2 minute read


[ THERE ARE OVER 130,000 people living with multiple sclerosis (MS) in the UK today; and nearly 7,000 newly-diagnosed cases each year.

Life with MS can be tough. It’s unpredictable and different for everyone. It’s often painful, exhausting and can cause problems for people in how they walk, move, see, think and feel. But thanks to support from kind people who donate to the MS Society, research into the disease has made huge leaps forward.

Nick Moberly, CEO of the MS Society, commented: “We still have a long way to go, but today there’s so much more we can do to treat symptoms, manage progression and ease anxiety.

“Right now we’re funding over 40 projects to help improve diagnosis and treatments. And our scientists are making some tremendous breakthroughs. There are groundbreaking discoveries and new knowledge on potential ways to repair myelin and protect nerves; and there are new projects and clinical trials underway. So there’s real momentum and hope on the horizon.

“We’re investing in research to help find treatments that could stop and, maybe one day, reverse the progression of MS. We can’t stop now. Our goal of stopping MS really is within reach. Now, with a gift in your will, you can help make it a reality for the next generation.”

Raphael lives in London with his wife Lucy. They have a four-year-old daughter, Tali, and one-year-old son Asa. Raphael has lived with MS for many years and says the treatment he takes makes a huge difference. It helps him get on with his life with less disruption.

“I want to continue being a supportive father and role model to my kids, and husband to my wife,” he said. “To me, stopping MS would mean certainty over a large part of mine and my family’s future. It would take a huge weight off my mind.”

Nick Moberly continued: “If you’d like to be part of a community of people bringing us closer to stopping MS – whether that’s through providing information and support, continuing to fight for access to new drugs, or supporting vital future research – please think about including a gift to the MS Society when you next make or update your will.

“We understand that protecting the financial future of those you love is your main priority when writing a will. But over 40% of our income comes from those who’ve also included a legacy gift to the MS Society, and no matter the size, it’s thanks to support from people leaving these special gifts, that we’re getting closer to stopping MS and making sure generations to come can live in a future free from its effects.

“With your support, the future is bright for people living with MS. Let’s finish the work we’ve started and stop MS together.” q

• For more information related to gifts in wills and the services the MS Society offers, call 020 8827 0374, email legacies@mssociety.org.uk or visit legacies@mssociety.org.uk/gifts-in-wills

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