2 minute read

How to SNHU: Time Management

Christopher Kelly - Layout Editor

Moving onto a college campus involves a lot of change simultaneously. Therefore, it’s important to remember time management.

Students should remember there are only so many hours in a day and they should leave time for themselves.

One way to accomplish this is to treat assignments like projects by starting them early and chipping away at them over time. This strategy will keep assignments from piling up and reduce stress to the college experience, which will help avoid late nights and missing sleep.

Another strategy students can use to ensure they leave time for themselves is to write down assignment due dates and time commitments. This will help students track their time so they don’t fill up their schedule.

For new students, time management in college can be a difficult change from high school. When asked about the differences between high school and college, Evy Hill (’23) said it was the amount of reliability.

“Going online made it very difficult to balance everything going on in the world around me,” said Hill. “Writing it down on paper and visually seeing it made me keep better time schedules.”

If students have trouble with assignments, there are plenty of resources to help them. Teachers have office hours to answer questions and provide help on assignments. Classmates are another resource students can use to set up study groups or ask for help with assignments.

The Shapiro Library also offers tutoring services and workshops for anyone. Another service offered by the library is the Chat 24/7 with a Librarian link to answer any questions by students and to help find any necessary information. Study rooms are also available to provide a quiet space to complete assignments or work on team projects.

With the Covid-19 guidelines being enacted on SNHU campus, there is concern about the availability of resources at the Shapiro Library. When asked if there would be services available in the fall, Heather Walker-White, Manager of Library Information Services, said that study rooms would be available for students to use.

“At this time, we plan to re-open the Wolack Learning Center (WLC) on Monday, August 16, with limited summer hours until fall classes resume at the end of August,” Walker-White said. “The study room reservations calendar will reflect available times beginning August 16, and fall semester hours will begin Sunday, August 29.”

There are seven group study rooms and a screening room for all students to use. To reserve a room, go to the library homepage, click the reserve a study room option (third from the bottom in Quick Links) and choose a time. As long as the reservation is confirmed within four hours, the study room will be reserved.

SNHU provides many resources to help with time management of all kinds so students can work with confidence.

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How is time management related to productivity?

(image courtesy: Breeze)