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Commercial and industrial grants

You’re the boss

No one knows your business as well as you. Our grant program lets you submit energy-savings proposals based on your individual needs.

Chances are you already know of a number of ways you could improve the energy efficiency of your operation. A list of possibilities might include:

■ Replacing air compressors

■ Chillers

■ Heat-recovery systems

■ Building envelope improvements

■ Process improvements

Here’s how it works

■ You submit your energy-efficiency proposals using one of our grant proposal forms. Our representatives can help.

■ We evaluate your proposals to determine the effect of the improvements suggested.

■ Grants are calculated based on kilowatthours of energy saved, kilowatts of demand reduced, and project costs.

■ Preliminary evaluations provide estimated grant incentive amounts. Actual grant incentive amounts are subject to change.

■ When installations are complete, you’ll receive a check for the approved amount.


■ Energy-saving measures must be installed within six months of project approval unless special arrangements are made.

■ We reserve the right to inspect and verify project location and installation before issuing the grant check and to verify installation and actual energy savings after project completion.

■ Commercial and industrial grants may be capped. Funding limitations apply.

Measurement and verification

Minnesota Department of Energy Resources rules apply to measurement and verification of energy savings for large grant projects. If you anticipate energy savings of 1,000,000 kWh or more annually, consult your Industrial Services Engineer or Energy Management Representative to help ensure you qualify for program incentives.