table book, “Paci c Spirit-Vancouver”, he brings his unique vision of BC’s stunning natural environment into crystal clear focus for the rest of us to appreciate. The elegantly simple page layout presents each image with an inspirational quote, which causes you to linger a little longer on every page. Karl has been interviewed about his “magni cent” book on CBC Radio, the Fanny Kiefer Show and Global TV Reviewing the book, the North Shore News stated, “A fresh view of our beautiful surroundings is presented in this stunning collection of photographs… the natural beauty of our city is preserved forever in Herrmann’s lush images.

is also available in most major bookstores in the city. Prints and note cards are also available of all the images in the book. The technique Karl uses to photograph the images allows for prints to be very large with incredible detail.

Copies of “Paci c Spirit-Vancouver” are available by contacting Karl via his website It










Rites of Passage

The vision for Teen Journey came to Ela Rezmer, an interior designer in Vancouver, BC and a mother of two teenage boys, in a remarkable and unexpected call from her heart. She saw that at this pivotal point in their lives, teenagers wake up and look around to see the world in a whole new light. They nd themselves caught between many opposing forces: the pull towards togetherness and belonging, and the push outwards for autonomy and freedom. This was the moment – between childhood and adulthood – when they needed to decide for themselves who they were and what course their lives would take. But what they nd is a gapping void in our society. Unlike most indigenous cultures, our westernized culture has no healthy process for young people to make one of the biggest transitions in their lives. “We all have seen it, or have experienced it ourselves,” says Ela from her home in Vancouver, ” This is when the hunger for ‘real life’ arises. We want something more. We yearn for adventure and signi cance. If something isn’t provided, then young people will create their own passage into adulthood, usually in ways that are dangerous and self-destructive such as gangs, drug abuse, and unsafe and too early sexual activity. Her vision was to create a community where teens could fully explore and discover themselves, their talents and their value. When logistics and expenses threatened to take over her life, the necessity of having a program like Teen Journey was reinforced by the shocking loss of one of her son’s closest friends. A brilliant student and talented young man, no one realized the depth of his confusion and isolation. He killed himself at age 17.





Rite of Passage to be met by First Nations leaders More than ever, Ela was determined to create a program to support teens and the journey they need to make if they are to become healthy, conscious, loving, responsible adults. She knew that each one of us has unique gifts, but teens are so caught up in peer pressure and self-judgment that they need to see who they are rst before they can contribute to their community and the world. By taking risks and stepping into the unknown, Teen Journey helps them to move beyond their fears and learn to trust their own power and creativity

For TEENS lodges, sculpture, re walking, meditation and vision questing. With the love and support of the leaders, mentors and most of all of each other, teens face and move beyond their fears to discover their true nature. But Teen Journey is more than just a one shot experience. It is backed by 12 months of youth circles that expand and deepen the understanding gained in the summer.

Special events allow the teens to b e m e n t o re d by wo rl d - c l a s s leaders to discover the hidden wisdom in the arts, alternative sciences, mythology and indigenous wisdom. Mentors provide ongoing support throughout the year, making themselves available to the teens as calm, safe con dantes in times of change and confusion. This summer is the third Teen Journey and like a living, breathing being it has evolved. This year for the rst time there will be no permanent campsite. A otilla of canoes will set out from Harrison Hot Springs and journey down the Fraser River.

At certain places, they will come ashore to be met by First Nations leaders who “As I spoke my vision, people just turned up,” Ela will welcome them and initiate them in says radiating with a calm that belies her triple Rites of Passage ceremonies. duties of mother, career woman and inspirational workshop designer. “I found the most amazing young people in their twenties who wanted to support their younger brothers and sisters in ways they had not been when they were that age. I found wise elders from many different traditions, healers and remarkable international leaders, some who lead courses worth thousands of dollars. They all gave of their time and expertise to bring Teen Journey into being.” Teen Journey became a summer program of safe, but profound exploratory tools such as sweat








For Adults By profoundly understanding what teens are awakening to, parents can more lovingly and effectively support their teens. “This is more than just a program, it’s an invitation for parents to initiate themselves into a conscious and heart centered community where we work together to nurture true human beings,” says Ela. “Our goal is to empower ourselves and one another, to exchange skills and to tap into our future role as true elders who are responsible for bringing up a future generation.”

This year is remarkable in yet another way. It is not just t e e n s w h o h a v e n o re a l guidance for the transitioning t i m e f ro m c h i l d h o o d t o adulthood. Parents too are left wondering how they can best support their young people as they themselves missed any Rites of Passage when they were that age.

