Port Orchard Independent, November 23, 2012

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Friday, November 23, 2012 • Port Orchard Independent

LETTERS Talking to Democrats Somehow I don’t see God in the picture when two he’s or two she’s say I do. I don’t think he is pleased with that arrangement and I suspect sanctification may be withheld. But hey, that is progress today. A family no longer needs a dad and a mom to bring up the kids since two dads or two moms can do the job. But hey, that is progress today. And, while you are at it, keep that bible closed. We can’t have God messing things up. No prayer in our schools. That also interferes with progress since it comes from a book that contains hate speech, so say some of our courts. So please, you progressives, keep that bible out of the reach of children It interferes with progress, you see. Forget that First Amendment about speech. As we progress we will need to alter it someway and impose progressive restrictions. Bring on more abortion clinics at taxpayer expense as we pursue progress throwing in free contraceptives in the bargain. Hallelujah for progress even if it is in the wrong direction. I wonder if the mayor of Sodom/Gomorrah thought that he was pursuing progress? Are you Democrats, I mean progressives, getting this? Ray Womack Olalla

Bring overtime into compliance Editor’s note: this letter was sent to the Kitsap County


to commercial, a thousand military wive’s hearts broke. Those men clamoring to hear the radio probably weren’t all single. We always suspected as much, of course, but no one talked about it, and military leaders, we had hoped, certainly frowned on it. Oh, but the damage from this “divorce” is far from done. Next up in the fallout is Jill Kelley, a rich socialite civilian who, despite having no business at McDill Air Force Base, had total access to it and all of its leaders. There, Kelley received favors like written letters of sup-

Commissioners and the writer requested it also be published as a Letter to the Editor. This is a follow-up of my June 2012 email concerning corrections officers arbitration and this letter is specific to “overtime” which is only one of the arbitration issues as I understand them to be at this time. Please be advised that I request this email be made part of the arbitrators case as a taxpayer public objection to the proposed decision as it applies to overtime salary payment. Whereas, the state of Washington ignores and does not recognize Title 5 USC requiring the payment of overtime at a rate of time and a half per hour to any person that works and has accrued over eight hours work in a day and; Whereas, the state of Washington requires that any person that works has to have accrued 40 hours of work in any given week before the payment of overtime starts being paid at a rate of time and a half per hour and; Whereas, the government has established that they set hourly wages, hours of work, salaries, medical benefits, annual leave rates, sick leave hours earned, holidays, etc by law and none of these issues are negotiable at any time by employees or labor unions and; Whereas, government does not authorize any government agency, state or local, such as Washington State Patrol, Washington State Ferry workers, Department of Education employees, OSPI employees, Department of Corrections guards, teacher unions etc, to name a few to change, ignore or violate federal law by the negotiation of non-negotiable items just referenced above. Whereas, it has also been established that as soon as this arbitration is resolved all

port from two powerful generals for her sister’s custody battle. I had to read that news report twice. I’ve been a military dependent for 36 years; “favors” and “socialite” are not usually in the same sentence with “military” and “base.” Despite being a Navy wife and BRAT, I’ve sometimes been turned away from the front gate because I didn’t have my I.D. card. There never were any favors. But, then, I’m closer to looking more like Patraeus’s wife than I am the perfectly dressed and toned Kelley or Broadwell. I used to think those things didn’t matter in the military. It’s like the rug has been pulled out from under military wives. And as each new picture surfaces of the gen-


financial issues will be paid retroactively back many years and the parties will immediately enter into new contract negotiations for a new contract which will again force the negotiations of the same illegal financial issues forcing another unsustainable tax liability onto the taxpayers. Therefore, why is the county negotiating and establishing overtime payment programs that are contrary to federal law and Washington state law as established by negotiating the payment of overtime at two times the salary per hour and three times the salary per hour when every other working person in the private sector is restricted to overtime payment of time and a half per hour? By the actions of the negotiators in this case the county is discriminating against all private sector employees, establishing a public sector taxpayer tax liability that is unsustainable, providing/authorizing illegal financial funding that correctly is for the lawmakers to control and stop from taking place. Additionally, the union is demanding that the county commissioners not only defy federal law but they are asking the arbitrator to rule against the established Washington State law that governs the payment of overtime in this state. Clearly both federal law and established state law are being re-written here in this case. It appears that the arbitrator’s decision and the county commissioner’s decision need to bring the overtime salaries into compliance with established state and federal overtime payment requirements. Larry L. Mann Port Orchard

eral wearing what looks like Mardi Gras beads and beautiful women on either arm, we will think of his wife, and our bitterness will grow at being left at home to raise families, where we age, grow plump around the edges and wrinkled in the face. All while another woman goes jogging with our husband and a socialite is waved onto base. That collective sigh you hear is an army of wives asking themselves, perhaps many decades too late, is this really any way to live a married life? But we aren’t all necessarily questioning our marriages. I’ve loved and been devoted to both my husband and the military. Today, I feel like one of them has cheated me. And it’s not Dustin.

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