2 minute read

Happy Light Be Gone!

Well they say it’s time to reset our clocks this month and I’m glad. It seems I’ve been in the dark longer than I should be. My attitude may reflect the fact that my mind and body have been daylight deprived too long. My wife Sandy probably feels it too. I bought her one of those Happy Therapy Lights for Christmas because she can feel the effects of SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder. I’m not sure if it’s working but when we huddle together in front of the Happy Therapy Light with a glass of wine, we start to feel happy, but we’ll get even more happier when we can sit on the deck at 6 pm bathing in evening sunlight! I hope you’re Spring Forward on March 12 brings a smile to your face, with or without the wine ��

This month’s cover profile doesn’t worry too much about the effect of time changes because with her wandering spirit she just travels to another time zone to feel good! Her name is Lisa Hemphill and she’s a Travel Advisor at Sadie’s Global Travel in Montgomery. I wanted to share her story with you because she represents how many of us would define aging well, seeing the world and helping others experience their travel dreams. Hopefully you’ll receive some inspiration from Lisa’s story and perhaps act on your own travel dreams and seek new experiences. Please share Lisa with your friends and family, we all need a good travel advisor!

A few other stories to look for this month would be our friend Greg Budell and his desire to get us in the bowling alley again. Saturdays at Bama Lanes on Atlanta Highway. I have many fond memories from the bowling alley, and they represent the old school fun that is still FUN. Take your grandkids and family…there will be lots of laughs to go around. We also have a feature from a 75-year-old woman who’s an Instagram sensation because she got herself in shape physically and mentally, she says it's never too late and we’re giving away her book, check it out!

What about the most romantic place? Well, a granddaughter honors her grandmother’s place and it’s a sweet ending. Do you have stuff that needs to be gone? We provide some guidance on how to get rid of it, make some money and feel OK about it. Stuff is stressful, but not anymore. Finally, let me congratulate Betty Hutchinson for sending in her completed February BOOM! Word Search, she won $50 BOOM BUCKS! We’re doing it again this month check it out and be a winner.

I hope you enjoy this month’s issue. There’s plenty of good reads for your reading pleasure, so sit back, grab your favorite beverage, and enjoy the experience. And thanks for sharing BOOM! with friends and family, I appreciate it. And remember to enjoy the extra daylight, add wine if you prefer ��

Age well my friends.

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