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The shamrock, a three-leaf clover, was called a seamróg by the Celts, meaning little or young clover, and was considered a sacred plant that symbolized the coming of spring and luck. It’s believed St. Patrick used the sacred plant to explain the Holy Trinity. The shamrock should not be confused with the four-leaf clover, which also has significance in Irish history. The four-leaf clover represents luck, faith, hope and love.


Irish vicar Ricardo Artur organized a parade. In 1737, homesick Irish soldiers in the English army organized celebrations in Boston and New York, and the tradition grew from there.


The age of St. Patrick when he was kidnapped by Irish raiders in Britain— where he was born—brought to Ireland and sold as a slave to a Celtic priest. He worked for six years as a shepherd before escaping back to Britain. He would return to Ireland as a Christian missionary years later.


The number of ceramic leprechauns hidden in the mountains and hunted each year around Carlingford, Ireland during the annual leprechaun hunt. The tradition started in 1989 when a local businessman claimed to have found evidence of a real leprechaun on the mountain called Slieve Foye. He said while hiking he heard screams and came upon a wishing well where he found bones, a tiny suit and gold coins near scorched earth. Visitors can see the evidence in Calingford and, if they pay 6 euros for a hunter’s license, they can hunt for the leprechauns.


The year Chicago began dyeing the Chicago river green. The green dye was originally used to help clean up the river. In 1955, workers were tasked with finding out where sewage was coming from in the river and used green dye to track the source of the waste. Almost a decade later, Mayor Richard Daley initially wanted to dye parts of Lake Michigan green to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day but was eventually convinced to dye the river instead. The city uses an orange powder to dye the river green and its contents are a mystery, raising the ire of environmental groups. The river is dyed using two boats, one to distribute the powder and the other to stir up the water.


Year the first St. Patrick’s Day was celebrated in St. Augustine, Florida, which at the time was a Spanish colony. The colony’s


The number of pints of Guinness consumed on St. Patrick’s Day last year. Guinness is an Irish stout beer created more than 200 years ago.


The numbers of seconds needed for the perfect Guinness pour. According to Guinness, the perfect pint of Guinness Draught is served using their famous two-part pour. First, start with a clean, dry glass. Pour the Guinness Draught into a glass tilted at 45 degrees until it is three-quarters full. Allow the surge to settle before filling the glass all the way to the top. Your perfect pint, complete with its creamy white head, just domed above the glass rim, is then ready to drink. At home, you should let the can chill for at least 24 hours before pouring its contents into a large glass in one smooth action.