REDNews Feb 2014 issuu

Page 28

Rebuilding East Houston continued from page 26

regulatory business climate, it takes a long time to get things done. The engineers have to figure out where to place all of the evacuated material. It’s technically possible to dredge, put it in a pipeline, and add as many pump stations as needed to get from A to B, and pump it out into the lowlands. But this is a long-term project.

public property in good condition. Every week, every major thoroughfare gets cleaned off, mowed, and trimmed. Initially they thought they’d provide the public works and maintenance services themselves, but found that they can accomplish those goals easier and cheaper by awarding annual contracts to private contractors.

Sonny is interested in international business, but stresses that the demographics of the area that he lives in are important to him. “I come from a family that has always been involved in community. I told myself that not only did I desire to make a living, I also needed to make a contribution to the world around me. As a young guy, I was the president of the local Jaycee chapter and we had 2,400 members. I got involved in politics and ran for office and today I thank God that I was defeated. I like to say that I got that out of my system.”

Basically, the management district focuses on three areas: security, clean up, and business development and maintenance. At one point, Sonny noticed street lights that were inoperable in parts of the area. He said, “Look Martin (Martin Chavez, Greater East End Program Coordinator), I don’t know how the city turns these lights on and off. I’d like for you to look into this.” Martin discovered that the city doesn’t do anything about streetlights; that’s Centerpoint. “So Martin found out who to call, called them, and made an appointment. Within 10-14 days, we had the lights working appropriately.” Sonny notes that this reporting of street lights continues today.

Sonny’s interest in giving back to the community led him to get involved with the people locally and in Austin who were eventually able to legislate the first Houston East End Management District into existence. The Texas Legislature formed the Greater East End Management District in 1999 to function as a tool for economic development and revitalization of the area. The District receives assessments from commercial property owners and uses funds for infrastructure improvements, beautification, security and public safety, workforce development, and other programs as designated by its board of directors. The District develops and implements projects and programs that: • Create a safe environment within the District in both perception and reality • Enhance the image of the District • Improve infrastructure and amenities in the District • Attract more business and investments to the District • Improve business opportunities in order to increase economic activity for the business property owners, tenants, and their customers.

“It seems like a small thing, but today, I’ll bet you that you can drive up and down our thoroughfares and 99% of the lights are on at night. At one point, I had some problems with middle school kids fighting in the street after school. When there’s a problem such as this, our residents and business owners have a constable’s number to call. And when a citizen calls, within 5 minutes, there’s a constable’s car out there to address the problem.” Sonny notes that Constable Trevino has been in the news recently and not in a particularly good way. “I mean, Trevino’s been in the news and there are a lot of things they’re accusing him of. The media has portrayed him as a bad guy, but I’ll tell you what. When it comes to taking care of people in this area, he is there for the neighborhood.”

Security for area residents is of prime concern to Sonny. In order to provide more police security, they hired Victor Trevino’s constables to provide private security and have asked larger companies located within the district, such as Baker Hughes, to provide some of the security forces needed. Sonny notes that by using the constable’s forces they are able to provide additional security services that are economical and effective. In addition to security needs, the management district focuses on keeping


Sonny talks about construction projects and federal grants for building within the district. During the past fifteen years, the management district has developed many public works and beautification projects that have revived the area. Of primary importance to Sonny is that the people working in the Greater East End Management District understand what the inner city’s needs are to become and continue to be a vibrant district. He focuses on neighborhood events that develop local pride, and enables people to get out of their homes and meet their neighbors. He says community pride keeps neighborhoods vibrant. This, in essence, is what Sonny is all about. He’s been in Houston for forty years now, and he still focuses on ‘not just making a living, but giving back to the community.’

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