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Incoming NASC president outlines core goals in awards speech

[INCOMING NASC president David Brown, managing director of IBN Scaffold Access Ltd, has outlined the core objectives for his presidency in his inaugural speech at the NASC AGM and Awards 2022.

David’s primary focus will be supporting NASC member companies through the labour shortages by subsidising the training of new starters, scaffolding and office-based newly-qualified scaffolders, advanced scaffolders and scaffold supervisors as well as both CISRS System Scaffold Product Training Scheme (SSPTS) and system inspection endorsements.

He said “We must recruit new starters into the industry. We rely on new blood coming into scaffolding to keep this amazing trade going. As well as recruiting new starters it is vital that we improve the skills shortage in the construction industry and that NASC members continue to train and upskill their workforce, that is why NASC are making available training grants on a scale that has not been offered before to member companies.”

The NASC will issue clear guidance on the qualifying criteria in the coming weeks. David will also be supporting NASC member companies and the wider scaffolding sector into achieving carbon neutrality.

David said: “The environment is without question something I am passionate about and I want to be able to help reduce the environmental impact our industry has during my term as president. Carbon net zero is being discussed more and more within the construction sector. The NASC intends to fully support and guide the membership through this and to ensure all of our members are able to meet with the government requirements.

“The NASC appreciates the difficulty of trading in this industry at this moment in time and has no intention of making it even harder by putting obstacles in members’ way that impact on their business. But carbon net zero is approaching and all businesses must be compliant by 2050. Rather than adding this to the membership criteria without offering help and support, the NASC will be providing guidance, access to information and supporting our members in order for you to achieve this. We recently issued guidance note SE1:22 – Becoming Net Zero Carbon, which explains what carbon net zero is and the new language that is used to describe this initiative. But more will follow.”

David’s strategies and net zero campaign details will be unveiled in due course, but the mission has already started – by offsetting the carbon output generated from hosting the NASC Awards 2022 in central London with the planting of 120 trees in December using Exeter-based firm Oak Offset.

David is also keen to support charities in his two-year term as NASC president. The NASC’s charity of choice is The Lighthouse Club – who provide financial and emotional support to the construction community and their families – and they will continue to receive the organisation’s support, pledged in earnest on the evening of the NASC Awards with a cheque for £5,000.

Each year the NASC president is asked to nominate a charity that they would like the confederation to support. This year David has chosen Young Epilepsy – a charity close to his heart. David’s daughter Alex developed epilepsy aged two; she is now six and enjoying a full and happy childhood, helped by the guidance provided by the charity.

The CEO of Young Epilepsy, Mark Devlin, was presented with a cheque for £5,000 from the NASC on the evening of the awards ceremony.

Speaking to the audience David continued: “We can’t stand still. We must keep on improving. That is why we conducted the B2B business review of the NASC; today we have re-launched the NASC charter and will be publishing the NASC business development plan.

“We’ve listened to our members, clients and prospective members to ensure NASC remains relevant to all sectors of industry today. I’m proud to say that it is and will continue under my presidency to better represent members’ needs, promote ‘NASC only’ status from main contractors and clients and also continue the work being done towards tackling the labour shortage in our sector.

“Scaffolding is a fantastic sector to work in; we need to promote this more widely. We need to be proud of our NASC – our members don’t just pay for a badge and then buy guidance from elsewhere. NASC members are the leaders in our industry.

“I’d like to announce my full support for the NASC promoting ‘NASC only’ to main contractors, clients, local authorities and government. Over recent years the criteria from main contractors have changed. ‘NASC Member Companies Only’ used to be the criteria on PQQ documents issued and, during my term as president, we need to get back to this.

“My message to main contractors is simple: Do you want to employ scaffolding contractors who help produce the industry guidance and set the standard for the scaffolding industry? Do you want to employ the scaffolding contractors who year after year are reducing their accident statistics and improving the industry? Do you want safe and compliant companies working on your projects? Do you want scaffolding companies who are fully audited and who are using materials fully in accordance with NASC product purchasing guidelines? Only by employing an NASC member company do you get this as a minimum.” q