Government Business 22.4

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Business Information for Local and Central Government ROAD SAFETY

MARKING DOWN ROAD DANGER Why further investment is so important to our local roads


THE ZERO WASTE AWARDS Celebrating resource efficiency FLOOD PREVENTION

KNOW YOUR FLOOD RISK Controlling the tide of flood management within the public sector

nt Conte ent gem t mana e lates h t s u l p ology techn 81 p news







Emergency Budget: the old switcheroo The recent budget could well see councils across the UK facing a somewhat smaller problem than anticipated.

Business Information for Local and Central Government ROAD SAFETY

MARKING DOWN ROAD DANGER Why further investment is so important to our local roads


THE ZERO WASTE AWARDS Celebrating resource efficiency

Plans to operate a budget surplus have been put back a year until 2019‑20. The Office of Budget Responsibility has calculated that public service spending now needs to be reduced by around £18 billion during this period – less than half of the £40 billion figure banded around in the last Coalition budget, before March’s (somewhat unexpected) Tory election victory.


KNOW YOUR FLOOD RISK Controlling the tide of flood management within the public sector

t Conten ent em manag latest e plus th logy techno 1 p8 s w ne


It is becoming a regular Tory party piece. Make everyone believe that the speed and depth of cuts will be ridiculously severe (a wringing of hands, back to Victorian values, everybody’s in for a very lean time indeed etc). Then, when they actually get round to announcing them, they’re not quite as bad as expected. It’s the old switcheroo. Most appear to be happy. Or at least happier. And after expecting early doom and gloom in the first fully‑Conservative term for 19 years, the budget was seen as extremely positive by most of the mainstream media. This is to be expected, of course, as the Times and The Sun are both Murdoch‑owned and the old boy appears to be getting his wish (drip fed, at least) with the BBC, which will now fund licences for the over-75s at a cost of almost £800 million per year. A quick peek underneath the bonnet, however, and it seems what Osborne gives with one hand, he’s already taken away. Councils are not expected to breathe a sigh of relief just yet. There will be, at the very least, five more Conservative budgets before the nation gets another say about things. Meanwhile, councils and trade unions in Wales have demanded fairer funding amid fears of significant job losses and service cutbacks. Major reductions have forced Welsh councils to slash spending by £720m since 2010, the Welsh Local Government Association claims. Unions and council leaders have lobbied for an improved funding deal in Parliament, warning Welsh MPs that thousands of council jobs could be lost if cuts continue. A smaller public sector is indeed part of the European-wide austerity plan, but without significant investment from the private sector, Wales could be in for a rough ride unless a new funding deal can be agreed.

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George Osborne delivers Summer Budget; Devolution plans are given a boost; and pension funds join together to reduce costs Kerry Hallard of the NOA, analyses the opportunity Britain has to become the central hub of outsourcing activity After yet another incredible turnout, Government Business reviews this years IFSEC International event



The Emergency Services Show features live demonstrations and an Emergency Response Zone to delight its delegates

Brandon Primary School is a deserved recipient of the Outstanding BREEAM Assessment for sustainability measures The most comprehensive energy procurement event, The Energy Event returns to the NEC on 15-16 September

69 LEISURE INDUSTRY WEEK 19 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Leisure Industry Week is the ideal place to Simon Carter from the B&ES says owners will have to take a closer interest in how building services systems are maintained


Flooding can have a devastating impact on communities. Mary Dhonau of the Know Your Flood Risk campaign, discusses the high importance of flood management


Steve Eminton, of the Environment Media Group, discusses the benefits of adopting a zero waste approach for the public sector



On 15-16 September, the leading resource efficiency and waste management event returns to the NEC, Birmingham


By having an effective business continuity programme in place, businesses can ensure a drama doesn’t turn into a crisis, says Andrew Scott of the Business Continuity Institute


The Road Safety Markings Association address road safety in light of the recent government ‘go-live’ announcement

witness the latest trends and technology that is aiming to keep Britain fit and active


Meet in Leeds’ discuss the benefits of public sector event buyers using academic venues for conferences and events


Visitors at the Square Meals Show can expect bitesize seminars, delicious food tastings and a plate of appetising features


Sourcing furniture for the public sector can be a long task if you’re not careful, says the Furniture Industry Research Association


Social media opinion mining; Cloud computing survey; and £8.74m of savings


Doug Miles discusses how to manage the vast volume of content that finds its way into public sector departments


Government Business analyses the latest government procurement supplier news

78 ISS

Turn to UE 13.4 p latest age 81 for t g h techno overnment e logy ne ws

80 Government Business Volume 22.4 | GOVERNMENT BUSINESS MAGAZINE




Clark calls on councils to seize the opportunity for devolution

Planning shake-up could see the ‘nationalisation’ of regulations

Under the plans, central government ministers would be able to seize unused sites in order to fast track housing projects. Rules on extensions for London homes are also expected to be relaxed as part of the plans. Business Secretary Sajid Javid said it would speed up schemes and preclude the need for building on Green Belt land. He said: “This plan lays the foundations for a stronger future. Every part of government will be involved. Under-supply of housing pushes up house prices in many areas and means millions of people can’t live and work where they want to, or even own their own home.” However, critics have warned against the ‘nationalisation’ of planning, and questioned whether there is enough brownfield land available to meet the huge demand over the next 15 years. Chancellor George Osborne said 200,000 permissions for new homes would be made possible by 2020. The proposals, which will need to be approved through parliament, could also see Councils that make 50 per cent or fewer of their planning decisions on time at risk of penalties or intervention from communities secretary Greg Clark to speed up production of local plans. Announcing the plans, Greg Clark said: “The top-down targets of the past planning system did nothing to deliver the homes our country needs. In contrast, putting local people in control has led to record numbers of homes being granted permission and support for housebuilding to grow.

“These proposals ensure we go further and faster, removing the barriers so we can keep the country building and support hard-working people to achieve their dream of home ownership.” Stewart Baseley, executive chairman of the Home Builders Federation, welcomed the reforms. He said: “The lack of available developable land and delays in – and cost of – the planning system are the biggest barrier to the country building the homes it needs. If the industry is to increase supply closer to the level needed we need more land to come through the system more quickly.” However, the British Property Foundation commented that while many of the measures ‘hit the nail on the head’, the ‘severe shortage’ of local authority funds could hamper potential reforms. Cllr Mike Jones, The Local Government Association’s (LGA) housing spokesman, said: “Councils want to see brownfield sites developed and many of these new measures will help with that, such as stronger compulsory purchase order powers to help councils take on sites stuck in the system. “Councils and their planning committees are rightly central to that locally accountable democratic process, allowing local people to have an influence over the changing shape of their neighbourhoods. The fact is, planning is not what’s holding up development – it’s the cost of READ MORE: remediation and infrastructure.”


Liverpool City Centre development could bring economic boost Plans for the development of the ‘Chinatown’ district of Liverpool could see 800 new residential units constructed on a derelict city centre site, along with 200,000 square feet of commercial space. Planning application for the project will be submitted to Liverpool council shortly, with the three-phase scheme expected to cost between £150m and £200m. Developer North Point Global, part of construction firm PHD1, has concluded a

deal to buy an interest in the location. Liverpool’s Deputy Mayor, Cllr Ann O’Byrne, said the site held ‘fantastic potential’ because of its location close to the city centre and region’s Baltic Triangle. She said: “They (PHD1) have devised some extremely innovative ideas around developing links with China and the universities to create a substantial numbers of new jobs and bring a completely new commercial and retail offer to the area.”

GB News


Secretary for Communities and Local Government Greg Clark has called upon councils to seize the opportunity for devolution and take power away from Westminster. Speaking at the Local Government Association (LGA) annual conference, Greg Clark praised councils for absorbing budget cuts with ‘cool headed efficiency’. He then proceeded to outline devolution plans by arguing that ‘since no two places are the same… it should be obvious that a central plan for everywhere won’t work anywhere’. Clark told the audience that the change of heart towards devolution was a ‘testament to the achievements of local government over the last five years’, and that devolution of power would provide the opportunity to ‘take control of your own fate’, ‘to make life better for even more people’ and provide the ‘chance of a lifetime to direct the future economic prosperity and social flourishing of your area’. He finished by telling local councils: “It’s your community. Your READ MORE: future. So take power now.”


Government programme to free up land for homes criticised by NAO A government programme designed to release public land for new housing has been criticised for misleading statistics and a lack of proper monitoring. A report by the National Audit Office (NAO) refutes claims that the programme has met its target of 100,000 homes and criticised government departments for not routinely monitoring what happens to land after disposal. They also claim that the government used a loose interpretation of land that could count towards the target, including land cleared before the target was set, as well as land owned by Royal Mail and British Waterways, who have since left the public sector. A DCLG spokesman said: “We broke our target more than a month early with enough land released to build more than 109,000 new homes. We now want to go further and faster still with land sales for a further 150,000 homes by 2020 whilst protecting taxpayers by cutting the hoarding of vacant public land and disused buildings. “We will consider and learn any lessons READ MORE: from the NAO’s findings.”




LGA calls for new powers to tackle litter from cars The Local Government Association (LGA) is calling for new powers to tackle people who throw litter from cars. Outside of London, local authorities currently have to identify the exact person who has thrown litter from a car in order to issue a fine, which can often prove difficult. Council’s are calling for a change in regulation, giving them the power to fine the owner of the vehicle, regardless of who threw the rubbish. The LGA hopes these new powers will go some way to tackling the growing problem of roadside littering. Approximately 80 tonnes of car litter was collected from 18 miles of A roads in North Hertfordshire during an annual clear up this year, while 20 tonnes of rubbish was also collected along a 16‑mile stretch of the A42 in Leicestershire. LGA Environment spokesman Peter Box said: “Road litter is a huge and spiralling problem which is threatening to overwhelm some of the nation’s roads. It is difficult – and dangerous – for councils to clear up. “The litter louts who blight our roads and cost council taxpayers millions in clean-up costs are currently getting away scot free thanks to a legal loophole. It’s time for the lazy, selfish people who toss rubbish from moving cars learn this behaviour is simply unacceptable. “We are calling on the Government to urgently give councils the appropriate powers to READ MORE: tackle this issue head-on.”


Local government pension funds join together to reduce costs by £32 million Two of the largest local government pension funds have pooled their £10 billion assets in a bid to reduce costs by £32 million. Lancashire County Pension Fund Committee (LCPF) and the London Pensions Fund Authority Board (LPFA) have now joined together to form the The Lancashire and London Pensions Partnership (LLPP), which will see the two funds pool their assets and liability management activities through newly created corporate structures. Susan Martin, chief executive of LPFA, said: “We are excited to have taken this unprecedented step of pooling two of the largest pension funds in local government. “It is our joint aim to significantly reduce the funds’ combined costs – we estimate by over £32m million within five years – and with the benefit of economies of scale, further reduce our respective deficits.”


Autumn spending review deadline for devolution deals Councils planning to bid for ‘significant’ devolved powers will need to have their bids signed off by ministers before the Autumn spending review, Budget papers indicate. Chancellor George Osborne announced in his Budget speech in the House of Commons that the government remains ‘open to any further proposals’ from local authorities, but commented that any such bids would have to be submitted ‘in time for conclusion ahead of the spending review’. Osborne also confirmed how the Greater Manchester Combined Authority would receive further powers, including placing control of fire services under the new Mayor, further collaboration on employment programmes and children services, as well as the establishment of a regional and commission. Osborne also reinforced that this government was ‘working towards deals’ with the Sheffield and Liverpool City Regions and Leeds, West Yorkshire and partner authorities. A section in Budget papers referring to these deals, said the city regions ‘will be granted significant additional powers and the opportunity to take control of their own affairs to support economic growth’ if agreements are reached. However, these would depend on the regions agreeing to have an ‘elected mayor working with local leaders to oversee new powers devolved from ministers’. In his speech, Osborne also announced that there was a ‘major plan to give Cornwall a greater say over local decisions’, saying it would be the first of new so-called ‘county deals’ and that progress

GB News


was being made on a major plan for the Duchy. Cornwall Council Leader John Pollard said: “We have been working with partners to prepare a ‘Case for Cornwall’ which sets out ambitious proposals for greater powers, freedoms, flexibilities and support to be given by the government to Cornwall. These proposals are designed to allow the people of Cornwall to benefit from an integrated health and social care system, significant economic growth, more affordable homes, greater access to employment and training opportunities, together with a much improved public transport network. “As such we welcome today’s positive comments from the Chancellor which set out the government’s plans to honour its manifesto commitment to devolve far reaching powers from London to counties and look forward to continuing to work with civil servants to agree a Cornwall Deal which enables the Case for Cornwall READ MORE: proposals to be delivered”.


George Osborne unveils Summer Budget

The government has promised to create a ‘higher wage, lower tax, lower welfare country’ as Chancellor George Osborne delivered the first fully-Conservative Budget in the House of Commons since 1996. Osborne allowed himself a further year to reduce spending, but vowed to be bold in his reforms. He announced plans, including Tax Credits and Local Housing Allowance, to freeze working age benefits for four years to ensure ‘earnings growth will catch up and overtake the growth in benefits’. The benefits cap will be reduced from £26,000 to £23,000 in London and £20,000 across the rest of the country. The government will also look to abolish the automatic entitlement to Housing Benefit for 18-21 year olds under a ‘learn or earn’ programme, with exceptions for the vulnerable. Disability benefits will not be taxed or means tested.

Unexpected news was the introduction of the National Living Wage, which starts at £7.20 next April and rises to £9 an hour by 2020. The Living Wage will be compulsory for workers aged over 25 and will replace the minimum wage which currently stands at £6.50. In the build up to May’s General election, Labour had vowed to increase the minimum wage to £8 an hour. From September 2017 all working age parents of three and four year olds would receive free childcare of up to 30 hours per week, with the expectation that they will ‘look for work if they want to claim Universal Credit’. Elsewhere, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) received a boost as Osborne revealed that the Annual Investment Allowance (AIA) will be set at READ MORE: £2000,000 indefinitely.



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BBC takes on funding of over-75s TV licences The government has reached an agreement with the BBC that the corporation will take on the cost of providing free television licences for over-75s. This will be phased in from 2018/19 with the BBC taking on the full costs from 2020/21. Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, John Whittingdale MP, said: “The BBC is a world-class broadcaster and a cultural institution producing some of the best television and radio in the world. However as a publicly-funded institution, it also needs to make savings and contribute to what we need to do to get our country’s finances in order. “I welcome the BBC’s commitment in reaching this funding agreement, which is an important issue for its own future. I look forward to discussing the full range of issues over the course of the Charter Review period, and will be making an announcement about the process for the Review in due course.” The following has been agreed with the BBC: The government will bring forward legislation in the next year to modernise the licence fee to cover public service broadcast catch-up TV; The government will reduce the broadband ringfence to £80m in 2017/18, £20m in 2018/19, £10m in 2019/20 and £0m in 2020/21; The government anticipates that the licence fee will rise in line with CPI over the next Charter Review period, subject to: (a) the conclusions of the Charter Review,

in relation to the purposes and scope of the BBC; and, (b) the BBC demonstrating that it is undertaking efficiency savings at least equivalent to those in other parts of the public sector; and the government will consider carefully the case for decriminalisation in light of the Perry Report and the need for the BBC to be funded appropriately – no decision will be taken in advance of Charter Review. Tony Hall, Director-General of the BBC, said: “We have secured the right deal for the BBC in difficult economic circumstances for the country. This agreement secures the long term funding for a strong BBC over the next Charter period. It means a commitment to increase the licence fee in line with inflation, subject to Charter Review, the end of the iPlayer loophole and the end of the broadband ringfence. In the circumstances, the BBC has agreed take on the costs for free licence fees for over-75s, and after the next parliament, will take on the policy.”



Councils could face £3.3 billion funding cuts, LGA warns

GB News


The Local Government Association (LGA) have warned that councils in England could face a £3.3 billion reduction in central government funding for local services in 2016/17. The findings were published in the LGA’s annual ‘Future Funding Outlook Report’ on 29 June and warn that councils will need make further savings next years, equivalent to 12 per cent of their total budgets. The report also includes predictions for the next five years and suggests that funding will continue to be reduced by a further 11 per cent in 2017/18 and four per cent in 2018/19, before increasing by seven per cent in 2019/20. The total of the combined predictions, as well taking into account the increasing demand for social care for an ageing population, would mean a funding gap of £9.5 billion by 2020. LGA chair, cllr David Sparks, said: “If our public services are to survive the next years, we urgently need a radical shift in how public money is raised and spent, combined with proper devolution of decision-making over transport, housing, skills and social care to local areas. “Fairer funding for local services, and the freedom to pay for them, will allow councils to tackle the big issues facing their residents and protect services which bind our communities together and READ MORE: protect our most vulnerable.”


West Midlands Councils plan London borough warns ‘economic powerhouse’ benefit cap could push of Birmingham, Coventry, work with more partners across 1,000 children into poverty Leaders Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, the private, public and third Islington Council has warned that proposed cuts to the benefit cap will likely lead to a rise in child poverty and homelessness in the borough. Research carried out by the council suggests that lowering the benefit cap by £3,000 to £23,000 a year per family will impact nearly 6,000 homes in the borough. The new policy would see £1.6 million in lost Housing Benefit and Local Housing Allowance, which will affect up to 1,000 children. Cllr Andy Hull, Islington Council’s executive member for finance and performance, criticised the proposed policy for not taking into account the differences in property

prices around the UK. He said: “This national, one-size-fits-all policy takes no account of local realities. Rents in London are much higher than elsewhere, and yet the same caps and cuts apply. With such a shortage of affordable housing in the capital, cutting the benefit cap won’t drive down rents; it will just drive people into poverty.” He added: “We will do our best to support struggling families in our community, but there’s a limit to our ability to shoulder the burden of government cuts and shield residents from their impact.” READ MORE:

Walsall and Wolverhampton Councils have met to discuss the creation of a West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA). Under the plans, each would retain control of services in its area, but would benefit from economies of scale when it came to bidding for government funds and devolved power. Leader of Coventry council Ann Lucas said: “Across the region we face some critical challenges; skills, transport infrastructure, productivity, land use and public service reform. By working together we can move powers from Whitehall to the West Midlands and start building a Midlands engine in the heart of the country. “Our aim is to consult and

sector so that we can establish our combined authority.” Cllr Bob Sleigh, leader of Solihull Council, said: “There is a £16bn output gap between the West Midlands and the national average. We generate around £4,000 per person less in wealth than the national average and eliminating that gap is one of our key priorities moving forward. “Last year the Chancellor spoke about the need to rebalance the UK economy and now, collectively, we are responding in our own terms, through the creation of the West Midlands Combined Authority at the heart of a Midlands Engine.” READ MORE:



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The Conservative victory in May should bring some welcome news to the UK outsourcing industry. The National Outsourcing Association’s Kerry Hallard analyses the opportunity the country has to become the centre of outsourcing activity The Conservative party’s unexpected win in this year’s general election, albeit by a slim majority, has resulted in the first pure Tory government in almost two decades. This is a government that will bring some welcome stability to the UK’s outsourcing industry. ISG’s first Outsourcing Index of this year saw sourcing activity in the UK slow, most likely due to uncertainty surrounding the election and lack of faith in an Ed Miliband-led Labour government. Outsourcing firms will now feel more secure. Spending on public sector outsourcing almost doubled to £120 billion under the Coalition, and that’s a trend that is likely to continue over the next five years. Shares in service providers such as Capita and Serco jumped significantly days after the election outcome in anticipation of a plethora of new outsourcing deals, both public and private, over the coming months. Additionally, the UK economy grew by just 0.3 per cent between January and March 2015. However, the CBI now expects the UK to shake off this slump and bounce back with an overall growth of 2.4 per cent this year, with CBI chief John Cridland tipping the service sector as one that is performing particularly strongly at this time. The UK already have the second largest outsourcing market in the world and the most mature. What’s more, our country already has the key ingredients to get there: our native language, the perfect time zone, strong financial markets, world-leading consultants and excellent travel infrastructure, which could be further enhanced by a third runway at Heathrow. Not to mention the fact that English law already covers the majority of outsourcing contracts. David Cameron wants Britain to become ‘the re-shore nation’ but we could be so much more than that. For the UK to reach its full potential, we need a government that fully understands outsourcing best practice and openly promotes its country’s fantastic service capabilities. OUTSOURCING INEFFICIENCY Over the past 12 months, the National Audit Office (NAO) has taken a vested interest in public sector outsourcing, analysing

in 31 per cent of public-private contracts, and even then it is not always received. The NAO recommended the Cabinet Office to develop better guidance for interpreting suppliers’ costs and profits, establish a common standard for open-book data and that every government department should have a strategy in place for the collection and use of that information. OUTSOURCING AND For TRANSPARENCY to Transparency is a the UK full s contentious issue in t i reach we need outsourcing, especially , l a i t when it involves the n e pot ment s public sector. It certainly n r e v o nd wasn’t the coalition ag ndersta t u y l l u government’s strong f bes that g n i c suit. Despite his pledge r u outso ctice in 2010 to ‘publish every pra

case studies and tracking the success rate of outsourced government contracts. In September 2014, the NAO focused on reforming the way in which central government manages contracts. In the report ‘Transforming government’s contract management’, the auditor recommended that the civil service (1) ‘build the commercial skills of its contract management staff’, (2) establish ‘the systems and processes needed if contracts are to be overseen and managed effectively’, and (3) ensure ‘that the responsibility for the delivery of contracted-out services properly rests with the contractors’. This is certainly a step forward. However, it’s not just the service providers that are responsible for the delivery of services contracted-out – the government always has ultimate accountability. Attempting to place all culpability with the service provider demonstrates lack of faith and undermines the outsourcing relationship from the start. It’s just as essential for the government’s contract managers to recognise that the responsibility is shared and that the service provider is a teammate, not a competitor. The NAO has since moved its focus on to outsourcing transparency. The auditor’s latest report ‘Open-book accounting and supply-chain assurance’ revealed that open‑book accounting data is only available

Written by Kerry Hallard, chief executive officer, National Outsourcing Association

Can the UK become the global strategic hub of outsourcing?



government contract worth over £25,000 in full’, David Cameron fell short of his aims during his term in government. According to Computer Weekly, since that day, at least £5 billion worth of contracts involving public deals have not been published. Open-book accounting is now seen by some as a potential solution to this problem. However, the open-book approach is divisive and not without its issues. For instance, there are many innovative pricing models emerging and, for suppliers, that counts as intellectual properly. If you publish how contracts are priced then that competitive advantage is taken away – that’s just one reason why the largest outsourcing providers aren’t necessarily in favour of open-book contracting. What we have to accept is that solely attempting to reveal and then cut the profits service providers make on public contracts isn’t the answer; to do so will again hinder innovation, make the prospect of public sector work less appealing and prevent the UK from reaching its full outsourcing potential. Rather, focus needs to shift from profits made to benefits provided. The government’s first priority should always be to ensure that the benefits it is E



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ECONOMIC GROWTH  receiving from outsourcing at least justify what it is paying its service providers. LEARNING FROM THE PRIVATE SECTOR While central government is proficient when it comes to procurement, it is lacking in relationship management, performance management, pre-buying techniques and commercial skills. Meanwhile, the majority of outsourcing professionals in the private sector receive continuous training in these areas. What’s more, they tend to have far more experience and are incentivised to strive for the best deal possible. Public sector outsourcing managers would greatly benefit from thorough training and more attractive pay packets. These perks, in turn, would make it easier for the public sector to recruit skilled individuals. In addition to undergoing training, it would be prudent for government departments that partake in outsourcing to seek accreditation in order to confirm the progress they’ve made. The NOA already offers a Corporate Accreditation Programme, which serves as a cost-effective way for proficient buyers of outsourcing to learn where they are weak and need to transform; accreditation then demonstrates their corporate expertise and adherence to best practice. ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT If the UK is to become the global strategic hub for outsourcing, it needs to be led

by a dynamic and resourceful public sector, manned by outsourcing professionals who feel confident in their roles and have the ability to compete with the best when it comes to contract negotiation and management. Those in the public sector can get there by following these recommendations. Firstly, you must be clear on what you have and what you want. Speak to the market prior to outsourcing to understand what’s possible – when you do outsource, don’t outsource an existing problem and expect it to magically disappear. Secondly, don’t shun the private sector – utilise it. Learn from the businesses you work with and look beyond internal departments when hiring for top posts. Introduce a governance charter to better focus on internal and external governance. Providing civil service contract managers with the proper outsourcing training they deserve, and support that training with incentives, qualifications and accreditation is a key recommendation. Doing so will improve the career paths of those individuals and increase their vocational happiness. Moreover, remember it’s not a race to the bottom. Focus on value more than cost savings – better to pay more initially and get the best case from the start, rather than spend that money on consultants when

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it all goes wrong. To measure well, make sure you know your base starting point. Get rid of the ‘them’ and ‘us’ ethos that previous governments have propagated. Align your objectives with private companies you work with, introduce joint senior governance and ensure your decision-making is holistic. Making the UK the global strategic hub for outsourcing has long been the NOA’s vision and there’s never been a better opportunity for it. Outsourcing is currently the country’s second biggest aggregate employer and the services industry is one of the few in this country that is not in decline. Its current growth means further employment for UK nationals and the contribution of billions to the treasury. It used to be the manufacturing sector that put the ‘Great’ into Great Britain. Today it’s outsourcing, and our country’s immense ability to provide service expertise and excellence is truly something we all can be proud of. The UK is well on its way to becoming a global powerhouse for providing outsourced services; the world’s emerging superpowers, such as China and India, already look to us as a services industry role model. When we get there, economic growth and mass employment will be right around the corner. L FURTHER INFORMATION



