Successful implementation of "a logical copying" at Harvard and MIT

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to the subcellular level, a size regime necessary to achieve a non-invasive and their interaction. 3D interface of electronics with cells in tissue.

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The development of three-dimensional (3D) synthetic biomaterials as f) the combination of biocompatibility and tissue structural and bioactive scaffolds is central to fields ranging from cellular equivalence in both the diamond and protein-based (organic) FETs makes them naturally ft for biophysics to regenerative medicine.

[15], p. 4

implantation. b) lost or damaged organs of the senses could be [15], p. 5 substituted or complemented by similarly operating human, animal, etc. organs. Its output biosignals may be picked up by the transducer and injected into nerve fbres of the recipient after reverse changing; c) substitution of inoperative control or motor nerve centers by control biosignals simulation and transducing them to living organs as discussed above. the sizes of nanoFETs and nanoPCs are in the same order as the transmitting substances of NSs, such as axons and neurons. Secondly, the crossed-nanowire FET or textile arrays are, in itself, multiinput. The remaining part of FET devices are applicable for serial connection to the said mediums.

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Here, we [electrically probe the physicochemical and biological microenvironments throughout their 3D and macroporous interior] using macroporous, flexible and free-standing nanowire nanoelectronic scaffolds (nanoES), and their hybrids with synthetic or natural biomaterials.

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3D macroporous nanoES mimic the structure of natural tissue scaffolds, An organic FET (OFET) is characterized by textile and they were formed by self-organization of coplanar reticular networks process fully compatible size and geometry. This transistor has shown very interesting performances, with built-in strain and by manipulation of 2D mesh matrices.

[43], p. 1-2

[main], p. 3

with typical values of the electronic parameters very similar to those of planar devices. 3D transistor structures such as multiple-gate FETs have been proposed and extensively studied as a promising solution to overcome the scaling limitations of planar bulk devices.

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NanoES exhibited robust electronic properties and have been used alone or combined with other biomaterials as biocompatible extracellular scaffolds for 3D culture of neurons, cardiomyocytes and smooth muscle cells.

EC/PC Based on Smart Textiles [42], p. 2 Hence the mechanical stability of the smart textiles is suffcient for implantation of the planar structures (Fig.). Since the developed system allow the micro- and nanoscopic of room and tissue temperature samples, such testing will be of practical use for clinical diagnostic.

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we show the integrated sensory capability of the nanoES by real-time monitoring of the local electrical activity within 3D

When SuFET channel(s) of are implanted into the tissue [14], p. 11 or process we can aquire more precize data about the

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