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a. International projects b. International events International

Promotion and implementation of international institutional cooperation is one of the cornerstones of the RTU Development Strategy. Based on the vast network of partner universities worldwide, as well as participation in international organizations and alliances, academic and scientific cooperation is being pursued, the mobility of students and academic staff is promoted, providing extensive opportunities for exchange of experience and enabling active participation in global scientific centers.

a. International projects


New projects of the European University of Technology

RTU together with seven international partners continues developing its offer for the European University of Technology (EUt+). The consortium brings together RTU, the University of Technology of Troyes from France, Technological University Dublin from Ireland, Sofia Technical University from Bulgaria, Cyprus University of Technology, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences from Germany, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca from Romania, and Polytechnic University of Cartagena from Spain, who have jointly undertaken to develop an innovative confederal EUt+ model within three years. In 2021, the European Commission approved and allocated budgets for several new projects. On the RTU side, the International Projects Unit of the International Cooperation and Foreign Students Department is responsible for the development of project applications and their implementation. A project “EUt+ EXTRAS” of the European University of Technology (EUT+) is one such projects. It is a Horizon 2020 project. Within the project, research to experiment and find better forms of research in the EU is conducted to boost European capacity for innovation and competitiveness. RTU is responsible for a work package that aims to make science cause a greater impact on society. It focuses on making research results more accessible to business and society at large, promoting information exchange between business and universities, and addressing the challenges of protecting intellectual property in the context of “open science”. AesTheTiCo, a strategic partnership project of the Erasmus+ program