“This program is open for all parents, not just those whose teens are enrolled in the Teen Journey program,” says Ela “Parenting is a long journey with many bumps along the road. How many people have realized that the tools that helped them parent their babies and young children are completely ineffective for parenting their teens?” But, as Ela explains, it is at this time that the journey for parents undergoes a profound shift as they are being challenged in ways they may never have been before. “Your beautiful, sweet children now question everything you do including who you are, the choices you have made and your morals.”



Ela feels that it’s important for parents to rediscover their own lost connections to their personal dreams.

The powerful Rites of Passage the teens experience at Teen Journey will be even more powerful when met with a shift in consciousness of the parents who choose to go on the Parent Journey this summer. Both parents and teens will learn some extraordinary tools to aid the cross generational communication and bring real community together again.

In the end, both Teen Journey and Parent Journey boil down to the same human questions we all must address: Who Are We? and What We Are Here For? In these times of fragmented community and loss of village, perhaps it’s time to discover the tools that will bring us back from the preoccupied busyness of daily life so that we can strengthen, clarify, and renew our purpose together. We all wish for a better world, there is no better way to ensure that comes into fruition than to nurture both ourselves and our teens. Teen Journey and Parent Journey are two inspired ways to make that happen this summer. - Michele Hal

Teen Journey


At the request of many parents, the rst Parent Journey will take place this summer. In the two-day intensive, parents will have the opportunity to explore many of the same tools that the young people will be learning on Teen Journey.







returned to his people. By this time, of course, he had forgotten his native language and underwent the arduous process of ‘relearning’ his language and took part in a month-long Dagara initiation process to regain his culture. His story and his deep knowledge that stretched back to the dawn of humankind were just a few of the reasons why he Yesterday Malidoma Some had shared his was with us on this rst Teen Journey program remarkable story with 40 of us teenagers ranging What was even more remarkable was his interest in from 13 to 18 years old. He told us he had been me and my opinions. For anybody who knows me, born in Burkina Faso, formerly known as French they know I have strong views and never fail to West Africa, among the Dagara people. At four he speak my mind. Instead of arguing with me or was kidnapped by Jesuit missionaries whose policy dismissing me because I was only 14, Malidoma was to educate black Africans and convert them to listened deeply with great respect. I relaxed, feeling Christianity. When he was not much older than I that I nally had the right to be myself am, he punched a priest to make his getaway and Teen Journey


I sat down at the long table in the lunchroom and found myself facing a big African man in a shirt that shouted yellow and black at me that felt way too bright for this early British Columbian morning. As I ate my cereal, his huge smile and gentle love lit up the room chasing away the remnants of my morning insularity.


- Alexandra Moss, a Teen Journey participant, age 16 A few months earlier my mother had placed a black and white sticker labelled ‘Who are you?’ on the mirror in our bathroom. She had signed me up for a camp, which I knew nothing about and had never heard of before. I assumed I’d be stuck for a week doing pointless camp activities and trying to bond with people I had nothing in common with. In fact, I dreaded the concept of going and with each week that passed, I started to hate this ‘Teen Journey’ more and more despite knowing nothing about it.

these people? Why do they care so much for the youth? Why are they trying to pull all of us, all these lost souls who have fallen in between the cracks of the system, out to shine in the light of self awareness and in their potential? The more I opened my ears, and my heart, to what the mentors said, the more I found myself in this program. I still stepped out of certain classes and responded to most of the adults with curses and brutal honesty, but they accepted me for it. In fact they embraced it.

Finally, the day came where I was woken up early, dragged to the car, and driven off (despite my constant p r o t e s t ) t o Te e n Journey. Throughout the long ride I complained loudly to my mother and when we got there, I met everyone will a sallow glare and an attitude that could put off the most open of hearts. Walking into a gym, I sat down as far away from everyone as I could. The mentors started to speak and looking around, I noticed that mostly ever yone had the same angsty, betrayed expression plastered on their faces. ‘Speak to the closest person on your left’ said one of the mentors, as she tried to rouse the masses of unhappy teenagers. I turned and looked. Next to me sat a boy slouching in his chair, sporting long dreadlocks and an in nite amount of necklaces. We looked at each other, and I said, “Do you want to go share a cigarette?

As the rst year of Teen Journey came to a close, I hugged everyone goodbye, telling them each how much they meant to me. Just a week ago, just 168 hours ago, these people were strangers. Now, they were my brothers and sisters. The closeness we all felt was not something I can accurately describe on paper or in words. It was like how people feel when they arrive home at the end of a long day of work, or the relief of the ocean on bare skin on a hot summer’s day. After almost three years of being a part of Teen Journey, I have learned and I am still learning much about myself and the rest of the world. I have found meaning, and I have found life mentors, and I have found people who will love me unconditionally and see me, always, as a beautiful soul. And for this, they have my eternal gratefulness.

