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Dentists call for ban on ‘misleading’ cereal ads

[THE BRITISH DENTAL ASSOCIATION (BDA) has called on government to stamp out what it describes as misleading marketing claims by children’s food manufacturers, revealed in damning new research from campaigning body Action on Sugar.

The latest findings show that some breakfast foods aimed at toddlers contain up to four teaspoons of sugar per serving. Over three quarters of products claim to have ‘no added sugars’ or ‘only naturally occurring sugars’, despite many containing sugars from fruit juices, concentrates and purees – all of which are harmful to dental health, the BDA says.

Government guidance states that no added sugars, including those from processed fruit, should be consumed by children up to two years old.

In a statement the dentists’ organisation says: “It's an all-too-familiar approach from industry. Earlier this year our study of 109 baby pouches aimed at children under the age of 12 months found over a quarter contained more sugar by volume than Coca Cola, with parents of infants as young as four months being marketed pouches that contain the equivalent of up to 150% of the sugar levels of the soft drink.

“We want to see sweeping action on food marketing and labelling, including the complete removal of misleading nutrition and health claims on baby and toddler food and drink products. Together with the publication of the long overdue commercial baby food and drink guidelines, we can ensure dedicated baby aisles in supermarkets are a ‘safe space’ for parents.”

BDA chair Eddie Crouch commented: “The food industry is walking parents down the garden path, pushing sugar-laden products as healthy options. Claims of ‘no added sugar’ are utterly meaningless when toddlers are receiving four teaspoons over breakfast. Tooth decay is the number one reason for hospital admission among young children, and ministers can't remain bystanders. Action here is a prerequisite if we're ever going to turn the tables on wholly preventable diseases.”

In 2017, the Sugar Reduction Programme was introduced, with a 20% reduction in sugar levels in certain key contributors to children’s sugar intake expected by 2020. The final report has now been published, showing a small reduction in sugar content across the board. Action on Sugar commented: “Despite a disappointing headline figure, there are examples of product categories that have seen significant reductions in sugar content, showing the potential for the food industry to reduce sugar levels in their products. “However, what is most clear from this, is that a voluntary programme is not an effective way to get the widespread and consistent reductions in sugar content that we need.” q

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