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Presenter and cancer campaigner Simon Thomas to open CRE SW

contract works insurance policies – again usually with a contract value limit – and if that is the case it may be a cost-effective option for the contractor to be responsible for arranging the contract works insurance. It should not be overlooked that if the contractor has to bear an additional cost then that is likely to be passed on within the contract price. If it is anticipated that the cost of contract works insurance is going to be significant it would be advisable to check out the various options for the insuring clause with your insurance broker in advance of agreeing the contract, in order to consider all the available options.

Finally, it can also be vitally important to establish who will be the ‘Employer’ in any works contract, as that can dictate how any contract works insurance can be provided. I recently dealt with a case where the property owner had set up a separate development company to fund and be the ‘Employer’ in the building contract. That scenario, in conjunction with the insuring clause that was initially selected, made it extremely difficult to arrange the contract works insurance without incurring a huge premium. With only four days’ notice it took a great deal of work and negotiation with insurers and the parties to the contract to agree an amendment to the insuring clause and arrange the insurance needed in a correct and cost-effective way, in time for the commencement of the works. q • Leigh Ide Dip CII has worked in various roles within general insurance for 37 years, with the last 21 years in the church and charity sector – which has involved responsibility for a significant number of heritage buildings. For the past six years Leigh has provided technical guidance in his role as a business development executive at Trinitas Church Insurance Services, a Gallagher company. Prior to that he was a specialist church insurance consultant and surveyor with Ecclesiastical Insurance.

For more information call Leigh Ide on 01483 462862, email leighide@trinitaschurchinsurance.co.uk or visit the website at www.trinitaschurchinsurance.co.uk. You can also visit them on Stand D11 at CRE South West.

[CRE SOUTH WEST will be opened by former Blue Peter and Sky Sports presenter Simon Thomas, on 23 February.

Simon, whose wife Gemma died suddenly from acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) four days after being admitted to hospital, has dedicated himself to increasing awareness of AML. Survival rates for that aggressive type of blood cancer are dreadfully low: only about 15% of the 2,500 people who contract AML in the UK each year survive for five years or more.

Simon launched the Gemma Thomas Fund to raise awareness and money for research and is president of Blood Cancer UK. He has also written a book, Love Interrupted: Navigating Grief One Day at a Time (Trigger Publishing).

“I want to make sure more people are made aware of the signs and symptoms of all blood cancers, so we can improve early diagnosis and give people a fighting chance,” he said. “I have known about CRE for some years and will be delighted to see, at last, the many ways the exhibitors help the church in its mission.”

The son of a Church of England vicar, Simon worked on Blue Peter for six years, during which time he ran two London Marathons and made more than 40 solo sky dives. On one of his early dives his parachute didn’t open until two instructors jumping with him bumped it to make it open!

He is currently presenting football coverage on Prime Video, streamed by Amazon. Last year he married Derrina Jebb, daughter of a Methodist minister.

Speaking on BBC Radio 5 Live, he said: “Right from the early stages she had this empathy towards me. She's a Christian as well and that's important to me as a man of faith.”

His son Ethan was one of the best men at their wedding in Norwich Cathedral.

Following the opening ceremony at CRE South West Simon will give an interview with Chloe Axford of Exeter Cathedral, which in turn will be followed by a performance by the IDMC Soul Gospel Choir. q www.ecclesiasticalandheritageworld.co.uk 23