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IFSEC International


IFSEC International, Europe’s largest security event, closed its doors this June after a jam-packed three days at London’s ExCeL, following three days of technology showcase and expertise A huge highlight for the show this year was the brand new Inspirational Speaker Series, which saw Baroness Karren Brady, Sir Ranulph Fiennes and Sir Chris Hoy take to the stage to deliver keynote speeches that were full of useful advice and thoughtprovoking anecdotes from their own illustrious careers. With a keynote headlining each day, each speaker addressed a packed theatre with many audience members given the opportunity to directly ask them questions in the short Q&A sessions that followed. Another new launch for IFSEC International in 2015 was the Benchmark Innovation Arena which welcomed over 40 finalists for the annual industry awards, each hosting a series of 10 minute pitches including the likes of Bosch Security, Vidicore, UTC Fire & Security and Secure Logiq, to name a few all gave a brief presentation about their shortlisted product and then opened the floor to questions. This exciting new format provided visitors to IFSEC International with a detailed look at these new innovations that are delivering a real benefit to end users, integrators and installers. LATEST TECHNOLOGY There was plenty more on offer for those interested in all the latest technology and gadgets, with the likes of NICE Systems demonstrating their patent-pending awardwinning Suspect Search software that uses the very latest advances in video analytics to not only locate a person within minutes across a large area, but also track how they got there. Safran showcased MorphoWave biometric system which is able to capture from one up to four fingerprints in a complete contactfree way, providing all identification details, the new device can be used to recognise up to ten thousand people, guaranteeing a consistent and high level of accuracy, to name a couple of interesting new products. There was also plenty of insight on offer from a host of expert speakers from across the security and fire industries. A keynote address from Futurologist Dr. Simon Moores attracted a large crowd when he presented on the Wednesday, his session on ‘Safe, Smart and Connected Cities’ looked at emerging trends and technologies and the impact of big data and the Internet of Things. Other speakers of interest included Paul Adams the Director of Strategic Marketing, EMEA at Alcatel Lucent

Futurologist Dr. Simon Moores attracted a large crowd when he presented on the Wednesday, his session on ‘Safe, Smart and Connected Cities’ looked at emerging trends and technologies and the impact of big data and the Internet of Things hosted a session on ‘Transforming Public Safety with Smart Technologies and Secure Infrastructure’ as well as a presentation from Richard Berkley that explored how the 2011 riots changed the face of CCTV evidence. NEW LAUNCHES Additional highlights from across the show floor included a number of high profile launches from some of the biggest names in the industry, including ImmerVision with the world’s first 360-degree 6k lens, Avigilon’s new 7k high definition surveillance camera, Comelit’s ‘ground-breaking’ home automation range and SICK’s innovative

laser scanner, the LaserGuardian. Capita Technology Solutions launched its Capita CloudVision service, a new hosted video surveillance and analytics service using automated technology to simplify security management and intelligence gathering. These were just some of the new launches and products that were on display at the show this year, reiterating that IFSEC International is the home of security. Next year IFSEC International will return to ExCeL London from 21-23 June. L FURTHER INFORMATION





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Understanding the burden that building owners carry

If buildings are to remain fit for purpose and up to the challenge of tackling rising energy costs, their owners will have to take a closer interest in how building services systems are maintained. There is also plenty of legislation now in place that places a heavy burden of responsibility on building owners and maintainers to remain within the law. Properly trained and accredited facilities managers (FMs) can help building owners deal with issues such as building regulations, fire risk assessments and mandatory air conditioning inspections. These are things that are required by law, but which are also designed to ensure the building in question operates more efficiently throughout its operating life. The new Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS), which comes into force next year, is also expected to apply to around 10,000 organisations employing 250 people or more or with a turnover in excess of 50 million. It will require them to provide four-yearly reports on their energy use and plans for cost-effective energy efficiency improvements – starting December 2015. SAVINGS As many as 200,000 buildings are expected to be included in the ESOS and, therefore, will need to carry out energy audits. This is the mechanism chosen by the UK government to implement Article 8 of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive, and could lead to cost savings of £1.6 billion across the affected businesses. By incentivising building owners to address the opportunities for energy savings, the

disruption, while also ensuring buildings perform with greater energy efficiency. The use of condition-based monitoring of building services systems is well understood, but not as widely used as it could be. As a result, clients miss out on the lower costs and reduction in down time for critical equipment delivered by a maintenance service that also does not disrupt their working patterns. TECHNOLOGY With modern non‑invasive monitoring there is no need to shut down parts of a building. Work can also be carried out during normal working hours, which also means the maintenance team can see how the building is really operating under load. It should also be standard practice to provide more system automation by using the sophisticated IT networks that are already installed in commercial buildings as a platform. Increased occupancy monitoring of local lighting and HVAC systems can be delivered this way. In an attempt to extend the reach of this kind of best practice in building maintenance, the Building and Engineering Services Association (B&ES) has updated the industry’s building maintenance specification SFG20. This is being increasingly adopted by government building specifiers and operators, in particular, to establish strategic maintenance programmes for many building types including prisons, schools and commercial offices. It is now available as a dynamic online tool and is accessible via mobile devices.

Most s building would m fro benefit ssioning i re‑comm urvey s r a l u g and a reeir energy of th ming consu t plan

government is hoping to close the gap between how many buildings were designed to work and how they actually perform – that gap is often alarmingly wide and means the building consumes far more energy than it should. 80 per cent of the value of a building is realised during its operating lifetime, but the biggest effort to modernise and reform working practices has, historically, been focused on the design and installation phases, which accounts for just 10 per cent of the value (the other 10 per cent being at decommissioning). Clients need to be better educated about the value of their built assets during operation. The modern FM company has a fantastic array of modern tools at its disposal to tackle energy efficiency and extend the operating life of equipment, so saving the building owner significant amounts of money. We can also keep owners out of jail by ensuring they fully comply with legislation. However, too many companies fail to sell their expertise properly – preferring simply to compete on price rather than promote innovative maintenance techniques that may require a little more upfront investment. ‘Non-invasive’ techniques like thermal imaging and vibration analysis could revolutionise the way buildings are serviced. These techniques, along with increased use of BMS intelligence, means maintenance programmes can be based on usage rather than frequency. This, in turn, allows the FM service provider to pre-empt equipment failures and save clients money and

Written by Simon Carter, chairman, B&ES Facilities Services division

Simon Carter from the Building and Engineering Services Association addresses how building owners will have to learn about building maintenance techniques or face cost and legal problems

Facilities Management


COMPLIANCE By customising the core task library, building managers, consultants and contractors can ensure relevant statutory/regulatory compliance and prevent the costly over‑maintaining of assets. Inclusion of RICS new rules of measurement completes the build, maintain, replace standard life-cycle costing model, and new criticality ratings enable clear prioritisation of maintenance tasks to streamline budget and project management. The SFG20 ‘Customiser Compliance’ tool allows users to create a bespoke building maintenance task library, including adding new E



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“Efficiency redefined.” Innovative technology for energy-efficient pressure boosting systems. If the result is more than the sum of its parts, that‘s typically Wilo. Maximum energy efficiency is provided by the interplay between EC motors and High Efficiency Drive with highly efficient pump hydraulics. It creates a constant system pressure in a system with pressure loss optimisation. The Smart Controller and red-button technology permit simple operation and complete transparency of the operating status. Wilo makes the difference! Go to for the full story

Wilo-SiBoost Smart Helix EXCEL, ƒ Maximum energy savings due to EC motor, High Efficiency Drive and highly efficient pump hydraulics ƒ Long service life and high operating reliability due to corrosion-resistant stainless steel and integrated dry-running detection ƒ Simple operation and transparency about the operating status thanks to redbutton technology and Smart Control ƒ BUS interface for intelligent incorporation into building management systems

BUILDING MAINTENANCE  non-core tasks such as fabric maintenance, and printing bespoke booklets of applicable standards. It includes links to all relevant statutory/legal obligations and references, together with regular updates to define compliant maintenance and an ‘asset criticality rating’ system which flags up – with a red warning – if a user is missing a maintenance task necessary for legal compliance. Providing this kind of support is important because many clients simply don’t know what they are buying when they acquire a building and have no idea of what is now possible in terms of improved performance and the enhancements the industry can provide. Regrettably, despite the upturn in the economy the main focus remains on the bottom line cost and not the long term gain. There are many ways for building owners and operators to reduce their carbon footprint and cut energy costs that are simply not being exploited because many building operators are unwilling to make the relatively modest upfront investment in a more strategic maintenance programme. However, awareness is improving and initiatives like ESOS are helping to make the link between maintenance improvements and monetary value. Many of the remedial actions are extremely simple. For example, buildings are progressively de-commissioned because the owners and operators are not well informed

By incentivising building owners to address opportunities for energy savings, the government hopes to close the gap between how buildings were designed and how they actually perform about how control systems should work. Temperature set-points are regularly ‘tweaked’ by individual occupants in a misguided attempt to change comfort levels in their section of the building. This can easily lead to the heating and cooling systems operating at the same time and ‘fighting’ against each other with the consequent negative impact on energy usage. This situation is often exacerbated by people also opening windows to cool down overheated areas so all that expensively tempered air is simply thrown away. SETTINGS Most buildings would benefit from re‑commissioning and a regular survey of their energy consuming plant. Many of the adjustments required to put equipment back on track are simple changes to controls settings and, therefore, are easy to do and extremely low cost, but with significant running cost paybacks. With energy prices still on an inexorable upward slope this will become a greater priority for the budget holders and it is important to

Facilities Management


deliver the message that managing energy costs is not just about shopping around for the best tariff, but getting consumption down. The building engineering services industry has the tools to take a far more proactive and far sighted approach and, by making adjustments to installed equipment and replacing or upgrading key components, the building will deliver much better long term value. These are exciting – and challenging – times for the facilities management industry and an amazing amount is now achievable by combining our traditional expertise and modern IT tools. This also makes it an attractive and worthwhile career for any young person weighing up their options. Making buildings work better can be a very rewarding exercise – we just need to make sure building owners and operators recognise this and, therefore, ask the right questions of their FM providers. L FURTHER INFORMATION

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Floods and the Dutch company Van Heck

Advertisement Feature


Van Heck’s expertise is often called upon to assist when floods occur. Thanks to 50 years of experience, Van Heck has become an expert in the field of water control and management

The 24-hour service provided by Van Heck ensures that, in the event of emergencies or calamities, work can continue with the shortest possible intermission. Van Heck supplies the equipment needed and when necessary, highly trained professionals to ensure that the incident is quickly resolved. In addition to a very experienced engineering team, the company possesses a well-equipped construction shop, where pump units are built. CLIMATE CHANGE Climate change has contributed to an increase in extreme weather. Scientists predict that climate change will increase the frequency of heavy rainstorms, putting many communities at risk of devastating floods. Countries need to increase preparedness, such as land-use restrictions in flood-prone areas, provisions for pumping water and ensuring regular dredging of waterways to minimise silt and sand deposits in riverbeds following heavy rainfall. The Netherlands has prepared itself through flood prevention measures such as levies, dikes, dams, dunes and floodgates. WHAT VAN HECK CAN DO IN THIS FIELD? What Van Heck has to offer is the complete array of measures in water management, from engineering and transportation to tailor made solutions. In the past Van Heck has offered

many creative solutions, taking into account the people and the environment involved. Van Heck can supply pumps and siphon systems to temporarily replace pumping stations or sluice gates, supply pumps for dredging operations in waterways and compile emergency plans for flooding. EMERGENCY PLANS Currently Van Heck is discussing the possibility of emergency plans with authorities in both the United Kingdom and Serbia. These plans enable a more efficient and effective use of material and thus reducing the risk of damage. Van Heck is not only an internationally recognised expert in water management but one of the few companies who can deploy heavy equipment on short notice. This makes Van Heck an outstanding partner in drafting contingency plans. An emergency plan describes how to deal with the flooding (floods and high waters) or a shortage of water. Van Heck can help in either situation. For water boards Van Heck chooses the equipment and supplies the engineering required for equipment installation. Van Heck can react quickly to set up temporary installations at factories, water boards, government and (nuclear) power stations. HIGHLIGHTS Germany: In the summer of 2013 rain and melting water had accumulated just

south of Magdeburg, where the Elbe and Saale converge. A dike, running along the Saale, broke. The water management authorities, who already were familiar with Van Heck, called Jeroen van Heck to discuss matters quickly. Within one day, the pumps were on site and work could begin. United Kingdom: In 2014 Van Heck went to assist in a massive operation to pump flood waters out of the Somerset Levels. In February 20 pumps, together with the accompanying equipment, were brought in from the Netherlands on 30 trucks. The pumps, having a capacity of over 7,000 m3/h a piece, pumped flood waters from the King’s Sedgemoor Drainage Canal into the Parret River, just north of the town of Bridgwater. This project drew worldwide attention. In the British media the pumps even became known as the Dunball giants. Serbia: In May 2014 extreme rainfall caused flooding in the Balkans. The situation along the Sava and Kolubara rivers soon became critical and on the 16th and 17th of May the biggest pit of the Kolubara mines flooded. In a few hours’ time about 200 million cubic meter of flood water poured in the 70m deep pit. As the coal mine supports a power plant that produces a quarter of Serbia’s electricity, the Serbians soon concluded that the number of regular drainage pumps that were installed to dispose of the artificial lake, would take too much time. After long negotiations between parties, Van Heck was subcontracted due to her specialisation. Van Heck immediately deployed 20 pumps to Serbia. Besides pumps, 7,5 km of large pipes were needed to pump the flood water back into the Kolubara River. It took up to 160 trailers to transport all the equipment. Although Van Heck deployed the same amount of pumps to Serbia as to Somerset Levels, emptying the Kolubara mine was a far bigger challenge, as over 150 million m3 of flood water were removed. Moving water any way you want it. Wherever. Whenever. Van Heck believes in service, commitment and reliability. Van Heck’s goal is to provide the best quality and service.  FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: +31 (0)561 43 17 39




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Flood Prevention


Written by Mary Dhonau, chief executive of Know Your Flood Risk

Keeping flood risk management firmly on the agenda Communities need to be aware and prepared for the possibility of floods. Mary Dhonau, chief executive of the Know Your Flood Risk campaign, discusses the importance of flood management E




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RISK MANAGEMENT Having personally suffered the appalling consequences of being flooded on several occasions, I have made it my mission in life to raise the awareness of flood risk. As well as working alongside local authorities and consultancies raising awareness of flood risk to communities, much of my time is also spent supporting organisations that champion flood prevention and protection. The last twelve months have been a whirlwind and I’ve been actively involved in a host of projects – on both regional and national levels – in my bid to keep flood risk high on the agenda of all parties – central government, local government, the media and in the communities themselves. During this time, the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) made me an honorary member of their establishment for ‘outstanding contribution to the public understanding and awareness of flooding’. I was also very pleased to receive the ‘Voice of the Customer Award’ at the Chartered Institute of Insurance Public Interest Awards. I have worked closely with insurance professionals trying to improve the overall ‘customer experience’ after a flood. THE PATHFINDER PROJECT I have been working with the team from Northamptonshire County Council Flood and Water Management to develop and launch a new ‘Flood Toolkit’, following its selection as one of 13 areas around the country to take part in a DEFRA Pathfinder Project to work with communities at risk to enable them to become more resilient to flooding. As a result, householders, communities, landowners and businesses in Northamptonshire now have a lasting legacy to help to minimise the risk from flooding thanks to the online toolkit, which is tailored specifically for the county. The Council has developed a website to provide a central point of information on a wide range of areas, including flood-risk maps, funding available and interactive guides. The toolkit aims to answer the most fundamental and frequently asked flood related questions through a number of interactive elements and easily accessible downloadable guides. E

Muchelney road-raising flood scheme wins national award An ‘innovative engineering solution’, aiming to reduce the impact of future flooding in Somerset has scooped an award at The Municipal Journal (MJ) Achievement Awards. Somerset County Council’s scheme to raise the road to Muchelney won the Effective Transport and Infrastructure Delivery Award at the ceremony, which took place on 18 June. The scheme saw a 500m-stretch (547 yards) of Drayton Road raised by more than 1.2m (3.9 ft) at its lowest point. Although the village largely escaped the floods in January 2014 it was cut off for about 10 weeks. All four of the roads into the village were submerged and ferry boats were used to transport villagers and supplies in and out. Somerset County Council was one of six local authorities – including Liverpool City Council and Luton Council – shortlisted for the award. Each authority was required to give a presentation on the project to the judging panel as part of the rigorous application process. The road-raising work, funded by the Department for Transport and completed in half the normal time, is part of a multi-agency 20 Year Flood Action Plan, now overseen by the Somerset Rivers Authority. Reflecting on the award, Cllr John Osman, Leader of Somerset County Council and Chairman of the Somerset Rivers Authority, said: “This is a truly fantastic achievement for everyone involved in the scheme to raise the road to Muchelney. “That this work has been recognised in this way is testament to the power of partnerships in delivering the 20 Year Flood Action Plan. We are all proud to have been able to complete this project, and in such a short period of time for the community of Muchelney, and are committed to continuing our work to reduce the impact of flooding in the future.”

Flood Prevention


The Somerset Rivers Authority (SRA) was officially launched on 31 January 2015 as a response to the floods of winter 2013/14 which caused misery and devastation to Somerset’s people and communities. As the umbrella organisation for the 20 Year Flood Action Plan, the SRA will help identify, fund and deliver the next steps for improved flood protection in Somerset, while building partnership and coordination between separate flood risk management authorities in the county. Establishing the SRA is a Key Action of the Somerset Levels and Moors Flood Action Plan, which was developed at the government’s request, and signed off by the Secretary of State in March 2014. The Plan states: “We must establish a Somerset rivers board that has greater control and responsibility for work to maintain and improve water management.” Now the SRA’s remit includes the whole of Somerset, not just the flooded areas of the Levels and Moors. The SRA has been set up with interim funding of £2.7 million for the financial year 2015/16, from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (£1.9 million); Somerset County Council (£600,000), the county’s five District Councils and the Somerset Drainage Boards Consortium (£200,000 all together). It will be run by a Board of partners from the five District Councils, Somerset County Council, the Environment Agency, the Parrett and Axe Brue Internal Drainage Boards, the Wessex Regional Flood & Coastal Committee, and Natural England.



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RISK MANAGEMENT Two-thirds of UK households fail to check flood risk levels As we approach the anniversary of the June 2007 summer floods, people in Britain are still not checking the flood risk of their homes, in spite of increased incidents of flooding in recent years. According to a new YouGov survey, 67 per cent of respondents reported that they had never checked the flood risk level of their home. The survey, which was commissioned by the Know Your Flood Risk Campaign, found that those in the North East were the least likely to have carried out any checks, with 88 per cent confirming they had never researched their flood risk, despite major floods occurring in areas such as Hartlepool, Peterlee, East Durham, Morpeth and Redcar in the last two years. This compares to 55 per cent for those in the South East, which has also bared the brunt of significant flooding events – including last year when January 2014 was reported as the wettest January on record, at the time resulting in over 100 flood warnings being issued in the South East region alone. The survey also shows that many do not take the threat of a flood seriously with just six per cent of respondents confirming that they have a flood plan and are sure of what they would do if a flood occurred in their homes. Worryingly, a third of people (31 per cent) reported that they do not have a plan and would not know what to do in the event of a flood. The survey identifies that the public are still not making flood checks part of their research process when moving into a new home. Just 20 per cent of respondents currently check the flood risk of their home before moving in, and only 11 per cent check after. The research went on to identify that there is confusion over who is responsible for protecting a home against flooding. Respondents considered a range of organisations that they believe have a responsibility to protect homes against flooding including the Environment Agency (57 per cent), their local council (55 per cent) and the government (34 per cent). Homeowners (55 per cent), landlords (39 per cent) and tenants (23 per cent) were also noted as being responsible for protecting a home against flooding. Mary Dhonau OBE, chief executive of the Know Your Flood Risk campaign, said: “People have short memories just three years ago in 20124 we had the second wettest

summer on record and during the summer of 2007, 55,000 properties were flooded. With such wide-scale media coverage of the devastation that significant flood events cause, it’s surprising the public are not doing their homework when it comes to protecting their homes. With so many floods in recent times combined with flood insurance problems, it’s worrying that so few people check their flood risk before they buy. It is also interesting to see the level of confusion over who should protect homes from being flooded. It is clear that there is still a need to educate homeowners of their responsibility and to ensure they know where to go to find this information.” The Know Your Flood Risk Campaign’s mission is to raise awareness of the risk of flooding from all sources. It is one of the UK’s leading online sources for helping people find out the flood risk related to their current or future homes. For example, users can purchase a Know Your Flood Risk Report, which assesses the potential risk and confirms whether they will be able to obtain insurance at standard terms. The property-specific assessment report can be purchased via the website for £24.00. Mary continued: “Your home is the most expensive asset you are ever likely to own, so it pays to be prepared in order to protect it. Information is out there to alert you to such risks, including our Know Your Flood Risk report, which provides detailed analysis so you can plan or take appropriate action in advance of any flood events occurring. By doing so, mitigating any risk upfront may also allow reduced premiums on home and contents insurance, which many people may be unaware of.”

 Ultimately, the aim is to equip people so they have the information required to help themselves as much as possible, to reduce their own risk to flooding. The original aim of the Pathfinder Project was to encourage communities at risk to help themselves to become more resilient to flooding. Experience shows that communities are often best set to help themselves as they have an in-depth knowledge of their areas. However Northamptonshire has helped by gathering all of the important information and centralising it so it can be used easily – with people selecting what they need. The Flood Toolkit essentially allows people to find out if they are at risk of flooding using an interactive Flood Risk Map. Additionally, the Toolkit enables people to discover who is responsible for flooding outside homes or on the roads and how to contact them, and encourages them to learn how to protect property from flood water through engaging images. Furthermore, the Toolkit helps people to locate funding sources for flood related projects using the Funding Mechanism Tool, see how much rain has fallen in local areas through the Rain Gauge Widget and educate children through the Flood Aware Schools Pack. The great thing with the toolkit is that it can be adapted for the individual needs of any local authority, creating a ready-map template for other councils to work from.

Flood Prevention


KNOW YOUR FLOOD RISK Over the last year, I have been supporting the team at the Know Your Flood Risk campaign in developing the newly updated Homeowners Guide to Resilience. The Guide has been produced in conjunction with RAB Consultants and KYFR’s own researcher, Carly Rose. It is designed specifically with the homeowner in mind – the aim of which is to help reduce the worry about what flood protection products to use, and illustrates the variety of ways a home can be protected, how difficult the product is to fit and when it is appropriate to use them. It not only talks through the different types of flood risk, but offers support on where homeowners can turn to calculate their risk, offers an insight into the range of protection measures that are today available, as well as advice on how to create a Flood Plan. There is also a product directory at the back of the guide. I believe that being prepared for an emergency will ultimately reduce the risk to families and also limit the damage to their home and contents. There is a template and guide to planning for household emergencies on my own website. Carly Rose and I have also written a Flood Recovery Guide. It has been well received by recent flood victims as it talks through both the practical and emotional sides of flood recovery. Both guides are available as a free download from the Know Your Flood Risk website. In addition, there is a bespoke guide for councils to adapt to their needs. Within the last few months, the team and E





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Flood Prevention

RISK MANAGEMENT  I have gone ahead and developed our first smartphone app. The ‘Flood Risk’ app has launched and is available to download for free via iTunes. The free mobile app helps people quickly assess their potential or current risk of flooding – whether it’s for the home they are living in or own now, or are potentially planning to buy or rent. It not only provides an assessment of a property’s overall risk rating (using data from a number of qualified flood risk specialists), but also provides access to live UK Flood Warnings from the Environment Agency. In addition, a propertyspecific Flood Report can also be purchased from within the app for more detailed analysis (including an ‘Insurance Statement’ that advises whether purchasing specific home flood insurance would be useful or possible). It offers a range of guidance, maps and tools that anyone can use to pinpoint their risk and prepare accordingly.

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THE PROPERTY CARE ASSOCIATION FLOOD PROTECTION GROUP The Property Care Association (PCA) this year celebrates its 85th birthday. It is well known

will offer a one stop shop for the consumer. This is highly specialised work and the correct specification for your individual property is extremely important to reduce future risk of flooding. Applications to the Flood Protection Group will be carefully vetted and contractors – as well as manufacturers providing flood protection products – will need to measure up to strict criteria and standards in areas including technical competence, financial probity, training and customer service. By creating challenging standards the trade association says it will be able to signpost consumers to E

and has since incorporated the former trade body, the ‘Flood Protection Association’ (and as such the group will now sit within the Association as the ‘Flood Protection Group’). Many PCA members are specialists in flood recovery of buildings, so extending the trade body to include those who specialise in Flood Protection systems that can help protect properties from the devastating effects of flood damage in the first place,

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RISK MANAGEMENT  accredited specialists able to deliver reliable flood resistance and resilient solutions for homes and businesses across the UK. I believe the move will also help people to avoid historical problems with poor workmanship, carried out by unregulated trade’s people with little knowledge of how flooding works. I am fully aware that this has in the past created heartache for many homeowners affected by flooding. For too long, people without any training or experience of this type of work have been allowed into people’s homes and businesses to carry out repairs. Now, the Flood Protection Group will give consumers certainty in getting the right products for the right property – with future resilience features built-in. This will provide insurance companies, property professionals and householders with access to consultants, manufacturers and contractors offering a recognised and reliable approach to prevent the flooding of buildings. The PCA is noted for its training and technical expertise, with an industry‑recognised training programme and a renowned technical panel able to share best practice and guidance with members. It is also a scheme operator of Trustmark, the government-backed scheme which aims to help consumers find reliable and trustworthy tradesmen when making improvements or repairs to their homes.

