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Commodore’s Message

Sporting-wise, November is Around the Island Race month across our core sports.

The rowing and paddle sports section is gearing up for their 45km Around the Island Race coming up on 12 and 13 November. We’re expecting a great turn out from local rowing and outrigger clubs and for the first time in a few years, we’re once again looking forward to welcoming a few crews from overseas which will be exciting. Our outrigger canoe team has had a solid build up to this event with a record number of eight teams taking part in one of the toughest races of the year in October, the 24km Around Lamma race. And our rowers have had a busy race schedule as well with the 44th Hong Kong Champs regatta last month as part of their build up to ATIR.


What is 45km for the paddlers and rowers is 26nm for the sailors. Their Sun Hung Kai & Co. Around the Island Race is one of the biggest inshore events in Hong Kong and will take place on Sunday 20 November. This incredible spectacle of sail around Hong Kong Island involves class keelboats, dinghies, beach cats and cruisers. Typically, the race has an average entry list of 200 plus boats with more than 1,500 sailors. This event is also the first pursuit race of the Top Dog Trophy Series - an annual award that is presented to the sailor with the best-combined results from a series of races over a six-month period.

The following weekend will feature the second of the four pursuit races of the Top Dog Trophy Series with the One Global Lipton Trophy being

Commodore Lucy Sutro

sailed on the Saturday afternoon. The race is held in the eastern area of Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour, taking in Shau Kei Wan, Tai Koo Shing, Kowloon Bay and Hung Hom. The race attracts around 60 competitors from Hong Kong’s one-design fleets and Big Boat classes.

Remembrance Sunday falls on Sunday 13 November and I am honoured be laying a wreath at the Cenotaph that morning on behalf of the Club. Please may I also invite you to the Club's own observance of Remembrance Day on the actual day itself, 11 November, at the Turning Circle at Kellett Island. The Club's cannon will be fired at 1100hrs which shall be followed by two minutes silence and then the firing of the cannon again.

My thanks again to everyone who came along to the Shelter Cove Town Hall at the end of September, either in person or online. I would also like to thank everyone for their support of the Club's application to the Town Planning Board by submitting their comments to the TPB. I would like to reiterate my opening marks at the Town Hall that we are still at the start of both the PRL lease compliance process and any building project at Shelter Cove. We will keep members informed of updates on both topics on a regular basis.

At the end of this month, we are celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the RHKYC Charity Foundation. I look forward to seeing many of you at the special 10A Gala Dinner in the Compass Room on Saturday 26 November. The Charity Foundation is also hosting their annual Christmas Party for the Red Cross Hospital Schools that morning and we shall share photos of that event in a future issue of Ahoy.

Lastly, please join me in congratulating fellow member Ante Razmilovic's Swedish Blue being crowned 2022 International Etchells World Champion!


賽艇及划槳運動部正密鑼緊鼓地預備這場45公里的環島大賽,賽事將於 11月12及13日上演。今年,我們期待本地賽艇及划槳運動體育會踴躍參 賽;更希望見到海外隊伍參賽。本會的懸浮獨木舟團隊更分成八隊,分道 揚鑣出戰十月其中一場最艱鉅的賽事,24公里的「環南丫島賽」。「第四十 四屆香港賽艇錦標賽」作為賽艇香港環島大賽的前哨戰,本會的賽艇手 當然不遑多讓,踴躍參與比賽。

究竟賽艇及划槳運動員的45公里及帆船運動員的26海浬有什麼異曲 同工之妙呢?對於帆船運動員來說,「新鴻基有限公司香港環島大賽」 是本地其中一個最大型的港內賽,將於11月20日(星期日)舉行。環繞香 港島,一睹千帆並舉的盛況,將囊括龍骨船、小帆船、「beach cats」及 「cruisers」型帆船。以往這場環島賽有約200支船隊,1500名帆手報 名參賽;作為一場追逐賽,它更是「Top Dog 盃帆船聯賽」的首場賽事。 「Top Dog 盃帆船聯賽」在六個月內類計四場追逐賽的成績,總成績最 高的帆手將膺此殊榮。

緊隨的周未將舉行「Top Dog 盃帆船聯賽」的第二場賽事「One Global Lipton盃帆船賽」。賽事於周六的下午舉行,於維港東面水域,包括筲箕 灣、太古城、九龍灣及紅磡一帶舉行。賽事一般吸引約60位來自統一級別 大船級別的帆手參賽。 今年的國殤紀念日訂於11月13日(星期日),我很榮幸可以代表本會在當天 早上在於和平紀念碑獻上花環。我誠邀大家於11月11日,實際的國殤紀念 日當日在吉列島會所的迴旋處致意。本會將於當日上午11時正鳴炮,隨即 設有兩分鐘默哀,最後再度鳴炮作結。

再次衷心感謝大家,不論以實體抑或網上形式於九月下旬出席「Shelter Cove 全員大會」。我亦要感謝所有支持本會向城市規劃委員會(下稱委員 會)申請擴大用地的方案,更向委員會提交他們支持的理據或意見。我在 全員大會致辭時已經說過,在此我重申;本會在私人遊樂場地契約的合 規流程以以及任何在白沙灣會所的建築項目均屬首階段而已,我們會定 時向各位會員更新情況。

在本月下旬,我們將迎來香港遊艇會慈善基金會(下稱慈善基金會)成立 十周年的紀念。我很期待見到大家出於11月26日(星期六)在Compass Room 出席這場十周年慶祝晚宴。慈善基金會亦於當天早上為香港紅十 字會醫院學校舉辦年度聖誕派對,我們將於稍後出版的Ahoy! 分刊登相 片,與大家分享喜悅。

最後,誠邀大家與我一起祝賀本會會員Ante Razmilovic's Swedish Blue在「2022國際Etchells世界錦標賽」凱旋。

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