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To keep pace with continued demand for places and the changing needs of students and their families, the Saint Kentigern Trust Board, has delivered the Shore Road Master Plan.

Confirmed in 2018 and completed in 2023, it is one of the largest project ever undertaken by Saint Kentigern.

A new Girls’ School and Preschool, a dedicated Senior Boys’ block, and a Specialist Facilities building for use by both primary schools, are now open on their Shore Road Campus in Remuera.

New Girls’ School

The magnificent new Saint Kentigern Girls’ School fronting Shore Road was completed in the first half of 2022. Four years in the making, the new School is custom designed for girls’ learning. The building’s open and friendly layout fosters connection and encourages collaboration, providing an inspiring environment for the girls to explore and learn.

The new school has 19 classrooms with each syndicate having a dedicated floor and library, linked by a multi-purpose atrium. The classrooms are connected by collaborative learning spaces and there are music and art studios throughout the building.

Macky Senior Boys’ School

The new Macky Senior Boys’ School, which features three levels of spacious, technology-rich, and flexible learning areas was officially opened for the Years 7 and 8 Boys’ School students in February 2022.

The Macky Senior School houses 12 new classrooms, collaborative learning spaces and a wide atrium staircase that doubles as access between floors and seating steps which can be used socially or for teaching, group gatherings or class presentations.

The classrooms are just a corridor away from the Specialist Facilities, enabling easy movement between classes for the boys when attending their arts and creative technology lessons.

Specialist Facilities

The new Specialist Facilities, which share the same roofline as the Macky Senior Boys’ School, were completed and occupied at the start of 2022. This shared centre of excellence provides significant new amenities for scientific, artistic (visual and performance), and technological (food, hard and soft materials) learning.

Based on a rostered timetable, Boys’ School and Girls’ School students take turns to learn a variety of specialist subjects with specialist teachers in well-equipped teaching and learning spaces.

This dedicated annexed building has Food Technology and Dance and Drama rooms, Hard and Soft Materials rooms, three Science labs, two Design classrooms, three Art studios, three Music spaces and three Music rooms. Each floor offers breakout and presentation spaces away from classrooms.

New Preschool

The Preschool moved to their brand new Shore Road premises in January 2023. With stunning viewshafts to Hobson Bay and the Hauraki Gulf the new Saint Kentigern Preschool is nestled in a tree-encircled location at the western boundary of the Shore Road campus.

This beautiful new Preschool is a distinct, circular-shaped building. With a central playground and learning spaces built around it, this single-storey building is designed to provide a secure and active environment that eases movement and encourages exploration and connection for Saint Kentigern’s youngest students. The building sits unobtrusively within the existing mature trees and vegetation and is the final piece of the Trust Board’s Shore Road Master Plan.

Saint Kentigern College

- Pakuranga Campus Masterplan

A review and refresh of the Concept Master Plan developed in 2018 is progressing well with the first phase of two, stakeholder engagement, completed. Work has commenced on phase two.



As the peak of summer rolls around once again, it's an opportunity to finish curating your hot weather wardrobe. My goal for the season has been a closet makeover... out with the old and in with the new - let this be your mantra!

While your winter woollies and cosy jeans hibernate under the bed, it's time to frolic in frivolous, summer fashion. But if you feel like all your clothes are feeling a bit, well... blah, I get you. I’ve had a major clearout to allow some freshness and variety to seep in. My key summer picks for 2023 are listed below. Remember, if you’re watching your pennies, thrifting is a great alternative to high-street retail and often produces even better results than buying new!


First, it’s time to talk about colours. This summer, yellow has had a huge rise in popularity. Frankly, it seems to have dominated the fashion industry: dresses, tanks, pants, hats, bags, bikinis, it truly is everywhere. You simply cannot miss this bright, warm, playful colour. With the dismal, rainy weather we have experienced in January (please, no more for February), yellow is not exactly a colour I have wanted to reach for. But let me tell you it can spice up your whole outfit, encouraging positivity and allowing you to radiate some of that sunny energy we’ve been missing. I've been on the prowl accumulating yellow items for my closet. My favourite piece would have to be my low-waisted terry cloth I am Gia pants. These are not only comfortable but are the perfect summer threads for late evenings and can even be worn over a bikini on cooler days. I encourage you to search for that yellow flourish that screams summer.


My next must-have is: updated sunglasses, a great little boost for your daily outfits. Don’t underestimate the power sunnies have to elevate a “look". There are so many fun options to choose from - bright pops of colour? or perhaps a pair that goes with everything. I recently picked up some from Cotton On which, despite being only $20, are one of my favourite purchases. A pair of sunglasses worn on the head can immediately give you the 'beachy summer vibe’ we long for - even in grim conditions. The cheaper versions offer an easy way to experiment with different shapes, sizes and hues. Don’t let yourself miss out on this fabulous fashion go-to... talk about underrated!

Show a little backbone

Now that our backs are nicely bronzed, a welcome trend this summer is the backless top. Ideal for February heat, they seem to be in every store, so get out there and grab one, if you haven’t already. If you’re on a budget I recommend Glassons, where I picked up a perfect little pink number. Not only do I love the colour but it also offers that coveted breathability on those steamy nights. Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone for a bit of bare-back action!

The Maxi

With all the doom and gloom of a potential recession, hem lines continue to plummet and this summer simply wouldn’t be complete without at least one new maxi. These long, swirling skirts are surprising cool, so you don’t have to worry about being clammy and sticky. Whether you want a classic staple or possibly a fun floral, there are plenty on the market to sift through as you search. My personal favourite is a super thin, lightweight floral from Brandy Melville. Embrace your free-flowing hippie side and get that off-duty, relaxed look. A long skirt is certainly the way to go this summer. Who said comfort and fashion can’t pair together?