TILT Magazine (Issue 7)

Page 66

TILT – Therapeutic Innovations in Light of Technology

Marketing Toolbox Margaret Adams

Is Your Website Holding You Back? Is your website doing all it should to help you grow your practice? Margaret Adams asks some challenging questions..... There’s an awful lot written about websites. After all most coaches, counsellors, therapists and other expert professionals have them these days. Yet, many websites aren’t exactly what you might call business assets. In fact, some of them really let their owners down. Does your website fall into that category? Is your website letting you down? Is your website interesting? Take a look at your site. Is it interesting? Is the content written with your visitors and potential clients in mind? If I found your site for the first time today, and took a look around, and then came back next week, would anything


T I L T MAGAZ I N E s e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 1

be different? Would you have uploaded new content, new articles, additional guidance that I might find useful as a potential client, or would the site look just the same? One of the truisms quoted often about websites is that: content is king. Is that true of your site? Will I find your content interesting this week, next week and next month? Is your website engaging? What does your website do to engage with me, to start a dialogue with me, to start to build a relationship with me? Do you invite me to come and meet you on your Facebook page (not your personal profile)? Do you invite me to join you on Twitter? Do you ask me to comment on your blog posts? Do you ask me to take part in surveys or polls? Put simply, does your website suggest that you’re interested in me and my opinions? The social web has made the internet more interactive. It’s encouraged people to converse, to exchange views and to connect in all sorts of ways. You don’t need to share your personal history or your life story with the world, but the days when a website could simply be an online brochure have gone. Have you kept up with these changes?

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