Parkallen Winter 2014

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Winter 2014

Parkallen News In this issue… • Snow Festival 2015 • Winter Garden • Classified

Happily Ever After by Noga Liron What if you could get a prescription

that it reminds adults that we could

for something that could elevate your

benefit from vitamin “F” as well.

from childhood of waking up early on

mood, reduce stress, improve physical

Nothing beats those times when my

Saturday mornings and playing with

health, strengthen your immune

kids get me into an uncontrollable

my brothers for hours on end. We

system, enhance relationships, and

giggling fit, with tears rolling down my

would put a blanket down in the

make you feel younger without any

eyes. Our bodies are hard-wired to

family room for a “raft” and then float

side effects... would you take it?

physiologically and emotionally

through the jungle down the Amazon

respond to fun, laughter, and joy by

River while having the coolest adven-

remedy for all of the above that

releasing endorphins, the body’s


requires no prescription, is readily and

natural “feel-good” chemicals.

As it turns out, there is a natural

inexpensively available, doesn’t taste

Kids have had it right all along. They

Personally, I have great memories

Aside from being pleasurable and entertaining, playing and having fun is

bad, and is as easy to administer as

intuitively know they need Vitamin “F”

good for kids... but don’t tell them

child’s play. Call it Vitamin F for “fun.”

to function well. It comes so naturally

that. What’s especially beneficial is

Have you ever noticed how the

to them that they could play and

that old-school variety of play that’s

sound of children laughing or seeing

have fun all day, or at least until a

designed to stimulate a child’s imagi-

the joy on their faces really strikes a

meal or a nap was required to refuel

nation and use their whole body and

chord within us? One of the reasons is

the fun factory.

not just thumbs and fingers flying over

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