Work starts to repair Purfleet seawall FLOOD FREE HOMES CAMPAIGN Earlier this year I was invited to speak at the launch of the Association of British Insurers ‘Flood Free Homes’ Campaign at the House of Commons. The campaign is supported by Know Your Flood Risk, the Property Care Association’s Flood Protection Group, Friends of the Earth, National Flood Forum, and the BRE Centre for Resilience. The campaign is soon to be highlighted again at an ABI Parliamentary Welcome Reception and is calling for an investment of £1 billion per year by 2025 to be spent managing flood risk in order to keep pace with climate change. It is also aiming to adopt a zero tolerance of inappropriate new developments in areas at risk of flooding and plan a cross party consensus on ambitious long‑term solutions that manage all types of flood risk. As I mentioned at the start, it has become my personal mission to raise awareness of flood risk, and I hope, with the extensive work being undertaken by the varied flooding campaigns, the environment, independent groups, industry associations combined with local authorities, the levels of flood awareness and preparedness within our communities can only continue to increase. L FURTHER INFORMATION

This week the Environment Agency starts work to repair the flood defences along the Thames Estuary at Harrison’s Wharf in Purfleet.

Flood Prevention


The defences, which are a sheet piled flood wall, reduce the risk of flooding to people and 4,305 properties in Purfleet. Damaged sections of concrete blocks, which protect the coast from erosion, will be repaired to restore them to their original condition. Graham Verrier, Environment Agency flood risk manager said: “Whilst the existing defences were damaged during the 2013 tidal surge, they still did their job of reducing the risk of flooding to people and properties in Purfleet. However, we need to be confident that potential flooding can be withstood for many years to come which is why this work is so important.” The work, which will involve a floating barge, is expected to take three months to complete. The existing standard of flood protection will be maintained throughout the works.

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Councils and government agencies are realising the benefits of being waste-wise, and their achievements have been recognised in unprecedented numbers at the Zero Waste Awards. Steve Eminton, of the Environment Media Group, discusses the benefits of adopting a zero waste approach for the public sector With public sector budgets being squeezed there’s never been a better time to reduce waste and save money in the process. We are increasingly seeing local authorities and other public bodies entering the Zero Waste Awards, having found that waste reduction makes good financial sense, and ultimately saves the tax payer money. Organisations that have mastered the art of the three Rs (reduce-reuse‑recycle) and achieved a significant reduction in waste are rewarded with gold, silver, bronze or highly commended for their efforts. Winners of Zero Waste Awards in the latest round included Warwickshire and Staffordshire County Councils, Milton Keynes Council, the Greater London Authority, Caerphilly County Borough Council and Dundee Council, Lancashire Community Recycling, as well as the Isle of Wight NHS Trust. MANAGING RESOURCES WISELY Attending the Zero Waste Awards recognition event at the 12th Century Coombe Abbey in Warwickshire were representatives of Lower House Farm Household Waste

Recycling Centre and Waste Transfer Station, jointly developed by Warwickshire and Staffordshire County Councils. The stateof-the-art facility near Tamworth junction is capable of receiving 10,000 tonnes of material a year and incorporates a purpose-built charity re-use shop, operated by Warwickshire Community Recycling with proceeds benefitting local causes. Delivering a best value solution for both authorities, the £3.5 million facility boasts what is claimed to be the UK’s biggest recycling centre charity re-use shop and accepts 30 types of material ranging from household and garden chemicals, paint, asbestos, plasterboard and engine oil.

Separating waste streams at source is by far the most efficient way to make sure they are recycled or otherwise treated and disposed of correctly. The new facility at Lower House Farm has optimised the waste and recycling service for householders, reduced waste disposal costs through avoided Landfill Tax, and generated financial clear benefits for the local community.

Written by Steve Eminton, Environment Media Group

Reducing, reusing and recycling to reach zero waste

Waste Management


PARTNERSHIPS FOR SUCCESS New partnerships are developing in the public, private and third sectors, crossing the traditional boundaries to deliver a more sustainable society. Zero Waste Award submissions are particularly popular from partner organisations collaborating on waste reduction projects together to achieve the same goal. The Isle of Wight NHS Trust for example, also awarded at the Zero Waste Awards, is recognised nationally as a hub of good practice on waste management. Over the last two years the Trust has worked with E

olders Househ oming are bec ware more a efits of en of the b ‑efficiency e resourcustainable and s ste wa ment manage Volume 22.4 | GOVERNMENT BUSINESS MAGAZINE



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ZERO WASTE  its waste contractor and other partners to double its domestic waste recycling rate from 18 per cent to 39 per cent, reducing the cost of its waste contracts by 30 per cent. When public sector organisations and their waste contractors cooperate with recycling projects, significant progress can be made in a relatively short time frame. The Isle of Wight NHS Trust’s achievements go to show what can be achieved when both partners are committed to the 3Rs of reduce, reuse, recycle. KEY PLAYERS Reducing dependence on waste disposal and achieving a resource-efficient society depends on the ambitions and efforts of a number of key sectors. Firstly, European and central governments are developing legislation to support resource-efficiency targets. New Circular Economy legislation will be put in place over the next year or so by the European Commission, likely to include more ambitious recycling targets. In turn, government is making funding available for communities and local government to implement those policies. Alternatively, waste disposal authorities are responsible for planning for a more resource‑efficient society, with sufficient facilities to handle material flows. In addition to this, waste collection authorities are educating and motivating the public to participate in more sustainable practices, and supplying the services that enable them to do so. Industrial designers are being encouraged through Circular Economy principles and cost-saving opportunities to design products that can be repaired or disassembled for recycling, ensuring materials stay ‘in the loop’

and consumers have less need to dispose of obsolete goods. Moreover, manufacturers are working on ways to get products to market in less wasteful ways, including operational practices, packaging, and the product’s whole lifecycle once it is no longer useful for its original purpose. Additionally, retailers are taking more responsibility for supplying products that are environmentally sustainable, repairable and recyclable, and for promoting those products to consumers. Waste management contractors and the recycling sector are increasingly able to provide services that prioritise recycling over disposal, and are forming intelligent partnerships with businesses, communities and local government to recycle more. Universities and schools are expanding their education programmes to incorporate sustainable resource management concepts from early years to tertiary education, giving the next generation a firmly-rooted understanding of zero waste principles and practice. Householders are becoming more aware of the benefits of resource-efficiency and sustainable waste management, participating more than ever in recycling schemes and increasing their demand for sustainably-produced goods. ZERO WASTE AWARDS Becoming more resource efficient saves money by reducing procurement spend and avoiding waste disposal costs. Zero Waste Award winners are also seen to be green by their customers, supply chains and peers. One of the judges of the Zero Waste Awards, Karen Cannard, creator and co-founder of the

The new facility at Lower House Farm has optimised the waste and recycling service for householders, reduced waste disposal costs through avoided Landfill Tax, and generated financial clear benefits for the local community

Rubbish Diet Challenge, said: “The Zero Waste Awards recognises leadership and action amongst those who are working hard to create a more sustainable and resourceful economy, embedding ambitious waste reduction practices into the heart of their organisations.” The awards were presented by event partners, SAICA Natur and Wastecare and a keynote address was given by Sue Armstrong‑Brown, Head of Policy at the think tank, Green Alliance. Speaking at the Awards ceremony, she focused on the ‘crucial need’ to develop stronger resource efficiency messages for the future. Looking at the development of waste management over time, Mrs Armstrong‑Brown was hopeful of progress in the direction of zero waste, particularly with the European Commission’s forthcoming Circular Economy and resource efficiency measures. As well as providing recognition for organisations working towards zero waste, the Awards provide an opportunity for leaders to network and share best practice with other experts. From factories to hospitals, community centres and charity groups, everyone has a story to tell of their journey towards Zero Waste. Applicants are judged across five equally weighted criteria. These are: Waste prevention; Re-use; Recycle/Compost/ Recover; Energy Recovery; and General. Unique in the waste and recycling sector, the Zero Waste Awards are free to enter, non‑competitive and awarded on merit. Winning a Zero Waste Award demonstrates commitment to environmental and cost savings to your customers, clients, partners and funders. Winners of the Gold Zero Waste Award are also automatically entered into the Zero Waste Platinum category at the Awards for Excellence in Recycling and Waste Management. The next round of the Zero Waste Awards closes on 2 September 2015 and the awards presentation takes place on 4 October. Entries can be made at any time via the website below. L

Waste Management




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RWM 2015


Helping to create a more resource‑efficient Britain

On the 15-17 September, Europe’s leading event for resource efficiency and waste management returns to the NEC Birmingham, interviewing key industry figureheads to ask for their expert opinions on hot topics and industry‑related issues

Enhancing product and resource use offers substantial economic benefits, from greater economic stability to new business and employment opportunities. Britain’s resource management sector is expanding to include recovery, reuse, repair, remanufacturing and recycling. RWM 2015, which takes place at the NEC, Birmingham from 15-17 September is the international showcase for a host of recycling innovations and technological developments. Organised by i2i Events Group in partnership with the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM), a range of exciting new features are set to attract the highest cross-sector attendance. Exhibitors and visitors include key decision makers from the public sector alongside construction, hospitality,

The ow RWM shome has bec pad for ch the launinnovations productide and has a worldw vel of loyalty RWM 2015 will provide high le m global the leading platform fro for circular economy principles and practice. visitors

retail, manufacturing, waste contractors and consultants. RWM is the pivotal event for this dynamic industry and is constantly adapting and evolving to deliver current industry insights. Featuring heavyweight brands such as Nestle and Unilever alongside entrepreneurs demonstrating new business ideas with potential for high growth, the event is a must-attend for those who recognise the links between resource efficiency and a sustainable economy. The show has become the launch pad for product innovations worldwide and has a high level of loyalty from global visitors and exhibitors.

Key media partner, Guardian Sustainable Business and content partner, Zero Waste Scotland are valuable contributors to a packed schedule of informative workshops, keynote speeches, seminars and surgery sessions. With the revised EU Circular Economy Package due to be announced in October, Mr Karl Falkenberg, Environment Director General of the European Commission, who has played a pivotal role in drafting both the original and revised proposals, will deliver a keynote speech. A ministerial address from the UK E



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EVENT PREVIEW  government will also take place in the Circular Economy Connect zone, highlighting plans and policies that are taking shape following the May general election. In addition, Louise McGregor, head of Circular Economy at Zero Waste Scotland will be sharing recycling best practice and how this is helping Scotland to become more efficient in its use of resources.

The Energy from Waste Zone will highlight the increasing capabilities and efficiencies for recovering energy from diverse materials including anaerobic digestion, incineration, and gasification

LOCAL AUTHORITY RECYCLING BEST PRACTICE The RWM Local Authority Theatre will focus on legislative issues, highlighting strategy and best practice in key aspects of municipal waste management. Attracting individuals in local government responsible for recycling, the theatre will enable attendees to keep up to date with industry developments, network and consider innovative services and solutions for their municipality. The line-up of influential speakers include Ian Briggs, senior fellow, Institute of Local Government Studies (INLOGOV), at the University of Birmingham; Andrew Bird, chair of the Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee (LARAC); Jenny Robinson, recycling and collections technical adviser, WRAP and senior representatives from Zero Waste Scotland. Key themes for discussion include: Meeting waste regulations and is it a necessity to meet Technically, Environmentally and Economically Practicable (TEEP) guidelines; Tackling the problem of waste crime;

and local authority mergers – fraught with risk, or loaded with benefits? Other areas for discussion include the future of food waste, Materials Recycling Facilities (MRF) Code of Practice – what have we learnt from the early results and where do we go next? – and enabling the UK to future-proof the plastics industry and how to incentivise innovation and investment. WASTE CRIME Waste crime is one of the issues that will be discussed in depth in the Local Authority Theatre, led by Mat Crocker, Deputy Director of Illegals and Waste at the Environment Agency. Costing the UK over £500 million a year, tackling the growth in criminal activity in this area is a priority for the new government. Organised crime has infiltrated the waste market, leading to avoided Landfill Tax through the operation of illegal waste sites and the misclassification of waste, and the loss of VAT and corporation tax that would otherwise be paid by legitimate waste management firms. Local authorities are being unwittingly

RWM 2015


targeted, since a residual waste contract for 50,000 tonnes can result in the avoidance of £10 million in tax, harming the UK economy and leading to significant environmental and social impacts. Communities are suffering from the nuisance, loss of amenity and danger posed by illegal waste sites, and agencies responsible for their clean-up are seeing costs spiral: a fire in one illegal waste site in Wales cost over £1.5 million to the agencies involved. Criminals are operating on a global scale to illegally transport and dispose of hazardous wastes. A lucrative business, broken electronics and other wastes are being unlawfully exported from British ports to be dumped or reprocessed under extremely dangerous conditions. ADDITIONAL MUST-SEE AREAS This year’s programme at the Circular Economy Connect Zone and Theatre is chaired by environmental journalist Maxine Perella, and features companies that have already adopted circular economy principles, helping to inspire the whole supply chain. E



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RWM 2015 Rising Stars campaign

Louise McGregor, head of Circular Economy at Zero Waste Scotland will be sharing recycling best practice and how this is helping Scotland to become more efficient in its use of resources  The show will also host machinery and equipment where visitors will get an immediate sense of the sheer size and breadth of the technologies available on the market. From commercial waste containers to sorting systems and heavy plant equipment, hundreds of suppliers will be exhibiting their latest developments. The Handling and Logistics Zone showcases a broad range of bespoke materials handling and logistics services and solutions to help companies build and manage world‑class supply chains and improve operational, management and strategic performance. The Recycling and Reprocessing Technologies Zone will bring to life the environmental and financial benefits of recycling. An immense range of products and services will be on show to help organisations achieve zero waste to landfill. The Energy from Waste Zone will highlight the increasing capabilities and efficiencies for recovering energy from materials including anaerobic digestion, incineration, and gasification. Additionally, professional services from consulting on resource management plans to recruiting the right people to implement it.

ENCOURAGING ENTREPRENEURSHIP Giving organisations the best platform to drive business growth is a primary commitment for the show. Supported strategically by new chairman, Barry Dennis and 22 RWM Ambassadors from heavy-weight brands, a dedicated area is being introduced on the show floor, the RWM Launchpad. This enables startups with game-changing business innovations to showcase products and services to an industry audience of over 13,000 professionals. UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) will be attending RWM 2015 in force, encouraging and supporting British businesses to expand their markets and export overseas. Based in the Atrium, the International Trade Promotion Centre is an on-site support service for visitors to the NEC wishing to conduct business internationally and in the UK and is supported by UK Trade & Investment and the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce Group. With professional advisers across 96 international markets, UK Trade & Investment is the government department that helps UK-based companies succeed in the global economy and assists overseas companies to bring their high-quality investment to the UK.

RWM 2015


As part of its mission to support industry growth and innovation, RWM 2015 is working in partnership with the Chartered Institution of Waste Management to launch a ‘Rising Stars’ campaign. The competition will celebrate trailblazing initiatives that challenge the way the recycling industry works, identify the top 25 newcomers and support the resource managers of the future. RWM 2015 is looking for individuals and young entrepreneurs who have introduced new resource management recycling practices within the last five years that are helping to transform the industry. Recognising that small changes can make a big difference, no matter the scale of your efforts, individuals will be judged on how effective and transformative the change has been for your organisation and the industry as a whole. Over the coming months RWM will be reviewing entries to announce its Top 25. If you’re lucky enough to make the cut, your success will be heavily profiled on the RWM website, through the press and at key industry events to raise your profile. Three finalists will then be asked to present to a panel of judges at RWM 2015 for the chance to win a valuable CIWM training package and funding towards your initiative worth over £2,000. SUSTAINABILITY AT ITS HEART The event organisers, i2i Events Group and CIWM, have implemented specific sustainability goals into their event planning and are setting out to make this the greenest show too. This year the event organisers will be working with consultants Carbon Clear to assess the event’s carbon footprint. The data will be used to offset unavoidable carbon impacts of the show. Carbon-offsetting allows companies to buy credits for each tonne of unavoidable CO2 they emit. The credits are then offset against a project in the developing world that helps communities by delivering renewable energy, forestry management or improved cookstoves whilst reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the show organisers will develop a three year plan to meet increased sustainability goals. Working closely with its suppliers, exhibitors and visitors, a number of measures have already been implemented by i2i Events Group to reduce on-site waste at the event, held annually at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC). This E



Our Waste Solutions business develops innovative solutions for waste management and treatment with an aim to turn waste previously sent to landfill into a valuable commodity. PUBLIC POWER SOLUTIONS

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As a Local Authority owned achieved Company, we bring together • Wider technological solutions on the waste to energy circle including the best of the public and anaerobic digestion, ORC CHP, and District Heat Networks. commercial sectors to deliver • Provide consultancy services; we have faced and over-come the solutions that benefit both challenges! the customer and the local communities to which they serve. PPS also has a Power Solutions Business which specialises in

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EVENT PREVIEW  includes using recycled and recyclable carpets and shell schemes, re-using the electrics system, hiring furniture which is re-used at other events and use of re-board signage which is made from recycled and recyclable cardboard. The show’s location is ideal for delivering resource efficiency,. Russell Bacon explains: “Since 2012 the NEC has sent zero waste to landfill and last year achieved an overall recycling rate of 75.2 per cent, with over 80 per cent of waste from RWM being recycled. These figures show what can be achieved when the right partners work together on shared sustainability goals.” Waste generated at the NEC is transported to its onsite waste pre‑treatment centre and separated into different waste streams – cardboard, paper, glass, wood, metal, carpet, food and plastic. It is then processed ready for transport to local suppliers, with no material travelling more than 30 miles from the site for further processing. Food waste accumulated at the NEC is transported to a local anaerobic digestion

rs Exhibitors to to and visi 5 include 01 RWM 2 entatives repres struction, n plant on a weekly from co lity, retail, basis and processed a t i p hos into energy, with ste and wa ors leftover material used as t fertiliser by local farmers. contrac Russell Bacon added: “We encourage all our suppliers, visitors and exhibitors to join us in adopting greener practices, thereby contributing to the sustainability goals for RWM. “This three-year phase to reduce carbon impact is just the beginning of our longer‑term plans to become a global

RWM 2015


exemplar in sustainable event management. We are making significant strides in the right direction and hope our partners will join us in delivering on our ambitions.” This year’s RWM sponsors include SITA as gold sponsor of the Circular Economy Connect zone; Mitsubishi Electric as lead sponsor of the Energy from Waste Theatre; Novelis; Viridor; Stobart Biomass; TOMRA Sorting and technical partner Stadler. L FURTHER INFORMATION

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Disruptive events will always occur, whatever form they may take. By having an effective business continuity programme in place, it should mean that, in the event of an incident, a drama doesn’t turn into a crisis, writes Andrew Scott Earlier this year a fire was deliberately started at the offices of South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC), a fire that ultimately destroyed 85 per cent of the building making it uninhabitable for perhaps even two to three years. About 400 people worked at these offices so what happens in the meantime? How do these 400 people continue to do their job without an office to work in? This is why we have business continuity plans. They ensure that, when we lose something that is vital to the way we function – whether that be buildings, staff, power, communications, suppliers, reputation – we are still able to operate as normal as possible. As SODC know all too well, business continuity is not just for business, it is for all organisations whether they are in the private, public or third sector. All organisations are susceptible to disruption so all organisations must have plans in place that enable them to deal with such events. In some cases, public sector organisations are legally obliged by the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 to maintain certain services and so assess their risks and have plans in place to manage the consequences of those risk materialising. In the case of SODC, in order to get staff working again, the immediate response was to enable some staff to work from home while some could work from other council offices. This would work well in the short term but would not be the ideal situation for up to three years, so the next step was to find temporary workspace that could take on the role of the destroyed offices. Business continuity managers at SODC would have conducted a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) that not only assessed the threats to the organisation but highlighted what the main activities are, as well as the resources required and dependencies involved. In conducting a BIA, the business continuity managers would have been able

to demonstrate to top management what the priorities of the organisation are and the maximum time that can elapse before these activities must be operational again. RECOGNISING RELIANCE It is fires such as the blaze that ripped through SODC’s offices that always get the headlines, everyone loves a good disaster, and the visible evidence of such a disaster provides great television footage, but it’s important to remember that these events are rare. When they do happen they can be devastating but they don’t happen often. What does happen often are the less dramatic events that on their own may not have a big impact, but added together they can be costly, both financially and reputationally. Take telecoms or IT outages for example. Historically these have been the number one concern for business continuity managers according to the Business Continuity Institute’s Horizon Scan report. You realise how reliant you are on communications technology when the phones or computers become unavailable. Like with most organisations, the public sector is heavily reliant on IT and if this stops working then it can bring people to a standstill. If it’s temporary then people can often find other tasks to be getting on with but if it goes on for too long then it can become damaging.

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CYBER THREATS What is becoming a major concern for many organisations is cyber threat and many government departments are often the target of these types of attacks, sometimes to steal data, but often just to be disruptive. The Horizon Scan report revealed that cyber attacks are now the number one concern for business continuity professionals. According to the global survey, 83 per cent of

THE GREATEST ASSET AN ORGANISATION CAN POSSESS They often say that the greatest asset an organisation can possess is its staff so what happens when those staff are unable to come into work? The UK may not have extreme weather patterns the way other countries do – hurricanes, ice storms etc – but adverse weather events don’t need to be as catastrophic to cause disruption. Snow storms can play havoc with infrastructure and so prevent access to work, and flooding during the past two years had a similar result. A relatively common disruption for public sector organisations is industrial action as staff can walk out in large numbers at relatively short notice for several days at a time. Government departments are often the target for protest action and, while in most cases these are a nuisance rather than anything more sinister, it is often the uncertainty of what may happen next that causes more disruption. That can also be the case with acts of terror where the fear factor that emerges can cause more problems that the original incident. What is important in both cases is not just to make sure that your staff can work, but that they can do so safely. Human illness is also a major risk and over the last few years there have been many ‘outbreaks’ – bird flu, swine flu, SARS and, more recently, Ebola. A pandemic can cause severe disruption by not just preventing staff from coming in to work, but by preventing them from working at all if they become unwell. While the outbreaks mentioned above may not have come to much (compared to what might have been), as with acts of terror, the fear factor often causes more disruption than the incident itself.

Written by Andrew Scott, Business Continuity Institute

Addressing business continuity in government

respondents working in this sector expressed either concern or extreme concern to a cyber attack while 76 per cent expressed the same degree of concern towards a data breach. So how do you combat the cyber threat? Technology is advancing all the time to prevent various types of attack, but so is the sophistication with which the attacks are carried out. What is perhaps the most important tool in preventing any unwelcome intrusion into your system is employee awareness. All too often it is a lapse in judgement by an employee which allows the attacker in – weak passwords, clicking on malicious links, opening harmful files. Staff need to be made aware of the threats posed and therefore consider their own actions.

