Praise and Coffee Spring 2013

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While serving on the board of EQUIP, we had a

With God in control, life bends, takes peculiar

leader from YWAM (Youth With A Mission) present

turns, and then leads you to the places He ordains. Some-

their strategy for evangelizing the world. Before develop-

times they are predictable and other times completed un-

ing the plan, they did exhaustive research and discovered

expected. A baby never came and after several years the

there are four key questions every person longs to have

dream of having one was surrendered. It’s a choice to


trust God and believe He knows best.

Who am I?

Life keeps rolling and it roars with the stuff that refines and perfects. Seasons come and go and as I get

Why am I here?

older, I find the transitions between each season are the

What is going on in this world?

sweetest. Old things pass away and new ones give birth.

How do I make a difference in it?

No matter what happens, I hold the words of James close. I am quite clear on the difference it makes when I do in-

Since that time, I think about those questions often and discuss them in my quiet conversations with the One who knows well the answer to each of them. In the past two years,

deed, “Count it all Joy!” When I deliberately make that choice to accept where He has me and follow His lead,

On that trip, a radical crazy-kind-of-love consumed us. We fell deep into a sea of pure and faultless religion.

God splashes back love in waves of ‘joy unspeakable.’ In June 2010, Dale and I took

I've been more in awe than ever at how God masterful

our first mission trip to Haiti.

reveals the answers. In His response to me, I’ve found

We went with a team of eight and we were the first ones

life-changing joy at the holy intersection where His de-

to ministry to 70 orphans who were rescued from one of

sires and mine collide.

the most desperate slums in Port Au Prince. Like so many before us, we thought we were going to minister to

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give the desires of your heart. – Psalm 37:4

them, but the love they poured on us was overwhelmingly greater.

My husband Dale and I thought early in our mar-

On that trip, a radical crazy-kind-of-love con-

ried life we would have two children. Christ occupied

sumed us. We fell deep into a sea of pure and faultless

center stage from the beginning of our life together and

religion. To this very day – its current carries us back to

while this was our plan – we were always open to what

Haiti. So compelled by love, we can’t help but go and go

God might have in store for us.


In 1988, we built a new home and while it was

Before the December 2011 mission trip we were

under construction, we visited the work-site often. It was

called to lead, our mission coordinator asked to meet

fun to take our tiny daughter, Zoe, through the framed

with me. I thought it was to review the trip plans. But

shell. We’d point out her room and then show her the

God used that meeting to completely upend the life Dale

baby’s room.

and I were living.


Praise and Coffee | Spring 2013

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