Rollins Magazine | Fall 2010

Page 31

New Women’s Dormitory, renamed Ward Hall in 1978

Center for Social Concerns, and the Environmental

foreign language requirement to 24-hour visi-

Conservation Organization were soon living

tation. (Revision won, visitation lost.)

together as well as studying together. These groups

After the completion of the New Women’s

extended their scopes beyond the classroom and

Dormitory in 1970, the campus remained relatively

presented programs for the entire campus.

quiet until 1973, when the Alfond Pool provided

In 1971, the Renaissance Committee called the

students with a new place to see and be seen. In

College together for “Community Day.” The entire

1974, Frederick A. Hauck Hall, which houses

campus broke into discussion groups to pinpoint

foreign language studies, was built next to Casa

Rollins’ problems. As well as requests for more

Iberia. The Music Department moved into R. D.

liberal academic requirements and more unique

Keene Hall later that year. In 1978, thanks to a

and demanding Winter Term courses, the discus-

gift from George D. and Harriet W. Cornell, the

sions touched on the need for more programs for

Art Department and the Rollins College Museum

black students and more all-campus interaction.

of Art found new homes in the Cornell Fine Arts

The Black Student Union was established in

Rollins is suffering growing pains. Having reached a plateau of sorts, Rollins is confronted by the same problems as an adolescent, who realizes his future may not be much like his past. —The Sandspur, 1973

Center. They were the last buildings to be

1972. The BSU developed Black Awareness Week,

dedicated during President Critchfield’s

which became an annual event and drew speakers


such as Dick Gregory and Jesse Jackson to

On his arrival at Rollins, President Critchfield

Rollins. The first Black Awareness Week also

had said he would limit his tenure to eight to 10

featured “An African Happening” and a “soul

years. True to his word, he announced his resigna-

luncheon.” Later in 1972, the Office of Student

tion in 1977, effective the following year. After his

Affairs inaugurated the Real-World Program,

departure, while the search committee continued

which involved Rollins students directly in com-

to seek his replacement, Dr. Frederick W. Hicks ad-

munity projects. The initial Real-World Program

ministered Rollins as acting president. One of Dr.

saw more than 100 students participate.

Hicks’s presidential actions was to declare the first

A new form of government also began to

Fox Day since 1970, when the spur-of-the-

evolve at Rollins. With the formation of the

moment holiday had been discontinued in the

College Senate, faculty and students had the

midst of nationwide war protests and peace

opportunity to become involved in making the

demonstrations. The spring surprise contained

decisions that affected them. Heated debate

another surprise—a visit from Rollins’ next

surrounded questions ranging from revising the

president, Dr. Thaddeus Seymour.

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Ronald Reagan speaks at Rollins, 1976.

As part of the objectives of the College, there is a deep and continuing concern for the quality of life, for values and traditions, and for an education that can provide a student with the means of operating effectively and maturely within a framework of responsibility and accountability. —Annual Catalogue, 1973-74


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