How to Stage a Coup: An Insurrection of the Underground Liberation Army (2000)

Page 34


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hove o generotion of young ond old people who cre noi educoled on Hip-Hop cuhure. You hove C. Delores Tucker, on elder I respect very much, wlo did not educqte herself on Hip:Hop culiure, ond you hove politicions who reolly do nol core what Blcck ond Lctino children in the ghetto ore doing os icng qs it does not bother iheir children. We con cleorly see whcl hoppened. Ms. Tucker did not toke the time to sii with young people who iislen to Hip-Hop music to ieorn'obout it. On ihe other ho,rd, young people did not either. The scme diologue thot we rend to neglect between our genetotions thot is lost in our communities is lost here but on o much lorger scole. We cqnnot help the foct ihot rodio stotions ond video chonnels only put out ihe music thot they know will gcin o bigger oudience. Whot we con help, however, is whct we punlp out of our stereos ond cors. ' When I gef ihe chonce to speck to on elder ond our conversoiion heods to music, I rnoke sure to tell him or her qboui which crtist or bonds they should check out. There ore mony oriists who put out good music ond toik cbout issues perlcining to our community. clwoys poinf out Biock Stcr to my eld-^rs beccuse o{ the heovy Morcus Gorvey influence. i con't forgei Public Enemy, Queen Lotifoh, A Tribe Colled Guest {first 3 olbums), Eric B. ond Rokim, the Coup, Grond Ron, Deod Prez, R.ho Goddess, the Roots, Jeru Do Domojo, Gongstcrr, Afu Rq, Brond Nubion, ond Louryn Hill. i know forgot mony more. There is o negotive elemeni in Hip Hop music, bui I olso stress thot there is o consclous movement in Hip'Hop thoi is o spin off the Block Power eto ol tire iote 60's. lf one were to look ai Amiri Boroko, the Lost Poets, the Woits Prophets, or GiJ Scoil Heron, one would noie thot they rhymed over beots. Mony songs in Hip-Hop music ote somples of old records. Cld Blue Note records, Porliornent Funkcdelic, Zopp, Jomes Brown ond countless others hove hoci ilreir music sompled by HiqHop producers. I hove lesrned thor if I went bclck ond found out who lhey I

sompled onC whcrt olbum ihoi song ccn be found on helps to bridge thot generotion gop. At times I go out ond purchose thci olbum. Among Hlp-Hop oficionodos this is colied 'digging in the crqies." Usuolly, when people heor o song thot disiinctively hos ihe some boss line or beot of on older song, one will wiiness on immeciiote heqd nod. This hoppens even if the performer sounds terrible. Cne thing we olwoys seem to forget {or not reod up on) is lhot Hip Hop hos more thon one form of expression. We should not woit fcr the television or the rodio to educcle us on onything. When mcny peopie use the term 'hip-hop," they tend io nortow the


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