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Student-Athlete Feature

samfordsports.com 10 Questions with J.R. Tran-Reno

By Haley Sue Harbison Samford Athletics

In each game program this season, we will let you get to know a little more about a Samford football player with our series, “10 Questions With .” For this edition, Marketing Assistant Haley Sue Harbison sat down with wide receiver J .R . Tran-Reno .

What made you choose Samford?

Straight out of high school, I had always had interest and known what Samford was being from Birmingham, but I had some bigger opportunities right out of high school, so I decided to take advantage of that . Then I just really wanted to come back closer to home, be closer to my family . I already knew Coach Hatch and what his offense brought to the table and what kind of culture Samford had with a lot of connections here, so that’s really why I wanted to come back home and represent Birmingham . celebrating that win with him . Getting a big win over a highly ranked opponent just kind of sparked that season off . Oh, and also my first touchdown this year, then I was more excited to see my teammates so happy for me .

What was going through your mind after your first collegiate touchdown?

Michael Heirs actually handed me off my first high school touchdown and threw me my first college touchdown . So, we’ve got a lot of good memories together and just being able to have that with him and all of these guys with me and years of hard work finally coming to fruition . He probably doesn’t even remember this, but I met Michael when I was going into seventh grade and he was going into eighth, and he was the starting quarterback for the middle school team, and I was playing quarterback coming up and I remember the confidence he instilled in me . He came over to me and was like, “hey, this is your team, you’ve got it .” I will never forget that .

What is your best memory with the team so far?

I have to say after the Kennesaw game, which was a really good, fun memory . Just having my high school quarterback (Michael Hiers) back here and

How would you describe the Samford football team?

I would describe it as just a fun team full of good guys, honestly . I know transferring here there was not really even a transition really . I already knew someone on the team, so it was filled with a lot of people like me, too, so it is the place for me .

How do you get in the zone before a game?

You know it has really changed over the years . In high school, I was a music guy . Now I like worship music and reading my Bible and pray and be in the moment . Focus in .

What is your goal for yourself as a player and your goal for the whole team?

My goal for myself as a player is just to help out any way I can, whether that’s scoring touchdowns, making blocks, whatever they need me to do, I am willing to do it . I am most excited about making a run for the SoCon championship with this team . We are in a pretty good position . Michael and I actually lost out on a high school state championship, so I am hoping we get a chance at redemption .

Is there another player you look up to?

I have always looked up to Julio Jones . Growing up here in the state of Alabama, that’s why I wear the number eight . I think I like him because he always came and got his work done and was never causing problems off the field . Now, I like to just keep up with my friends playing!

What is something nobody knows about you?

Skincare . I really try to not use anything without natural products . Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face wash, moisturizer- the whole nine . I like to take care of myself . I also use an eye mask when I sleep .

What is your favorite thing about the football team?

The camaraderie . And the relationships the players have with the coaches . Coming from another school it was kind of this hierarchy, but here we’ve got coach Drew and other guys that we can just talk to . A closeknit bond between the team . Nobody’s not friends with anyone .

What legacy do you want to leave behind?

I want to leave a legacy of someone who was willing to do anything for the team- a selfless guy . Not only willing to do anything for the team but also my friends outside of football and just be the best I can be .