Performer Magazine: February-March 2014

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FROM THE TOP Dear diary, Today Justin Bieber was arrested for a DUI down in Miami. Now, normally I enjoy the wacky hijinx of our Canadian brothers and sisters (see: Degrassi Junior High, Strange Brew, John Candy, etc), but it’s about time this Tiger Beat puss-bag got his comeuppance. I’m not delusional; I know he’s got tons of money and is pretty much above the law, but at least let me have these five minutes of smug satisfaction while I sit here and type my thoughts in (relative) freedom. As I write, I gleefully imagine the Biebs rotting away in some pastel-painted holding cell overrun with those giant-ass bugs one can only find in the white-trashiest of states, Florida. Perhaps a large Cuban expat smiles at him from a darkened corner, lighting a cigarette and pursing

his lips in anticipation of…uh, never mind, diary. Some things are best left to the imagination… Anyhoo, as per usual we have a kick-arse issue, in which we chat with the soulful Sharon Jones, mince words with French metal gods Gojira and chit-chat with the introspective Zola Jesus and experimental Mutual Benefit. Like all those adjectives? Got plenty more where those came from, trust me. I’ve even got some obscure Canadian adjectives I’m saving up for when our ol’ pal Justin gets released from his latest publicity stunt – er, I mean incarceration.

Volume 24, Issue 1


William House Phone: 617-627-9200 EDITOR



Glenn Skulls

Cheers, -Benjamin Ricci, Editor


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Amanda Macchia, Benjamin Ricci, Brad Hardisty, Brent Godin, Candace McDuffie, Chris Davidson, Chris Devine, Christopher Petro, Don Miggs, Eric Wolff, Ethan Varian, Gail Fountain, Garrett Frierson, Hannah Lowry, Ian Doreian, Jason Korolenko, Jason Peterson, Joel Edinberg, John Green, Joshua Broughton, Joshua James Amberson, Lucy Fernandes, Michael St. James, Shawn M Haney, Tara Lacey, Taylor Haag, Teshanna Wilson, Vanessa Bennett, Zac Cataldo CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS





Performer Magazine, a nationally distributed musician’s trade publication, focuses on independent musicians, those unsigned and on small labels, and their success in a DIY environment. We’re dedicated to promoting lesser-known talent and being the first to introduce you to artists you should know about.

Did we make a heinous blunder, factual error or just spell your name wrong? Contact and let us know, cuz we’re big enough to say, “Baby, I was wrong.”


In the words of our esteemed forefathers at CREEM: “NOBODY WHO WRITES FOR THIS RAG’S GOT ANYTHING YOU AIN’T GOT, at least in the way of credentials. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be sending us your stuff: reviews, features, photos, recording tips, DIY advice or whatever else you have in mind that might be interesting to our readers: independent and DIY musicians. Who else do ya know who’ll publish you? We really will... ask any of our dozens of satisfied customers. Just bop it along to us to and see what comes back your way. If you have eyes to be in print, this just might be the place. Whaddya got to lose? Whaddya got?”

We listen to everything that comes into the office. We prefer physical CDs, cassettes and vinyl over downloads. If you do not have a physical copy, send download links to attachments, please. Send CDs to: Performer Magazine Attn: Reviews PO BOX 348 Somerville, MA 02143



Anton Coene, Aram Boghosian, Brad Hardisty, Dig It All Studios, Gail Fountain, Ian Doreian, Jensen West, Kamil Lee, Kyle Dean Reinford, Larissa Underwood, Matt Lambert, Rick Carroll, Salomon Davis, Sarah Jacobs, Sheila Ann Lacey, Valeria Cherchi, Whitney Lee ADVERTISING SALES

Kathleen Mackay - Deborah Rice - PO BOX 348 Somerville, MA 02143 Phone: 617-627-9200 - Fax: 617-627-9930

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