The more I opened my ears, and my heart, to what the mentors said, the more

I found myself in this program.

Days passed and my anger faded and was eventually replaced with honest curiosity. Who are





LINDA M. POTTER TIM 7-9p Locatio Unity of Vancouver 5840 Oak St Lower Leve Cost: $2 Ticket Science to Sag Banyen Books

Vancouver, Friday Sept.16th

In Case of Flood Climb to Higher Groun d











I grew up in a house that had half of the living area below ground level, and in the Midwest that meant it was subject to ooding — and ood it did. The amount of ooding would vary from storm to storm, but virtually every heavy downpour turned our home into a sinking house boat My parents did everything they could to keep the water at bay, but nothing worked, and cloudy skies always put the entire family on red alert. At the rst sight of a little water bubbling up through the drains in the basement oor, we all sprang into action, elevating furniture with stacks of bricks and hauling books, toys, and other irreplaceable “stuff” up the stairs to dry land. Most of the time, there was just a few inches of water, and the only fallout from the passing storm was a disgusting, thin layer of mud blanketing the oor of the basement. But on those occasions when the water rose to canoeing depth, there was little we could do but huddle together on the staircase and watch helplessly as Barbie oated by clinging to the roof of her dream house, and GI Joe Action Sailor backstroked his way across the family room I never understood why, after the rst ood season wiped out the new wicker couch with the Polynesianinspired tiki-print cushions, toppled the arti cial banana plant, and left the tropical sh to fend for themselves as their upended tank drifted away, my parents didn’t just sell the house and move someplace where we didn’t have to spend half our lives in crisis mode. My mother told us that Father knew best and he refused to move. She



















Well, it seems there was this young woman who had been struggling with an endless string of life crises. Depressed and exhausted, she sought out a spiritual counselor for help. After listening to her client’s long and complex story of rejection, betrayal, disappointment and failure, the counselor calmed her d ow n l o n g e n o u g h t o suggest that they spend some time in prayer before proceeding. The woman turned a ghostly shade of pale, bolted upright in her chair, clutched her hands to her chest, and exclaimed in horror, “Oh, no! Has it come to that?!” When prayer becomes a last resort, rather than the first line of defense, we’re setting ourselves up for enough drama to sustain a multi-episode miniseries… with sequels. A heart-toheart with our Higher Power early on can interrupt a downward spiral before it becomes a dark (and stormy) night of the soul.




Did you hear the one about the counselor and the distraught client?

added that a little adversity was good for the soul, and we should resign ourselves to our soggy fate. So, when storms gathered, my siblings who lived in the ood zone below would toss as much as they could into plastic laundry baskets that were strategically placed around the basement level to facilitate a speedy evacuation, and then make a mad dash up the stairs that led to the higher ground of the upper oor. There they would set up camp in the living room and sing Kumbaya until the ood waters receded. Moving to higher ground in times of crisis just makes sense. Stormy days are part of the natural weather pattern and occasional heavy rain is to be expected; and unless you have ark making skills and your name happens to be Noah, hanging out in ood hazard zones can be… well… hazardous. It’s easy to get so caught up in trying to tread water through one ood after another that it never occurs to us to simply get out of the riverbed and climb to higher ground before we go under for the third time. The higher we’re willing to climb, the safer we are (and the better the view) Finding higher ground through prayer and meditation (however that looks for you) may require a major shift in consciousness, but remaining shift-less can leave us with more than just a sinking feeling. Ideally, we don’t build our spiritual homes in ood plains to begin with, but once the high waters overtake us, rushing into our living areas, there’s no time for “should haves;” we simply need to gather our most-valued possessions and begin the upward journey. The climb will be worth it

Linda M. Potter is a licensed spiritual counselor, popular speaker, published author and the Managing Editor of BellaSpark magazine. Her book, If Only God Would Give Me a Sign! released in July of 2011.,


The Coded Secrets of the Mayans, Egyptians & Tibetans






Struggling to stay a oat with your dayto-day responsibilities as time speeds up before us? The intensity of 2011 in combination with the multi-layered energies that are unfolding before us are stirring humanity. We are fast approaching the energetic crescendo


SRI RAM KAA & KIRA RAA anticipated for 2012 Some recognize this stir and are meditating more, asking deeper questions and searching for resolution. They are using the energy to expand their discernment. Others have no idea what this “energy” is. They are acting out, feeling out of sync and doing their best to cope with the troubling pictures that the world is showing. The pictures being presented by the media are often lled with fearinducing images and content that feeds the stirring within. The bottom line is that whether you recognize this stirring or not, the experience is still the same

