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Being part of the solution in an unstable world

As we gather in Asia there are common themes that in one way or another impact the worldwide lead and lead battery industries.

Global instability is inevitably something that impacts businesses from East to West. Whether it is war in Europe — with no obvious end to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia — or concerns about China’s domination of natural resources and tensions over Taiwan. Events dictate and influence markets.

When you add to these pressures economic instability and supply chain insecurity, alongside aggressively ambitious incentives such as the Inflation Reduction Act in the US, it amounts to a significant backdrop of uncertainty. And that’s before we start discussing existential threats such as climate change.

Experienced legislators are fond of saying that everything is local. But for business, everything is global, because what happens in India amid a vast and growing economy, impacts on Europe and vice versa. And major decisions made in Washington inevitably affect us all.

In Europe in particular we can add to this complex array of issues a raft of legislative pressures from regulators. Efforts by EU policymakers seeking to create a toxic free environment by reducing or removing hazardous materials, present very real obstacles to battery manufacturers.

At the same time Europe seeks to create an economic advantage by becoming the first ‘truly green’ manufacturing battery value chain.

To remain competitive businesses not only need to navigate regional issues.

Success depends on an ability to adapt to a dizzying array of global pressures and barriers.

For the lead battery value chain, future success also depends on continuous innovation as demand for long-lasting, safe and high-performance batteries continues to grow exponentially.

Our industry must demonstrate how it is contributing to a low carbon future while also generating solutions that help policymakers achieve the transition.

Above all we must continue to set the standard in our commitment to responsible manufacturing and recycling — helping those countries with poor records improve performance, as well as supporting efforts to eradicate substandard and often dangerous practices.

While our industries’ benefits and ability to make a difference may be familiar to us — it is clear we need to share these messages more widely, raising awareness and understanding. From being one of the world’s most recycled products to making advanced batteries for renewables energy storage, our industry — the entire value chain — has a major and important role to play.

And we need to make sure decision makers know that.

We all have a significant role to play, to demonstrate that we are part of the solution, making products that are critical to so many other applications and services.

It has never been more important to demonstrate our value, both economic and social. Our industry offers the three Rs – reliability, recyclability and relevance. Our products are also safe, innovative, and cost-effective. It’s the assurance you need in an unstable world.