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The Periphery

T H E P A R T S .

the periphery

Aldo Rossi’s understanding of the periphery presented a new urban reality that contained the seeds of the future city. In Rossi’s writings, the periphery is often described in conflicted terms; despite the physical degradation and loss of traditional city form, this new frontier holds potential and may be evidence of a transitional phase in social relations. Although he argues, “the periphery could be a regressive force, for the making of consumers, new markets and facilitating the passive absorption of subjects into advanced capitalism”.

Fig. 01 Whilst the site sits on the periphery of Hoddle’s Grid, it presents an important mediation on the civic pre-conditions laid out by Hoddle.

Fig. 02 Cover of Aldo Rossi’s Architecture of the City, 1966.

Fig. 03 The Analogous City, Aldo Rossi, 1976