Risk Management


RESPONDING TO AN INCIDENT So how does an organisation respond to an incident that has the potential to cause disruption? Is the IT out of action? Can it be replicated elsewhere? There are many data replication solutions available that can migrate all of your data to a secondary system, removing the potential single point 





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BUSINESS CONTINUITY  of failure that could result in you losing all of your data in the event of an IT disaster. With the increasing use of the cloud, in theory people should be able to uproot themselves and move virtually anywhere to get their work done, and in office based environments, this is certainly the case. Is the building out of action, either because it is closed or because it is inaccessible? Is there a nearby workspace that can be used instead or can staff work from home? The technology that is available, either by enabling employees to log in to the server remotely or by using the cloud, makes this a perfectly feasible solution without too much disruption. If the disruption is on a much wider scale, can the important work be transferred to a separate location but within the same organisation. Again it comes down to ease of access to data. Has there been a loss of staff? If this is down to inaccessibility of their workplace then again you need to look at options such as working from other locations. If it is down to inability to work, for example the result of a pandemic, then your plan needs to include a succession plan identifying who can cover the important roles, or whether staff are trained in multiple roles? Whatever the crisis, it is essential to respond swiftly as the longer you delay action then the more disruptive the incident could become. Communicate to all your stakeholders what is

Like with most organisations, the public sector is heavily reliant on IT and if this stops working then it can bring people to a standstill. If it’s temporary then people can often find other tasks to be getting on with but if it goes on for too long then it can become damaging going on and what you are doing to resolve it. People are a lot more understanding when you’re being transparent and they can see you’re making an effort to sort things out. Of course making sure that your own house is in order is one thing, but in the globally connected and often complex world that we live in, most organisations are dependent on many other organisations that are contained within their supply chain. A supply chain is only as strong as its weakest link so it is important to make sure that the organisations you deal with have their own business continuity plans in place so they can manage any disruption that occurs to them. TESTING THE PLAN What is perhaps the key part of any business continuity plan is the validation phase – does it work? During an incident is a great way of

Risk Management


finding out whether your plan works or not, but if the answer is that it doesn’t then it could leave the organisation in a bit of a mess. Testing and exercising ensures that the plan can be effectively assessed in an environment where it doesn’t matter if it goes wrong. There are several ways of exercising the plans and these range from table top exercises whereby the key players discuss different scenarios and what they would do if those scenarios occurred to a live exercise in which an incident is played out as if it were for real. Disruptive events will always occur, whatever form they may take. By having an effective business continuity programme in place, it should mean that, in the event of an incident, a drama doesn’t turn into a crisis.  FURTHER INFORMATION

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Road Safety


Why local roads are critical to our daily lives contracts in Northern Ireland following severe cuts to maintenance budgets. In 2010 and 2011, the Province had one of the lowest road deaths per 100,000 population in Europe. But figures from the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) showed road deaths increase from 57 in 2013 to 70 in 2014. AGE CONCERN

Road markings on local roads save lives. The most improved roads in the UK are largely made safer by simple, low-cost measures such as lines, signs and safer surfaces. They provide vital visual clues for night drivers when street lights are switched off and keep our children safe around schools. When used well, they can do away with dangerous and unsightly street clutter; and they will be central to driverless or partially autonomous cars. Low-cost road safety solutions such as enhanced road markings and ‘intelligent’ studs are saving lives at key locations across the UK. The Road Safety Foundation’s report ‘How safe are you on Britain’s roads’ shows that inexpensive improvements alongside routine maintenance has helped reduce fatal and serious crashes by 80 per cent on 15 sections of UK roads. On those 15 ‘most improved’ roads, 237 people were killed and seriously injured in the three years before the actions were taken. But in the three following years, deaths and serious injuries had fallen to 52: an incalculable saving in human misery and an economic saving of £25 million – which translates to just £110,000 per kilometre. All of the roads were managed by local authorities, and most of the remedial measures on the sections of road were road marking and signing improvements and resurfacing. Thanks to low cost improvements on just these 15 roads, more than 300 people in the UK are alive today, or have avoided serious injury. LOCAL AUTHORITY BUDGETS These schemes can be replicated across the UK, especially on the ‘most persistently

In Maintenance of our road t network and road markings s a contr ays has other far-reaching w h g i implications. A survey H to ets, g d carried out by the Institute u b d Englan hority funds for Ageing at Newcastle t University for the RSMA local aue to be subject recently revealed how high risk’ roads where vital road markings continu werful local improved central white can be for those whose to po ures and lines and edge lines to eyesight isn’t what it s s e r p guide road users pay huge once was. Four in ten politics safety dividends. Road safety drivers say they have reduced markings and wisely positioned high-friction surfaces are among the most effective ways of improving the safety of Britain’s roads – tools readily to hand for highways directors of local authorities. But there is a deeply worrying and growing schism at the heart of UK roads-funding. In stark contrast to Highways England budgets, local authority funds continue to be subject to powerful local pressures and politics. Their budgets cannot be ring‑fenced, despite the obvious benefits of safer roads for all if this was the case. The result of this is starkly revealed in LifeLines, the RSMA’s a comprehensive study into the condition of road safety markings across the UK, which surveyed over 7,000 kilometres of roads for its report published in 2014. It revealed that half of markings on local authority roads either need urgently replacing, or scheduling for replacement. LifeLines found that 47 per cent of markings on dual carriageways and 50 per cent of markings on single carriageways fall short, and only 12 per cent of local authority markings were rated as ‘excellent’, compared to 17 per cent of Highways England roads. We now have a patchwork quilt effect across the UK, with different authorities maintaining roads to differing standards, depending on budgetary constraints. We see a stark example of the effects of suspending road marking

Written by George Lee, national director, The Road Safety Markings Association

Local roads are the routes we use every day – to get children to school, to reach shops or work, to enjoy a social life or simply to join the motorway to travel farther afield. The Road Safety Markings Association’s George Lee analyses their importance

driving in the dark over the past five years, or stopped altogether. Additionally, 55 per cent of drivers questioned in the study said they would be happier driving at night if there were better road markings and signs, with 41 per cent saying ‘better street lighting’ would help, so with rising pressure on roads authorities to turn off street lighting at night to save money, road markings should be better maintained, to compensate. Giving up driving is one of the key factors responsible for a fall in health and wellbeing among older people, leading to them becoming more isolated and inactive. We all have to accept that as we get older our reactions slow down and this often results in people avoiding any potentially challenging driving conditions and losing confidence in their driving skills. Staying mobile is key to the wellbeing of older, healthy drivers who have the right not to be deterred by poor road conditions, especially as the number of drivers over 70 will grow by half, by 2030. At the other end of the age spectrum, keeping clear safety zones around schools is increasingly challenging for local authorities, with different initiatives being adopted around the UK – ranging from simple ‘Park and Stride’ schemes to ambitious ‘no go areas’ at key times of the day. E




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ROAD MARKINGS  BLURRED LINES Last year we saw a bid by then Communities Secretary, Eric Pickles, to relax the rules on parking on double yellow lines, but of course these road markings are designed to improve the safety and efficiency on our highways, and in the vast majority of cases there is very good reason why double yellow lines have been laid. 20mph limits are becoming increasingly mainstream across the UK, and the European Transport Safety Council called for 20mph to be EU-wide in residential areas and those with high numbers of pedestrians and cyclists. But too often motorists simply aren’t getting the message. So now’s the time to consider further positive steps to reinforce the benefits of 20mph with a more considered approach to road markings – both permanent and temporary. Working with roads authorities, the RSMA wants to pioneer the use of higher visibility, coloured, 20mph roundels in suitable areas as a clear reminder to motorists that they are travelling through sensitive neighbourhoods. The coloured markings would replace the current white markings – and help reduce the forest of signs. It works for the Congestion Charge roundel in London - why not for the safety-related 20mph speed limit too? Different-coloured centre-lane Goverment markings to catch motorists’ Business Magazine M25H.pdf eyes in 20mph areas should also be trialled.

The RSMA is also exploring the idea of different markings for bus lanes, for example road studs that change colour in line with the hours of operation, to make it clearer to motorists when they can – and can’t - drive in bus lanes. This will help smooth passenger transport, and help eliminate unnecessary fines for motorists. SELF-DRIVING CARS By 2025 at least half the travel on Europe’s roads will be in vehicles which can read the road ahead including markings and signs. But vehicles, like drivers, cannot function if basic road markings and signs are non-existent, obscured or confusing. This means putting an end to the differences in even the most basic, internationally agreed safety signs and standardising the width of white lines and the amount of light they reflect – and ensuring the edges of major roads are marked. A consultation on standardising road markings on major roads across Europe recommended EU adoption of the simple and memorable: ‘150 x 150’ standard with lane and edge markings a consistent 150 millimetres wide, and markings in the dry should reflect light at 150 millicandela – the measure of light reflectivity. As well as recommending clear, common standards for road markings and traffic 1 16/06/2015 12:33:48 signs on major rural roads, the report calls

Road Safety


for an independent survey of Europe’s major roads to assess the scale of action needed to meet these standards. But on local roads, despite best efforts of local authorities and utility companies, the challenges seem almost insurmountable. Roadworks, potholes, worn road markings, burst mains and failed traffic lights are just some of the real obstacles to the future of self-driving cars. Is the government’s motive on autonomous vehicles driven by economics or safety? If the former, we must focus on mass movement – primarily of freight – over long distances; if the latter, the emphasis must be where safety improvements are most needed: rural A-roads. Neither of these issues is being addressed by driverless car trials in urban streets. Getting the basic network in shape first is fundamental to success. The reality of cars that can read roads is with us. It would be a huge step forward if we could have roads that can be read easily by humans – who currently make up the vast majority of road users. Road users can highlight failed road markings by reporting them online ( Every input alerts the relevant local council to carry out repairs, and local authorities can see how their roads fared in the survey. L FURTHER INFORMATION










The Scarab Minor M25H asserts itself as the most versatile sweeper in its class. The M25H can hold more waste than its predecessor thanks to its 2.5m3 hopper capacity and can operate for longer due to the 450 ltr water tank. With improved turning circle, ride stability, modern and quiet cab interior, you can sweep for longer and in more comfort than ever before; all this whilst still holding true to the original Minor concept of a full-size sweeper in a compact package. Our products are all designed and built to a high standard at our manufacturing headquarters in Kent, England.

Tough on the Streets - Easy on the Environment Volume 22.4 | GOVERNMENT BUSINESS MAGAZINE



Showcasing resiliance and emergency planning

Emergency Services Show


The Emergency Services Show, taking place at the NEC on 23-24 September, brings together an unrivalled cross‑section of organisations involved in resilience and emergency planning

In an era of austerity, keeping abreast of the latest developments and building new partnerships can be a real challenge. For these reasons, the annual Emergency Services Show has established itself as a key date in the public sector calendar, particularly for those involved in all aspects of preparedness planning, resilience and recovery. The two day event is a showcase of innovation, expertise and collaborative practice. It is centrally located, easy to get to and free to attend. Visitors to the show can network with emergency services and rescue organisations and meet with government departments such as DCLG-RED, The Civil Contingencies Secretariat, The Environment Agency and Public Health England. Visitors will also gain a deeper understanding of the support available from NGOs and charities like the British Red Cross, St John Ambulance and the Royal Life Saving Society and be able to see and handle the latest equipment, systems, vehicles and technology. FREE SEMINARS This year’s event will include a series of free seminars covering innovation, collaboration and interoperability (organised with the Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Programme and the Emergency Services Collaboration Group). The College of Paramedics is also planning another series of free 30-minute lectures and workshops on both days of the show.

EXHIBITORS deal with hazardous or difficult Over 400 companies and situations, particularly e h T organisations have already mass casualty incidents. y c n booked stands. One of Working with the merge luntary e o the key organisations Department of Health, v e s exhibiting is the NARU also assists responctor has a ce r Chief Fire Officers with the effective u se o al res killed national coordination i Association (CFOA) t n a t National Resilience. and implementation subs ned and s s, The UK fire and rescue of the pre-hospital f trai le, vehicle o sector’s National response peop ment and tohealth Resilience programme improve civil p i u eq es is designed to strengthen contingencies and national premis the nation’s ability to resilience across England. handle emergencies and crises Another noteworthy exhibitor through the delivery of a co-ordinated is ResilienceDirect, who enable real response to a range of serious, significant or time information to be shared across all catastrophic incidents that have widespread organisational and geographic boundaries. impacts or are of national significance. This allows the emergency response Another exhibitor is the Institute of Civil community in the UK to access a fully Protection & Emergency Management accredited and secure information‑sharing (ICPEM), who bring together emergency platform that is underpinned by OS professionals and academics to provide location data. It is designed to cut across an informed voice on all aspects of civil multiple communication channels to protection and emergency management. drive greater efficiency and joint working ICPEM gives members the opportunity at strategic and tactical levels. to network with practitioners and academics Other exhibiting organisations of in civil protection, emergency management, interest include: the Arson Prevention resilience and associated disciplines. Forum, School of Resilience and The National Ambulance Resilience Unit Emergency Response and the Emergency (NARU) will also be exhibiting. NARU Planning Society as well as training works with ambulance trusts to support the providers like the Fire Training Group, development of properly trained, equipped Training 4 Resilience, PGI Training, and prepared ambulance responders to Mabway and Red One. E



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EVENT PREVIEW  THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE ZONE The emergency response voluntary sector has a substantial resource of trained and skilled people, vehicles, equipment and premises that provide practical and emotional support before, during and after an emergency. This allows the emergency services to concentrate on the immediate needs of a crisis, freeing up vital resources. Organisations from the voluntary sector will have a strong presence within the dedicated Emergency Response Zone, which aims to develop partnerships between voluntary organisations and the bluelight services. The Emergency Response Zone will be a networking focus of the show, giving visitors the opportunity to meet and network with a number of voluntary organisations. There will be around 80 companies, charities and other organisations exhibiting in this area alone ensuring a wealth of opportunities to share and catch up with new developments. Mental health support will also be represented at the show through Mind, a charity who offer advice and support for people suffering from mental health problems. Emergency services personnel have been identified as being at greater risk of experiencing a mental health problem than the general population, but are less likely to get support. Mind has been awarded LIBOR funding to develop the Blue Light Programme, E

Emergency Services Show


Organisations from the voluntary sector will have a strong presence within the dedicated Emergency Response Zone, which aims to develop partnerships between voluntary organisations and the bluelight services




In-vehicle mobile networking solutions

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Connected Cars for Police: Connected, visible, informed. Westbase Technology, partnered with Panasonic ProServices, has been working to deliver on-the-road connectivity to create ‘mobile police stations’ for UK forces. In order to spend more time in the community and better inform Officers on the road, forces have been investing in mobile technology that allows them to access command and control systems and databases, and access desktop applications and intranet – all from their cars. The solution consists of the Panasonic Toughpad and Westbase’s Cradlepoint CORIBR600 and IBR1100 routers to provide reliable, secure, on-the-road connectivity by creating a hotspot in and around the vehicle. The solution has enabled the deployment of automatic number plate and facial recognition technology

too, helping forces to quickly identify vehicles and suspects of interest with greater accuracy: “There is no doubt that we are seeing the business and community benefits of these devices. They improve our access to information, which improves our crime intelligence and arrest rates. They also make our officers more visible,” said Detective Chief Inspector Damien Kennedy of Hertfordshire Constabulary. Westbase and Panasonic ProServices deliver this solution to forces across the UK, Ireland and Europe. Visit Westbase on stand E73 at The Emergency Services Show. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: +44 (0) 1291 430 567

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EVENT PREVIEW Visiting the Emergency Services show

 which aims to provide mental health support for emergency services staff and volunteers from police, fire, ambulance and search and rescue services across England. Visitors will be able to find Mind’s stand in the Emergency Response Zone to talk about the Blue Light Programme and the support on offer to people in the emergency services. Other notable exhibitors from the voluntary sector include St John Ambulance, RSPCA, The Salvation Army, HM Coastguard and the Royal Life Saving Society UK. The Emergency Services Show is organised

by Broden Media and provides a unique opportunity to see, touch and discuss the latest technology, ideas and initiatives. Exhibitors include leading names in fire fighting equipment, search and rescue, extrication, first response, communications, IT, protective clothing and uniforms, vehicles and fleet, vehicle equipment, outsourcing, training, community safety, station facilities, water rescue and medical supplies. L FURTHER INFORMATION

Emergency Services Show


The Emergency Services Show takes place on 23 and 24 September in Halls 17 and 18 and outdoor event area at the NEC, Birmingham. This an industry only event and not open to the general public. Visitors under the age of 18 will not be admitted. The organisers reserve the right to refuse entry. Getting to The Emergency Services Show is easy. The NEC is physically linked to Birmingham International Airport and Birmingham International Station, and there is direct access to UK motorway network. There is also free visitor entry and parking.

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As a first responder you know that a tension pneumothorax injury, or sucking chest wound can be fatal if not treated quickly and effectively. However, the successful application of a pneumothorax needle often proves difficult to achieve. TyTek Medical has developed a new device to increase the success of needle decompression. The Thoracic Valved Decompression Needle - TVDN integrates new features into the standard 14 gauge catheter-over-needle pneumothorax needle design. This innovative product includes a veress safety tip to reduce the risk of puncturing internal organs when inserted. Essentially, it reduces your margin of error and increases your patient’s chances of survival.

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The BREEAM always rises to the top Since it was first launched in 1990, BREEAM, the environmental assessment method and rating system for buildings, is now certified in over 425,000 structures with over two million registered for assessment. A new build primary school comissioned by Durham County Council is a shining example of how the method can engender an ethos of sustainability The BREEAM method encourages everyone involved in construction and procurement to think about low carbon and low impact design, minimising the energy demands created by a building before considering energy efficiency and low carbon technologies. A BREEAM assessment uses recognised measures of performance, which are set against established benchmarks, to evaluate a building’s specification, design, construction and use. The measures used represent a broad range of categories and criteria from energy to ecology, and include aspects related to energy and water use, the internal environment (health and wellbeing), pollution, transport, materials, waste, ecology and management processes. Some of the best performing buildings assessed under the standard were recognised at the annual BREEAM awards, which was hosted by TV architect Charlie Luxton in London on March 3. The winning building in the Education category was a new build primary school to replace the existing building in the village of Brandon, County Durham. AN OUTSTANDING BUILDING The single storey building houses educational and ancillary facilities for 390 pupils from Reception to Year 6, as well as providing a 26 place nursery, a day care facility and facilities for community use (parent / community room and training rooms), which can be securely accessed from the rest of the school building. These are available for use both during and after the school day. Durham County Council had aspirations to achieve BREEAM ‘Outstanding’ and ensured that the entire project team were fully engaged in the process and that all aspects of the BREEAM assessment were reviewed on a regular basis. As a low carbon building, the development sought to minimise energy consumption through design, such as improved performance of the building envelope as well as maximising the use of natural daylight and ventilation. It also strived to use a range of sustainable low impact construction materials, procured locally where possible. Brandon Primary School accommodates



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390 pupils, and has proven to be an exemplar template for the development of sustainable educational facilities in the county, with some sustainability and design principles already successfully applied to the development of two further schools in the county.

m Brandon as a whole. Durha uncil “Looking specifically o yC at the design, it’s Count pirations s a the joined-up M A d ha BREE d e thinking approach v e i h n to ac tanding’ a tire that’s particularly pleasing. A ‘Outs that the en e r d typical example e e r w ensu ject team in being that each pro engaged individual classroom fully process roof faces south the west and is equipped

THE BENEFITS OF BREEAM Paul Hopson, Senior Project Manager, Durham County Council, explains the benefits of using BREEAM methods: “From the outset we aspired to create the most sustainable school possible for the pupils, staff and community. The results were not disappointing. When deciding how best to deliver and evaluate this pledge, we always returned to the BREEAM system. The broad assessment methodology model covered all major aspects of the schools sustainable development and was integral in our push for the Outstanding rating. “The Council, Designers and Constructors have all worked together with teachers, pupils, Governors and the wider community throughout the schools development. The result being a building that’s both a practical teaching tool for staff to integrate sustainability into the various curriculum subjects, while enriching the local area and

with north facing windows. These windows provide natural ventilation and glare free light while the roof mounted solar panels are pitched at an optimum angle to capture the maximum solar energy. “Whilst the environmental benefits speak for themselves, it is the integration between the building and the occupants that has proven most significant. The new environment has inspired teachers and pupils alike to explore the bond between their new school and natural environment in which it sits. The building has proven so successful in this regard that we’ve incorporated the design concept and building form into future primary school replacements.” INSIDE AND OUTSIDE The school has been designed and built to ensure the ethos of sustainability runs


collectively throughout the building and the community it serves. Early planning was essential to the project’s success, along with the appointment of an in-house BREEAM trained Sustainability Officer, which brought tangible benefits via careful planning and the monitoring of progress. As the new school was constructed a few meters away from the original building it replaced, careful pupil control and safety were paramount. Learning opportunities were captured via regular contractor workshop/ presentations and site supervised pupil visits. The internal environment benefits from natural ventilation via earth pipes, solar shading, photovoltaic arrays, solar water heating, a biomass boiler, rainwater harvesting and plenty of natural light. Externally, wildlife areas, bat roosts and an aquatic wildlife wetland provide an environmentally friendly setting. The school and grounds are now used by the wider community and include a 26 place nursery, day care facilities and community rooms. The school also includes Sport England specified playing fields and a multi‑use games area – both for shared public use. Through careful adherence to the BREEAM model the new school presents itself as a valuable and practical learning resource on environmental matters. L

The school and grounds are now used by the wider community and include a 26 place nursery, day care facilities and community rooms FURTHER INFORMATION ON BREEAM AND BRANDON SCHOOL The BREEAM assessment method is administered by BRE, which provides expert and impartial research, knowledge and advice for the built environment sector and is a founding member of the UK Green Building

Council. BREEAM is the preferred scheme for a number of the national Green Building Councils across Europe, including the Netherlands Norway. For further information on BRE, visit Further information on the Brandon Primary School project can be found at

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Can an energy management system reduce your heating bill?

Advertisement Feature


Clarke Controls designs, manufactures and installs bespoke energy management systems for the industrial and commercial sectors and guarantees to reduce your heating bill Since its establishment 13 years ago, Clarke Controls now supplies its state of the art heating control system to 90 per cent of the car dealerships in the UK. But it also has a large and varied client base in The public sector, engineering, manufacturing, vehicle maintenance, DIY and trade suppliers, packaging and storage - in fact any type of business which operates out of a large open plan industrial unit where heating is provided by either gas or oil fed warm air blowers or radiant tubes. Most of Clarke Control’s past systems were supplied on the basis that they reduced the amount of gas or oil used by type heaters. However, recently customers have requested the company to control various air handling systems due the sophistication, ease of control and remote controlling ability of the Clarke Controls Energy Management system. RELIABILITY The positive relationship with customers has continued due to the reliability and functionality of the system which has dramatically reduced heating costs and provided a comfortable working environment for their staff. Customers also understand that their needs are put first and are that the company is always able to respond quickly to their needs if required. As a company Clarke Controls’ designs, manufactures, sells, services and supports the product which puts the company in the enviable situation of being able to bespoke the product to a customer’s particular requirement. This development has now led Clarke Controls to utilise the product in controlling and monitoring all lighting, single and three phase circuits where we can identify the actual consumption of individual circuits to establish how efficient the equipment is on these circuits and what potential cost savings can be made. Your meter readings will tell you how much you are spending but they won’t give you detailed information on exactly where the most energy is being consumed and where it is being wasted. The Clarke Controls ARMM Product (Automated Remote Meter Monitor) has been developed by Clarke Controls to give you immediate, detailed information on exactly how much electricity you are using and where

it is being used. Using a pioneering modular system that allows you to monitor both the input and outputs from any distribution board, as well as multiple gas meters; ARMM feeds information back to a web interface allowing you to keep track of your energy consumption. As the product is web based it also means that should you need to view any usages or turn circuits on or off this can be done from any location worldwide from any instrument connected to the web. FINANCIAL SAVINGS Clarke Controls core principles states that ‘The customers’ requirements are paramount to our business’. Clarke Controls believes that when it supplies a product or service the agreement has to be a win/win situation. It will only supply a product if they are completely confident that there will be a

full software updates, and in some cases, hardware updates as part of the contract for as long as the customer keeps the system. In order to establish if any of the Clarke Control systems can be of financial benefit to your business, the company will undertake a completely free of charge full survey of your heating system, lighting, electrical equipment and supply you with a report showing the possible benefits and financial savings which can be attained by changing to LED Lighting, T5 Fluorescents, PIR System or using The Clarke Controls EMS or ARMM products. NEW MARKETS As a company with an established customer base in UK and a known level of reliability in the product, Clarke Controls decided to approach new markets in main land Europe as well as eastern European countries

Clarke Controls believes that when it supplies a product or service the agreement has to be a win/win situation. It will only supply a product if they are completely confident that there will be a substantial financial saving to the customer substantial financial saving to the customer. In fact, Clarke Controls is so confident that the company even guarantees it. If a customer does not attain a 25 per cent reduction in heating costs within 12 months, Clarke Controls will remove the system and refund all money without question. The system has proved to be so efficient that in 13 years the company has only had to honour this guarantee once and on that one occasion the customer opted to keep the system. In most cases customers save over 40 per cent of their heating costs. Clarke Controls is also continually developing the product as new technologies emerge so a customer need never concern themselves that the product may become obsolete. Recently the company has embarked upon a new project where if a customer takes out a three or five year service they will also receive

and are pleased to announce that the product has been received very well and Clarke Controls are now in the process of installing several new systems. As a result of these initiatives it now seems that in the very near future Clarke Controls will have the same enviable reputation in Europe it already has in the UK.  FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 0845 603 9369



The Energy Event


Quality assured energy saving innovations

Working together to reduce water usage and scarcity

DFx Technology designs and manufactures low-energy products including LED lighting, industrial controls and monitoring systems. All of the company’s products are manufactured at Witney near Oxford and are built to stringent quality procedures audited to ISO 9001:2008 and 14001:2004. DFx Technology has been supplying lighting solutions to global brands in the brewery market sector for over twenty years and has been using the latest LED technology within that market for over ten years. DFx, therefore have great confidence in its circuit designs and specifically the quality of the LEDs used in its point-of-sale illuminations. The company’s low energy lighting products incorporating the same super bright LED technology are extremely popular within housing, education and healthcare to name a few market sectors. Branded under the

Using less water, lowering water bills and being more socially responsible are some of the key benefits public sector water users experience by adopting a professional water management service. Water is increasingly recognised as the next big global environmental challenge. Incorporating water sustainability into businesses, public services and our built environment will contribute massively to addressing water scarcity issues. Waterscan provides support to organisation’s looking to address water consumption, improve efficiency, lower costs, improve CSR and explore water reuse opportunities. Waterscan’s approach requires minimal investment risk or resource input from your organisation; simplifying the process of water management for its partners and taking a holistic view of water usage. The knowledge and expertise

PlanetSaver logo, these products save vast amounts of energy and reduce carbon emissions. In addition to the vast savings achieved by switching to LED we also incorporate microwave sensor technology which maximises energy reductions further. There are also options to have units reduced to dim light levels in areas where it would be safer to have a lower power illumination. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01993 705151

Enhanced solutions for energy efficiency and carbon reduction Power Efficiency (PE) is a leading energy procurement, carbon reduction and energy solutions consultancy operating in the UK and on a global basis. With over 15 years of industry experience, its vision is to bring a fully-rounded, strategic approach to the business of energy management. PE focuses on assisting its clients to improve their energy efficiency, cut costs, reduce their carbon footprint, and comply with ever changing energy legislation. It remains at the forefront of understanding such incoming legislation and uses that knowledge to benefit its customers. With its sister company, Cofely Energy Services, Power Efficiency is involved in long term partnerships with a wide range of industrial, commercial and public sector bodies. Significant commercial benefits have been delivered to PE’s clients across all sectors.


