2 minute read



Deborah Caldwell is the CEO and Creative Director for STORM. She recently opened their brand-new concept store in Grey Lynn.

When did you first take an interest in fashion styling? Over 30 years ago! I was naturally drawn to it.

How long has Storm been around? Storm has been around for the past 15 years.

What do like most about living in Ponsonby? Ponsonby is so close to everything and has a great energy.

How have you survived the pandemic and has it changed your life in any way? It’s changed everyone’s life. I’ve survived by holding onto the steering wheel with both hands and not sweating the small stuff.

What was your childhood like? I grew up out West in a sporty family.

Please complete the sentence: I will die happy if... my son follows and achieves his dreams.

What is your favorite TV series and why? Right now – Killing Eve. I love the quirky acting and fashion styling of Villanelle.

Where would your dream holiday internationally be? Anywhere tropical and luxurious.

Describe one of your biggest disappointments in life? Not buying that one pair of shoes.

What’s on your bucket list? I don’t have one. I like to live in the now and enjoy each day to the maximum.

If you won a million dollars what is the first thing you would do? Share it with my family.

What do you think the most Kiwi thing about you is? My gumboots.

So where do you see yourself in 10 years time? Living in Europe part-time is the dream.

What job would you do other than your own and why? Something in the music industry. I’ve always wanted to be in a band.

If you were reincarnated, what would you like to be reincarnated as? Something with wings – maybe a butterfly.

What do you most dislike about your appearance? My eyebrows.

Do you read movie or TV reviews and would they sway your thought? No – I ask friends!

How would you like to be remembered by your friends and family? As kind, compassionate, fun, and energetic.

What do you love most about your age? With age comes experience, and as you get older you become more accepting.

If your life was an ice cream, what would it be called? A STORM sundae.

What really motivates you? Being around passionate people.

What do you think happens when we die? We get to hang out with our old friends and family and laugh about the past.

Give your teenaged self some advice. Listen to your parents! They do actually know best.

At the end of a long day how do you chill out? Gin with friends!

Which item of clothing can't you live without? Always boots.

What is your favorite time of the day? Hot sunny afternoons.

What would your dream home be like? Indoor/outdoor flow, music through the whole house, and a massive wardrobe.

What is your most treasured possession? Family jewellery and photos.

What are you insecure about? Nothing.

Tell us something very few people know about you? I studied to be a vet.