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FeaturedProducts XMC/PMCs with x4 sRapidIO Ports and VPX Intelligent I/O Carrier

A new VPX (VITA 46) board enables direct interfacing from a Serial RapidIO (sRIO)-based fabric to onboard devices like PMC and XMC sites, large amounts of SDRAM and the CoSine System-onChips. The MM-1200 from VMetro contains dual CoSine System-onChips. Each CoSine device is embedded in a Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGA. Each CoSine device contains two embedded PowerPC 405GP devices, one Primary DDR array, two PowerPC local DDR arrays and two PowerPC Flash arrays. The PowerPC processors enable the MM-1200 to be used as an XMC/ PMC carrier and memory buffer, as well as a VITA-46-based stand-alone single board computer. In addition to making the PowerPC 405GP processors accessible, each CoSine node also has one multi-ported DDR array, a dedicated 128 Mbyte DDR array to each PowerPC processor and FPGA platform flash. The CoSine nodes interface with the two mezzanine sites on the MM1200 by either an XMC or PMC interface. The MM-1200 can support either PMCs or XMCs. Using the PMC sites, each PCI bus can operate in 32bit or 64-bit PCI 2.3 mode at up to 66 MHz or in 64-bit PCI-X mode at up to 133 MHz. Using the XMC sites, the MM-1200 supports the Aurora protocol with four MGTs or Serial RapidIO x4. In addition to having a VME320 2eSST interface, the MM-1200 includes a complete onboard Serial RapidIO switch fabric connectivity, with four independent Serial RapidIO ports to the VITA 46 P1 MGT backplane connector per the VITA 46.3 draft standard. Aggregate memory bandwidth exceeds 3 Gbytes/s per SoC, providing a total of over 6 Gbytes/s on the MM-1200. Each of the two embedded PowerPCs in each 2VP100 is a fully functional computer. Each PowerPC contains its own DDR array, pro-


February 2008

grammable flash and UART. The PowerPC processors also share an Ethernet connection. Processors can host device drivers, perform message passing, service interrupts, or execute floating-point operations. Each processor includes a complete BSP with all internal SoC device drivers fully integrated so customers can download application files “out of the box.” The MM-1200 monitors the temperatures of the CoSine devices and primary circuit board to ensure proper operation. Status updates can be received by the CoSine PowerPC processors that can then make intelligent decisions, display status to user programmable LEDs, or communicate information over its Ethernet link to remote destinations. The MM-1200DR is a rugged, extended-temperature, air-cooled board with an operating temperature of -40° to +71°C. The MM-1200DTE is a rugged, conduction-cooled board with an operating temperature of -40° to +85°C. Both the MM-1200DR and MM-1200DTE have been designed for optimal heat dissipation and deployment in environments that undergo severe shock and vibration. Complementing the MM-1200 is the VCX301, a 3U VPX carrier for XMC mezzanines. The XMC P15/P16 signals are routed to the backplane, which determines the overall system topology. XMCs supporting both P15 and P16 connectors can take advantage of the VCX301’s architecture to route data at up to 5 Gbytes/s. The VCX301 can also be used as a carrier for PMC modules, such as an FPGA-based I/O module that supports data flow through the P14 connector. Although PCI is not supported, the VCX301 provides power to the PMC connector and I/O is routed to the backplane. VMetro Houston, TX. (281) 584-0728. [].

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