These include risk managed energy procurement and trading, renewable strategy, and providing clients with embedded energy managers to manage large scale energy saving projects. PE has particular strengths in managing multi-site portfolios, portfolio management, and the implementation of large scale compliance projects. The company is excited by the prospect of providing an enhanced solution to customers and their organisation that moves to develop a partnership that can support your full energy and sustainability aspirations. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 020 8269 6100


gained from supporting large and small organisations across a range of industries and sectors ensure each plan is tailored specifically to the individual’s needs. Developing a comprehensive strategic approach helps safeguard an organisation’s sustainable water future; addressing potential water related risks and setting reduction targets. Join the likes of Thames Valley Police and Ministry of Defence and prosper from over 20 years of experience identifying water saving opportunities and utilising award-wining technologies that improve water efficiency and reduce cost. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01243 839880

Preparing for the future with Syzygy Renewables Syzygy Renewables is the UK’s leading renewable energy consultancy specialising in roof-top solar PV. The company advise commercial property owners and occupiers who are seeking to exploit renewable energy opportunities and want a specialist to help them deliver the right solution. Working with many of the leading commercial property owners such as Land Securities, British Land, Hammerson and Segro as well as the UK’s leading pension Fund Managers including Aviva, Legal & General and Henderson, Syzygy has advised on and project managed over 80 roof-mounted solar projects across the UK to date. Syzygy advises clients on how and where they can generate renewable energy, providing them with a fully integrated solution. Taking projects from the feasibility

stage, design, identifying the right contractors and running a detailed tender process, project management and ultimately managing the completed operational assets ensuring they continue to operate efficiently and importantly the Feed-in Tariffs are collected. Syzygy is not a contractor, but there to help clients engage the best contractors on the right terms with the best design, ensuring the work is properly supervised and the client gets best value. The team at Syzygy are passionate about renewable energy and have over 18 years of industry experience. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: +44 (0) 207 193 6040


Striving to make energy a top priority

The Energy Event


What is your biggest challenge when it comes to energy management? This year, the Energy Event on the 15-16 September, Europe’s leading and most comprehensive energy procurement and management event, will answer the question With a majority Conservative government at the helm, the country is set for a fresh direction in a number of key policy areas. According to Amber Rudd, the recently appointed Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change: “The Department Energy and Climate Change’s priorities are clear: keeping the lights on and powering the economy; keeping bills low for families and businesses and getting a climate deal in Paris this year.” A new Energy Bill is promised that will ensure that there will be affordable and reliable energy for businesses and families and that will give the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) the powers it needs to become a robust, independent and effective regulator, and enable it to maximise the economic recovery of oil and gas from UK waters. The new Bill will also change the law in line with the manifesto commitment to give local communities the final say on wind farm applications.

Events Group, said: “The landscape for energy, renewables and water management and procurement is shifting and set to see further changes ahead. With this in mind, it’s important for end users from industry and commerce to attend and hear what government ministers have to say. These events will also provide a source of practical information on the key industry issues likely to impact on their business in the months and years ahead and offer a great opportunity to discover new ways for buying and managing utilities more efficiently in the future.”

What will the new government mean for large industrial and commercial end-users as they grapple with energy security issues, ESOS compliance, planned deregulation in the water industry and the drive to reduce energy costs and improve their sustainability performance?

Greggs, Land Securities, Nestle and Tesco. The Renewables Theatre, supported by headline sponsor GE Intelligent Platforms and associate sponsor Lightsource RE, will host a special keynote talk from Jem Stansfield, Engineer and Presenter of the BBC’s science show, Bang Goes The Theory. Russell Bacon comments: “The free seminar programmes available in all four seminar theatres are renowned for the quality of practical advice on offer for large industrial and commercial end-users. This year’s content builds substantially and brings together a dynamic line-up of speakers who’ll be addressing topics and issues, ranging from Government policy and legislation to specifics on energy, renewable and water strategy, all brought to life by real-world applications from end-users at the cutting edge of on-site deployment.” Jem Stansfield’s keynote in The Renewables Theatre, taking place on Wednesday 16 September, will outline his thoughts on the future for renewable energy and assess the likely impact of these changes for the business world. Also on Wednesday 16 September in the Water Theatre, sponsored by Business Stream, Fred Pearce, environment writer and celebrated author of When the Rivers Run Dry: Water--The Defining Crisis of the Twenty-first Century, will be delivering the keynote address on looking ahead to the local, global water challenge and disrupters to instigate change.

But what will the new government mean for large industrial and commercial end-users as they grapple with energy security issues, ESOS compliance, planned deregulation in the water industry and the drive to reduce energy costs and improve their sustainability performance? The Energy Event, taking place at Birmingham’s NEC on 15-16 September 2015, is the first post-Election industry event for this audience and visitors will be best placed to find the answers to these and other questions. Organised by i2i Events, the Energy Event, is co-located with the Renewables Event and the Water Event and together provides the UK’s largest and most comprehensive exhibitions focusing on energy, renewables and water procurement and management for large scale industrial and commercial end-users. Russell Bacon, Portfolio Director at i2i

OTHER HEADLINE SESSIONS Among the headline sessions delivered by thought leaders in commerce and industry, Chris Taylor, Chief Operating Officer at News UK, discusses a holistic approach to carbon management: Key considerations across energy, water and waste. His session will be followed by Indeer Poonaji, Head of Sustainability at Nestle, who will talk about the company’s renewable strategy, including its onsite anaerobic digestion plant, the largest in the UK. Among other sessions, Lydia Hopton, Property Project Manager at Marks and Spencer will outline how solar is an integral part of the retailer’s approach to business and Gerd Kortuem, Professor of Computing with the Open University will conduct a keynote seminar on demystifying big data and the internet of things – realising energy 

ENERGY CONNECT For 2015, The Energy Event is introducing a brand new feature called Energy Connect. Energy Connect is a facilitated networking service, providing exclusive one to one meetings between the shows visitors and exhibitors. Launching in mid‑July,

Energy Connect will be hosted by Sector Marketing, a specialist in integrated marketing services. Visitors will be able to log in to an online portal and arrange 121 meetings with exhibitors allowing them to plan their day in advance and ensure they have a productive day at the show. Formulated in close partnership with key industry and event stakeholders to address the important issues, the popular conference programmes at each show are a strong focus for 2015. More than 60 free-to-attend CPD sessions are scheduled to feature at the event across four show theatres in what will prove to be one of the major attractions for visitors. The Energy Event and its two co-located shows will feature headline presentations from Government together with sessions from a range of large blue-chip companies, including Marks & Spencer, Bentley Motors,



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EVENT PREVIEW  savings in the future of smart infrastructure. ENERGY EVENT EXHIBITORS Elsewhere, Andrew Robertson, Head of Site The Energy, Renewables and Water Events will Planning at Bentley Motors, Neil Pennell, Head also provide access to the services, products of Sustainability and Engineering at Land and advice of more than 190 exhibitors Securities and Paul Rhodes, Group Safety, including National Grid, Pfisterer, Synapsys, Health and Environment Manager at Greggs Carlo Gavazzi, Flexitricity, Severn Trent, will debate how to successfully implement Corona Energy, Philips Lighting, BIU British large scale solar projects, with Richard Independent Utilities, GE Intelligence, Clothier, Managing Director at GmbH, Haven Power, Trend Wyke Farms and Bernd Leven, Controls, Treco, Zero Carbon Group Energy Manager at Futures, Dart Valley Systems Tesco will discuss how Limited, Schneider Electric on-site renewables Ltd, Lucy Electric, Clarke can meet the heating Energy, Business Stream, needs of a business. ASL Holdings Ltd, Lark Energy, Lightsource SEMINARS RE, Siemens Financial The full seminar Services, Waterscan Ltd, programme will also Wingas, SSE, Source feature government for Business, Thames presentations on future Water, and many more. Bacon Russell policy for the UK renewables The UK’s top five water sector and championing the suppliers will also all be exhibiting UK’s low carbon economy. There at the Energy Event’s co-located show, will also be a number of panel discussions the Water Event. Anglian Water, Business including one with Gareth Williams, Energy Stream, Severn Trent, Thames Water and and Environment Manager at Northern Rail United Utilities will all be sharing their advice speaking about making the business case with visitors on how their water services can for energy efficiency. The Energy Leaders help businesses and manufacturing companies Theatre, sponsored by Anglian Water, will improve efficiency, reduce cost and comply also host a supplier panel looking at energy with best practice and regulations in the procurement and sustainability of supply. new environment for the water industry.

the “Now is e for im crucial t users to d large en ow they can h find out and manage procure ervices more water s ciently” effi

Water treatment systems that lead in innovation IWTM UK is part of the International Water Treatment group with offices in Norway, Sweden, USA and Singapore. The whole principle of the group is to deliver water treatment without the use of chemical dosing. Lead by the Elysator water treatment system IWTM can provide treatment for heating and cooling, mains water, potable water, ships cooling water and the circulating water in cooling towers. The group offers equipment that protects systems from scale, corrosion and bacterial growth. The Elysator also acts as a side stream filtration system removing scale and pollution. The group is a leader in innovation and technology offering solutions for difficult water treatment problems where chemical dosing

has failed and also providing complete non-polluting products. The Elysator has certification from the prestigious DNV institute of Norway stating that the system creates zero pollution. Our latest product launches include equipment that sanitises potable water using chloride ions taken from salt and a system that converts the chlorides in sea water to protect cooling systems on large vessels from marine growth. The continuous growth of the company shows that markets recognise the value of technology in providing solutions for the challenges that arise with the use of water. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 07904 324009

Rupert Kruger, Head of Business Services at Thames Water said: “There has never been a more important time for businesses to understand their water use, to improve efficiency and reduce their impact on the environment. “Thames Water – with its proud heritage – has a tremendous depth of knowledge and range of valuable, cost-effective services, which we’re enhancing and extending thanks to on-going investment in our people, systems and processes. We’re delighted to be attending the Water Event and meeting a wide range of businesses looking to transform their relationship with water and wastewater retailers.”

The Energy Event


CRUCIAL TIME Russell Bacon concludes: “Now is the crucial time for large end users to find out how they can procure and manage water services more efficiently with the opportunity to switch water suppliers from April 2017 onwards. With so many of the big suppliers now confirmed to exhibit at The Water Event, the show provides the perfect environment to gain insights into what is available, understand the benefits and appreciate how any transition will work in practice.”  FURTHER INFORMATION


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EVENT PREVIEW Networking at LIW will be supported by Leisure-Net, who are bringing their renowned Active-Net seminar, and UK Active, who will be holding their VIP Connect Programme, to provide industry professionals the perfect base to share their knowledge, discover new business opportunities and lead the leisure industry to a new era encouraging participation for all through a wide range of activities. LIW is exclusive to trade, attracting thousands of visitors from all professions within the leisure industry including local councils, leisure trusts, hoteliers, personal trainers, procurement professionals, architects, key influencers and decision makers in an audience where 52 per cent are responsible for a budget of more than £1,000,000.

Working together to promote a more active lifestyle Held at the NEC Birmingham, Leisure Industry Week runs from 22-23 September and will cover a wide range of topics including Sport & Physical Activity, Leisure Facilities and Fitness & Nutrition Leisure Industry Week (LIW) is under new management with a revitalised educational programme aimed at supporting all roles and positions within the leisure industry. As well as covering Sport, Physical Activity, Leisure and Fitness, the show also has dedicated areas to Pool & Spa and Play, to ensure that no aspect of a leisure facility is left uncovered. Each topic will be covered by a variety of seminars from industry leaders, interactive activity areas and targeted exhibitors to offer an educational programme that supports the requirements of what the industry actually wants. To support this LIW will also feature The Keynote Theatre, where speakers will include top level industry experts in panel discussions, Q&A sessions and seminars offering something for everyone in a ‘leisure’ team. LIW will provide educational programmes tailored towards different roles within the leisure industry, which tackle everything from increasing participation and boosting physical activity, offering secondary spend opportunities, boosting sales, increasing business efficiency and attracting new members, which anyone involved in the leisure industry can benefit from. LIW chief executive, Nick Orton, who also runs BodyPower Expo, Europe’s largest consumer fitness event, commented: “For

me, I’m passionate about inspiring people to live fitter, healthier lives. Our consumer show, BodyPower, is all about inspiring people to get into the gym, lift weights and sculpt stronger, fitter physiques. LIW is slightly different. Being a trade show, LIW is all about inspiring the workforce, delivering innovative ideas and modern concepts that will ultimately help an entire team, from a Chief Executive through to a Personal Trainer, to understand the role they can play in changing the landscape of physical activity, wellness and health in the UK.” AN OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN Supported by a range of prominent industry partners including UK Active, Leisure Media, WorkOut and Stable Publishing; LIW targets all roles and positions within the leisure industry to provide the optimal conditions for networking with thousands of key decision makers and influencers, discovering new business opportunities and building the future of the leisure industry. LIW Marketing Director, Ollie Upton commented: “It’s an incredible opportunity that we’re offering trade professionals. The show is free to attend and we’re essentially providing a vast networking space for industry figureheads to get together and tackle issues that can impact on a national scale.”

Leisure Industry Week


SPORTS & PHYSICAL ACTIVITY The Sports & Physical Activity topic area will focus not only on improving sports practices and coaching but encouraging active participation for all. With physical inactivity reportedly costing the UK economy £20bn every year through increased numbers of doctor’s appointments, absence from work and a decrease in employee’s productivity, encouraging people to be active is therefore becoming an increasingly important focus area both from the point of view of a person’s health and also from a business’ operational perspective. LIW will offer a structured educational programme to help businesses and leisure industry professionals encourage people, from all backgrounds and walks of life, to get active and get involved in some kind of physical activity. LIW will also offer seminars offering insight towards targeting and encouraging participation from people with disabilities, the young and the elderly. PLAY AND LEISURE FACILITIES LIW will feature a dedicated play area, the purpose of which is to broadcast the latest play options for both children and adults, including soft play areas, crèches and adventure playgrounds. LIW Play, like the Sports and Physical Activity area, is designed to offer ways of encouraging people to get active and get moving but through the medium of play. Exhibitors at LIW offering play options include Russell Play, iCombat and ELI Play. LIW Play will also include an area dedicated to the latest fitness craze, trampolining, with displays on the uses and benefits of trampolining to enable visitors to see how trampolining could be incorporated into their facility. A businesses facilities are a key element in their offering to their clients, with the right facilities and environment often being the key to customer satisfaction and client retention through providing the optimum atmosphere and equipment to support client’s needs. LIW covers all aspects of a leisure facility and as such visitors will find a huge range of ideas, seminars and products applicable to any facility. 



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EVENT PREVIEW  SPA & WELLNESS As part of the Leisure Facilities focus, LIW will feature a fully functioning pool & spa area. The Pool & Spa area will feature a customised above ground pool featuring a lecture programme with live demonstrations on topics such as hydrotherapy, injury recovery and HIT for fitness. The Pool & Spa area will also feature live beauty demonstrations and products. Plus this area will include the products and equipment required to ensure the efficient running of a wet leisure area including pool filtration equipment and lockers to ensure their customers peace of mind. The Pool & Spa area will also offer play options for use in wet leisure facilities to help businesses offer additional classes and activities.

will find front of house systems for ticketing, booking systems and turnstiles; plus features for changing rooms such as lockers and showers; cooking and catering options and secondary spend suggestions; alongside innovative training equipment for the gym floor including the latest exercise machines, free weights, monitors for fitness classes and much more. Anything required for the successful running of a leisure facility will be on display in The Club Showcase. Fitness and nutrition plays an important part in a large number of leisure industry businesses. LIW will include seminars from experts in the fields of fitness and nutrition offering insight into the latest discoveries and developments, ideal for any independent gym owners, personal trainers, fitness managers and general managers looking to develop their skills, discover the latest equipment and learn new techniques which they can apply to their clients to help them achieve results faster. At LIW visitors will be able to see the latest exercise equipment, functional training

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THE CLUB SHOWCASE The Club Showcase is a custom-built concept gym designed to showcase all areas of a Leisure Facility; to enable visitors to gain a visual understanding of how products and services can fit into a facility. Here visitors

methods from industry experts, cutting edge training ideas plus sessions to make sure the basics of fitness and nutrition are covered. LIW will also feature seminars targeted towards personal trainers designed to help them make a career out of their passion for fitness, including seminars on marketing and networking from the leading educators in the industry.

Leisure Industry Week


KEYNOTE THEATRE The Keynote Theatre features seminars, Q&A sessions, panel discussions and case studies of success by industry leaders from all over the business world, not just the leisure industry. With topics including the impact of staff investment in long‑term profit, social media and free marketing, technology and its impact on customer experience and methods for improving operational efficiency, the Keynote Theatre will offer tools and techniques that any business within the leisure industry can apply to their own situation and improve business performance. The Keynote Theatre is an area not to be missed for anyone looking to improve their work performance and business operations.  FURTHER INFORMATION

A community celebration for the unique play park transported to RAF Medmenham, Buckinghamshire On the 29 May 2015 Proludic opened their latest play park at RAF Medmenham in Buckinghamshire. Opened by the Station Commander and celebrated by the whole community it was a wonderful occasion to celebrate the culmination of many months work to bring this new play park to its’ completion. Proludic worked in partnership with RAF Medmenham from the initial consultation to ensure the community were heavily involved in deciding the type of equipment and overall design they most wanted. The play park is located next to the ‘Hive’ coffee shop, a community facility run by volunteers to provide a focal point for families, the improvement to the play space and subsequent increase in families visiting the play park has already seen an increase in the use of this essential local facility. The RAF base wanted a play space that was innovative and challenging for a broader age range, ensuring it provided for children of all ages and abilities. Proludic were chosen to work on the project due to their extensive experience in delivering

other successful RAF sites and designed a unique transport themed play park. The play park prior to development was poorly laid out lacking the priority children needed to play safely within the designated space. The new design addressed this to ensure age appropriate play spaces were created. The under-fives area is separated from the junior and teen elements to ensure all children are able to play within an environment that is appropriate to

their own social and emotional needs. Some great features worth highlighting in the scheme are the themed multi play units which provide excellent role play opportunities for younger children. A transport theme was featured which also continued through to the surfacing. Located between Marlow and Henley, Proludic embraced the Genius loci including images of the river and local transportation so children can play and use their imagination outside of the stimulation provided by the fixed play equipment structures. The whole park took ten months to complete from the initial consultation to the opening which marks a great achievement from all parties involved. Squadron Leader Craig Kirk, RAF Medmenham said: “Working with Proludic throughout the entire Medmenham playpark project has been quite simply a delight. Overall, a superb effort by an outstanding team, on budget, on time - Thank you!” FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 0115 982 3980




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Suiting both purpose and budget, Harriet Boatwright from Meet In Leeds discusses the benefits of public sector event buyers using academic venues for conferences, meetings and events Britain’s universities provide a multitude of benefits for public sector event buyers looking for conference and events space thanks to their affordable rates and variety of purpose‑built, learning- focused environments. In the current and prevailing environment for the public sector, it is not just budgets that are tight there is also an increasing, and justifiable, move towards more recognised value for money. Where better to explore more ‘bang for your buck’ than an academic venue. Offering variety, value and innovation these venues understand the pressures on the public sector purse, but also align themselves with the understanding that the value of an event is in more than just financial terms. University facilities now offer a wide range of settings from slick, modern high-tech spaces to inspiring historical venues, featuring

impressive architectural surroundings, many with year round on-site accommodation. THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Leeds is a thriving, diverse city which continues to grow in popularity and its excellent air, rail and road links means it’s easily accessible, making it a perfect city for meetings and events. Dominating the city’s skyline, the University of Leeds’ iconic gleaming white

OUTSTANDING FACILITIES After beating other major European cities, including Florence, to host the first stage of the Tour de France, opening a £60m new arena attracting the biggest names in show business and with the award-winning Yorkshire Sculpture Park just down the road, Leeds is fast becoming the city to visit in 2015. From local companies and organisations to visitors from all corners of the globe, people come to the University of Leeds to experience everything from an intimate dinner with butler service in one of the beautiful, carved wood dining rooms to a four-day Medieval Congress 

Written by Harriet Boatwright, Meet In Leeds

Enjoying the event facilities at the University of Leeds

Parkinson Building provides an impressive gateway to a myriad of the University’s hugely attractive buildings, ranging from the Victorian era to art deco through to modern architecture, set amid a beautiful, tranquil landscaping just a short walk from the bustling city centre. The unique venues allow organisers to add some theatre to their event, regardless of whether it is a small meeting or large scale conference, all with access to the latest high-tech equipment and excellent, award-winning cuisine from stylish buffets to silver service dinners.

Conferences & Events


Leeds is a thriving, diverse city which continues to grow in popularity and its excellent air, rail and road links means it’s easily accessible, making it a perfect city for meetings and events


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Where collaboration meets innovation

A unique event for anyone who works in the emergency services Come along to the Show on 23rd and 24th September at the NEC, Birmingham to: • See and handle the latest equipment, kit, vehicles and technology • Receive training in the latest rescue and lifesaving techniques • Network with other blue light services and rescue organisations • Gain a deeper understanding of the support available from voluntary sector partners Register for free entry today at


Conferences & Events

ACADEMIC VENUES  – the largest gathering of its kind in the world. What makes the University of Leeds a unique conference venue is that, as well as the wide range of venues, the University also offers first class city campus accommodation at a fraction of the cost of a city centre hotel room and is easily accessible thanks to its excellent air, rail and road links. Facilities range from a state-of-the-art 550 seat theatre and huge exhibition space in the heart of the campus to meeting rooms for small groups in more rural locations, yet still just a couple of miles out of the city centre, as well as cost effective city centre modern style rooms in the heart of the University campus. Storm Jameson Court hosts 460 stunning en-suite bedrooms, with a modern 24-hour reception area, wifi and a nearby state‑of‑the‑art gym and pool available to all event delegates staying in the apartments. There are also stylish lounge areas with comfortable seating and plasma screens for time to relax. Storm Jameson Court is an extremely cost‑effective way to spend some time in this wonderful city but with all the facilities you need. We’re delighted with all the positive feedback we receive from our guests*. Leeds is a thriving, diverse city which continues to grow in popularity for public sector conferences and events. It’s really buzzing at the moment and it’s exciting to be helping attract people to the city and see them returning time after time. Storm Jameson Court has received a Gold Award from the Green Tourism Business Scheme and is committed to working to reduce the impact of its operations on the environment. INVESTING IN THE FUTURE Gone are the days when universities could simply offer classroom facilities for events. With rival hotel and conference centres to compete with, the University of Leeds is continually investing in facilities for students and delegates to ensure they are offering the best service possible. The University has recently invested over £2million to set up a state-of-the-art lecture capture and multimedia management system throughout the University. By capturing video and audio recordings of lectures and other teaching activities, the new technology will provide students and delegates with a flexible and personalised approach to learning, enabling them to revisit and review content shared. Professor Neil Morris, Director of Digital Learning at the University of Leeds, said: “This is a significant investment which will transform teaching and learning here at Leeds. Not only can we capture all our audio and video assets, but this new platform will allow us to store, manage and publish content across multiple channels. We are unique in having a digital strategy that encompasses all of these elements.” The significant investment in teaching and learning at the university holds real potential

for conference and event visitors to the Leeds campus. The team at MEETinLEEDS are committed to finding new ways to add value to the conference offer and such developments will soon allow clients to interact with their conference material both during and after it’s delivered. SUSTAINABILITY IS KEY We have noticed an increase in organisations looking for more sustainable ways of working and meeting. Due to this increased demand we are quickly gaining a reputation for leading the way in this arena. Not only is this about attracting more sustainable conferences to the University, we are receiving endorsements from key players including The Soil Association and the Green Tourism Business Scheme for our food, venues and accommodation. The University of Leeds is also a Coeliac UK GF accredited caterer. GF accreditation aims to make eating away from home stress free for people with coeliac disease. Earlier this year, the University hosted the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC) Annual Conference, including the Further Education Sustainability Summit and Transformational Leadership Summit for key people from across the FE sector, and received The Soil Association’s Gold Award for its menus. The University is also hosting the International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE) this June/July and promises a cycle-powered

evening event and a day of serving only vegan food. The event will also set a target of recycling 95 per cent of waste; offering delegates bicycles and offsetting emissions from the venues, accommodation and catering. Sustainability is the word on everyone’s lips and the team has worked hard to not only help attract prestigious conferences and events focussed on sustainability to the University, but to ensure that we work towards ensuring our environmental footprint leaves barely a trace before, during and after the events. The EAUC Conference attracted more than 300 people on both days and incorporated an exhibition in the University’s Sports Hall as well as sessions across the University, including a gala dinner in the Refectory. With everything being as sustainable as possible in keeping with the theme of the conference, all food was served on crockery, nothing was disposable and the menus were Fairtrade, local and seasonal with a good presence of organic produce, which helped the University achieve The Soil Association Gold Award. One of the conference organisers, Ella Tacey said: “The catering was excellent, with special dietary requirements really well catered for, which was really important for this particular conference. The events team and staff service on the day was great, nothing we requested was too much trouble and all queries and issues were resolved really quickly.”  FURTHER INFORMATION



Square Meals 2015



Showstopping event inspiration at Square Meals Preparations are gathering pace for the 11th edition of the event industry’s most anticipated annual exhibition, Square Meal’s Venues & Events Live 2015 The show is firmly established as the most innovative, informative and inspiring exhibition in the industry calendar. It attracts over 7,000 visitors, who get the opportunity to discover the UK’s top venues, hear groundbreaking talks from some of the event industry’s biggest names, taste delicious food and drinks and, most importantly, get inspired to create outstanding events on any budget. On the 23-24 September, the show will take over the stunning surroundings of Old Billingsgate, and bring with it inspiration for anyone who organises any kind of event as part of their job. Last year’s show was the best yet, with: 55,305 scans of visitor badges; 7,052 visitors; 6,000 canapés tasted; 4,000 free macarons handed out; 1,142 Harry Potter broom photos taken; 700 square metres of real grass laid; 270 rolls of sushi made; and one (inflatable) circus elephant. The team are determined to better last year, with some exciting new features and speakers. TOP ATTRACTIONS Learn from the best: We’ve got exciting new seminars led by some of the industry’s biggest names. Talking all things catering, celebrity chef Tom Kerridge will make his first appearance at the show, along with Great British Menu judge Prue Leith. Prue has been a judge on the show since the series’ inception in 2006, and has since been instrumental in the founding and running of many charities, mostly, but not exclusively, to do with food. These include Focus on Food, working mainly in schools, Let’s Get Cooking, a cooking-club schools charity, The British Food Trust, the Food Foundation, and until 2015 she was a member of the Food strand of the grant giving foundation, Esmee Fairbairne. She is currently a Patron of Dignity in Dying and a Trustee of the education charity concerned with healthy food for infants, Baby Taste Journey. The Venues & Events editorial team will return to present our pick of the year’s hottest new venues and restaurants. Don’t miss our seminars on social media tips and getting a big ROI from your events. Fizz For Events: Stylist magazine and Saturday Kitchen wine guru Jane Parkinson



will be running these tasting sessions on how to get sparkle out of your events. Jane is an award-winning UK-based journalist, author and broadcaster who specialises in wine, and wine with food. She is the International Wine & Spirit Competition Communicator of the Year 2014 and her debut book, Wine & Food came out in October. Alongside Saturday Kitchen, Jane is the wine editor for Restaurant magazine, a wine expert for Stylist, a wine columnist for Market Life and Absolutely Magazine as well as a wine reviewer for 60 Second Reviews. COCKTAILS FOR EVENTS Join one of London’s top cocktail stars for these tasting sessions on how to mix up your events. Ideas Hub: Get tailored advice on finding the perfect private room or venue with the Square Meal Concierge team. Find out more about Square Meal Rewards and pick up Square Meal Rewards points. Quiz Square Meal’s ‘Gurus’, who will be ready and waiting to answer any conundrums you have on venues, restaurants, drinks, social media, photography, and marketing. Hands on foodie experiences: Following on from the success of last year’s Sushi in the City sessions, Square Meal this year are bringing a whole range of foodie experiences to the gallery level. Sushi tasting, biscuit decorating and noodle-making workshops will keep foodies entertained.

