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Using artificial intelligence (AI) to look at CT scans could help identify the risk of lung cancer returning, according to results from the OCTAPUS-AI study.

The trial, supported by The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, used imaging and clinical data from more than 900 non-small-cell lung cancer patients to develop AI algorithms that predict relapse.

Dr Sumeet Hindocha, Clinical Oncology Specialist Registrar (above), said: “We found our model could more accurately identify which patients developed recurrence within two years of completing radiotherapy.

“While still at an early stage, this could mean clinicians will eventually be able to detect recurrence earlier in high-risk patients using this technology.”

Chief Investigator Dr Richard Lee, Consultant Physician in Respiratory Medicine and Early Diagnosis, added: “The Royal Marsden is leading the way in utilising AI technology to diagnose, detect and prevent cancer more effectively.”