PJCC Connections Magazine - Spring 2014

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PJCC and Kevah: Making Space for Jewish Learning Together BY LEA POLICOFF

Acquire for yourself a friend and a teacher to study with. Pirkei Avot 1:6


istorically, Jewish learning has always been done with a partner (called chevruta) or in a small group setting. Generations of Jews have pored over Jewish texts together, gleaning new meaning from the words year after year and using the wisdom of the Jewish tradition to inform their daily lives. Our new Kevah Family Learning Groups follow this tradition with a modern spin where groups of 6 – 8 families with children ages 4 – 12 gather to learn and study together. Thanks to a generous grant from the San Francisco Jewish Community Fund North Peninsula Impact Committee, PJCC and Kevah, a Berkeley-based nonprofit that builds community for learners of all

backgrounds, have partnered to created two innovative new programs. The curriculum is geared toward Peninsula adults and families who want to set aside time for regular Jewish study and community but aren’t sure where to start. Kevah welcomes non-Jews and interfaith families with the goal of making Jewish learning accessible, fun, and meaningful for everyone. Executive Director and founder Sara Bamberger says, “We know it can be intimidating to think about entering the world of classical Jewish text study. Our primary goal is to find and provide ways for people to access that learning, no matter where they’re coming from or how much time they have.”

Families participate in a four-part monthly learning series facilitated by an outstanding Jewish educator. Topics are pre-assigned, but alternatively, participants may gather other families they know and choose their own topic. The program also includes a one-day family field trip for an extended learning experience. PJCC Director of Programs Stephanie Levin says, “We know families are busy and it’s hard to make time or even know where to begin. Our learning groups make it easy by providing a built-in network of instructors and, ultimately, friendships.”

The new Kevah Family Learning Groups offer learning in three different areas: • Making a Mensch: Raising Kind and Compassionate Jewish Children • Jewish Concepts of Food • Beyond the High Holidays: Everything (and More) You Always Wanted to Know about the Jewish Calendar To learn more, contact Lea Policoff at lpolicoff@pjcc.org. To register for a group, call Rachel Goldman at 650.378.2674. Connections

Spring 2014


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