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JEANNIE PHAN WE CHAT TO 21 YEAR OLD ILLUSTRATOR AND ZINESTER, JEANNIE PHAN ABOUT HER MOST RECENT PROJECT & BEING CREATIVE. What are you working on at the moment? I’m working on a new series of painted illustrations that is themed around coping with paradise. It’s a fun new experience! I’m also trying to squeeze in time to finish up the second issue of my comic “Indigestion” where everything starts to unravel. Dun, dun, dun… Do you have a particular favourite work that you’ve done? At the moment I’m fond of my “Hair is Dead” series but my favourite piece within it always fluctuates as new work always replaces the old so I can never decide! I don’t like to get hung up on only one piece. What does “being creative” mean to you? To me, it really does mean to be fearless, a fearlessness that is fueled by having a constant passion and drive to make things. Creativity is a great thing to have whenever you’re in a rut and feel aimless; it leads you back into a better state of mind. Favourite book and film? Like everyone else, I am a huge Hayao Miyazaki fan, amongst his works I really enjoy “Howl’s Moving Castle.” It’s so fantastical! With books, I actually prefer reading self-published zines than novels. I can connect with the writer and artists on a much more intimate and completely uncensored

level. Favourite quote or saying? “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”- Albert Einstein Do you have any creative rituals or routines? If so, what are they? Unfortunately, nothing wacky. I’ve only recently managed to condition myself to work with others around me (usually I could only work when completely isolated). I prefer working in the early afternoon to late evening when natural sunlight is out and shining on my face. A few podcasts softly playing in the background is a nice addition. What are you doing when you’re not creating? I’m kind of a nerd. I love video games, though I try not to get too thoroughly involved because I fear of what I could become. Strategy games and adventure games really capture my heart and allow me to get away from my work and relax myself into a new realm. What inspires you? Biology. I am so unbelievably inspired by how the human body can manage to function despite the abuse we put it through. Learning about different organisms and their own worlds really gives me a lot to think about in regards to my own. Do you have any tips or inspiring words for others? Constantly create; which I know is something a lot of people say. It is sound advice though. Don’t let the fear of having a lack of technical talent stop you because you can always learn it. It’s most important to keep a constant flow of creative juices going, don’t ever be ashamed of your ideas. Where else can we find you and your work? www.jeanniephan. com and you can also find me as “super phantastic” over at these places: Flickr, Tumblr, Behance, Dribble, Society6.

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