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Town of ORION will be conducting a public test of the voting equipment on Sunday, February 19, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. The public test will be held at the Orion Town Hall, all are invited to attend.

Diane Parduhn


Town of Orion Deputy Clerk


Town of Rockbridge adno=328045

Notice is Hereby Given that the regular monthly meeting of the Town of Rockbridge will take place on Thursday, February 16, 2023, at 7:00 p.m., in the Rockbridge Town Hall, 19082 Irish Drive, Richland Center, WI.

Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Approve Agenda, Minutes of Last Meeting, Zoning and Driveway Permits, Financial Report, Bills, Rural Fire District Report, Discussion of the purchase of a new high pressure washer machine for the highway shop with possible action, Old Business, New Business, Set Next Monthly Meeting Date, and Adjournment.

Sharon Miller, Clerk



Town Of Marshall

Town Board Monthly Meeting

Tuesday, February 14th at 7 PM

Town Shop, 18475 Gillingham Drive

Agenda posted at the shop and on-line 24 hours prior to the meeting. townofmarshallwi.org

The Town of Marshall will be conducting a public test of the voting machine on Wednesday, February 15th at 2 PM at the Town Shop.

Katherine Berner, Clerk 608-383-9892

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DENTAL INSURANCE From Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for (350+) procedures. Real dental insuranceNOT just a discount plan. Dont Wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 855-807-9516 www.dental50plus. comwicommunity #6258 (WCAN)

DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insuranceNOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details! 1-855-973-9175 www.dental50plus.comhttps:www.dental50plus.commidwest #6258 (mcn).

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Wife Mary,

Children: Mike & Ellen Minter, Sue & Pat Paulick, Richard Minter, Pat & Virginia Minter, Mark & Donna Minter, Sandy & Ken Brandt, Mary Jo Minter, Ben Minter Jr., Jill & Gordon Winter. Grandchildren and Great grandchildren.

THANK YOU For Reading Our Shopping News!

Thank You

My most sincere thanks to all the people who helped me celebrate being 94 years young All the birthday wishes, food contributions, many cards and gifts received were very much appreciated. Special thanks to my bride, Emily, to our son, David and his bride, Deb for the rhinestone Karaoke King jumpsuit and for all the planning and decorating they did and to Kris Bloedow for his karaoke contribution, organizing our euchre game and 25 lbs of cheese curds A great day shared with family and friends with good food, playing cards and singing made for a memorable day. It was a celebration that I will long remember.

Jim Hanzel

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For your convenience, it is now online at richlandcentershoppingnews.com

Thank You To All The Staff At Pine Valley

We just wanted to thank all of you for your incredible patience and tenderness with our mom over the past few years Our Mom was such a smart and confident person, and we all know she didn’t always keep her opinions to herself. You handled her “Advice” with such kindness, and we know she loved all of you very much and deeply appreciated the care you gave her. You made it possible for her to be herself until the end of her life. We are missing our mom terribly right now, but knowing you were there helping her at the end brings us great comfort. We are truly thankful for what you did for our mother.

Ron and Mar y Jane Troxel

Ron and Jodene Roh

Bruce and Cindy Troxel

Mary Ann Troxel

Patsy Troxel