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America Divided By Race and Trump Rhetoric

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America Divided By Race and Trump Rhetoric

By: Greg X: Unjust Magazine

For the left, President Trumpis the fear, his narcissistic personality and unpredictable, unrestrained behavior makes him a dangerous Commander-in-Chief, one that is liable to get the U.S. into a game of nuclear chicken with countries led by similarly erratic leaders, like North Korea. Trump’s policies and willingness to please his most extreme supporters threatens the rights of all non White people, gays, transgender folk, and women across the country. The only thing liberals might fear worse than Trump himself is the sentiment he brings out in his supporters, which has already proved deadly in Charlottesville, Virginia.


During Barack Obama’s Harvard Law School years, he took a job as a summer associate at a Chicago firm, and the attorney assigned to mentor him was also a Harvard Law graduate, Michelle Robinson. The two began dating and were married in 1992.

Robinson came from a working-class black family and grew up on the South Side; her brother had excelled at basketball and went to Princeton University, and she followed him there for her undergraduate degree.


2430While local elites and politicians carry much of the blame for the chaos, for decades the United States meddling in the region has played a significant role. The United States recognized the re-election of Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernández, despite widespread allegations of fraud.

The Honduran electoral commission, which is controlled by Hernández allies, named him the country’s next leader, but the OAS said the process had been the subject of too many unexplained delays and irregularities “before, during and after” the vote to determine the outcome with certainty – and called for a repeat election.


Voter Suppression in the South

Donald Trump launched what opponents decried as a racially loaded attack on Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, labeling him a "thief" without evidence and claiming that, as mayor of Tallahassee, Gillumoversees one of the country's "most corrupt cities."

Gillumresponded less than an hour after Trump's attack and, like the last time they clashed, mocked the President for not engaging him more directly. "On Twitter there is a choice between having the courage to @ the person you are trash talking, or not," Gillumwrote. "@realDonaldTrumpis howling because he's weak. Florida, go vote today."


Yet Trump didn't stop at simply extolling what he felt to be Kemp's accomplishments.

Rather, Trump also took aim at Stacey Abrams, Kemp's opponent, "His opponent is totally unqualified,"Trumpwrote, "Would destroy a great state!“

But even the most cursory glance at Abrams' resume leaves one with the impression that she's far from being "unqualified." As the deputy city attorney for Atlanta she was behind legal and policy analysis for numerous projects.


Rolling Stonewriter JamilSmith insisted Saturday that it was important to correct Trump no matter the context of his tweet. "Stacey Abrams has more experiencein elected office —more than 17 years — than does Brian Kemp (nearly 13)," Smith tweeted. "She is vastly better educated (Yale JD vs his bachelor's).

Trump's assertion that she is 'totally unqualified' may have been made flippantly, but we should correct him.“

Kemp has carried out mass purges of the voter rolls, ostensibly to remove dead people and people who haven’t voted in recent elections from the records, but in such a sweeping way that Democrats fear it will keep voters, particularly minority voters, off the rolls.

Kemp’s office also put 53,000 voter registrations on hold, nearly 70 percent of which are for black voters, by using an error-prone “exact match”system, which stops voter registrations if there are any discrepancies, down to dropped hyphens, with other government records.


In the days before Election Day, Kemp accused Democrats, through the secretary of state’s website and with no evidence, of attempting to hack the state’s voter registration system.

As elections law expert Richard Hasenwrote in Slate, this was “perhaps the most outrageous example of election administration partisanship in the modern era.”