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Open Contact By Melanie Ware

Welcome to my passion & excitement: teaching humans to have open contact experiences with our galactic family, nature, elementals, mythical beings, and animal spirits. My intention is to be the bridge for you to see how this is very possible, natural, and beneficial for your everyday life. Our natural way of being.

I am a hybridized human; I am here upon Earth as a preparer, living in open contact consciously with my extra-terrestrial family & Gaia since I was a young child.


It is usual for me to be taken aboard crafts, to have experiences with the Maze (greys), my hybrid children and counterparts, and a wide range of galactic beings. Being schooled on crafts and in communication with ET beings has always felt natural to me; to be honest more natural than humans in many ways.

I have also lived in

contact with Gaia from a young age, realizing Gaia was communicating, by listening and running with the wind, talking with the trees and elementals, and living with no separation.

As exciting as open contact is, it truly begins within, in knowing thyself. How can we hope to have open contact with ET beings when we do not know our own inner universe or communicate with our Earth? When you are in open, unconditional contact with yourself and your natural world, you will raise your frequency and open the door further to be in contact more consciously with your higher self, thus your galactic family. It is an inside job!

All humans are hybrid; we were born here on this sacred Earth; she is our mother. Our DNA structure is deeply reflective and coded with our galactic lineage and that of the oversoul. Therefore, open contact, open communication with our extra-terrestrial extradimensional family is one of the most natural ways of being for us.

However, we can have programming and negative beliefs, fractures of trauma that tell us otherwise.

Why is open contact

relevant? It is an expansion, a natural evolution in humanity’s consciousness, in knowing thyself, living as a multidi-

Open Contact

mensional being. The method I use to live in open contact is astral projection.

It’s more than a method, it is in the structure of our being.

Astral Projection is a true inner body experience, not an outer body experience. When astral projecting you are attuning with all that you are, aligning your 3rd/4th density-perceiving mind with a higher self-version of you.

Open communication with our extradimensional family is one of the most natural ways of being for us

That version of you is the version that is always in spirit in the blueprint realm, looking at your film strips,having fun choosing which frame to focus on. That then creates your linear experience of continuity and storytelling in your physical reality.

You are aligning yourself with the higher self-version of you that is always in existence to be able to have an integrated experience of projection.

How can astral projection benefit us as humans?

• To communicate with Gaia and the elementals restoring balanced living as an extension of her, an ambassador. • Meet key counterparts that are relevant for your learning and expansion. • Meet Hybrid Children • Deeply heal and transform • Develop clear communication with your higher self • Our galactic families utilize this method in a slightly more refined form to project themselves into our world and your awareness to communicate with our races, when they are not physically making contact. • This is how your higher self-communicates with you, being the projection state itself. • Remembering we are always in the projection state, we are now becoming more conscious of such and how to shift the frames.

Most importantly, astral projection benefits you in knowing your multidimensional self and living in communication more clearly and consciously with your higher self, your oversoul, parallel timelines, upline to future counterparts on Earth, direct counterparts from alternate races, Gaia and our natural world.

Some tips for astral projecting

Know your intentions and mindset before beginning. If there are fears, they will arise. You can learn to be excited when they do, as you then have an opportunity to release the limitations and what is not the truth of your being. Find your place of stillness, relaxation utilizing the breath, especially gamma breathing.

Play with raising your vibration consciously, the best place to start is within the heart… I use the infinity symbol and gamma breathing with the crystalline tetrahedron.

What does astral projection feel like? Notice and become aware of the sensations, the blending of worlds. As you do so you begin to strengthen your natural ability to finetune to the subtleties of the astral world.

Begin within nature and project yourself to a location you prefer on earth, play here first.

Experience your astral environment. What does it feel like? Smell, touch, taste?

It does require regular practice. A daily ritual will activate new neural pathways.

You may also begin to feel a sensation, a knocking feeling around a certain time of day, which is your higher self and guidance team saying, “We are ready when you are!”

Remember when dealing with many of the Hybrid races, hybrid children, the Pleiadians, the greys, they are physical, too, and it is best to set up a regular time to connect.

Remember, it is not about the details of what you see or hear during your explorations, but what you chose to do with it that matters; consciousness creates matter.

Knowing a little more about the structure of Astral projection you can then use your imagination to spin the storyline in any direction that excites you, remembering that excitement comes via the unconditional directive of your higher self.

You will always and quickly come back to the projection of your body. You are not out of body though it may feel this way.

Email melanie.ware@outlook.com for more information.