Celebri chef To ty m Kerridg e w i l l m his first appearaake nce at th may previously have made along we show, bookers hesitant ith Grea British t to commit, but M WowGrass promises judge P enu no mess. Looking to rue surprise? A golf-course Leith ceiling should certainly

THAMESIDE TERRACE Turf connoisseurs Wow!Grass! are returning to Venues & Events Live, to cover the stunning riverside terrace with 700 square metres of real grass, making it the perfect place to soak up the sun and network, without your shoes sinking into the soil. The Wow!Grass! team can expertly lay turf on just about any surface your event requires. Already popular as an alternative catwalk surface at Fashion Week, real grass has also been laid on Trafalgar Square and in The Dorchester. The threat of soil sullying venues

provoke a conversation at your event. Beyond that, the soil‑free grass can extend to anything from tables, sculptures and even handbags. EXHIBITORS Filling five colourful floors, the show will be packed with exciting exhibitors providing inspiration for any kind of event. Marketing Manager, Paul Young said: “Whether you organise the annual Christmas party, or numerous high-level conferences a year, visitors will find everything under one roof at Venues & Events Live.” From the atmospheric arches of the vaults, to the light-filled gallery and the marquee on the terrace on the banks of the Thames, Venues & Events Live is unmissable for anyone who organises events as part of their job.  FURTHER INFORMATION Registration is now open for the 2015 event, held on the 23rd & 24th September at Old Billingsgate, EC3. Visit to find out more.

Square Meals 2015


An ability to execute an event to the very highest quality and standards The modern event space benefits from a grand Victorian facade and original Greek revival style entrance hall, providing a seamless merger of the traditional and modern styles. Located by Euston and King’s Cross stations and boasting the specialist exam centre and 41 boutique bedrooms, 30 Euston Square is designed to fulfil the most demanding of events. A 300 seat tiered Auditorium is the main space for conferences at the venue. Advanced AV equipment, dedicated 1Gbps fibre optic internet connection and unique design features create a comprehensive conference space and assure ultimate delegate experience. State Rooms and Rooftop Terrace combine to form the

second largest space. The rooms are bright and airy and offer a contemporary atmosphere from day to evening. Euston State Room benefits from two screen locations, portable staging and a built-in PA system, which creates a versatile facility available in a number of layouts, whatever your needs. For smaller meetings, the 18 ground floor meeting rooms are modern and have built-in AV equipment and accommodate six-88 delegates in all different styles whilst the heritage rooms are more traditional and accommodate six24 guests in boardroom layout. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 020 8453 4610

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Furniture Written by Dr Asli Tamer Vestlund, research and consultancy manager, FIRA International



The perfect specification for all environments

It is important that furniture in the public sector has been assessed and tested for contract use. The Furniture Industry Research Association explains why this is a necessity Furniture is a deceptively complex product to specify. The term ‘furniture’ describes a multitude of products; from upholstered seating through to work stations, screens, school desks, chairs and hospital beds. Different to furniture for domestic use, the public sector requires furniture that has been assessed and tested for non-domestic or contract use. Each item has its own applicable performance and safety standards as well as other factors that need to be considered when specifying furniture; from the suitability of the supplier to the environmental credentials of the product. This complexity can generate plenty of opportunity for specifiers and manufacturers alike to get things wrong. There is also a great variation in the type of furniture required in the public sector; from office seating and desks, to kitchens for housing association and council housing. To ensure that the products you specify are suitable for the intended use, it is important that the correct factors are considered at the tendering stage and included in the final specification for potential suppliers. WHAT TO LOOK FOR WHEN SPECIFYING FURNITURE Furniture needs to be safe in use, capable of delivering desired performance levels and as environmentally friendly as possible. Whilst applicable British, European and International standards form the core of specifications, other factors are equally important. This includes safety and performance; fire safety; ergonomics and sustainable manufacturing. The Furniture Industry Research Association’s (FIRA) National Furniture Specifications is a freely available online tool, created to address the complexities of the procurement process. Its website offers essential guidance on the above factors and also incorporates a tool for creating specifications. Standards exist for most types of furniture but there are also standards for most constituent parts. Specifiers often fall into the trap of over specifying these elements which has the potential for restricting design and innovation, introducing superfluous, and often incorrect, requirements and increasing cost. The recommendation is to address the



basic requirements such as strength, safety, stability and durability of the whole item. Specifications must reflect the location and intended use of an item of furniture. For example there are many applicable standards for seating, reflecting different uses – such as office task chairs (eight hour use); office task chairs (24 hour/heavy duty); office visitor chairs; general non-domestic chairs (light, general or severe use, covering everything from church halls to airports); chairs for outdoors; and auditorium seating (light, general, heavy or severe use). STANDARDS Numerous standards cover the structural performance of other items such as desks, tables, storage and beds. Selecting the correct standard, by using tools such as National Furniture Specifications, is critical. The intended use of furniture will impact on its specification. However, it is important not to under or over-specify, as best value is the linchpin of any project. Under-specifying causes premature failures and associated replacement costs, whereas over-specifying increases the cost of items which may prove too robust for their intended use. Durability also extends to textiles and foams. Unsuitable fabrics can fade or wear prematurely and inadequate foams could break down in use. Fabrics in upholstery should meet the appropriate classification within ‘BS 2543: 2004 Upholstery fabrics for end use applications - Classification to general contract or higher rating’. This ‘catch all’ standard denotes physical performance requirements for fabrics. Leather is a whole new ball game and requires its own special considerations. Foam should conform to ‘BS 3379: 2005 +A1:2011 Combustion modified flexible polyurethane cellular materials for load bearing applications – Specification’ which defines ratings for different end uses. It is recommended that glass be toughened or tempered, and meet the requirements of the fragmentation test within ‘BS EN 12150-1: 2000 Glass in Building. Thermally toughened soda lime silicate safety glass. Definition and description’ thus ensuring

that a piece of glass that breaks in service will shatter into small fragments rather than potentially lethal long, sharp shards. FIRE SAFETY Furniture for use in a domestic setting must legally comply with the ‘Furniture & Furnishings (Fire Safety) Regulations’. Whilst there are also fire safety requirements in the contract and non-domestic sectors, these are dealt with differently. The ‘Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005’ places a legal responsibility on the owner/user of the building to undertake a fire risk assessment covering issues such as fire escapes, fire doors and fire extinguishers/sprinkler systems; but also the building’s contents, of which furniture is one. As such it is essential that calls for tenders make the required level of fire resistance clear. British Standards will help define appropriate safety levels and a comprehensive guide is freely available from the FIRA website. Fire resistance of upholstery is covered within ‘BS 7176: 2007+A1: 2011 Specification for resistance to ignition of upholstered furniture for non-domestic seating by testing composites’. It states that all fillings used in furniture must be suitably fire retardant, and stipulates fire resistance requirements for the furniture composite (i.e. the fabrics, foams and other materials that make up an item) based on different hazard levels. Mattress fire resistance is dealt with similarly in ‘BS 7177: 2008 + A1:2011 Specification for resistance to ignition of mattresses, mattress pads, divans and bed bases’. However, end use hazard categories differ slightly to those for upholstery. ERGONOMICS Ergonomics deals with the interaction of technological and work situations with


people. Interactions with furniture should be harmonious and reduce user stress. People generally adapt to unsuitable conditions, but such adaptation often leads to inefficiency, errors, unacceptable stress, and physical or mental cost. Designing equipment and work arrangements to improve posture and ease the load on the body reduces instances of factors such repetitive strain injury/ work related upper limb disorder which, if unchecked, can result in costly litigation. Good ergonomic design considers factors such as: matching furniture size and function with users’ needs; safety, ease and comfort; ensuring unimpeded interaction between users and equipment (including furniture); time spent in the workplace; the ability to operate furniture easily; potential misuse; design to accommodate intended IT or other devices in a safe manner; and the ability to adopt a range of comfortable dynamic postures without being restricted by the furniture. In offices ergonomics is effectively enshrined in law via the ‘Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 (amended by the Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002)’. To reduce health and safety issues all equipment at a VDU workstation should comply with ‘BS EN ISO 9241-5: 1999 Ergonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs). Workstation layout and postural requirements.’ Other dimensional standards, applicable to desks, tables, chairs and screens, are covered within BS EN 527-1, BS EN 1335-1 and BS EN 1023 -1. In non-office environments there are fewer standards. However, good ergonomic design will have many benefits, from improved comfort to increased efficiency. Where applicable, furniture must accommodate disabled people (The Equality

Act 2010) with considerations such as lower reception counters for wheelchairs and desks that allow wheel chair users to sit and work.

it is essential to ensure that they adhere to all relevant environmental regulations such as the Environmental Protection Act 1990 or Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005. Other EU legislation such as the EU Timber Regulations that came into effect in 2013 also make it paramount for specifiers to ensure that any timber and paper products that they and their supplier procure are from well-managed sources. A supplier should have a suitable environmental policy statement for its business that is endorsed by the supplier’s senior management. Additional confidence can be gained by selecting a supplier who has an effective Environmental Management System, such as ISO 14001. Within the UK, the Furniture Industry Sustainability Programme (FISP) aims to address inconsistencies surrounding sustainability claims through third party assessment of an organisation’s commitment to sustainable development. All organisations must have a documented Environmental Policy and comply with applicable health and safety, environmental and other relevant company legislation. In addition, companies have to demonstrate how they implement and continually improve management programmes and strategies to mitigate significant environmental impacts with at least six of the following areas: Environmental Management Systems (EMS); Waste; Energy; Packaging; Transport; Procurement; Sustainable timber; Air and water; End of life. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FISP also addresses Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with companies required to address at least three of the following: Nuisance management; Community relations and charity work; Education and training; Employment; Ethical issues; and Competitiveness. FISP benefits from having engaged with furniture manufactures. It ensures a level playing field in terms of environmental and sustainability claims thus making it easier for specifiers to assess tender documentation. The wide array of furniture forms and functions tends to render specification more complex than initially envisaged. This article cannot claim to address all aspects of furniture procurement for the public sector. However, whilst it may reinforce some of the complexities, it also signposts solutions to performance, fire safety and sustainability criteria through National Furniture Specifications, the Guide to Fire Safety of Furniture and Furnishings in the contract sector and FISP. 

Furnitu needs t re ob safe in use, cape able of desireddelivering perfo levels a rmance nd environ mentall friendly y-

SUSTAINABILITY The profile of sustainability and environmental criteria within specifications is rapidly increasing. Whilst this is to be applauded, it is also the source of greatest confusion amongst specifiers and manufacturers. The validity of sustainability credentials is often difficult to assess as much of the requested evidence is self-declared, the result being that good intentions enshrined within many specifications are rarely backed up by rigorous assessments of tenders. When supplying furniture to central government and their related organisations, there is an obligation to meet the Government Buying Standard for furniture. This is based on the European Green Procurement Plan (GPP) which is a process for public authorities to seek to procure goods, services and works with a reduced environmental impact throughout their life cycle. The core criteria includes: timber from sustainably managed and legal forests; limiting organic solvent content emissions; use of materials made partly or totally from recycled and/or renewable materials; avoiding designated hazardous substances; ensuring the recyclability and separability of packaging materials and furniture parts; and durable, fit for use, ergonomic, easy to disassemble, repairable and recyclable furniture. When choosing a supplier to work with,






Government announces £313 million partnership with IBM for data research

£8.74m savings expected for public sector digital self‑service by 2018

Jo Johnson: “This partnership with IBM will help businesses make the best use of Big Data”

Universities and Science Minister Jo Johnson announced on 4 June a £313 million partnership with information technology company IBM. The agreement follows on from a £113 million commitment in the government’s autumn statement to expand the Hartee Centre at Daresbury, with IBM offering a further £200 million to support the expansion with a package of technology and onsite expertise. As a part of the partnership, IBM will contribute access to the latests data-centric and cognitive computing technologies. Additionally, IBM researchers will be based at the Hartree Centre to work alongside existing researchers and aid in the development of new tools, algorithms and approaches to Big Data. The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) have said that the investment will enable UK industry to create new and improved products, services and manufacturing products. Speaking of the partnership, Jo Johnson said: “We live in an information economy – from the smart devices we use every day to the super‑computers that helped

find the Higgs Boson, the power of advanced computing means we now have access to vast amounts of data. “This partnership with IBM, which builds on our £113 million investment to expand the Hartree Centre, will help businesses make the best use of Big Data to develop better products and services that will boost productivity, drive growth and create jobs.” David Stokes, chief executive for IBM in the UK and Ireland, said: “We’re at the dawn of a new era of cognitive computing, during which advanced data-centric computing models and open innovation approaches will allow technology to greatly augment decision-making capabilities for business and government. The expansion of our collaboration with STFC builds upon Hartree’s successful engagement with industry and its record in commercialising technological developments, and provides a world-class environment using Watson and OpenPOWER technologies to extend the boundaries of Big Data and READ MORE: cognitive computing.”


Councils urged to consider social media opinion mining In order to measure reaction to their digital improvements on social media, councils should consider procuring sentiment analysis services from the private sector, according to sector representative body Socitm. Socitm has said that sentiment analysis technology can help ICT heads to aggregate opinions, attitudes and emotions, and although other public sector bodies are unlikely to create their own sentiment analysis facilities, councils should consider buying one of the commercial services on offer. Socitm’s briefing provides an overview of current practice in the field in an attempt to help ICT professionals formulate questions for use in discussions with possible providers. Sentiment analysis uses data mining and natural language processing

which can be applied to social media to deliver large volumes of opinion. However, Socitm warned that councils need to be aware that computer systems can misinterpret the way that words and phrases are used in real life situations, but expressed the belief that such challenges should not prevent public sector managers giving ‘serious consideration’ to sentiment analysis. A statement from Socitm said: “Initially, organisations might use sentiment analysis simply to validate what they are doing, but experience of the technique matures, the next step would be to use it as a learning tool, applying information gleaned from customer reaction to development of READ MORE: future service designs.”

GT News


The latest GOSS Interactive research has shown how the availability of public sector services through digital self-service is expected to grow by 310 per cent over the next three years, with public sector organisations expecting to save £8.74 million each over the same period. The survey, which comprised of 355 senior managers from across 256 public sector organisations, revealed that organisations each expect to save on average £1.42 million from self-service in the next 12 months, with 12 per cent expecting to save £3 million or more. Additionally, GOSS revealed that twothirds plan to have 50 per cent or more of services delivered by online self-service in three years’ time, compared with 10 per cent who already deliver over 50 per cent. The survey revealed that rubbish and recycling is the service area expected to have the most impact for digital self-service in the next 12 months. Council tax, planning and housing are also high priority strategic areas for the online READ MORE: self-service agenda.


Survey shows public sector staff ‘don’t trust’ cloud computing Only a third of public sector staff are comfortable using cloud computing, with the majority showing concerns over data security, a new survey by Huddle has suggested. The survey ‘Meeting the Digital Challenge: How well is the public sector embracing computing?’ of 5,000 public sector workers, revealed that 36 per cent have never used cloud computing before, with 43 per cent still working together by printing and mailing documents. It also showed that 92 per cent of staff had data security concerns and 85 per cent were worried about the time required for migration to cloud platforms. Alastair Mitchell, co-founder and CMO of Huddle, said: “These behaviours are the antithesis of collaboration and efficiency. If cloud platforms are not trusted or believed to be beneficial, collaboration cannot take place. “It’s just that staff are not yet convinced by the tools being offered to them, making it essential that UK government provides more education on cloud platforms READ MORE: and their benefits.”



Written by Doug Miles, chief analysst, AIIM

Information Technology



How to get insight from public sector content Doug Miles, Chief Analyst for AIIM, the global community of information management professionals, discusses how the public sector can make sense of the ever-increasing volumes of content that finds its way into public sector departments Few people would argue that there is more content in existence than at any other time in history. Not only are there piles (physical and digital) of content in public sector departments already, but new content is coming through the door in ever-increasing volumes. That content comes in a broad variety of different formats too, which makes managing it a much harder task than previously and also has an impact on a public sector department’s ability to extract meaningful insight from this content. The public sector is undoubtedly keen to explore the potential of the data and content it holds. The UK open data initiative is where government opens up for greater public usage the large volumes of data it holds. This has been generally acknowledged as a positive step – transparent, innovative and with improved governance – but it also contributes to the content stockpiles that abound in the public sector. Yet getting the most possible value from data and content is by no means a straightforward process. Making sense of it all is becoming a major challenge for businesses and public sector bodies in 2015. And that’s not even factoring in the enormous volumes of ‘dark data’ that already reside in most organisations. CONTENT ANALYTICS – AN ESSENTIAL TOOL? At AIIM we recently conducted research with executives from the public and private sectors in the US and UK about content analytics – the analysis and deriving of insight from in-bound and legacy content – and three-quarters of respondents said there is real insight to be gained from content analytics. Six in 10 said it will be essential within five years’ time, further highlighting its position as a technology that adds true value to an organisation. Content analytics is also seen as increasingly important to addressing risks associated with incorrectly identified content. Respondents felt auto-classification of content helps protect against security breaches, sensitive or offensive content, and exposure to compliance regulations. More than half of respondents feel that their organisation is at considerable risk from such threats. The public sector is arguably much more at risk than those operating in the private sector. Generally speaking, the technology being



used to manage content in the public sector is not as up-to-date as that within enterprises. A combination of bureaucracy and budget constraints over the past five or six years, often means public sector departments have to deal with out-dated systems, that are not as useful as when they were first created and cannot cope with the volume and variety of modern content. Older systems simply weren’t designed to accommodate the huge amount of unstructured data, and are not capable of storing and managing it effectively. But the benefits of content analytics are huge. Automated classification is taking over boring and time-intensive tasks like filing, and in doing so, helping to clean up redundant ‘dark data’ and improving the searchability of everything else. ORGANISATIONAL INSIGHT AIIM first reported on content analytics and its use in the public sector five years ago. Our subsequent reports picked up on the big data theme, or ‘big content’ as we prefer to call it. The problem then, as it is now, is to come up with a picklist of the most common applications. Then it was mostly based on blue-sky thinking: what would be the most useful thing for your business to know? Now we have a much more established set of applications, although that is not to say that there aren’t plenty of innovative uses of content analytics in the public sector yet to come. Now, as then, help-desk logs and CRM reports are the most popular source for analysis, picking up on customer experience, and a little further down, the free-form comment fields from feedback forms. Next come HR applications, particularly screening résumés for match with job specifications. Web accessible databases figure highly for plansin-place, and this is often a curated feed, or might be a check of publicly available data. Incoming customer communications and help-desk streams also top the list for live or near-time alerting, along with an increasing interest in media channels and news feeds. There is, quite rightly, much interest in what citizens are saying on a public sector organisation’s external social streams, whist areas such as CCTV have their place too, but this is obviously a more difficult type of technology to classify and extract insight from.

With citizens increasingly using social media to talk about and with, public sector organisations, the importance of monitoring these fast-moving streams has soared in the past few years, and as a result many organisations have implemented a monitoring mechanism (64 per cent) but only 14 per cent have an automated system. Relying on designated staff to alert the right department when complaints (or praise) show up can be somewhat hit-and-miss, and the speed of response can be crucial in these situations. Automated monitoring using sentiment analysis is a much more reliable way to alert the appropriate people to make a

response and is something that public sector departments will rely on more and more, as social channels become the de facto way of interacting with a local council, especially with younger more socially-savvy generations. IMPROVING CONTENT ANALYTICS But despite contact analytics’ potential for adding true insight to the content held by a public sector department, 80 per cent of our survey respondents are yet to allocate a senior role to initiate and coordinate analytics applications. This lack of designated leadership and also a shortfall of analytics skills is restricting the potential and holding back the deployment of content analytics tools, according to almost two-thirds (63

per cent) of the research respondents. So just how can public sector departments best get around this shortfall of skills and leadership? And with content analytics becoming important in both managing risk and making the most of opportunity, how do organisations go about making it work for them? Encouragingly, most of our research respondents expect to spend more on content analytics over the next 12 months, with the strongest growth to be found in enhanced or contextual search, analytics for business insight, and automated classification tools or modules. That is a positive sign indeed, but any organisation should also be mindful of the following seven ways to improve their

A combination of bureaucracy and budget constraints over the past five or six years, often means public sector departments have to deal with out-dated systems, that are not as useful as when they were first created and cannot cope with the volume and variety of modern content

content analytics. Firstly, organisations should consider metadata correction agents - if your content or records management deployment is stalled due to poor decisions early on regarding classification, metadata and taxonomies, or if you are migrating content from multiple repositories to a single system, metadata correction agents can sort ROT from valuable content, and align content types and metadata. Secondly, organisations should ensure contextual search is properly tuned – and also that your employees know how to use it. If you are reliant on more basic search, consider improving the searchability, and therefore the value of your content, by correcting and enhancing the metadata using analytic agents. Additionally, aim for full auto-classification. Unless your staff are more diligent and consistent at declaring, classifying and tagging records than many are, consider providing full auto-classification, or at the very least, auto-classification assistance. Be aware that your information governance policies need to be updated and consistent as they will provide the rules for automated agents. RISK EXPOSURE Organisations should aim to take control of their emails. If you have no archive, or the archive is ‘file and forget’ you are not only losing potential corporate knowledge, but are also exposing the business to risk, and creating a potential e-discovery nightmare. On top of this, using retention policies to control increasing storage requirements is important. Accurate metadata and enforced retention policies are the only way to limit storage, but will also improve your compliance and risk exposure. In addition, organisations should implement a digital mailroom philosophy. Inbound content handling can rapidly overload process staff, and reduce speed of response to citizens. Implementing a digital mailroom philosophy, and using automated recognition, routing and data extraction will address this. Finally, reviewing where content analytics can really help is crucial. Organisations should look across the range of your activities to see where content analytics could provide insight to understand citizen needs and improve service delivery. Extracting insight from data and content is a significant challenge for the public sector, and utilising content analytics technologies can play a major role in meeting that challenge. With the right strategy, content can be used to better understand citizens and improve service delivery, showing just why so many involved in the public sector believe content analytics will be essential in just five years’ time. 

Information Technology






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We develop flexible, enterprise-scale applications that never become legacy systems. As business requirements change we enhance and grow applications swiftly and without risk. As technology changes we update the deployment framework - not the application - to cater for new technologies, database platforms and browsers. Our developers focus on implementing business rules rather than writing endless lines of code – which is why we do it so fast. Systems are delivered faster, work better, cost less and last longer.