Humanity is at the point of clarity: everything is rapidly changing. Books can, and most likely are, being dedicated to the litany of what used to be and how things have shifted. Walk into any coffee bar or gathering space and chances are there will be at least one heated conversation about the direction of our planet. Tensions are high, tempers are aring and the energy of “us vs. them” has taken on new levels of intensity. News anchors shout at their guests and sensationalize topical events with opinionated coverage. Meanwhile Youtube, Twitter and Facebook support populist waves of information, in ammation and rising energy.


Collectively humanity has already activated an awakening, however few are aware of what that truly means and how to move forward through the awakening. For many, the awakening is feeling like a hangover and more coffee will not numb it

of the great traditions, this powerful secret has been kept alive through their trusted elders.

Eons ago we left ourselves messages and symbols that would survive the test of time. These symbols were created to come forward when we needed them most. Carried within our very DNA is the sum total of all experience, and within that experience is the collective memory that is once again being felt by all beings

They do not speak publicly of this gift. Nor do they teach it to others: For unless one is ready to go beyond the delight of the dream that we have co-created, the beauty of this gift is not ready to be embraced. And so the elders have waited…patiently…for humanity to re-awaken. That moment is now.

Buried deeply within the codes of the Mayan Calendar, The Egyptian and Tibetan Books of the Dead, and well beyond Einstein’s string theory is the “Uni cation Molecule”™. This little known “clue to humanity’s future” is an e m b e d d e d s e c re t t h a t h a s b e e n misunderstood by many. Yet, within each

What is this clue that seems to have de ed humanity until this moment? It is known simply as the Uni cation Molecule™, and it is re-awakening in all of humanity. This deeply embedded energy goes beyond any known strands of DNA, and has many names in many traditions. It is propelling us toward what some call the Zero Point idea that we are in a new ow. Certainly the Age we are in is coming to an end…so what does that mean? Witnessing so much transition, chaos and stimulation, one seeks to unify it in some way: to derive meaning rather than just feeling the constant bombardment of chaos








65 fi

Sri Kaa and Kira Raa book “2013 Mayan Sunrise” foretells powerful events that may challenge you, while offering life-changing spiritual awareness and revelations. Sharing wisdom and predictions from Mayan high priests and the Archangels, this profound ancient knowledge is no longer reserved for the few. While many are still pondering December 21, 2012 and the Mayan calendar, Sri & Kira live with the Mayan elders in Guatemala and clearly show why Now is the Sunrise of humanity, the natural evolution of the experience of humanity's dark night.

The high Council of the Mayan Elders has decided it is time to speak. They have allowed the Uni cation Molecule™ to open them to new action. What these humble men have to say may shock you. What they need to share may challenge all you hold as true, and what they bring to the world is needed… right now The Ancient Egyptian Dynasties are preparing to resurrect through the Uni cation Molecule™ that has been held secret for centuries. The Tibetan lineage is at the moment of harnessing a greater sense of uni cation with all of humanity as the quest to reclaim their “homeland” must shift to include the entire planet as “home” Living in Guatemala and sharing

Mayan Elders, Tibetan leaders and Egyptian scholars, sacred time with the

the connection is clear. This trinity of energy is the essential anchor of the Uni cation Molecule™ that exists within us all. There is great power in the mysticism of the three times the three This power is resurrecting now and through this moment your heart will once again claim a front row seat as the driver of your life experience. As you rediscover the Uni cation Molecule™ that has always been within you, everything begins to make sense. A smile of knowing comes forward and you open yourself to an even wilder ride for humanity than you may have thought possible. You learn how to navigate the quantum eld and discover your limitless reality as an essential part of your day to day life The collective awakening is here, and the Uni cation Molecule™ has been re-activated! What would you like to remember? Near the end of his life, Einstein was still working

