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A message from the Chief Commissioner

We have welcomed 2021 with further uncertainty and I could not be prouder of the resilience and flexibility displayed by Victoria Police employees during these trying times.

On 7 December 2020, we activated Operation Tidewatch in support of the lead agency,

COVID-19 Quarantine Victoria (CQV), to provide an enhanced security capability to Victoria's COVID-19 Quarantine and Health Hotel program.

Further to this, we redeployed a significant number of police to manage border control, missing their holiday season with family and friends.

While these commitments have led us to close some police station receptions overnight, Victoria Police takes pride in responding to the greatest public health risk in recent times and assures the Victorian community that our focus on preventing crime in our state has not diminished.

In February 2020, our Eastern Region commenced trialling CommConnect, a community policing model that focuses on reducing crime and increasing trust and confidence between the community and local police. I will conduct a trial evaluation of CommConnect in early 2021 to inform the model's future directions.

In this edition of Police Life, you will learn how policing has changed in the growing suburb of Sunbury.

This is an excellent example of where police have listened to and worked with the community and adapted practices to meet the demands of the local area.

Importantly, this edition reflects on the 2019-20 bushfires through a range of stories that touch on the recovery of the land and the people impacted by the fires.

I took the opportunity to travel with the Police Minister to Mallacoota in January 2021 to officially open our Mallacoota Police Station and launch Victoria Police's online bushfire exhibition, Victorian Bushfires Remembered. Visiting the town 12 months on from the devastation was a moving reminder of the courage and determination among the community that we serve.

We continue to work closely with our partners to learn from, plan and prepare for future emergencies.

Stay safe.