Improving the way that we buy goods and services

The government has released its latest set of guidance papers for suppliers who supply goods or services to the public sector via the Crown Commercial Service The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) is in place to make sure that small and medium‑sized enterprises (SMEs) have access to government contract opportunities, making it easier for them to do business with government, and making sure that 25 per cent of government’s spend, either directly or in supply chains, goes to SMEs by 2015. Additionally, CCS makes sure that departments publish details of future projects and contracts on the Contracts Finder website every six months, giving businesses the confidence and time to invest in relevant skills, labour and capabilities to win these contracts. It works to obtain simpler, more flexible EU procurement rules in Brussels to support economic growth by making the procurement process faster, less costly, more effective for both business and procurers; this will affect more than £45 billion of central government spend (more than £230 billion for the UK public sector) every year. This will help commissioners of public services to become more effective through the Commissioning Academy and use commercial intelligence more effectively to improve the value gained from contracts across government. As a guide for suppliers and buyers there is

a standard set of terms and conditions for framework agreements and call-off contracts for goods and services bought under the agreement. The template for call-off contracts forms the basis of the terms and conditions in individual further competitions and can be supplemented or refined with additional terms to suit the requirement. All CCS suppliers must submit monthly management information (MI) returns. This is done online through the MISO system. You will need to include the unique reference number (URN) for each customer listed on the return. Failure to submit MI returns correctly or within the agreed timescales may incur admin fees. CCS is updating its internal Customer Relationship Management system and as a result the weekly downloadable list of URNs will be changing. The existing sheet of four tabs will reduce to three, listing all live URNs with customer details, a second detailing merges and a third detailing name changes. Legacy tabs will be added for the time being showing older changes that are not present on the new system. The sub-sector is now known as organisation type and is being updated to better and more accurately describe the organisation within its sector.

The Crown al rci CommeS) makes (CC Service that SMEs sure access have nment r to govetract con nities u t r o p p o

Crown Commercial Services


LORD YOUNG RECOMMENDATIONS In February this year, a report by the Prime Minister’s Enterprise Advisor Lord Young outlined a set of new reforms that will give smaller companies more opportunities to win government contracts. The report, which was five years in the making, analysed the developing nature of business since Lord Young’s appointment as Enterprise Advisor in October 2011. A stand out feature of the report was the government’s plan to abolish Pre‑Qualification Questionnaires (PQQs) for all low value contracts, and to standardise these for contracts above the EU threshold. This represented a change to the previous system, whereby small businesses often lacked the resources that were made available to larger firms, making it harder for them to compete in the public sector. The proposed changes came into place in April. Lord Young said: “PQQs have been found to be onerous by small businesses, often imposing more than 40 pages of questions before they can be considered for bidding for a contract.” The report also detailed a ‘golden age’ for small businesses, commenting on how a record number of said small businesses now operate in the UK. Since 2010, the amount of small firms has increased by 760,000, and now numbers 5.2 million. This has boosted employment levels, with 48 per cent of private sector employees now operating in small firms. The report stated how obstacles which previously prevented small firms from E


Crown Commercial Services


GOVERNMENT SUPPLIERS  initiating a business were slowly falling away – in part due to the growing influence of new technologies, particularly the proliferation mobile and digital devices to further business prospects. Lord Young was quoted: “In the last five years I have met countless numbers of inspiring entrepreneurs and small firms – from all ages and backgrounds and all reporting that starting a business is the most exciting and challenging thing they have ever done.” The findings of the report were hailed by David Cameron, who stated: “Lord Young has made a huge contribution as my Enterprise Advisor, with his reports driving home the importance of getting things right for small businesses and start-ups.”

Sally Collier, chief executive of the Crown Commercial Service, has publicly said that the public sector could save up to 25 per cent through better supplier management

NHS AGREEMENT CCS has signed an agreement to help the NHS meet their non-medical, non-clinical temporary and fixed term worker needs in a flexible, efficient way. The new agreement has been developed to provide the NHS and other public sector organisations with access to temporary and fixed term staff in white and blue collar roles from the most junior to the most senior, including board level roles. The agreement has been specifically developed to help manage the legal and commercial risks associated with engaging temporary staff, with suppliers required to

POTENTIAL SAVINGS Meanwhile, Sally Collier, chief executive of the Crown Commercial Service, has publicly said that the public sector could save up to 25 per cent through better supplier management. Collier based the claim around possible savings via improved procurement and supplier innovation and management. Speaking at the Public Sector Show in London, Collier said: “There is no reason why suppliers can’t make a healthy profit. What we have to agree is what the optimum profit is in any deal. I accept we may not be an intelligent client but we are getting better

ensure compliance with NHS Employers Employment Check Standards. The agreement has been awarded to 176 suppliers, 83 per cent of which are small and medium businesses. In 2014/15 the CCS helped save the NHS in excess of £343 million and this new agreement is one of a number of initiatives designed to help the NHS make further savings.

at being an intelligent client.” Collier also commented on how the CCS was reducing the number of frameworks used to channel a percentage of the £230 billion spent on goods and services across the public sector each year. She said: “Framework agreements are great when they are great but not when they are used inappropriately and don’t produce the best outcome. For many, if you are a young fast streamer you perhaps wanted to be in the diplomatic service or other departments. “I am absolutely delighted to say the tide is turning. For the first time we have a commercial fast stream. We see people who want to come into commercial. Where else could you do something exciting with £15 billion? I’m not interested in buying tanks and trains: I’m interested in taking the pain away of buying and managing common goods and services.” L FURTHER INFORMATION crown-commercial-service


Case Manager is a secure, web-based system available for desktops, laptops and Android tablets. With our software, you can manage the entire client journey, from referral to case closure and reporting with one easy, secure system. Call us on 0121 212 2030, or email to request further information or a demonstration.




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As a pure cloud services provider and Google for Work Premier Partner, Ancoris is playing a part in building digital government, offering Google for Work services through the G-Cloud Digital Marketplace. The company’s vision is to help its public sector customers transform frontline services and move to ‘digital by default’. Ancoris works with a number of central government departments and local authorities including the Department for International Development, the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham, Suffolk Libraries and Epic CIC among others. Its Google certified specialists provide cloud consultancy, change management, custom development, deployment and support services with Google Apps and Drive for Work, Google Maps, Google Cloud Platform and Chrome devices. The work it has done with

GovDelivery enables public sector organisations to connect with more people and to get those people to act. As the number one referrer of traffic to hundreds of government websites, GovDelivery’s enterprise-class, cloud-based technology allows government organisations to transform their communications and reach more people. With more than 1,000 public sector organisations, from the cities of Southampton, Nottingham or Sheffield, to Gov.UK and the European Parliament, using GovDelivery to deliver messages to more than 80 million people around the world, including 5.2million in the UK only. Connect your organisation with millions of citizens digitally engaged with federal, state, and local government. In a fast paced digital world, the GovDelivery Platform has all the tools you need to effectively

Playing a part in building digital government

the public sector shows how IT services can be delivered in a new way, at a fraction of the cost of traditional suppliers. With Google for Work and Ancoris, organisations gain the security of an enterprise-strength solution from a global provider and efficient local delivery from an agile SME. Ancoris is one of only 30 partners globally to have achieved the top classification of Google for Work Premier Partner. Just as important to its customers, however, is its can-do attitude and affordable services which in the end translate into savings for the taxpayer. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 0845 2626747

A digital communications platform and network for governments



PDMS is a software company with over 22 years experience of working with central and local government to solve a variety of challenges, from business transformation right through to increasing productivity, improving customer service or meeting new regulatory requirements. As a technology partner, PDMS provides application development and deployment services – delivering projects ranging from complex online systems handling hundreds of thousands of transactions or storing huge amounts of data, right through to simpler systems to move processes online or mobile enterprise apps. PDMS specialise in delivering secure, scalable online business systems and apps based on sound software engineering principles. The company provides a complete service including hosting and ongoing support and maintenance. PDMS’ services and solutions are available via the GCloud. In

Webcredible is a user experience (UX) agency that creates peoplecentred, efficient and delightful digital experiences. The company does this by carrying out research with users and delivering design and strategy based on their needs. Webcredible has worked with a number of public sector organisations including Crown Commercial Services, Crown Prosecution Services, Greater London Authority, Met Police and Transport for London. In addition Webcredible has worked with several local authorities. Founded in 2003, Webcredible is one of the UK’s first UX specialists, working in an agile and highly collaborative way to provide demonstrable success. Its services include digital and UX strategy, user research, usability testing, UX and visual design. Webcredible also supports

Products & Services


inform and engage your audience. With comprehensive features and easy access to every channel you need, your organisation can elevate, streamline, and track all of your communication efforts. The services you deliver are only as effective as your reach. Gain access to new inbound growth channels and grow your audience by 100-300 per cent. GovDelivery helps clients meet mission and program goals, resulting in safer communities, happier commuters, healthier families, and better government. GovDelivery is an Actua (Nasdaq: ACTA) company. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 0207 993 5595

Software development for Creating end to end online business systems customer experiences

addition to software development, web design and hosting and managed services, PDMS offers the following solutions via the GCloud: DoxShare - for controlling and sharing key documents, PDMS Employed - a platform to address employability issues and connect stakeholders, Umbraco - a leading open source content management system and PaySolve - a full payroll administration system. PDMS believe in ‘coinnovation’ – working in close collaboration with their clients to deliver digital transformation with significant service and efficiency improvements. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: +44 1624 664000

businesses in growing their inhouse digital capabilities, having trained 10,000 people across 2,000 organisations around the world. Taught by its practitioners, Webcredible runs 35 training courses covering UX design and research, web optimisation, web copy writing and digital project management. For more information on how Webcredible can help make your digital and non-digital experiences people-centred, efficient and delightful, contact the company via the details below. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 020 7423 6320



Products & Services




XMCS is an established advisor to UK central, wider and local government via GCloud 6. XMCS provides high-impact, lowcost, client-side advice and consultancy around transformation and change, from strategic change and new service/new business launch, to outsourcing (ITO and BPO, including SIAM and multi-supplier models) and shared services, to IT-enabled change and new architectures (including cloud), to performance improvement and cost reduction to culture change. XMCS stands for ‘Experienced Management Consultants’ – the firm provides access to the best 2,000 former ‘big-4’ consultants at rates up to a third of those charged by such firms. As well as traditional consulting teams, XMCS provides individual interims and helps public sector organisations

With more cuts on the way, public sector organisations are still expected to deliver a multitude of high quality services and modernised facilities to their communities with an ever declining workforce and tightening budget constraints. In the increasingly complex world of information overload, continued reliance upon manual paper-based processes, a lack of real-time information and the presence of numerous information repositories all combine to slow down the pace of change and make efficiency savings ever more difficult to achieve. By adopting an agile approach to better information management, organisations are able to identify and extract real business value from their corporate information assets, and through the streamlining and automation of key business processes, they can drive efficiencies and improve frontline services whilst maximising the opportunities available

Affordable, high-impact management consultancy

to build joined-up teams using a mix of their own and XMCS staff. XMCS is at the leading edge in designing Target Operating Models and programmes to implement them, for example, creating HS2’s TOM and Delivery Strategy and designing a pangovernment shared service for Cabinet Office (and doing the same for banks, insurance companies, telehealthcare companies etc). Other projects include strategy work for OGC and assurance on £1BN+ outsource procurements for large local authorities. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 020 7084 5760



Transform how you connect with your customers using Salesforce. Westbrook use Salesforce to transform how companies perform - helping organisations such as yours implement solutions on the worldleading cloud platform. The company has been advising people on how to maximise the power of Salesforce since 2005 – offering clients a seamless experience, from design and build through to adoption and beyond. Whether you’re new to the cloud, or using Salesforce already, Westbrook’s step by step approach identifies a clear path to your goals - assessing where you are now, where you want to be, and the technical solution that will achieve this transition. The company builds solutions using the Salesforce Sales & Service Clouds, the Salesforce1 mobile platform, Jobscience, ServiceMax, Apttus & Pardot – ensuring whatever your requirements, it has

Comotion considers which services organisations can offer digitally, and how to design and deliver them. The company aims to deliver services better, faster and cheaper. Comotion works in partnership with clients to build their capabilities and deliver digital services that meet the Digital by Default standard. The company has experience of delivering projects that follow the Government Service Design Manual and has worked in partnership with government departments and the Government Digital Service through all phases of service design and delivery. The company understands all aspects of designing and delivering digital services for the public sector, from agile methodologies through user research and journey design to Open Source technology, development, testing, measurement

Looking to move your business into the Cloud?


Take back control of your corporate information

experts. With over 50 Salesforce certifications, and 1000+ completed projects, Westbrook uses its experience to fulfil the needs of your business, across a wide range of industries and business models. Westbrook is a vetted G-Cloud supplier and is available for UK government projects. Find the company on the Digital Market Place, or head to the company website or contact via the details below. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 0044 20 7096 2480


through effective enterprise-wide information management. Objective has already helped many organisations from across the public sector improve their information governance and compliance, reduce the volume of paper held and enhance frontline service delivery, whilst delivering significant in-year operational savings. Discover how better information management can help your organisation to transform service delivery and reduce revenue budgets in four simple steps. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01628 640 460

Delivering effective and successful digital services

and continuous improvement. Comotion builds and manages cross-functional teams that include the right mix of staff, consultants and contractors in order to deliver the right mix of skills and great results in a cost effective way and understands how to win staff and stakeholders’ heads and hearts through the changes that accompany building and operating digital services. To find out more about Comotion see the details below. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 0203 7401 780



PaperMountains is a Total Document Management Company, member of AIIM, The IRMS and a Kofax Partner which has been helping its clients in both industry and the public sector to capture data from paper, microfilm and electronic documents since 1994. PaperMountains delivers software solutions to unlock the wealth of data stored in legacy paper archives by making it available in a searchable electronic format and provides the tools to retrieve and mine the data or distribute it to other systems in the enterprise. It is as important for the mountain of paper not to regrow after it is dealt with. Therefore PaperMountains works with live documents to capture data as early as possible to maximise the advantages of digitisation. In-bound content such as paper post, fax, email and e-forms can all be captured early using a unified gateway, initiating process workflows and intelligently

Specialist Interim Provider Alpine is an independent SME formed in 2003 to provide specialist interim and advisory services to the UK public sector. Its approach is based on the company core values of integrity and transparency, for which it was awarded a CCG procurement efficiency award. A known and trusted provider to the public sector with a reputation for delivery of high impact, strategic programmes across CCG, local government and regional bodies, Alpine was awarded “Gold” for the Procurement Standard for EDI and is accredited ISO27001, ISO14001 and ISO9001. As a supplier to various public sector frameworks, including G-Cloud since 2012, its services are available under Lots 3 & 4 and include Managed Professional Services, Programme/Project Management, Architecture Design/

PaperMountains – Keep control of your files

interacting with correspondents to reduce manual intervention, enhance efficiency, and improve information visibility as well as increasing customer intimacy, engagement and satisfaction. For clients who do not have the bandwidth to handle the process end to end themselves, the PaperMountains secure document virtual mailroom and scanning bureau provides an easy and cost effective way to get the legacy documents converted, including plans and books. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 0808 281 1100

Providing Interim Solutions to the public sector



In a world of outsourcing and reliance on third parties, these are now seen as the easy routes to gain access to sensitive data people may be storing or processing. Bridewell Consulting provides information assurance services to clients across the UK. Bridewell works in partnership with clients to ensure appropriate controls are in place and are proportionate to the risks they face. Bridewell prides itself on its client focused flexible approach to assurance. Bridewell can undertake single assurance reviews or can take a project led approach to review an entire supplier base. It has security expertise across a number of industry vertices enabling the company to engage and understand where the vulnerabilities and risks lie throughout a supply chain. Bridewell is currently engaged by a key central government department and is working with them to deliver information

Zengenti creates clever web software. The company’s flagship, the Contensis CMS, is the powerhouse behind the websites of some of the world’s leading organisations. People love Contensis. It gives them an elegant user experience and an unrivalled sense of ownership over their content. It handles global websites and supports content creators with its savvy workflow. The Contensis community gets together for conferences, user groups, and workshops. They share experiences and best practice with fellow users from across the public sector, higher education, and private companies. Contensis works out of the box, but it is also supported by Zengenti’s talented professional services teams. Zengenti offers user experience and front-end design, through to custom applications

Do you know who has access to your data?

assurance audits across the government IT estate, reviewing services developed and delivered by the department and suppliers. In partnership, Bridewell is delivering the cost savings and efficiencies required. Bridewell is an ISO27001 and cyber essentials certified consultancy listed on G-Cloud and the Government Procurement Service. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01189 255 084

Products & Services


Build, Digital Services, Advisory, Transition Management, Supplier & Commercial Lead, Cloud Strategy & Adoption, Organisational Design, Bespoke Leadership and Workforce Development and Business Analysis. The vision formed in 2003 of creating a business where the “customer chooses to return” means that Alpine’s focus is primarily on delivering exceptional service. In almost 12 years of trading over 84 per cent of customers have returned more than once. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 0203 478 1346

A single place to manage all of your content

and even content strategy. Zengenti is an experienced G-cloud 6 supplier. You can enjoy the company’s expertise in increasing online engagement, building responsive websites, and encouraging channel shift without the need for a lengthy tender process. To find out more about Zengenti, contact the company via the details listed below. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01584 824202



Products & Services




Rainbow Eco Solutions are based in Dartford, Kent also known as ‘The Garden of England’. The company gained its certification as a Domestic Green Deal Assessor Organisation in October 2014 with Stroma, the country’s leading certification body. STRA10266, adhering to the specifications and codes of conduct as all Green Deal Participants are required to follow. Rainbow Eco Solutions is currently in the process of gaining its NonDomestic Green Deal Assessor Organisation certification and is also currently in the process of updating its responsive website and social media company pages to accommodate clients. Accounts have no been set up on Facebook and Twitter. With its certification as a NonDomestic Green Deal Assessor Organisation in the not too distant future, Rainbow Eco Solutions will

Ecosphere Renewables is an award winning solar PV installer based in East Sussex. The company works with a number of councils including Brighton City Council, East Sussex Council and Lewes District Council. A recent project involved the 500KW of solar PV across Ipswich Borough Councils property portfolio. Ecosphere offers a wide range of funding options including a PPA option that means you can buy your electricity back at 5p a unit. The company has worked on a wide range of school projects and has a dedicated team that can manage large projects from day one right through to installation. As part of its offering, Ecosphere has a Schools Project Co-ordinator who is a fully qualified teacher, who can come into school and give an assembly on solar PV to start a project. You also receive a

Creating a sustainable Avoid rising energy costs with Rainbow Eco Solutions future for all generations

soon be offering local authorities and businesses in the commercial sector the opportunity to work with the company to produce an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC), along with the recommendation report and Green Deal Advice Report. With ESOS compliance being due by the end of the year, this will be a must for larger companies who employ over 250 people. More recently, Rainbow Eco Solutions is receiving enquiries from a few SME’s showing an interest in ways to reduce their carbon emissions and expenditure on fuel. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01322 270228



Ngage Solutions is an innovative not-for-profit deliverer of publicly funded services and economic development projects. It develops and delivers a range of projects that aim to add value to the economy, ‘make markets’ and improve people’s lives. The company works in partnership to add value from inception of project to closure, ensuring projects deliver impact and the highest rate of employment, cost efficiency and sustainability. Through its projects and support services, Ngage has assisted 6,000 businesses in the last 3 years. The Forestry Commissions’ Woodfuel Woodland Improvement Grants, and ERDF projects such as Grants for Eco Innovation, Sustainable Routes and Low Carbon Workspaces are standout programmes that have helped thousands of UK businesses reduce CO2 emissions by 1.25million tonnes, a total valued at c. £60million. Thanks to its experience of

SPSenvirowall leads the way in the supply of external wall insulation systems and high-quality decorative renders to the building and construction industry. Suitable for all types of construction including system built houses and high rise blocks, these innovative insulation systems improve the thermal performance of the properties they are applied to, enabling them to meet current thermal regulation requirements for walls. Additionally it can also dramatically improve their appearance. SPSenvirowall’s products, which have been rigorously tested by the BBA, CERAM and the BRE have been used throughout the UK and continental Europe for over 30 years. The company’s partnership

Helping UK businesses to reduce carbon emissions


managing public sector contracts and use of proven PRINCE2 project management methodologies, Ngage is an efficient, effective and reliable development and delivery partner. The company possesses a strong track record of working with national, regional and local government departments across major sectors including enterprise, business/industry, environment, education, and rural communities. Ngage has also delivered projects across the EU and has worked with 18 transnational partners from 10 other EU countries over the last decade. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01494 568977 www.


free PR Service post installation. This can involve TV, internet portals, local press and local MP’s. Jonathon Cooper, head teacher at St Lukes Primary School, said “I would recommend Ecosphere very highly. Very competitive in their prices and very professional and efficient in their practice. “They worked very closely with the school to ensure everything went smoothly. A very personal and flexible service to match our needs. Their support through the assembly, installation of monitoring software and additional PR was excellent.” FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01825 880603

Total rendering solutions from SPSenvirowall

approach is to assist customers from the specification process right through to contractor selection, product application and completion of the works. Ensuring that the products suit their purpose, SPSenvirowall also provides the best possible value for projects. The company also assists with the selection of experienced and approved contractors, ensuring that the application of its products are undertaken to the highest standard. Contractor, specifier or architect, customers can expect exceptional service and the best technical support throughout their projects. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01535 661633



Biograss UK is a company that can be relied upon for the supply of biomass and wood products which are currently sourced from all over the globe to end users in Europe. Biograss works closely with energy crop growers and processors to provide the widest variety and highest quality of products for both its domestic and commercial clients. Wood can be supplied in logs or chips in both small and large volumes, mainly of pine and eucalyptus which is then mixed in all formats from micro chip, 10-100mm, and 6-10mm wood pellet. Pellet blends with a very high calorific value are also available. As well as all different types of wood, Biograss UK uses bamboo and phragmites australis/arundo donax. All of Biograss’s products

Virtus is an award winning construction and management consultancy firm offering tailored solutions to our clients. The company’s primary objective is to deliver exemplary results, ensuring that every stage of a project’s life is meticulously planned and perfectly executed, whilst responding to the unforeseeable with innovation and pragmatism. As a direct result of Virtus’ tailored consultancy solutions, the company has acquired a number of highly regarded market leading clients including NHS Trusts, local authority and Blue Chip Manufactures and Commercial Developers. Virtus has engendered a deep routed culture of honesty, integrity and professionalism, and always strives to provide innovative solutions, best practice and creativity to all of its projects. The company has enjoyed sustained growth through the recession and has been recognised as a leading organisation in the industry by being finalists

Supplying biomass and wood products globally

are dried using the earths natural resources i.e the sun and the air. All products will meet the clients exacting standards and required specifications and all of the products are all correctly certified. If you have a requirement please contact Biograss via the details below and the company will provide you with the best quotes possible. Biograss also ships to your required destination in the UK or abroad. Discounts are available for long term supply. The comapny also has seasonal products such as Olive Cake, Almond husks etc etc. Please ask for more details. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 07906 066791

Delivering efficiency with Virtus Consult



Trina Solar Limited is a global leader in photovoltaic (PV) modules, solutions and services. Founded in 1997 as a PV system integrator, Trina Solar today drives smart energy together with installers, distributors, utilities and developers worldwide. The company’s industryshaping position is based on excellence, superior product quality, vertically integrated capabilities and environmental stewardship. Innovation is at the heart of the company’s approach, and its R&D investment is best-in-class, helping to establish an impressive track record when it comes to increasing the efficiency of its products. Its high-efficiency monocrystalline Honey M and multicrystalline Honey modules achieve increased yield in low light conditions. The Honey module range has also broken numerous world records for module efficiency. When integrated with Trina Solar’s performance optimiser, Trinasmart,

Warm Space has been making buildings more energy efficient for over 20 years. In both the domestic and commercial markets Warm Space has installed all types of insulation and solar PV systems, helping residents and organisations make energy go further. Warm Space Installers are experts at keeping homes warm and energy bills low. So clients can have a warmer home in the winter and a cooler home in the summer, while minimising CO2 emissions. Having worked with a number of councils and housing associations, the company knows the challenges of installing efficiently, effectively and to deadlines. Warm Space’s experienced technicians ensure that both client and resident are delighted with the installation, resolving any on-site problems quickly.

Products & Services


in the Building Awards for the last three years and winners of the Building Better Healthcare Awards for innovation in 2014. Virtus’ services include: Project and Programme Management, Cost Management and Quantity Surveying, Development Management, Energy Consultancy, Construction Management, Health and Safety Advice – Compliance with New CDM Regulation 2015, and Project Monitoring. For more information please contact Virtus via the details below. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 0121 200 2855

Trina Solar - Changing the Warm Space - working to shape of solar make energy go further

users are able to increase system performance by up to 20 per cent. Trina Solar has ranked No.1 Solar Manufacturer on SVTC’s Solar Scorecard for the last three years for its environmentally conscious approach and its business strategy which has always been to provide customers with high-quality, affordable and sustainable products. Working with organisations of all sizes in the public and private sectors, Trina Solar has delivered its high-powered products and services to projects throughout the world to help them achieve greater energy efficiency and reduce its customers’ dependency on traditional forms of power generation. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: +44 1332 638 700

Back in the office, the Warm Space Customer Service team will be there to keep clients informed of progress and deal with any post-installation questions. Warm Space employs its own DEAs and GDAs, sales people and installation teams, so there is no sub-contracting, no handing off of problems and complete ownership of each project. If you need advise on energy efficiency challenges, feel free to give Warm Space a call on the number below to arrange a visit. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 0800 028 2499



Products & Services




This book is intended as a guide to officers and members in local government and those in the wider public sector as to how to undertake a solar PV project. The approach taken by the author is that of a non–technical and easily understandable guide. It covers all solar PV projects, large and small, building related or stand alone and goes through all of the main stages, considers all of the relevant issues and breaks down the mystique involved. Anyone who is considering a project, whether a technical officer (sustainability/energy), policy group officer (policy, legal, finance), asset manager, or those in the functional areas (leisure, education, housing) or direct services; together with cabinet members, portfolio holders, scrutiny committee members and councillors with an interest

Crocodile Flood Solutions is dedicated to providing its customers with the products and services they require. Its team of experts source some of the best, most reliable flood defence and protection products from around the world in order to help clients defend themselves, their personal possessions and their property from the devastating effects of flood damage. Crocodile Flood Solutions offers a free consultation service anywhere in the UK to help identify solutions for reducing the risk of flooding in the future. Whether clients require home flood solutions or commercial property flood solutions, the company’s team of experts are on hand to offer you 24/7 client support.