his way through the uni ed eld theory. He left the planet not ever fully proving his theories about the oneness of all energy. Yet, he was clear that it existed. What was elusive for him was actually already present and available within the ancient traditions, however he solely sought to prove his theories through science, which is often devoid of heart Movies such as the Transcendent Man, featuring Ray Kurzweil, suggest that in order for us to survive we must deprioritize our humanity and quite literally blend with technology. He suggests that the future will require us to implant chips so that we can “keep up” with information technology and other advancements. In short, he suggests that we will be dependent upon technology for our survival; that being a human will not be enough Is humanity being pulled to a new way of living that will challenge everything we have ever known? And more importantly, will we survive the transition Anyone who has been in a true partnership with another person recognizes there is a stage one passes through where autonomy seems to be lost. Yet, the expansion of love, trust and capacity that come through the partnership experience quickly dissolve any egoic need for a smaller self. Technology, for the most part, is an extension of the brain. It is intended to support us, not enslave us! It was Einstein himself who shared: “Information is NOT knowledge!” Yet the fascination with information and technology often loses knowledge in the chatter Information, and even knowledge, requires Wisdom for it to be harmonious and bene cial. Wisdom comes from holding a greater context to apply knowledge gained. We are at the glorious moment where we are learning how to harness the Quantum elds to further ignite our harmony in conjunction with spirit Many people are fascinated by the Mayan calendar and the idea that we are in a new ow. Certainly the Age we are in is coming to an end…so what does that mean? Witnessing so much transition, chaos and stimulation, one seeks to unify it in some way: to derive meaning rather than just feeling the constant bombardment of chaos

























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This unsettled experience is the energy that has called forward the Uni cation Molecule™ again! It can be frightening to our egos as we are called to lift into a transcendent context. This unifying particle of energy ows through you and causes you to “sense” at a greater level. It often gifts you with inner knowing and greater future vision. It is the common seed that exists within all beings and is the essential energy that ows through your heart and allows it to expand.

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The Divine Matrix, Gregg Braden

“The Orb Project”- Miceal

Joseph Chilton Pearce - The New Children and Near-Death Experience


Ledwith and Co-author Dr. Klaus Heinemann •

Tao of Physics, Fritof Capra

Wholeness and the Implicate

Universe”, Miceal Ledwith •

Spontaneous Healing of Belief,


Walking Between the Worlds,

Common Teachings of Four

Gregg Braden •

The Universal One, Walter Russell

Sixth Sense

Journey of the Angels, Crimson Circle

Krishna, Lao Tzu, Richard Hooper

The Science of Miracles, The

Order, Quantum Theory, David

Mystical Traditions- Jesus, Buddha, •

“Orbs: Clues to a More Exciting

CD •

The Healing Miracles of Archangel

The Intention Experiment, Lynne

Raphael, Angel Words: Visual


Evidence of How Words Can Be

The Conscious Universe, Dean

Angels in Your Life, Doreen Virtue


The Science of Miracles, Choice

Entangled Minds, Dean Radin

Point 2012, Fractal Time, The

Angel Words, How to Hear Your

Spontaneous Healing of Belief, The

Angels App, and The Healing

God Code, Secrets of the Lost

Miracles of Archangel Raphael,

Mode of Prayer, Gregg Braden

Doreen Virtue

The Journey of the Angels

Authors on Books - Past Lives and Near Death •

Sylvia Browne

Brian Weiss, M.D.

John Holland

James Van Praagh

Dr. Michael Newton

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YOUTUBE • • • •

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Everything is Energy with Deepak Chopra The Elegant Universe Gregg Braden on Consciousness Michael Talbot – The Holographic UniverseNature of the Universe Lynn McTaggart, the quantum field John Hagelin, Ph.D Quantum Physics & Consciousness Amrit Goswami, Quantum Physics & Consciousness Global Coherence Initiative Consciousness is EVERYTHING Terence Kemp McKenna

Other Senses • • • • • • • • • •

Jane Bolte Taylor-The Brain Miceal Lediwth - Orbs Panav Mistry at TED: The Six Sense Reincarnation - Past life evidence with a young boy Near Death Experience Dr. Brian Wiess on Past Lives Lynne McTaggart: Intention Experiments Rupert Sheldrake - The Extended Mind Dean Radin: The Conscious Universe Doreen Virtue: Speaking to the Angels

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EXTRA & LIVE Authors and Scientist • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Walter Russell Gregg Braden Bruce Lipton Miceal Ledwith Ivan Rados Fritjof Capra David Bohm Lynne McTaggart Rupert Sheldrake John Hagelin, Ph.D Dean Radin Joseph Chilton Pearce Sylvia Browne Brian Weiss, M.D. John Holland James Van Praagh Doreen Virtue

Centers • • •

Book - Children •

The Magical Child, Joseph Chilton Pearce

Children, Gifted and Indigo • • • • • •

Metagifted Indigo Network Young Psychics Children of the New Earth Indigo Dreams SEE for gifted & spiritual links

Courses/Programs • • • •

Doreen Virtue Walter Russell Gregg Braden ( Travel Tours) Ivan Rados

Past Life Center Edger Cayce Books Reincarnation

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