Business Trinidad & Tobago

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Why Choose Trinidad & Tobago: New Strategies for State Assets Provide Investment Opportunities

Reasons to invest in T&T •

Low Input Costs (Energy, Human Resources Steel, Petrochemicals, Ammonia)

Highest GDP per capita in the Caribbean region

Daily direct flights to major European, North American and South American cities

Ranks in the top 10 for Business Friendliness, Economic Potential and FDI Strategy for the Central American and Caribbean region

Ranks in the top 25% of investment locations worldwide

Market access to 700 million people around the world through various bilateral and multilateral trade agreements.

No foreign exchange controls

Tax treaty with the USA

Located below the hurricane belt

One of the highest literacy rates in the world at 98%

Steady student enrollment increase in engineering, applied technology and science disciplines since 2004

3 major industrial ports

Tropical climate

4 power generating plants

Low cost of living

High Broadband and Fibre-Optic Cable Capacity

Rich & diverse culture

Increasing use of e-commerce and e-services in private and public sector

World-class recreational and sporting facilities - golf courses, water sports, tennis, jogging parks and fitness clubs

Business Trinidad & Tobago • 49

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