Stephen Cirell - A guide to Protection and top quality solar PV projects flood solutions

in this area should read it. The book costs £25 and is available from the Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE). FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 0113 217 8234



Pelydryn is a UK based aerial survey company who offer airborne topographic, bathymetric and multi-spectral imagery surveys using the innovative Chiroptera II topo-bathy LiDAR. Combining simultaneous collection of topographic, bathymetric LiDAR data and imagery, Pelydryn offers a cost effective, highly efficient survey capability over land (including rivers and lakes) and in the coastal zone to depths of up to 15m providing data products to support coastline management, flood modelling, mapping and cartography, nautical charting, transport planning, infrastructure and urban planning and forestry mapping. Following the storms of 2013/14 and its impact across many parts of the United Kingdom, there has been an increased awareness of the need for seamless timely high resolution surveys to support coastal management and flood protection/modelling. The Chiroptera offers rapid deployment

The UK has seen unprecedented levels of flooding over recent years, highlighting the need for cost-effective and robust solutions to be put in place to avoid future reoccurrences in the management of flood plains and wetlands. Liniar plastic piling is used extensively by associations such as the National Trust and the Environment Agency as it is lightweight enough to be carried to site in hard-to-reach areas such as moorlands and peat bogs. With key objectives of sustaining wetlands and protecting the rich wildlife that inhabit them, plastic piling is being used to elevate water levels, reduce peat erosion – and ultimately, to help prevent water draining down to lower ground and flooding the farmland and properties that lie there. Made from recycled PVCu, plastic piling can also be installed by hand if ground conditions allow - eliminating the need for heavy machinery that could destroy wildlife and

Safe and cost effective bathymetric surveys


and wide area coverage at high resolution allowing improved situational awareness. Pelydryn is locally sensitive and globally aware, sharing its expertise and experience to create tailored survey solutions with its clients. Pelydryn strives to work in partnership with clients to develop and maintain long-term relationships that add value to their projects. By combining simultaneous collection of multiple types of data, Pelydryn can offer cost effective, highly efficient surveys over land and in the coastal zone. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: O1392 347650


The prime objective of the company is to offer affordable flood solutions to anyone that needs help finding a solution to this ever increasing problem. One of its latest products is the New 4G Composite Flood Door which is a secured by design product and comes in a variety of colours and styles. Crocodile Flood Solutions prides itself with excellent customer service, looking after its clients every step of the way – starting with a free site survey down to the installation and aftercare. Please take a look at the company’s customer reviews on Trust pilot. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 0845 094 1281

Liniar - Offering effective solutions to flooding

fauna in protected areas. Free CPD training is available to engineers, architects and construction professionals all over the UK – just contact Liniar to arrange a visit. You can also download a piling brochure to read more case studies and find out engineering values and other technical information. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01332 883900



Floodsafe Projects is an independent team of flood protection specialists, providing bespoke, assured and cost-effective flood defence solutions. Working with private, commercial and business clients, including local authorities and utility companies; the company plans, designs, installs and maintains flood protection systems. Floodsafe has delivered bespoke solutions for clients at risk from tidal, sewer, coastal and overland flooding across the UK. As an independent company it works with leading manufacturers and suppliers of specialist products. David Grayston and his team can therefore focus on designing and delivering the best solution to suit the risk, budget and requirements of each of their customers. Ultimately, allowing them to get on with running their business without distraction, or fear of damage from flooding.

A UK Manufacturing business based in Northamptonshire is taking the Off Mains Drainage industry by storm. Marsh Industries Ltd manufactures Sewage Treatment Plants, Septic Tanks, Pump Chambers and Rainwater Harvesters using 100 per cent GRP and Resin. The newly designed Gaia process has enabled the team at the head office in Kettering to uniquely design individual jobs ensuring all of the site requirements are cantered for. Contracts Manager, Kiri Almond states: “Our Gaia system allows our team to confidently tender for quotes knowing that the tank that has been designed is capable of doing the job right. Using Gaia we are in a position to quote within four hours of the initial enquiry coming to us. We believe this to be of paramount importance when dealing with large Commercial and Industrial projects.” Since using Gaia, Marsh Industries has successfully won projects

The independent flood protection specialists

Being involved in numerous PLP schemes, Floodsafe Projects has worked as part of the construction teams for councils and utility companies. The company works in partnership with many manufacturers and will readily fit into your team, should it be required, to provide advice and expertise at the planning stage. Floodsafe’s attention to detail in every aspect of work would make the company a valuable asset to your team. Call the number below for a free consultation. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01995 238008

Sewage treatment and off mains drainage products



Triton is a dependable and proven organisation complemented with an infrastructure enabling it to provide, and manage, the insurance requirements for homeowners and landlords throughout the UK. If you are having trouble obtaining flood insurance, then Triton is confident it can help with sensible and affordable flood cover. Homeowners cover at a glance: Buildings and contents cover including accidental damage and public liability. Personal possessions cover: in and away from your home with 60 days worldwide cover. Other covers available: money and credit cards, pedal cycles, sports equipment, alternative accommodation and family legal protection….and much more. Landlords cover at a glance: Buildings and landlords contents cover including accidental damage and public liability. Loss of rent and/or alternative accommodation cover, landlords legal protection….and much more. Director Patricia Carroll can

Aquaclear is the UK importer and retailer of the Truxor harvester, the unique multifunctional amphibious tool carrier. The Truxor is ideal as an aquatic weed harvester, trash collector, excavator or dredger. The Truxor was specifically designed for waterway, reed bed and wetland management. Developed in Sweden, the Truxor with its extensive range of easy to fit tools makes it unique. The amphibious nature of the machine combined with low ground pressure allows it to operate in sensitive areas without damage to the environment. Truxor is the ideal choice when working on wildlife reserves, golf courses and other sensitive areas normally inaccessible to conventional machines. Dorotea Mekaniska, the manufacturer, has recently

Triton Insurance Brokers the reliable choice

confidently endorse the fact that Triton’s accomplishment in the insurance business has fundamentally been due to the level of continuous service provided to all its customers. New business is vital to any company, but retaining that business is just as crucial. Therefore a competitive approach and dedication to service must be continuously maintained.

Triton Insurance Brokers Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority number: 487601. Registered in England and Wales. Registered Number: 6654913. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01472 388826

Products & Services


both at home and abroad. It is not just in the larger treatment plant sector in which Marsh is focusing its attention, the Rainwater Harvesting side of the business is also being adapted. Managing Director Steve Boyer argues: “Rainwater Harvesting is our next goal and when complete Marsh will have an even stronger project range for the sector.” FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: +44 (0)1933 654582

A multifunctional amphibious tool carrier

introduced the Truxor 5045. With its larger four cylinder engine it is the ideal choice for companies in the silt pumping and oil spill cleanup business. Based in South Wales, Aquaclear holds an extensive range of spare parts for the Truxor range and offers an onsite maintenance and repair service. Aquaclear also operates a nationwide contracting service for its clients. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01646 641560



Products & Services




The UK driving licence paper counterpart was scrapped on 8 June this year, leaving employers and fleet managers looking for other ways to check and validate their drivers’ licences. Siteglide, working in conjunction with a large national fleet claims handler, developed an all-new electronic licence-checking portal. The process is secure throughout and includes an identity check before processing the licence details with the DVLA. This project is typical of the type of work handled by Siteglide whose expertise includes secure extranet, database and membership (ACL). Having completed a number of projects in the automotive sector (Jaguar Landrover, Ford, Aston Martin and Volvo), as well as the security and fire control sectors, Siteglide are well-positioned to deliver innovative yet robust web and cloud-based solutions for business. Other recent bespoke Siteglide

WJ, the UK’s leading road marking specialist, has enhanced its Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) surpassing standards required under the provision of PPE at Work Regulations 1992. Timed to coincide with the company rebranding WJ’s hi visibility clothing now incorporates the latest VizLite Dual Technology for improved safety. VizLite combines two technologies, retro-reflectivity and photo luminescence. Retro Reflective tape returns light to its source and Photo Luminescence crystals absorb UV energy that is then emitted as a light source in low light or zero light conditions. The new safety garments are certified to meet the requirements of the Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 2002 and conform to international specifications for Hi Visibility Clothing EN ISO 20471:2013. WJ’s workforce has now been issued with newly branded and enhanced hi visibility garments

New DVLA process secure extranet and database

projects include complex database inter-connectivity for a leading UK alarms and communications company. With a strong bias towards secure cloud-based technology, the company offers a range of web-based services to medium sized business, Not For Profits and the public sector. Services include advanced web development, bespoke database, secure intranet and extranet as well as a number of marketing options to promote strong online growth.Contact Siteglide to receive more information. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 03301 222 152



Platform Lifts are lifts that have been designed to give ease of access to all floors at an affordable cost. They can be installed with minimal builders work with a small pit and can be installed within a shaft or stand alone units with there own enclosure. Access & Platform Lifts offers a full range of disabled access lifts. From fully enclosed platform lifts installed in there own enclosure or within a shaft up to six stops down to a small open platform step lift. The enclosed platform lifts can be a traditional open platform within an enclosure but now the company is offering a fully automated platform lift with a full lift car and automatic sliding lift car doors so giving the feel and security of a passenger lift. This also gives ease of access for wheelchair users and other building users as there are no hinged doors to hinder the access and the security of traveling in a fully enclosed lift car. Access & Platform Lifts also offers a full range of domestic lifts

CM Specialist Vehicle Division applies superb craftsmanship and conversion skills to a range of standard production vehicles in the blue and amber light sector ensuring long service life and maximum protection. For almost 20 years, CM Specialist Vehicles has lead the field in the build and installation of bespoke body conversions and integrated electrical and communication systems to fleets for the police, fire, ambulance authorities, the military, security organisation and government agencies. The Division is a trusted conversion partner of many major manufacturers such as Volkswagen, Skoda, Seat, Iveco, Mercedes, Peugeot and Vauxhall, enabling it to provide a one stop shop facility for any fleet solution. From sourcing the base vehicle through to livery and delivery, CM Specialist’s customers have only one point of contact. It provides services that includes full project management

Platform lifts, wheelchair lifts and domestic lifts


Enhanced safety for road marking operatives

from a simple though floor lift to a multiple stop fully automated lift, again they can be installed in a purpose built shaft or a smart glass and steel tower. Access & Platform has a website for the domestic lifts supplied, please see below for more information. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01909 486 704 South: 0203 1891704 Scotland: 0141 2915704


incorporating this unique extra layer of safety, giving the wearer 3 levels of protection – Fluorescence, Reflectivity and Phosphorescence. Operations Director Martin Webb states: “This has been a huge investment for us but unquestionably ‘safety’ is fundamental to sustainable delivery and a WJ core value.” WJ Group is dedicated to permanent and temporary road markings, road studs, high friction and safety surfacing, asphalt repair, Hydroblast line removal, surface preparation and retexturing. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: +44 (0)1782 381 780

Specialists in bespoke vehicle conversions

throughout a projects life-cycle including the design, quality control, supply chain management integration and post production engineering services. All of the Division’s engineers are academy trained on a variety of response packages. This protects the vehicleswarranty and gives the customer confidence in the vehicle conversion. Its engineering team has the perfect mix of qualified engineers and coach building experts. The consistency of CM Specialist’s design and application leads to reliable and robust emergency vehicle installations. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01942 850338



Royal Holloway offers a superb blend of modern conference facilities, against a grand backdrop of Victorian architecture. Combined with quality accommodation, expert catering and a dedicated events team, the result is an event that really stands out from the crowd. Ideally located close to the M25 and Heathrow Airport and just 40 minutes from London Waterloo, Royal Holloway has a portfolio of versatile spaces, from small meeting rooms and flexible breakout rooms to the modern 400 capacity auditorium. These facilities, combined with great value rates, makes Royal Holloway a fantastic option for a whole range of events. Additionally, over 800 en-suite double rooms are conveniently located on the main campus, ensuring that guests are never far from meeting

The Halliwell Centre is perfect for all types of corporate events. Whether you are planning a conference, a product launch or a networking event, the University of Wales can help make it a success. A choice of meeting rooms are available throughout the day and evening and each has its unique style and ambience. Each can be equipped with the IT/AV you would expect of a conference venue and the university’s experienced team offer excellent service, advice and assistance from initial enquiry to successful completion. With a theatre offering seating for up to 350 delegates, the venue is ideal for large conferences, product launches and exhibitions. Providing excellent high quality catering that holds the Food For Life Silver and Gold Standards, the Halliwell Centre is proud

Royal Holloway, University of London

rooms or dining facilities. Royal Holloway offers stunning dining and banqueting facilities in the Victorian Founder’s Building. The superb collection of Victorian art in the Picture Gallery provides a truly spectacular backdrop to silver service gala dinners, while the elegant original Dining Hall provides a vast space for celebrations of all kinds. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01784 443045

Corporate events at the Halliwell Conference and Event Centre at UWTSD



The UK government’s Cloud First initiative is helping organisations embrace digital document processes. This helps drive efficiencies and reduces the costs associated with ink-signing paper documents, scanning and returning them. The Cabinet Office’s Verify project also provides the ability to check someone’s trusted identity when they need to authenticate themselves. What is needed is trusted document workflow and signing solutions that make it easy to embrace simplicity with high security and long-term protection against unauthorised or fraudulent changes. Ascertia is providing strong support for these governmentas-a-platform initiatives. The SigningHub product is available as a G-Cloud service on the digital marketplace and is also available

Hartlepool College of Further Education can trace its lineage back to 1849, and has undergone several new builds in its history, the most recent being a £53 million state-of-the-art campus opened in 2011. It averages around 8,500 students per year, and is in the top 17 per cent of all English colleges overall, moving into the top 10 per cent for adult education. The college is seventh best in the country for the delivery of apprenticeships, being the biggest provider in its primary area of operation, the Tees Valley and East Durham, and the second biggest in the entire North East region. Pass rates for 16-18 year olds are substantially above the national average. Hartlepool itself has a population of roughly 95,000 and is a centre of digital and manufacturing technology, medical research, business, retail and the service sector. Hartlepool

Delivering safe and trustworthy documents

for on premise deployment. This creates advanced digital signatures for multiple users and delivers excellent business efficiencies for any document workflow process. SigningHub delivers longterm, legally binding digital signatures together with document approval, document protection and preservation for years into the future. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 0800 772 0442

Products & Services


to deliver mouth watering and exciting options to suit all budgets. Situated within walking distance of Carmarthen Town, this AIM accredited venue is a custodian of some of the town’s finest buildings, seamlessly blending in to the picturesque town of Carmarthen while offering everything you need to make your event a huge success. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01267 222252

Courses and qualifications of the highest quality

College has evolved to deliver the skills demanded by these areas. Other provisions include engineering, fabrication, aerospace, sports coaching and science, health & care, construction & building services and creative design. Courses range from Access to Foundation Degree level. The College is rated ‘Good’ and also offers an extensive portfolio of commercial training to business and industry up to multinational level. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01429 295 000



Products & Services




Professional Academy is the UK’s leading provider of accredited Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), Institute of Sales & Marketing (ISMM) and Communication Advertising and Marketing Foundation (CAM) qualifications, delivering high​quality, fully supported training in management and leadership, sales, marketing and digital marketing. A one-stop-shop, the Professional Academy offers the complete package, from professionals looking to gain new qualifications and fill skills gaps to companies seeking in-house training to help their company grow. The Professional Academy provides customdesigned courses, exceptional trainers, one-to-one support and the most advanced online learning management system available, that are not only focused on achieving results but helping individuals reach their full potential.

Apta Consultancy offers independent professional procurement and commercial expertise on public sector bid qualification, procurement and contract management services. The company helps you to win and manage more pubic sector business by working with you on your Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) tenders, in order to deliver a compelling Customer Value Proposition to the buyer. Whether you are just embarking on the tender bidding process, or you are seasoned in winning bids and managing contracts, Apta Consultancy offers a range of services designed to ensure you continue to achieve results and deliver services that boost your reputation and profits. Apta Consultancy’s key objective is to help our clients to structure compelling winning bids, get excellent value from

Turning professionals into exceptionals

The Professional Academy not only offers a full support structure for each individual undertaking a professional qualification - whether studying via premium workshops at one of its six UK centres, via distance learning or as part of a bespoke in-company training & development structure - but the Professional Academy is also the only accredited professional training institute to offer a 100 per cent pass guarantee with all qualifications. If you have the drive and desire to achieve a professional qualification, the Professional Academy will do everything to make this a reality. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 0844 800 5256

Helping clients to win and manage more business



nfpSynergy delivers the research, the insights and the expertise to help non-profits understand their audiences and make informed strategic decisions. This research allows you to understand how your work is perceived by MPs and peers, how they prefer to engage with you and how you could improve your communications. The early days of a new parliament provide the ideal opportunity to evaluate your engagement strategy with MPs and peers and maximise its effectiveness over the next five years. nfpSynergy has been interviewing MPs and peers for more than 10 years as part of their Attitudes and Awareness Parliamentary Monitor, which also gives clients access to a decade of invaluable trend data. nfpSynergy is the market leader in providing syndicated tracking research, enabling

Team building exercises and activities have been proven to be an effective way of improving the cohesion and effectiveness of any team in the work or school place environment. Lone Wolf Mobile Bushcraft runs a variety of these activities. This can be to focus on a specific learning outcome such as communication, teamwork and problem solving or the company uses the sessions to cover various outcomes. These can be run as a series of party games with no specific outcome in mind. These sessions can be run both indoors and outside. As these sessions are team based, Lone Wolf asks for a minimum of a group of ten people to run effectively. Prices start from £5 per person for a half day and £10 for a full day.

their procurement function, and manage contracts effectively throughout their duration. Whether you need to submit a winning bid, get the best value for money from third party suppliers or you need assistance with contract administration, we can help. Boost your profits and your reputation by engaging the services of an Apta Consultancy expert today. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 07505 672419

The path to greatness Research and insights to evaluate political strategy is built with others


clients to access research that is more frequent, more detailed and more cost-effective. Previous and current clients that have benefited from the research include the Local Government Association, the Charity Commission, the General Medical Council, NatCen and the Health and Safety Executive. For more information on how you can improve your engagement with these key political audiences, contact nfpSynergy via the details below. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 020 7426 8888


Based in North Essex, with a capability to cover courses in Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk, Lone Wolf offers a learning experience like no other. Due to its mobile nature, Lone Wolf can come to its clients, fully insured and CRB and DBS checked. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 07799 506998



Whether it is towing waste bins, or carrying out cleaning and maintenance, Bradshaw Electric Vehicles can provide a transport solution for customers. Customers may be struggling to keep site transportation cost effective or have an ageing vehicle which no longer matches site requirements. Bradshaw has an extensive range of tow tractors, pedestrian controlled and flatbed electric vehicles which can be specifically designed for waste movement. Vehicles are manufactured in the UK and can be custom built to suit any waste application. Bradshaw can fit bin lifts to handle up to 360 litre bins and other options including tipping and cage bodies to transport waste. Tow tractors to tow trains of 1100 litre bins are also available, and purpose built trailers for all types of waste

What happens in the first few minutes after an accident or medical incident can make all the difference to a child or young person’s wellbeing. Having the first aid skills to deal quickly and calmly with an emergency situation is crucial in preventing the effects of the injury or illness becoming worse than necessary. Midlands based first aid training provider MOHS Workplace Health has a range of courses. First Aid at Work is a three day course for nominated first aiders in educational workplaces with higher hazards. Emergency First Aid at Work is a course covering one day for nominated first aiders in smaller workplaces with fewer health and safety risks. The requirement for either course will depend on the risk assessments. The Paediatric First Aid course is spread over two days, and is for those people supervising children up to eight years of age. Anaphylaxis is a three hour course

Bradshaw electric vehicles First aid courses that make an educational difference offer transport solutions

products can be manufactured. As a company, Bradshaw not only takes pride in a safe, robust and versatile product range, but a bespoke design service enables design and build of an electric vehicle to suit a client’s individual requirements, providing a solution to a very particular need. Bradshaw Electric Vehicles will be on Stand 5V110-W111 at the RWM 15-17 September. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01780 782621 www.bradshawelectric



Only by establishing the facts clearly and precisely can you make an informed decision on the best way to recover from an incident and to stop it happening again. Hawkins has been carrying out forensic engineering investigations for over thirty years and we have more than 70 forensic scientists with a wide range of expertise who are able to form a multi-disciplinary team should an investigation require it. Hawkins investigates a wide range of losses, including fires and explosions; engineering losses; road traffic accidents; escapes of water, fluids and gas; civil engineering; slips, trips and falls; personal injury; highways engineering; head protection;

Catastrophic events like fire, explosions and other major incidents that lead to the loss of premises and systems can have a devastating impact on the operations of organisations. JEC consultants have extensive experience in all aspects of contingency planning and have assisted a diverse range of clients including Kingfisher Group (owners of B&Q), Leicestershire County Council, the MS Society and Wales and West Utilities. JEC offers a complete suite of business continuity services from Business Impact Analysis, Business Continuity strategies and policies, the development of incident management and business recovery plans and the development and facilitation of exercises to test the plans. John Eary, Managing Director, says: “Adopting new ways of working such as Agile Working,

Hawkins - leaders in forensic investigations

power generation and turbines; contamination assessment and railway accidents. Much of Hawkins’ work comes from insurers, loss adjusters and the legal profession, with a growing proportion now coming from large corporate clients and local authorities. Hawkins is able to provide a rapid response, attending the scene within 24 hours of the event if required. A preliminary report can be produced within three days setting out the most probable cause and a proposed strategy for further investigation. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01223 420400

Products & Services


for anyone needing training in how and when to use an auto injector. Automated External Defibrillator is a four hour course which provides training to administer measured electric shocks during CRP to young people in cardiac arrest. Courses can be delivered onsite at the client’s workplace or at MOHS’s training facility in West Bromwich. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 0121 601 4041

JEC - Business Continuity Planning assistance

that take advantage of Cloud based technologies enable staff to continue to access systems and data, and hold meetings even if office premises are lost.” JEC offers a readiness service where organisations’ existing plans can be assessed against the Business Continuity Standard ISO22301. JEC also provides training to equip staff with the knowledge and skills to carry out business continuity tasks in-house. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: +44 (0) 333 444 0278



Products & Services




Composites manufacturer MCL has launched a new range of pole retention sockets. Working daily in partnership with design consultants, building contractors and civil engineers in many sectors throughout the UK and Europe, MCL are at the forefront of innovative progress. A mixture of thermoset moulding compounds has allowed MCL’s pole retention sockets to be extremely strong and robust yet lightweight. This is believed to be both the lightest and the most cost-effective product of its kind on the market. The sockets sit below ground, usually encased in concrete, and poles are slotted into them and locked firmly into place with two cams, damaged poles can be replaced in a matter of minutes. As the MCL retention socket is made of lightweight composite rather than metal it also bears a significant impact on health and safety, as contractors are not required to do any heavy lifting to

Bergo Flooring, a Swedish-made interlocking flooring system was developed in the 1960s originally as a tennis court surface. The range now has many applications in the education sector. Bergo tiles are made from polypropylene and click-together to create the effect of a ‘sprung floor’ surface, even outside. With free-draining properties, these colourful floors are extremely durable, low maintenance, easy to install and environmentally sound. There is also an eco-friendly recycled composite with no emissions. The product is recyclable at the end of its life, which for sports floors can be about 30 years. In schools, Bergo tiles are used to upgrade swimming pool surrounds and changing rooms, providing a hygienic, self- draining surface. The tiles can also create colourful and clean nursery play areas; create

Unique sports and play surfaces for schools

Cutting edge composite solutions

install them. Mark Owen, Business Director at MCL Infrastructure explains: “The MCL pole retention socket is a product that we are extremely proud of. It not only works to improve road maintenance and safety but it is a key factor in improving working conditions for contractors. “This is a product that is much lighter and cheaper than anything else on the market, yet we have proven to local authorities and contractors that it is as effective as the alternatives in every way.” FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01782 375450

indoor sports floors and outdoor MUGAs which can also be used for rollerblading; as well as making mini-tennis courts and full sized, ITF Approved tennis courts. Bergo floors are factory made in Sweden to ISO 9001, by a company that puts consideration for the environment at the heart of its ethos. Customers can be sure of an ethically made, quality surface that will last for years to come. Bergo’s motto is ‘The right product in the right place at the right time’. FURTHER INFORMATION Tel: 01458 253645


The publishers accept no responsibility for errors or omissions in this free service 30 Euston Square 6point6 Access & Platform Lifts Alpine Resourcing Ancoris Andrews Sykes Hire APTA Aquaclear Ascertia AX Flow Biograss UK Bradshaw Electric Bridewell Consulting Broden Media Canon Central Profiles Clarke Controls Clearvision CM Coast Led Torches Commotion Consulting Computing Distribution Group Core Transforming Business Corroventa Crocodile Flood Solutions CU Phosco Lighting Dataset IT Systems datb De Lage Landen Leasing DFX Technology Direct 4x4 Direct Signs UK E-Recruiter


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